Looking for answers to life's questions

Loose Ends

I was so grateful to see a new year come in with a little hope attached to it. My first few days were primarily about rest. Having my morning coffee and making to-do lists.

I still need a straw to drink coffee.

It took another week or more to take all of Christmas down and put it back into storage. Then there are thank you notes to be written to some extra generous friends.

Gift from a most generous friend

I did take some time to do a little something fun. My son recommended a movie so I walked the mall for exercise first and bought a ticket. I saw the film “Last Christmas” It was NOT what I expected. I was so excited about it; I went again with my daughter on a weekend day. There were 6 people in the theater both times. It was one of the best movies that I have seen in years. It had a little of everything including an ending I didn’t see coming. My daughter loved it too and had fortunately brought plenty of tissue. It’s one I’d buy to have in my small library of movies.

Last Christmas movie

I meant to tell you about our unorthodox holiday. We celebrate everything. Solstice, Christmas, Hanukkah and Christmas time birthdays. It’s a very fattening holiday season. Christmas Eve, my niece and her mother came to celebrate with us. We had matzo ball soup for dinner then my niece and her mom lit the menorah candles and we watched them burn as they said their prayers in Hebrew.

Lighting first candle together

We exchanged a few small gifts with each other. My daughter and I added to their Jewish/Christmas tree ornaments that gets put up in my nieces home each year. Her mom has a crazy sense of humor as the Angel and the star of David are hanging sideways on the tree. She says it’s because she is height challenged. It was a lovely and peaceful way to incorporate all ways of looking at life. It’s really not that hard. Just being respectful of each other.

Hanukkah/Christmas Tree

In case anyone is curious about my daughter’s car that was donated to the Humane Society, it auctioned off for $975. Most of that goes to the animals.


I’m working on a new health routine this winter. I’m still walking five days a week. We often get breaks in the rain and it only takes 30 minutes. Because of the chronic cough from IPF that plagues my days and sleep I’ve found some new tools to help me. We used to joke about my aunt and her love of Jagermeister. But now that she has reached the age of 84 and outlived her entire family, I decided to take another look at it.

When I read the ingredients, I was stunned. Turns out it’s a wonderful cough suppressant. I’ve been sleeping much better and longer. It doesn’t take much. I use a small cordial glass and put an ice cube in it.

My philosophy is in sync with Mary Englebeit’s

One cough drop in my mouth just before falling asleep and I’ve been getting almost 7.5 hrs. Works much better than Brandy or medications. I’ve tried it all.

My daughter’s philosophy.

Now I’m ready to get back to work here and in the sewing room. Wish me luck. Lots of projects are waiting for this procrastinator.

Is your new year off to a good start or are you still trying to get a foothold on it?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Loose Ends" (73)

  1. We are just back from our walk on a most pleasant warm and sunny summer morning and very glad to see this post waiting to be read. I’m glad to see you have found something to give you some cough/sleep relief. I find the answers to our health issues are most often at our own fingertips – iso often, t’s all down to what we put (or don’t put) into our mouths 🙂 It sounds like you had a lovely festival season. As you know mine finished a bit sadly, but the new year has brought sunshine and warmth and a new lease of life. My play room is getting a thorough sort out again and a few projects have been lined up – I’m ready to start experimenting! 😀 PS Heather’s philosophy sounds just like Danella’s 🙂

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    • Ha Ha, I sound like a lush don’t I? There are 57 herbs and spices in that stuff and it reminds me of that product called “Thieves” which saved so many during the plague. It looks like it can cure anything. But anything that helps me sleep all night and not feel groggy the next day is a winner. I was hoping I didn’t say anything out of line in my email to you. I always worry about that. We are expecting snow tonight and maybe tomorrow so I walked indoors today. I’m trying to get my playroom (sewing) cleaned up too. I’d bet our girls would get on like a house on fire. I’m so happy to hear the new year has brought new hope. We could sure use some. Sending lots of love and hugs, M

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      • Ach, Marlene – never worry about what you say to me. It’s not like I’m the soul of tact 😀 I’ve still got your last mail saved to reply to. I just got sidetracked by nice weather and other things. Love and hugs back.

