Looking for answers to life's questions

A New Year’s resolution is something that goes in one year and out the other. ~ Author Unknown

2016 will bring a lot of change. We had high winds this week just to make sure I’m fully aware that it’s coming in full force. It’s going to start with my blog titles. In Search of: has been quite limiting. I’m not good with limits. It feels like a child being told to sit still and be quiet. You can only do it so long and then the squirming starts. I’m basically a searcher of knowledge. I’m still searching with the title being implied. It’s a spiritual search for understanding.


Does anyone understand why a teenager must wear pajamas all day Christmas day when visiting family?

Does anyone understand why a teenager must wear pajamas all day Christmas day when visiting family?

Last year was an uncomfortable year. I was glad to see it end. I’ve been one (well, maybe many) step behind. My “to do” lists were always moving to my “didn’t get done list.” I had big plans for 2015: Get organized, financial solvency, finish a lot of projects that have been waiting a decade to be finished, lose the excess weight and find a way to restore my health. I have stacks of books to read and I just keep adding more to the list. I think I should unsubscribe from Bookbub. It takes me to Amazon and then I’m sunk. There are too many good books out there and I don’t want to miss one.

There will be other changes this year. Since I have been struggling with chronic fatigue I decided to have a visit to my doctor. Yes, I needed to shed a few pounds, (isn’t that always the case) but a sleep study was ordered. Turns out I have severe sleep apnea. Even when I was asleep, I wasn’t. So the C-pap machine will be picked up in two weeks. Medicare and managed care do not move quickly. Next on the list has been my failing vision. I can see the big things, not the details so after several trips to the eye care center, it was determined the removal of the cataract might help. It can take up to three months to schedule. In the meantime, the words dance across the page and I have to trust spell check to tell me if I’ve mistyped. Bear with me please.


Gifts made for friends barely done in time.

Gifts made for friends barely done in time.

I have been off sugar since September with the pounds reluctantly wandering just a short distance away from the scale. I’m sure they are waiting to see if I’m serious.
Sometimes I am. It is apparent sugar and I will fight to the finish line as I love to bake and I don’t move enough to burn it off. That will have to find a resolution as well. I read everything I can find on how to heal the body. Sugar isn’t on the list in any of the books. Darn it all. It’s the one area that moderation doesn’t work well for me. I’m an all or nothing kind of girl when it comes to sweets.


Our quilt groups after Christmas, Christmas party. It was a hard day for me.

Our quilt groups after Christmas, Christmas party. It was a hard day for me.

I’m looking forward to finishing many, many projects this year. My house painting in the spring, sewing and quilting projects this winter and maybe even getting to furniture refinishing projects that look at me and snicker at my inability to do it all. Let them snicker. I’m ready to relax and have some fun with friends this year.

The stealing gift exchange part of our party.

The stealing gift exchange part of our party.

My sewing and quilting groups are feeding my social and creative needs. Writing had taken a back seat the last year. Maybe this year, it will move up the line of priorities. My house took all my time last year. It’s still a priority though more like number two on the list. At least for now or until the HOA comes by with a notice to get busy.


Made for my sewing group. Some of the snowmen have purple, not yellow scarves.

Made for my sewing group. Some of the snowmen have purple, not yellow scarves.

What are you expecting from this year? Do you have resolutions or just hopeful goals?

Happy New Year
From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "The Winds of Change" (90)

  1. Well look at you go. You might think you’re making slow progress but hey are you not ‘retired’? Retired doesn’t have to mean constantly occupying your time with meaningful projects. H. e. double L, we are hard on ourselves Marlene-a-go-go. I’m just as guilty of it too. Your ‘didn’t-get-it-done’ list could in fact be a plagiarized document from the trash-can of the Boomdeeadda archives, LOL.

    I’ve never made a resolution I’ve stuck too. Basically, I fly by the seat of my pants and hope for the best. Alys once encouraged me to make, ‘lists’. It didn’t take. I might not get as much done as I’d like or when I’d like, but I’m always happy to wake up the next day and say, “maybe today”. This laissez-faire attitude doesn’t always come easy and almost always has consequence. Like the other night, I stayed up till 5:30am to finish my Urban Page Kit, due two days before, LOL. Can a laissez-faire attitude come back to bite you in the A double S? Sure it can. But will the sun still rise tomorrow? Probably.

