Looking for answers to life's questions

In one week my son will be here to spend eighteen days with me. Christmas is for me, a season of gratitude and giving. I am the person that wants to keep decorations up all year and feel the wonder of connection to everyone. But alas, it’s frowned upon unless you have a Christmas store. Hmmm, there’s an idea.

We are fortunate that my niece lives just an hour away and has four beautiful daughters, so we will have her little ones to bestow our love and gifts of time upon.

My tiny, skinny tree is up. Since I live in an apartment building, for fire safety, I have opted for artificial. Do you know you can pick up a nice one at the thrift store then donate it back at the end of the season. No storage of a bulky tree. I was at my son’s last year so I didn’t need a tree. This year’s tree is similar to the last one I had. It fits nicely in the small space. Twenty year old ornaments bring that familiar feel to each tree. My ex and I gave up real trees when we couldn’t get the last one to stay standing. It fell over three times before we nailed it to the floor and wired it to the wall. The artificial tree we bought after that lasted 20 years before I donated it. Odd, we never had another Christmas together in that house. Hmmm.

So here’s my tiny tree and a few of my favorite decorations. I didn’t bring out everything this year. My heart just wasn’t in it.

It fits nicely in the corner

It fits nicely in the corner

I made the tree skirt a few years ago when I could sew. It was fun and festive. There are several more waiting to be finished if I ever stop moving.

Heart shaped tree skirt

Heart shaped tree skirt

As you can see, I have a very old Christmoose keeping an eye on the tree as well as Mrs. Claus. She’s not done with her baking so I have no idea why she’s taking such a long break.

Christmoose checking out the tree

Christmoose checking out the tree

Mrs Claus taking a much-needed break

Mrs Claus taking a much needed break

What is it that brings the wonder of the season to you? For me it’s never been about getting gifts. It’s about seeing the sparkle in the eye of the receiver. It’s the smell of cookies, banana and pumpkin breads baking for the delivery people. It’s in the simple joys of family and friends sharing a meal. Every year brings some new addition to tradition.

“Remember, if Christmas isn’t found in your heart, you won’t find it under a tree.”
~ Charlotte Carpenter.

From my heart to yours
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of the Wonder of Christmas" (6)

  1. I’ve been having trouble finding the wonder of Christmas this year. We are supposed to get snow today and I think that might help. I have been buying some baking supplies, and I am finally getting excited about doing some cooking and baking. Having all my kids in one place, their significant others, my best friend Bubba, his son, the dogs, the rabbit. A full house! That excites me, although entertaining stresses me terribly! So I guess I’d rather have everyone under the same roof than have all the packages under the same tree! 🙂


  2. Mrs Claus looks exhausted 🙂 I never thought about donating a tree back to the store and just finding one the next year. Living in apartments it was always what to do with the box that holds the tree. I love your tree skirt and decorations they look simple yet so festive and carry all your memories. Like Jean said, it’s not about the presents on Christmas, never was for me, it’s about the people I get to spend time together with as a whole, people who aren’t able to all be together any other time of the year and the conversations that we have as a result and the laughter that echoes in the home.


    • Thanks for the kind comment and stopping by. I agree with you. I like to do mostly homemade gifts but the health thing has left me somewhat challenged in that area. I keep trying. I’m just happy to have family and new friends to spend time with. Enjoy your holiday.



  3. Christmas for me is about sharing with others. My family is small just my brother and myself. I find it a joy to knit and crochet things for the woman’s shelter,our cancer/hospice
    center and a local homeless shelter. I think everyone should have a gift at Christmas. The
    best gifts are the ones given from one heart to another.
    I love you tree skirt. I enjoy seeing items which are designed and made with love. It always
    can be seen in the finished work.


    • Thank you for your kind comment and for reading. I agree with you. I’m hoping I can soon be well enough to do any kind of craft work again. It’s coming slowly. My family has reduced in size by two thirds since my divorce. Thanks again for stopping by.




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