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      • Nice weather would make me forget everything! Enjoy it. I’m glad I’m not the only one behind. Sometimes my mind runs ahead of my good sense. I had my daughter take me to the wrong clinic today for an ultrasound. I completely spaced that my appt. was somewhere further down the road. Sigh…

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      • I chuckle wryly, it happens to us all at times says the woman who has to be reminded to turn clocks back and forward and other mundane things 🙂

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  2. Happy 2020 Marlene! Last week I felt like I was living in sloth-mode. I just couldn’t seem to get myself going. However, this week is off to a sparkling, albeit snowy start. I’m a person who likes routines and rhythms and it’s good to be back into the everyday rhythm. Have a fabulous week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Missy. Yes, we are all feeling some of that sloth mode. I call it after Christmas blahs. We get worn out planning and prepping and then all of a sudden, nothing. It leaves us like a slow air leak we can’t find to plug. My daughter has been working from home with a cold and it unbalances me a bit. I need my routine and rhythm too. You have it pegged. Snow maybe tonight or tomorrow. ;/ Hope you are enjoying the snow. Have a great week.

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  3. Happy New Year, Marlene! You look great all cozy under the quilt! I’m so happy you enjoyed a nice holiday. I rang in the new year with the worst case of the flu I’ve every had. I ended up collapsing in the floor New Year’s Eve day and was in bed for the next four days. It was rough, but thankfully I’m back to normal. I sure could have used some of the Jagermeister!

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    • I meant to ask about the movie, Marlene. I’d never even heard of it. It’s so rare that I hear someone rave about a movie these days, now I want to see it!

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    • I don’t think a virus could survive Jagermeister. It has a licorice flavor which is why I’ve never tried it before. I don’t usually do well with licorice. Of course, I still use a lot of garlic and avoid people as much as possible in winter. I don’t usually get flu, at least not in the last 30 years nor colds. Bronchitis is another matter. Your flu sounds viscous. I’m surprised you didn’t end up in urgent care. That was not a good time to be sick. Oh, that was my sister under the blanket. She’s younger than me so thank you. 😉 Now I’m getting my little sip of Jager and heading off to get cozy and warm. I keep my house quite cool in winter, Hugs and love. M

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      • I have tasted Jägermeister before, Marlene. I remember the licorice flavor. I don’t care for that flavor either. I haven’t had the flu in over 30 years, but it wasn’t this bad. Oh my, you and your sister look like twins! 🙂

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  4. Happy 2020, Marlene! Here is a prayer that it is a good one for each and all of us!

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  5. Sleep makes such a difference doesn’t it? Glad you found some time to get out and enjoy a movie…twice!
    Do you have snow down there yet? We had a dusting here, but farther north they got slammed last night. I got out and walked for the first time in days this morning. It was wonderful to be outside again after so many days of nothing but work, but it was so very coooooold 🙂

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  6. I am procrastinating a bit too. The blog, and ‘pottering about’ are a distraction from a project, I want to start. It was very interesting reading about the Jewish and Hebrew traditions. We don’t see them much here so I was interested in the lighting of the candles and had a bit of a chuckle at the horizontal angel. Good to hear that the car your daughter auctioned off went to a worthy cause and raised some really good funds. And how wonderful that the Jagermeister has come in handy as a cough suppressant. Just be careful that the suppressed cough doesn’t mean the mucous is sitting there on your lungs for too long. But I’m sure you are right onto this. Happy New, Marlene. Great to read your post.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Amanda. I learn a lot by spending time with people who have other ways of doing and looking at things. The whole thing was a first for me too and it helps if they trust you enough to open their views to you. My niece has almost always had Christmas with us but we have had to learn to be more open about their faith. The Angel is in tribute to me and over the years we have added ornaments as they’ve started putting up a tree too. I was so happy to hear how much they got for the car as well. My daughter doesn’t itemize on her taxes as she has no personal property so she didn’t do it for that reason as several have thought. Just to help animals. I imagine your people there are grappling with how to place wounded and injured there. I bought it so I would stop breaking into fits of coughing in the night and can sleep through. I’m not fond of the licorice flavor but even that is helpful along with all the herbs and spices. Who knew my aunt Helga had the key to a very long life. Jagermeister and “good Fun” as she says. They live in South Queensland. I would so love to go see her. She had more fun than anyone in the family. That’s the biggest lesson I learned from her.