    I’ve found, instead of feeling disappointed that there’s no check marks on the list, I’d rather just not keep a list. Honestly, some things are so unimportant in the larger picture that I forget that I didn’t do them. So here’s to, enjoying the moments we have time to notice and forget the stuff we don’t…….feel free to quote me, LOL Happy New Years darlin’ xo K

    Liked by 1 person

    • You make me laugh, sweety. Having to spell out all those swear words. I was beating myself up because the towels I had started embroidering, (20 of them) had a flaw in the pattern or slipped in stitching. I had other events that slowed me down so I had to come up with a plan B. It worked out better than plan A would have so I let it go to finish for next year. I got quite relaxed about it, oddly. Somehow, it was meant to work out that way. I still make lists because my mind doesn’t remember what it’s supposed to get done and I prioritize. A lot just moves down the list. Today has to be thank you notes. We have snow and ice today so I’m enjoying just visiting virtually. We are both driven which is why our lists are alike. I’m a lot less so as I age. I’m seeing what’s important more than ever. FUN!

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    • Oh Boomdee, you make it all seem ok. What a good soul you are. Hugs. ❤

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      • I just fly by the seat of my pants really..ha, no time to sweat the small stuff. I’m safe, warm, fed and employed…gads no worries here at the moment….knock wood! Have a super weekend Crystal x B

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  2. Ah Marlene. I’m going to send you an email my friend. 🙂 Today. So look for it. It’s hard catching up when we fall behind. So I just let it go and start again. I hear you about the sugar, lady. Whew. Me and sugar are always fighting. The terrible thing about being a diabetic, at least for me, is having these terrible sugar cravings. It’s evil I tell you. 😉

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    • I’m glad it’s sugar and not alcohol that has me in that tight a grasp. I had a couple slips but for the most part stuck it out. My body doesn’t like the sugar as much as I do. I have 1300 plus e-mails I’m behind on. 😦 I’ll look for your e-mail.


      • Oh I understand about the emails too my friend. I have about 1800 in mine. This one will be short but I think you’ll be glad to have it. 🙂 In the future anyway. LOL

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  3. Wonderful crafted gifts dear Marlene.. and I am pleased at least that you will maybe get your sleep patterns sorted so you feel less tired… I had to be honest not heard of that condition.. Although I know of many with sleep disorders.. who can not sleep.. …
    Loved your photo’s and I know many now have a Pj day 🙂 its not my thing.. or did I ever encourage my children… Once up they had to get dressed 🙂 lol.. May be it is this generation’s thing.. 🙂
    Love your embroidery.. And good luck in getting to grips with all that catch up reading.. 🙂

    No resolutions.. I never really make any.. But I have made the intention of meditating daily.. which I have been lax in doing last year. 🙂
    Sending you Love and Peace Marlene.. xxx

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    • Thank you, Sue. There were many embroideries I did not get done. I’ll try for next year. The sleep apnea is when you stop breathing during sleep. On a scale of 5-30, with 30 being severe, I stopped breathing 31 times in an hours. It’s why I wake up more tired than when I go to sleep. I’ll feel better with more oxygen. I don’t make resolutions either, just take stock of what needs to improve. I need to get better at meditation. Maybe soon. Thanks for the good wishes. Right back to you. Giant hugs.

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      • Thank you for explaining… I think my hubby may at times suffer that mildly.. I have on occasion jabbed him lol in the ribs 🙂 when he appears to stop breathing!. He awakes with a great intake of breath.. But he sleeps like a top normally.. Its myself that is a very light sleeper, but I don’t mind so much for its how I get to remember so many of my dreams 🙂 xxx Have a wonderful week Marlene.. ❤

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      • If you are dreaming and can remember them, you are sleeping well. I haven’t remembered dreaming in YEARS so I’m not getting the kind of sleep that is necessary for them. I was always a light sleeper too because I was the care giver for my siblings and then my own children, followed by everyone else. I did still dream then. Now, never. To stop breathing puts you at risk for stroke, etc. It wouldn’t hurt to have hubby checked out. Especially if he snores. Hugs, M

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      • Thank you Marlene.. 🙂 Hubby gets regular check ups and is on Blood pressure drugs etc.. Luckily he snores rarely 😉


    • Hi Sue, I work in a somewhat medical-related field, though I am not a trained professional. however, I do know that what you describe about your husband is classic obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). People will stop breathing, then suddenly gasp in some air. It can mean that when the person is sleeping, the muscles are relaxing into their throat and it blocks the air passage. Then the brain says, “Yo! We’re getting no air in the lungs, wake up!” And that’s what causes the gasp.

