Looking for answers to life's questions

I’m learning to re-blog here so bare with me. This one is so worth it. I’ve already posted this on my Facebook page but I wanted to share it as far and wide as possible. Get your tissue ready. It’s so sweet and a little sad.
From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Misifusa's Blog


This morning, the video below came to me via a friend and I had to pass it along to you.  It’s 17 minutes long and well-worth watching as the story line spans so many different lives, healings and wraps the art of kindness into a magical forest.  Fairies, forest and gnomes all rejoice!

For it’s December First ~ Repeat after me…Rabbit Rabbit ~ Today begins the magic, snow on our blogs, a festive spirit in the air ~ Here’s to hoping we continue it throughout the year!  Love to you all!

Shine On!


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Comments on: "What Do You Believe? The Gnomist" (30)

  1. The Eco Grandma said:

    Marlene, I’m so glad you shared this on your blog. I’m not on facebook so I wouldn’t have seen it at all if you hadn’t. I was moved to tears watching both sadness and by the excitement of seeing how the gnome and fairy houses brought healing to families and got people out into the woods. Then I was angered that the city made them remove the houses. They weren’t hurting anything!!! The woman who created them left such a lovely gift behind in that book I hope it’s made up for the loss of the homes to the people of the town.


    • It’s like a mandala, Lois. Everything is impermanent. It served it’s purpose and change is the natural order of life. It was hard to see it go too but I get it. Have a wonderful weekend. Giant hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for explaining it from that perspective, Marlene. I love this story. It touches me in so many ways.

        Liked by 1 person

      • You are welcome. It was so powerful for me that I asked if I could re-blog it and then had to figure out how to do it. 🙂 When I saw all the creativity in that woman, I immediately thought of you and had to send you the link. I had tears running down my cheeks the whole time.


      • It’s quite a powerful story (stories really). I’m tickled that you would associate my humble fairy gardens with hers. I love that she created them with her two sons, and that they installed them in the dead of night. After viewing this video, I’m noticing owls everywhere. I’ll never look at them the same way again.

        As for reblogging, some bloggers allow it without asking and you’ll always see a reblog at the top. I didn’t see that on hers but glad you figured it out another way. Well done.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The stories were very touching. You noticed the tissue warning at the beginning. I imagine there was an easier way to do the re-blogging but I would never do it without permission. You are that creative, you’ve just never had a need to do that so extensively.


      • Thank you, Marlene. That is sweet of you to say. Yes, tissues were definitely in order. This piece has really stayed with me.

        Liked by 1 person

      • The Eco Grandma said:

        Maybe so, but I couldn’t stop smiling at the number of people who took walks in the woods just because they were there.

        Liked by 1 person

      • That’s what made it so special. I love fairy houses and wish I had the creative bent to make them. I guess if they were plentiful and always there, they wouldn’t draw us in so much. People are funny. Hugs,


  2. Awesome, Marlene! Thank you for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Carol Ferenc said:

    Thanks for sharing this, Marlene. It’s very touching!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for sharing this on your blog, Marlene.

    I love your Christmas header and the new background color. They’re both gorgeous.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m so glad that you shared this. It is absolutely beautiful. And you know, I work with the fairies on my land. They like jelly beans, you know. So anytime a big storm is threatening I put out Jelly Belly Jelly Beans for my fairies. I can’t see them, but I can feel them and know the exact place in the woods where they like to hang out.


  6. If you hadn’t re-blogged, I never would have seen this touching story. Thank you so much for sharing it Marlene. I loved the whole thing and cried through most of it. ❤


    • It did come with a tissue warning! I loved it so much I had to share it everywhere. Now I want to learn how to put in those little hearts that come up in your comments and some others. I keep trying to learn new things. 🙂 I so wish I could make those lovely fairy houses. Hope you are holding your own out there in the boonies. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a tear jerker that was Marlene.. ‘sniff sniff’ but oh I am so delighted you reblogged this post.. I left my Gratitude over on Misifusia’s Blog 🙂 Many thanks Marlene for sharing and I thank you so much for your recent visits and yes I am fine thank you, getting back into my stride here on WP again..

    Love to you xxx Sue

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think we are all feeling the rush of time these days. I so loved that post about the fairy houses. I cried all the way through too. Love and hugs. M

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, so did I Marlene.. I even cried explaining it to my hubby as he walked in just after I watched to find me red-eyed lol.. 🙂 The family brought so much joy to so many.. Such a shame the powers that be have to always intervene with their Red tape.. and spoil things.. I hope the family went on to better things in their lives themselves.. My heart felt for all of them.. xx

        Liked by 1 person


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