      • South Queensland !! – that is where I am. Which city? (May I ask)?
        So licorice might be one of the reasons the Danish folk live long lives?

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      • Toowoomba. Maybe it’s South Toowoomba. 😉


      • Ah that is about an hour and an half’s drive. A nice cool place as it is atop a Mountain! You would love it.

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      • I really want to visit but… You know how it is. Bills come first.


      • Of course. Work before leisure. You would be very welcome at my place if you do come here.

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      • Thank you, Amanda. If we get it worked out, I will definitely want to see you as well as so many others while there.

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      • That would be a delight! Someone has just posted to another blogger’s post about the “good luck ” experiment you inspired for me, last year. Canadian blogger Cyranny and the other blogger are inspired to conduct their own version of thinking and wishing good luck upon themselves. Look at the difference you have made, Marlene! It doesn’t matter that you may have not intended it this way, but it has grown anyways! Isn’t that wonderful? I am so delighted our good thoughts and wishes have spread far and wide across the oceans and inspired others. Imagine what we could do if we launched some kind of global marketing campaign… lol. I am not into that but just imagine the good influencers that we could be. Thank you for being you!

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you, Amanda. Just passing on what I’ve learned from books I’ve read. You either accept or decline the invitation. It goes back to the quote, When the student is ready, the teacher appears. It took me a while to be ready.

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      • The universe sorts things in its own way and time.


  7. Yay, for a Marlene post! I had heard of that Jager stuff but have never seen it. I will keep it in mind! And yay!! This computer just ate 2/3 of my comment!!!! I said that yay for the animals that benefited from the donation of the car. I also mentioned that your celebrations sound wonderful and that I would love to be there even for a few minutes! Happy 2020!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You will always be welcome to the Zoo, Luanne! I turned my nose up at the Jagermeister for years after my aunt told me about it because of the licorice flavor. I don’t normally like it. I’ve used Bandy when I had bronchitis but now I need something daily and when I realized my aunt was 84 and all of her siblings died 10 years younger, I decided to research it online. There is a LOT of good stuff in it! I hate when computers get hungry and eat what they shouldn’t. It’s happened to me too often. We were both excited to hear how much came from that old beautiful car. We don’t either of us itemize our taxes so it was all about helping them and getting it out of the driveway. ;)Thanks for the visit, Luanne.

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      • I actually don’t like licorice either, but then I discovered Italian love knot cookies made by my future son-in-law’s mother. They have a distinctive anise flavor. So I looked up this stuff and I can see what you mean about all the stuff in it. Now it’s on my bucket list hahaha.
        Well, THANK YOU for helping the animals!

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  8. You know, I may have to take a look at the Jagermeister for when I have one of my usual painful, persistent dry coughs. Like you, a cough drop in my mouth as I go to sleep is often the only way I can drop off. Maybe a tablespoon of JM might be a better alternative… May the forthcoming year be happy, fulfilling and filled with love and friendship xxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • We were discussing the chronic IPF cough at the last support group and everyone told what they took for it. So many med and some even opted for surgery. When it came my time, I was taking a little Brandy at night but it doesn’t work as well as JM. They all laughed thinking it was silly but when you see what those meds do, well, Brandy is a safer bet and JM even better. Did you look at the ingredients? Wow. I found the cough drops at the health food store and they work well too. I take 3/4 of an once at night of JM so this lush sleeps well. 😉 I’m looking forward to this new year too. It feels good already. Love and hugs, Kate plus all the rest of the good stuff.