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  4. Sounds like great goals are set for the new year. Just remember that if you take on to much it might feel like you don’t get much done even when you are getting quite a lot done, that is what I seem to find. I hope your health will improve in 2016. You deserve it.

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  5. I wonder if in time Marlene you will look back on 2015 and see that while you thought you were failing you were actually just very busy making different things happen and being guided to look in different areas. Obviously you are being asked to make your health a priority and it is probably quite important to agree to do that else the rest of the ‘to-do’ list might never get done! [You might note that this me speaking from the direct experience of ignoring such things for years with dire consequences – now I’m a born-again-listen to your -inner-guidance-missionary 🙂 ]

    Have you ever seen the documentary ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’? or the ‘Hungry For Change’ documentaries – all available on You Tube I think, some on Netflix if you have that. There’s a new one all about sugar called [amazingly enough] ‘That Sugar Film’. I’m a big believer in educating ourselves about the state of the food industry – then what we choose to eat is at least done in full knowledge – and I found it very helpful in motivating myself to make changes. I still try and keep up with the latest research [not the stuff done by the industry itself, but the other, genuine, research]

    Have a healthy and fulfilling 2016 my dear – much love from down here xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are correct, Pauline. I did look at last year and see the pluses.I downloaded a journal from Cauldrons and Cupcakes that will help me look at the year differently. She is out of Brisbane. I am on a spiritual journey from the word one. Nothing else matters and health is essential. Oxygen will help me get back to that journey. I’ve been reading a book called Medical Medium that deals with the mystery illnesses. Bells Palsy and the Candida falls into the area. It’s leading me to a more plant based diet for awhile. I will look under every rock to find answers. I’m also getting over the need to push too hard. You are such a wise woman, Pauline. I always look forward to hearing from you. Your council is valuable to me. Much love to you as well my friend.


  6. I can totally relate to Bookbub…yikes! My Kindle and bookshelves are exploding. I’m sorry to hear about the sleep apnea diagnosis, but at least its easily treated. I have a few friends who sleep like babies with the machine.
    Happy New Year!


    • Thanks Jill. I’m expecting to finally get some real sleep too. It will be worth the discomfort. Maybe then I can remember what I’ve read. Have a wonderful new year too. Mine is off to grand start. I will get healthy this year. I’m finding answers finally.

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  7. Carol Ferenc said:

    I gave up making New Year’s resolutions long ago. I never could stick with them. Instead, I reflect a little on the past year and see what I can learn from it. Happy New Year, Marlene! Wishing you all the best in 2016.

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  8. Happy New Year Marlene! I am glad that you are getting your health sorted out. Once you can really sleep again, you’ll feel like a new person! Give yourself a pat on the shoulder for all the things you do accomplish! I hope this year will be a good one for you!
    Stay warm and dry! Lunch soon, weather permitting? Hugs! ☃☔️😘

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    • It was a too busy year and I’m ready for more fun and more lunches. When I start getting a good nights sleep I think everything will be easier. It’s been hard to think clear when I never really sleep. I’m watching next weeks weather to see when we can get together for lunch.

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  9. The Eco Grandma said:

    I am so glad you are going to continue blogging. I don’t know how you stuck to the In Search of posts for so long I would have long ago run out of ways to use those beginning words in my titles.

    I love all the handmade gifts you were able to get finished. I am quite sure they were a hit and are being lovingly used and will for some time.

    I remember first seeing kids going out in PJ bottoms when my boys were starting middle school. It’s a fashion thing, they wear them to school even. I wish that fad along with the falling down pants would be replaced by something more appropriate.

    I am also a sugar-aholic I’ve been doing okay lately, well before the week of Christmas that is but I find myself substituting fat for sugar which is not good at all for me. Speaking of sugar did I notice pumpkin rolls on the table? That would be my downfall. 🙂 Have you read FAT Chance by Robert H. Lustig, M.D. He has a lecture on youtube that forms the outline of the book. Let me see if I can find it. Here it is, it’s called Sugar the Bitter Truth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM

    I am so sorry medicare is taking their sweet time on your CPap machine and your cataract appointment. They are so slow to take care of our needs but if they learned you were driving with such poor vision I’m sure they would jump right to notifying the authorities to have your license revoked until after your surgery. You should not have to wait months to be able to see or to breathe just as I shouldn’t have been housebound for four and a half months waiting for my part. I’ve got my fingers crossed things work out sooner than you expect.

