Looking for answers to life's questions

I have received something I was not expecting. The Versatile Blogger award from Lisa Reiter at Sharing the Story. I am so very appreciative. Thank you Lisa. It’s taken me longer than expected to finish this blog.  Please bare with me a moment. As it happened, I finally gave in and called in tech support. (my son)

I have been nominated several times by several different bloggers for awards but unfortunately, I turned them down. Not because I wasn’t appreciative, but because I couldn’t figure out how to get them onto my blog page.

I’m in my mid 60’s (leaning a little to the far end here) and I work hard to keep up with technology. I can get a bit annoyed when folks my age say they have no need to learn new things. They hate technology. Same mentality that was present when cars were introduced during the horse and buggy era. We are not going backwards folks, no matter how much we miss the “good old days”. (Count me out on that one.)

I get a new laptop every 3 or 4 years and yes, I still swear at Windows 8. Please, someone fix it. I have a smart phone, know how to text, e-mail and use my GPS. I think it’s fun to learn new things. My motto has always been “if I don’t learn something new everyday, close the lid”. Yesterday, I learned to do a wire transfer over the internet. Whoo Hooo! Money all gone now! Today I’m going to learn how to paste the award on my blog courtesy of Lisa Reiter. Lisa did what I want to do and was exploring new blogs. She read many of mine and decided I was a candidate for the Versatile Blogger Award. Thank you so much Lisa. Again, I am honored.


Now comes the fun part. The instructions are:

1. Thank the person who gave you this award.versatile-blogger
2. Include a link to their blog.
3. Next, select 15 excellent blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
4. Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award – include a link to this site.
5. Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

This is not going to be easy but I have to try. Lisa made it so easy and also connected me with Sandra Bellamy at Quirkybooks to walk me through the process to get the image onto the blog. You just meet the nicest people on blogs!

So here are the Blogs I nominate as they have so many different things to educate and entertain:

1. Willow-Marie.real.
2. grevilleacorner
3. Living Simply Free
4. Gardening Nirvana
5. To Breathe is to Write
6. A View From My Summerhouse
7. The Contented Crafter
8. Boomdeeadda
9. Texana’s Kitchen
10. seeking life
11. What’s Green with Betsy?!?
12. pam grout
13. Writing Is My Drink
14. Eye-Dancers
15. The Garden Diaries

Now comes the hard part. List 7 things about myself. It seems easier when I respond to lists someone else comes up with. Things I can relate to, others not. So here is my attempt.

1. I have, but never want to start my day without a cup of coffee. (or two)
2. As much as I enjoy the company of people, I require a great deal of quiet, alone time.
3. I’m a collector of wayward fabric, books of every sort, butterflies and Angels
4. My favorite place in the world is a bookstore or a library. If it has food or coffee attached, so much the better.
5. I have moved 34 times in my life that I can remember. This month will be number 35. I think I’m done.
6. Most people don’t know that I’m terrified of them and struggle to make friends.
7. I love being older. It’s the best time of my life and I’m enjoying every tippy minute of it.

Thank you for reading and for the hours of education and entertainment you’ve given. I would like to read more blogs and as soon as the unpacking is complete and the boxes burned, (not literally). I will then settle in to widen my horizons.

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of Versatility" (20)

  1. Congratulations on your award, Marlene. This has been a great month for you: new technology, new house, blog award, and a kitten rescue mission.
    Thanks so much for the nomination. xox


    • The main reason I accepted was for the challenge of learning how to do it. But the nominations are sincere. I don’t read that many but I love the blogs I do read. You guys are wonderful. Yes, it’s a great month. I have keys to my own home as of Friday the 13th. :)) I love that day. Kittens are all happy in new homes. 🙂


      • Yeah… New homes for the kitties. That is excellent news. You’ll have your own sweet cat when the timing is right. I hope you have good weather on the day of your move. I wish I could be there to help.


      • Thanks for the offer of help Alys. It means a lot. My son wanted to help too but his knees are worse than mine. I hired strong young men to come in the end of June and cart this all down to a truck and move it back into my new home. I should have it almost ready by then. Waiting for the rain to stop so I can cut the grass. (after I buy a lawnmower). 🙂 First the inside, then the outside. That phrase “busier than a one armed paper hanger” comes to mind here. My son will be hooking up all my entertainment apparatus, etc. That’s his thing. The move will be on June 26 and the rain will be gone by then. I have so ordered it. 🙂 Hugs and more hugs. MH


  2. Thank you Marlene! And I assume you got your home?? I sure hope so! If I was closer I would help you move! 🙂


    • Thank you Jackie. I got the keys yesterday on Friday 13th. My lucky day. We’ve been scrubbing all day. Ripped out the carpet in a bedroom and ache all over. I appreciate the offers of help. I’m hiring strong healthy young men that can go up and down these stairs till it’s all out. It’s finally settling in my brain that I own a house, (double wide trailer)