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  9. I just googled Jaegermeister! Despite being German I’ve never had it. I also didn’t realize that it’s a bitter. I’ll pick some up sometime. I’m glad that it’s not only a new year, but also a new decade! From your pictures it looks like you had a nice holiday season!

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    • My aunt Helga swore by it and it was almost a family joke about how much she bought here in the states. I guess it’s very expensive in Australia. I don’t care for licorice so I wouldn’t try it. Now I’ll have some daily. It was a small, well behave group at Christmas. I put my foot down. No fussing allowed. 😉 Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you soon.

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  10. So glad 2020 is off to a good start for you. And thanks for the Jagermeister tip – I’ve always enjoyed it and, since there isn’t a bottle in my drinks cupboard, I may as well stop at the liquor store later on and stock up….;)

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    • I’m heading into the kitchen for my nightly sip. I can’t believe that for 3 nights in a row I’ve had around 8 hrs good sleep. I usually got 6 at most. I’m not waking up with the cough anymore either. Take a look on the internet at the ingredients. It’s impressive. Hope your 2020 is coming along nicely as well. Last year was a tough one.

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  11. Marlene, what a wonderful season of celebration with family and friends! 😀 I love how you have so many and the love and care for each other shine out. The bouquet of lilies from your friend is delightful, a burst of Spring.

    Wishing you a very happy New Year filled with love, light and laughter! Have fun with all your creative projects! xx

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Annika. The lilies lasted 3 full weeks! We are a smaller family these days but we sure have a good time and make the best of things. Wishing you a wonderfilled New Year as well. We were given another project to make today. Good thing I have a year to finish it. 🙂

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  12. I did not get the chance to see last Christmas in the cinema. Will have to do it next Year. Good luck on your New projects

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    • I almost missed “Last Christmas” and so glad I didn’t. I don’t go to movies often because so many are moronic. It should come out on DVD soon enough. I’m going to buy it. I’m going to need all the luck I can get on projects because there are so many and another was added today. Sigh. 😉 Thanks for stopping by.


  13. It’s nice to hear about your holidays, Marlene! And Jaegermeister–goodness, I never knew about that, but will keep it in mind. I hope your 2020 is a good one.


    • Thank you so much for the visit. I’ve know about it for years as my aunt imbibed in it most of her life. I’ve never had a fondness for licorice so I never tried it. It’s working well to stop the cough and keep me asleep all night. 😉 I hope 2020 is good for all of us. Mine is getting better by the minute. 😉 Wishing you all the best of everything this year.

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  14. So many neat things in your post! First, Jaegermeister sounds like an excellent elixir. I love how “what’s old” comes back to the next generation. Just like when “they” (scientists/know-it-alls) discover all the truths in “old wife’s tales.” So glad you’re getting better sleep – a true elixir and healer.
    Second, did I ever tell you that my family and I raised and lived with a wonderful dog named Tory, who was a breeder for the Guide Dogs for the Blind? She became part of our family when she turned 3 until she passed away at 12 1/2. She had three litters for the Guide Dogs. She was a warm, wonderful, spectacular being.
    I love your all-inclusive holiday. The way we all should celebrate in this age of acceptance, kindness and belief in the spirituality of us all, no matter our faith or creed.

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    • Thanks for the visit, Pam. Yes, everything old is new again. The ingredient for JM when I researched reads like an elixir. I am a person that will always try the natural way before going traditional. I think the older generations knew what they were doing but no one could make a buck off plant cures at the time.
      I bought my mug and made a donation when the senior center had a trip to the training center here in Portland, OR. How exciting that you got to be mom to a sweet guide dog provider. I so love dogs. We see them working in our mall early in the day when it’s not to crowded for training.
      I wish more people would understand about inclusiveness. You are right, we could celebrate acceptance. more.