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    • At least I have a driver available, Lois. Without your chair, you got nothin! I don’t want the authorities to know that I’m driving like this. I am extremely careful and only go where I know there is little traffic or challenge. No unnecessary trips. I even wait for a ride to the grocery unless the weather is clear and dry. Those were pumpkin rolls and I had to have a taste so I cut off a piece not taking a whole one. I’ll check out the link later. So far I’m still losing weight…slowly. ;( Mostly I’m trying to kill the virus in my body to make the Bells let go. I’d like my balance back. Think it’s all tied together. Need more exercise. I’m so lazy about it. I should be grateful that I can exercise. Going to work on that.


  10. No resolutions – I know they’d be abandoned. But like you, I must fight the weight/sugar/exercise battle. I wish there was a form of exercise that didn’t hurt.

    I wish you everyting you wish for in 2016.

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    • I don’t make resolutions either. I just try to find my focus. It’s my health that is demanding attention. Even yoga hurts if you don’t do it regularly and I haven’t since my son moved in. Actually not since I bought this house that needs so much work. Think I’m fighting an uphill battle. 😦 Hang in there. Walking is something I will do again when the icy chill is gone. Roads are a solid sheet right now.


  11. I have written my 16 for 2016. It worked last year for me. Good luck with all your plans.

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  12. Happy New Year to you and all the best with your progress in 2016. I love the quote at the top of your post. Health is the major thing I think we should all work on. Sugar is my biggest downfall being on steroids makes it so hard to conquer the temptation. I’ve been looking for sugarfree sweets to make. A lot of the recipes calls for substituting applesauce for sugar.

    I’ve been using the c-pap for about 7 or 8 years. I don’t want to sleep without it. It’ll take a little getting use to, but in the long run, you’ll feel well rested.

    Again all the best in the following months.

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    • Thank you and hope your year brings you all the good you deserve. The C-pap I had years ago was awkward and uncomfortable. Heard they make them better now. I substitute apple sauce for the oil but not the sugar. I just had to quite entirely. I’m an addict with sugar. Once I start, I can’t stop. Don’t have that problem with alcohol which is sugar. So I don’t drink now either. Just want to get well and be more productive with more energy. I’ll focus more on the positive things this year and do whatever it takes. Reading a book called Medical Medium to hopefully find some answers there. Hope your new years brings you health and happiness as well. Thanks for stopping by.

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  13. Holly said:

    I love the items you created! Here’s to a productive 2016 for us! 😀

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    • Thank you, Holly. I have a long list of things to make so lets hope I get them all done, or at least most of them. Have a wonderful year too and thanks for stopping by.


  14. Marlene, I’m relieved to hear that you’ve found a reason behind your fatigue. It’s extraordinary that you’ve managed so well with that kind of interrupted sleep. I remember back to the first years with a baby in the house and how debilitating it was to go for months with interrupted nights. I’ll bet you’re counting the days till the C-pap arrives. It will be interesting to note if other things fall into place once you’re rested. I’ve read that lack of sleep can lead to an uptick in cortisol, making it harder to lose weight. Here’s a study in case you ore your readers want to take a look: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9415946

    I’m a list maker too. I live by them. If things are rattling around in my head, I find it disquieting. It feels better to write things down. What I like to do is group my lists: things involving the computer, phone calls, errands outside the home, and home projects. I’ve recently started keeping an index card for all my active clients, and I shuffle through those once a week. It’s also a good way for me to compartmentalize work from home life.

    My mom had two cataract/glaucoma surgeries when she was in her early eighties. She was back home the same day and within weeks she could see better than the rest of us. I know that will be true for you too. It’s amazing how quickly the eye heals.

    I love your embroidery Marlene. Everything comes together with such beautiful color and detail and with a bit of personality, too. Your pieces are exquisite.

