Looking for answers to life's questions

The sun came for a visit but refused to unpack and stay awhile. The warmth felt good for the few days it stayed. Maybe father sun felt like just another guest. You know the kind that after three days starts to stink and you want it gone. I might feel that way in August, but not right now.

I had a good time while it made it’s grand teasing entrance. Walking everywhere I could, taking pictures of everything else that was enjoying the lovely spring weather. I stopped to watch the ducks for a few moments and being very quiet was given a genuine gift. I had mentioned the Nutria in an earlier post right after moving into this apartment complex but could never get a picture. This time I was rewarded as someone had spread seed on the ground for the ducks. Looks like several others were hungry too.

Nutria in the water, ducks resting in the middle and the mouse heading for seed at the bottom. Look hard.

Nutria in the water, ducks resting in the middle and the mouse heading for seed at the bottom. Look hard.

It’s a bit difficult to take a picture of anything while holding a cane but somehow I managed. If you’ve ever wondered how well a mouse can hear, each time the camera clicked, the mouse ran for cover. It’s a quiet camera. The only other mouse I saw was in an upstairs bedroom attached to the attic. Unfortunately, we had to trap the poor guy. He was too fast for my husband to catch. They can run up walls, by the way.

I see a vacancy there. Shall we check out the apartment?

I see a vacancy there. Shall we check out the apartment?

I am feeling better, most of the time, so what do I do with that extra energy? I signed up for a couple of writing classes that I’m truly enjoying. It’s a chance to meet new people and stretch myself. There are homework assignments so I’m getting behind on my blog reading and writing. Maybe by next week, I’ll have a better flow going.

I also managed to get my spring wall hanging made and hung outside the door. I texted a picture of it to my sister-in-law and she said it was going to fall in her suitcase when she comes for a visit in July. Looks like I’ll have to make myself another for next year. Now I need to work on one for Memorial Day and July 4th.

My sister-in-law loves humming birds. She'll hang it next spring.

My sister-in-law loves humming birds. She’ll hang it next spring.

I have also traced out the pattern for the next set of Big Shirts I want to make but those take some serious time. Don’t expect pictures any time real soon. You’ll see why.

How can a person be this busy without a job? Most of the busy is about getting well. Yes, I’m still sticking with the routine!

It takes both rain and sunshine to make a rainbow. ~ Unknown

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of a Ray of Sunshine" (2)

  1. Hi Marlene, I’m so happy to hear you’re able to get out and enjoy walks. I always loved seeing the ducks walk down our lake road, Mr and Mrs…strolling along. So sweet. You’re banner looks like it was a lot of fine work, OMgosh how long did that take? Alys would really love it too, she’s got hummers in her yard. I’m sorry to hear you had to trap Mr Mouse, darn hey? With the diva’s the poor thing wouldn’t even have a chance here. I have seen them run up walls, speedy little wonders.


    • Hi Kelly, Thanks for reading. The ducks wander all over the apartment complex so I don’t have to go far to watch them. I’m looking forward to warmer weather so I can walk more. Cold hurts the nerve endings on my face and head from the bells palsy. Still much better than before. The embroidery was done automatically by machine and only took a couple of hours for this one. I just have to keep changing thread colors and make sure they don’t break. It’s the finishing that takes the time. The decorative stitching around the edge was for me the hard part, staying on the seam and sewing straight. Most everything I do is crooked. 🙂 That’s why the border fabric is so narrow. I cut into it and didn’t want to start again. Maybe the next one will be better. Mice belong in nature and I’m happy to see them there. Have a great weekend.



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