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  15. Still trying!! 😂 Oh, how I love reading about your unorthodox Christmas, Marlene! It’s just wonderful and I truly wish that people all around the world would embrace each other’s philosophies and religions, or simply themselves like that too! And thanks so much for the movie recommendation, I was hesitant about it but now that I know you went twice already and want the DVD I know I’ve got to see it!! 😄
    And I’m so happy for you that the Jaegermeister is helping you to sleep with your coughing – I will keep that in mind for when I need it! I think there are a lot of herbs in it, right? I had one once after too rich a dinner and it worked wonders but I wasn’t much a fan of the taste – well, that’s medicine for you! 😂

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    • I’ve never been able to tolerate licorice but for some reason, I can keep this stuff down. It has more than 57 herbs and good spices. A good tonic if there ever was one.
      I don’t often recommend movies because taste is always an issue. My son and his ‘wife’ liked it and my daughter loved it too. It speaks to the heart of so much.
      I’m no longer a religious person, but I believe we all part of the whole. Just be open and accepting and long as no one is hurting anyone else. Time for my ‘medicine’ now. 😉

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      • I’m really glad you’ve found this tonic, Marlene. And I just noticed that I confused it with Underberg, which is what I once drank because of that upset tummy. So I still have to try the Jaegermeister! 😀
        Ugh – licorice! So not my favorite candy as well!
        Have a lovely weekend! ❤

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  16. Oh! And I love your daughter’s new shirt! 😄

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  17. Your celebration of ALL the winter holidays is wonderful, and so you. I have heard you mention several over the years, but did not actually put it together that you literally celebrate them all. I love it. Bravo to H for donating practically $1000 to the animals!! It must make her so proud. I didn’t realize they would get back to you and let you know how the auction went. That makes it more fun.

    Good for you walking 5 days a week. I have not gone walking for a month probably. Ugh. My walks (5 1/2 mile loop) take an hour and 20 minutes, and it just never stops raining. I can deal with the cold during a walk, but I’m such a puss about getting wet. I could wear a rain jacket, but the schuss schuss schuss sound of the material is very annoying to me. What a baby I am. I live in Rainier, Oregon for gosh sakes. The freaking place has rain in the name. OOhh! Also, it’s been snowing here!! Two inches in the last couple of days. It’s so exciting. Just up here on my mountain, but down at Highway 30 the roads had no snow.

    My New Year is a radical shift and I’m still getting used to it, but it’s so good for my brain to shake things up. Classes have been ok, and the awkwardness is mostly gone, and the student body is so radically diverse that being an old lady doesn’t make me stand out as much as I feared. I’m taking Introduction to Conflict Resolution, and Participating in Democracy. Both are absolutely in my interests, and I’m getting a good dose of politics, which I like.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Crystal. I don’t walk when the roads are icy. Then I walk in the living room. Just moving helps.
      They let you know if the car auctions for more than $500 so you can take the rest off your taxes. We don’t either one itemize so that’s not relevant but it was nice to know that Humane society got a little boost. Glad you are liking your classes and I knew you would fit in fine.

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  18. Hope your regimes for better health help. Going for a thirty minute walk each day sounds both pleasurable and doable. One day I shall try!!!

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    • Thanks for the visit, Cathy. I hope they help too. I make it 5 days a week if I push hard. You have your hands full already but walking has kept me breathing so I can’t stop. My life literally depends on it. Just do what you can now.


  19. Hello Marlene, It’s good to read about your holidays and to see pics of the family gathered around. I’ve had a vague notion of Jagermeister, but I had no idea it has so many wonderful qualities. Anything that helps you sleep and feel refreshed is pretty awesome in my book. I’m so happy you re-discovered it. I’m off to look up the ingredients. Happy New Year!

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  20. I love this! Your celebration of all the winter holidays is wonderful. The movie looks fabulous, I must see it. And the drink you discovered to help you sleep must be a Godsend. Best to you, Marlene. 😀

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