    Considering the year you’ve had, I think you owe yourself a huge pat on the back. Your sister moved in and out. Your son moved in. You’ve had a small fire, crazy hot summer and completed tons of projects on your home. Your deck looks great. Your garden looks great, And through it all you continue to complete quilt squares for charity, attend quilting gatherings and the myriad other things I know you’ve done this year.

    Here is one suggestion for the books you want to keep track of but don’t currently have time to read. You can create a free Goodreads account and track all the books you want to read, have read or that someone suggests and you simply want to make a note of it till you have time to explore. I’ve found it liberating. I used to jot down the name of books in a variety of places. Goodreads allows me to keep track in one place. You’ll save space on your bookshelf, too, and you want feel the pressure of an unread stack of books.

    Sending love and hugs your way. I really enjoyed reading your news.

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    • Thanks for all the wonderful ideas, Alys. I’ve not been to Goodreads yet. I did not know I could make lists on it. Great idea. I do know that lack of adequate rest produces too much cortisol. I just didn’t have time before to address it. Now is the time. I go pick out the C-pap and try it out. If one mask doesn’t work, I can pick another. They monitor me for the first month, closely. Then we will see how it goes. The last one I had years ago and left behind when I moved out was bulky and impossible to sleep with but they apparently have improved a great deal. I’m too tired to argue about needing one. I’ll do anything to feel better. Thanks for listing my accomplishments. I tend to just look at what didn’t get done. That has to change now. Lots of things will change this year. It’s been an eye opening year so far. Thanks for everything you do and all your encouragement. It comes always at just the right time. Giant squishy hugs.


    • Alys, your message is so filled with practical good nature and good ideas. What a comfort you are. 🙂

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  15. Happy New Year, Marlene! It’s sure nice to find out what’s what with ourselves … physically, as well as mentally, emotionally and all of those other “ally’s” that we can come up with.

    I’m a sort-of New Year’s resolution maker, setting a few goals for myself. Some would be attainable quickly, like a particular book I want to read, while others are more long-term. I’m still working on figuring out what I really want to commit to accomplishing this year. Lonny and I have set a date night for Wednesday, so I need to get crackin’.

    I hope this coming year is filled with all the best for you … health, happiness, reading, stitching and writing. Take care my friend!

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Missy. I too make a list of things that need to be worked on but a resolution, not so much. I’ve been trying to lose weight every year for 4 years. Finally getting up some steam at it. No giving up this time. Once I start getting some real sleep, (I hope) I may be able to write again. Holding a thought is hard when you are tired all the rime. I’m trying not to buy more books till some are read here. Want to start on gifts this week for next year and finish up quilts that are waiting. Ugh. There I go again. Too much to do. Date night sounds like a good plan. I tried that but always had to go alone. I think it was a sign that things weren’t going well. 🙂 Getting a direction and a focus is what I’m looking to do as soon as things get quiet enough to think here. Have a wonderful year ahead.

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  16. I’m awfully glad you’re dealing with the sleep apnea–that could be the source of a lot of your troubles! My husband and a dear friend of ours had it and the C-PAP has, simply, given them their lives back! I hope 2016 is everything you’re hoping for!

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    • Thank you so much, Kerry. I’m hoping for improvement too. Anything is better than this chronic fatigue. It took a while to get in to deal with it but hope is on the horizon. Wishing you all the best this year as well.


  17. Beautiful embroidery work. The only thing I’d love to do this year is finally make the recycled baby clothes quilt I had in mind. I’ve been brain storming for ideas.

    I stopped making resolutions but I’m working on eliminating sugar. Most people attribute high cholesterol to fat intake (which the wrong kind can) but the research is pointing to sugar & being a GF baker doesn’t help 😦

    I’m glad Christmas is over so I don’t have to bake anymore gifts!! Lol
    – Kenzel

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    • Thank you for your kind words and for stopping by. Yes, sugar is the culprit in raising triglycerides. I bake a lot or used too until my daughter took over the task for the most part. We give most away and my son eats a lot of it. He can afford to more than we can. That sounds like an interesting quilt to make. I am sure you have searched Pinterest already for inspiration. I have no grandchildren and was unable to save my children’s clothes so it never crossed my mind. There are a lot of quilters out there that have probably done it though. I’m sure you’ll get inspired soon. I’m always glad when Christmas comes and just as glad when it’s over. 🙂 Good luck with the quilt.