  3. What a glorious day to pop on over to your corner of the world Marlene!!! You’re a Home owner!!!! Awesome Blossum and Congratulation’s for realizing ‘one’ of your dreams. I hope you’re out enjoying that beautiful porch this weekend. Oh hon, that is amazing, I’m so so happy for you. I also see above that the kittens have all gone to their forever homes and that just makes my heart sing. You’ve earned so much good karma this month, you cup is overflowing. I’ve been working pretty hard at our new house and fell straight to sleep early tonight and awoke just moments ago. Enjoyed a wee bit of yard work today and even planted a couple of pots with pink, white and lavender.

    Thank you for the nomination too. I super sleepy at the moment but will be by to add the link to my page tomorrow. I love that your always willing to learn something new otherwise you may never have graced my life with your shining light. Wishing you the sweetest dreams Marlene as you move into your perfect little castle. I have no doubt it will be a bit of work. They all are when you start to personalize it just for you. Have fun! talk soon. xoxoxoxKelly


    • I sent you an e-mail this morning. No rush on anything. It took me a week and since I was too tired to crawl to bed last night after my shower, I decided to sit in my chair and finish the post. My daughter did a sage clearing of energy yesterday while I ripped out carpet and scrubbed on the fridge, washer, dryer and swept. Everything has 10 years of dirt and needs painting. Contractor will be over today to tell me when he can replace the floor. It was bad! We have rain still through Tuesday, then I get to finally get a lawnmower and cut the grass! 🙂 Yay! I will be happily puttering for the next 20 years. Paper and cards are all in boxes so it will be July before they are uncovered. I’m hoping your move went well. Looking forward to hearing about it. Hugs and more hugs, MH


  4. grevilleacorner said:

    congrats and happy unpacking. thanks for the inclusion in your list 🙂


  5. What fantastic things to know about you Marlene! I am so pleased you are enjoying this stage of your life the most, as if you suddenly fit where you belong. I hope the analogy with moving house for the hopeful last time, means even more peace with yourself.
    I love your honesty and the sense of who you are that comes from your posts – these seven things are so human and confirm my perfect nomination for your Versatile Blogger Award! Congratulations, my friend – I hope meeting me hasn’t proved to be scary, Lisa xx 😊


    • Thank you so much again Lisa. Meeting you has been a blessing in so many ways. You raised the bar just when I was ready for it. Oddly, as I’ve completed the challenge of reaching for home ownership, the Bells Palsy seems to be subsiding. My thinking is also getting clearer. Who knew? I have a few weeks of very hard work ahead, (ripped out the carpet and pad from a bedroom yesterday) and then I can get back to the rest of the challenge of exploring your site further as well as find new blogs. You have thrown down the gauntlet. That’s what keeps us alive and fresh. It just took me a bit longer to get this done but I’m in a sea of boxes that I’ve packed myself. Need a card or some paper? They are in a box.:) You are a jewel and appreciated. Hugs, MH


  6. Well done Marlene – it is sooooo good to learn new skills – I’m with you all the way on that! Thank you for the nomination, I accept most graciously your kind thoughts! I run an ‘award free blog’ though, so will just leave it here. 🙂

    Congratulations on being a home owner – I know what it is like not to be and am so happy for you that this dream has come true for you. Hiring strong young men to do the move is a very good way to go too! 🙂

    Please take lots of photos so we can picture you there and see how you transform your place from house to home 🙂 Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!! xoxo


    • Thank you so much Pauline. I appreciate the award free blog. I liked it that way too but I had to meet that challenge. No problem for me at all. My daughter is taking all the photos and I will share soon as I catch my breath. It’s a manufactured home in a park with rented space. But I get to do what I want with the home. It’s what I can afford to buy as a single woman. I’m so happy to have it. I will enjoy!! 🙂


      • Marlene I have no idea what this sentence means: ‘it’s a manufactured home in a park with rented space.’ My imagination is looping the loop! Please, when you get some time 🙂 do expand on that sentence. This is a totally new concept for me and I am highly intrigued!! 🙂


      • That crossed my mind when I wrote it. I will send photos that will explain better.


  7. Dear Marlene, I am so sorry that I have only just seen this post and also your comment to my post from 6th June! I have no idea how I missed these, but I do know that I was having a lot of WordPress problems with comments and notifications at around that time so maybe that is why. But I am mortified that I was not able to reply. Again, I can only apologise…
    Thank you so much for nominating me for this award, this is so kind of you and I will do my post as soon as I can. Congratulations to you too on your award, and I’m so glad to have met you here. Have a lovely day… – Sherri 🙂


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