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      • Yes, been on pinterest on occasion. Fortunately, I don’t feel a need to rush 🙂
        I saved the clothes but not for the quilt initially. I’ve actually given or donated most of what we had. ..can only wear/keep so much!

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  18. Oh Marlene, so many of us in the same boat and not having accomplished our goals in 2015 and hoping for a better result in 2016. Of course it always comes down to exercise and eating habits. Sigh…. I had cataract surgery on both eyes a number of years ago and let me tell you it was incredible. Instead of the regular lenses, I had the multi focal lenses put on both eyes about a year apart and I never needed to wear glasses again! It was a little pricey but since I had it done in my fifties, I felt it was well worth the cost and I have never regreted it. Of course now that I’m retired and on a limited income I could never afford it . I’m sure you have been a little hard on yourself about what you have accomplished this year. You always seem so busy with this and that and some craft project. Sometimes I’m exhausted just reading about it. Haha. As far as a new name for your site we will be looking forward to hearing about that although I would miss that clever name that you have, I’m on pins and needles to hear the new name. Happy 2016 to you.

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    • Don’t think there will be a whole new name for the blog, just the titles of the posts. I’ll still do some of the in search of’s but add a bit of other titles to fill in. I had one cataract removed about 8 years ago on the eye that doesn’t work as well. I can’t read with it but can see things if necessary. It helped clear up the cloudy, discolored look I kept seeing. For a hefty price, they can put an astigmatism lens on but I have too much for it to be enough to not need glasses. Vision has always been low but I’m really struggling now. Hoping it helps and it’s not something else causing the problem. I have done a lot this year as has been pointed out by you and the rest of my kind readers. I forget I’m not 25 anymore and we were brought up to set the bar quite high. My mother was driven even more than I am. I’m a slacker by comparison. So get off those pins and needles and make better use of them. 🙂 I have some work to do tomorrow as well. Christmas is almost completely out of here!! That’s a lot of work by itself. 😦 I’m going to enjoy more this year. If I get it done, great, if not, it will keep for a bit. I’m looking at the big picture now. Have a wonderful week and thanks for the visit. I miss hearing from you. 😉


      • I like the idea of enjoying more of life instead of stressing about the little things. We can’t be over achievers all of our lives haha. I guess I misunderstood understood about changing the name of the blog and just instead of the changes on the posts. Maybe my vision isn’t all I bragged about! I do plan to be much more active this year and stay on top of things a little bit more. I’m learning to prioritize the things that are important to me and blogging is definitely one of them. Talk to you soon. Did I tell you thanks for the Christmas card? That was incredibly sweet

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      • You are welcome for the card. Sometimes, I am not as clear as I’d like to be when I communicate something. I had a lot of interruptions while trying to write that post. I’m finding that the more joy we experience, the more we can accomplish if it’s in a joyful frame of mind. It gives us more energy. I’m glad you will be writing more too. I keep thinking of giving it up because it takes so much time but just can’t. I’d miss everyone. 😦

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      • Me too ♡


      • I’m back already. I’m sorry. I forgot to mention that I really hope you’re feeling good really soon and get that energy back. Take care of yourself!

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      • Why do we put taking care of ourselves at the bottom of the list most of the time? I’m moving up in the world. :)) Stay happy.

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  19. Enjoy the best of everything, forget all the rest. Happy New Year dear friend. Eddie

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  20. Ah! The winds of change! Yes, Marlene…I think it is better to roll with them…to surrender…than to fight as I have tried in the past. I love the peaceful feeling I get from this post. And I love love love the gifts you made…you are so talented….so creative! I will eagerly look forward to all that you create…all that you “finish” creating. And as for sugar, well, I believe it is a form of poison. I didn’t realize how addicted I was until I had to give it up. I did it cold turkey and was very strict about it a few years ago. Now, once in a while I partake and I have to say I pay for it big time!!! In this case…all in is better…or should I say all out? Much love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Lorrie. I’m grateful for my talented machine every time I make a gift for someone. I wasn’t just eating sugar, I was mainlining it. Like a drug. I tried the dabbling in it but I’m an addict with sugar. Thank goodness not with alcohol. 🙂 But alcohol has sugar so that’s off for now as well. Some of us just can’t do a little. 😦 Hugs and peace.


  21. Hi Marlene — I’m glad to meet you over here. Thank You for stopping by my site and sharing a few thoughts of your own. I can relate to your post here and all the ‘to-do’s’ screaming and begging to be listened to first. There will always a ton of things to do and my head chatters about them a lot. I just have to shut it off (maybe too much sometimes) to have some quiet time.

    Regarding your eyes. I just went through that last spring and had cataract surgery on both eyes. It turned out to be successful and still going through little adjustments. I say it all turned out good but not without going through some of my own fears and panic. It finally worked out for me when I finally got some good information and doctors I could trust. You’ll be fine and there are a lot of resources out there to help.

    Take care and Happy New Year! 🙂

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    • Thanks so much for stopping by. I’m a driven person without the energy to follow through on my plans. It takes longer than it used to. 😦 I’ve had one cataract removed many years ago and they were hoping this one would wait. It won’t. Right now I can’t drive much. I’m not worried about the surgery just the resulting success. The to do’s that are screaming have a little problem with me. I’m going deaf too. Haha 🙂 I’ll come back by soon. Happy New Year to you too.

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  22. Marlene, I really enjoyed this post and look forward to coming back here and reading more of the comments since there were a lot of good ideas there, too. From your photos it looks as if your creative efforts are way, way ahead of mine. I think you are amazing to do all the things you do. I feel your pain when it comes to the sweets. I’m getting better but sometimes I long to indulge in some sort of sweetener in my tea. Now about those pajamas — surely you know that wearing PJ’s all day is a SUPER treat for some of us! Though it’s just a fantasy for most of us. But I think that cute teenager has the right idea of a great way to celebrate a winter holiday. 😀 I also think you have a great year in store for 2016. Keep up the good work, wonderful example and fabulous attitude! Giant hugs to you!

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    • Thanks so much, Julia. My niece is a great kid so I didn’t give her a hard time about the pj’s. 🙂 I use stevia in my tea because it is natural. So far so good on the rest of the sweets. I’m winning the battle very, very slowly. I could be doing more creatively but I’m not as energetic as before. Once I start sleeping at night, it will hopefully get much better. I’m looking for this year to bring better health. 🙂 Have a great week and weekend.


  23. This is a good time to take stock, even if resolutions don’t last even a second. The sugar thing is tough for me too…and like you, I’m resolved to get more active again. I love to walk, need to walk, otherwise I get depressed. But sitting down for hours writing, I can get lost in time and then I end up barely moving. That’s got to stop. I love how you’ve set out the changes you want to make. You will! This is another year. I love your craft projects, they look wonderful. Hopefully you’ll feel better with the sleep machine. My ex had that and it helped him tremendously. With better sleep, you’ll have more energy. I’m sure you’ll notice the difference right away. I hope 2016 brings you abundant blessings, and your heart’s desire dear Marlene 🙂

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  24. Marlene, love this post! Sending hugs as always and best wishes for 2016 to be your best year yet xoxo

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  25. I’ve been duking it out with sugar since childhood. Diabetes runs in my family and I have a sweet-tooth.

    I just saw that you have an award free blog so please accept my apologies for nominating for The Blogger Recognition Award.

    Please accept it as a gesture of my appreciation.

    Rob Goldstein

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    • I sincerely appreciate the gesture. I love sweets, my body, not so much. It’s rebelling big time so I have no choice anymore. My kids have it from both sides of the family but so far, I’ve been lucky. Do be careful though, it’s nothing to mess with. Thank you so much for stopping by.

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  26. I am a total sugar fiend too! It’s so hard, but I found it better to just cut myself off. I am glad to hear you are taking care of yourself, though. As for the exercise, if you are a numbers person, a pedometer might help. I personally love fitness videos, I’m an at-home exercise person.

    And those snowmen are so adorable I can’t stand it. I don’t know if you do this already, but I bet your lovely craft work would be a hit on Etsy.

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    • Thank you so much for your kind words. 🙂 I’m an at home person too. I have a video to work from but have left it to the wayside since I bought this house last year. It’s been one heck of a ride so far but now it’s time to get back to basics. No sugar since Sept but still meed to move more. As for Etsy, it takes me so long to get the few things done for those I care about, I’d never make it to sell status. Maybe if I get the work on this place done so I have more time. 🙂 Appreciate you stopping by.

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      • I could see the crafts taking a while, they’re always so lovely. Arggh, the house stuff is always such a pain, and never ending. But I am extremely impressed with your sugar ban! You are a braver woman than I 🙂

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      • No choice on the sugar. Have to eliminate it. And I so crave sweets. The house stuff will be ongoing but once I satisfy the HOA, I can relax a bit. I’ll be hitting it as soon as we get dry and over 6o degrees for several days so the paint will dry. Then the railings and the garden. I feel like I’m racing the clock daily. 🙂

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      • 60 degrees sounds like summer right now! We’re at 18 today, after several days in the single digits. I’m pretty sure the paint will freeze 🙂 Also, I’m pretty sure painting counts as cardio.


  27. I missed this one! It’s been a month and where have I been?

    Well, my friend, you’ve found one outlet that I rely on: blogging. Somehow it makes me feel better and even when I can’t bring myself to write, I can still skim through old posts and read comments from friends and it’s comforting. Thank you for deciding to keep up your blog, because I rely on it to stay close to you. Of course, if it was taken away from me, I would find another way, but this is what I’m using now. Basically what I’m saying is: Blog for ME!! ha ha ha

    I didn’t know you had used a CPAP in the past. What a relief to have the sleep study explain a lot of your fatigue. The people I know who have used them have loved the effects. I honestly think I could benefit as well. I did a sleep study, but was so creeped out by being plugged in with ten billion wires stuck to my body, and beneath a giant camera, I didn’t sleep all night. The next morning they said I was fine. I asked if they could tell whether I actually fell asleep and they assured me that I had fallen asleep and I never stopped breathing. So… one of us is right, but I sure don’t want to do another sleep study. I have heard about some kind of appliance you put in your mouth that keeps your tongue out of the way. I guess I could try that. I know I snore like crazy because I wake myself up! How embarrassing. 🙂

    You work harder than most people I know! Isn’t it ridiculous how hard we push ourselves to match some imagined criteria?

    Good luck on the sugar. I’ve never been much of a sugar fan – thank goodness! My weakness is buttery, oily, goodness. Cheese and lots of butter on lots of bread, and deep fried stuff, and round it out with as much starch as you can find. I knew a couple of Georgian pastry chefs (the Republic of Georgia) and one of them told me that when making pastry, the secret to deliciousness is always “more butter!” I concur.

    I miss you, I love you, I hope you are sleeping well by this time. Every time a new year comes around, it’s a new opportunity to try this thing called life all over again. I look forward to sharing this next one with you too.

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    • I know how overwhelmed you are these days, Crystal. That fact you had time to stop by amazes me. My first sleep study done years ago, they shook me awake and said I had stopped breathing for several minutes. This time it was monitored from home I I stopped breathing 32 times in an hour. The C-pap doesn’t make for better sleep but it does make sure I’m getting air when I stop breathing. Maybe I’ll hang onto a few brain cells after all. 🙂 Sugar will always be an issue for me. I love baked goods and breads and french fires and, and, and. The list goes on. I’m thinking of you driving on this very rainy morning and wishing you safe arrival. I’m loading up on coffee trying to get moving. Do have a wonderfilled weekend. Giant hugs.

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      • Good news, Marlene! I had a meeting Thursday and my supervisor has given approval for me to work at home. Not next week, but the week after, I get to stay home Wednesdays and Fridays. What a relief. My ultimate plan is to work back up to 10 hour days, so then I’m hoping to have two days at home, and two in the office. It will never go back to one day a week in the office. On my new team, the boss believes that one day in the office is just not enough. But believe me, I am grateful for what I can get. 🙂

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      • WOOHOO!!! That is wonderful news. I’m so happy for you I could pop! Any break is better than what you have been doing. Those hussies aren’t going to know how to act and you will get so much more done with the hours you aren’t spending on the highway commuting. TS wanted to know if the radio was the red wind up one? The man has memory problems. 😦 At least for things not deemed important. 🙂 Have a terrific weekend! Hugs

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      • Yes, red wind up radio. Good idea to have one of these, in case of emergencies. It will most likely be deemed important on the day of an emergency. But it won’t do TS any good if it’s over here. We must make a date to meet and exchange red radios. I think perhaps it would fit into my day to head over there after work. That way we could visit and I would miss the evening commuter traffic.

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      • Great idea! I have one of those radios here too. He makes sure I have everything I could possibly need in case of something. 🙂 Let me know when your schedule makes it possible.

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