Looking for answers to life's questions

I’ll admit it right now for all to know; I’m a list maker. My family makes fun of me but I have less problem with things being forgotten. I even have a sticky notes app for my computer. There are reminders to check the bank balance, order gift books online, etc.

I have lists in my smart phone. Grocery lists, gift lists, lists of things I need to remember, things I want to make, things I need to get done, and the lists go on and on.

Made this for my daughter to aid in her job as family gift wrapper.

Made this for my daughter to aid in her job as family gift wrapper.

I sat down with my cup of coffee and wrote out my Christmas list. Not the one to Santa asking for things I certainly don’t need, but the one to keep me on track to get everything accomplished for the holiday in a timely manner. I forgot to put mailing cards to Germany and Australia this week on the list. I keep burying my list under all the things I’m doing.

I wanted to finish gifts for a long-time friend who just had a birthday and rushed them to the post office. They actually arrived on time. I have my tree up but I’ve lost my tree top Angel. I’m going to get better organized this year. That’s going on my list when I find it. I’ve started following Organized at Heart for some help with that.

A thread catcher for my quilting friend.

A thread catcher for my quilting friend.

She can't find things with her name on them. I washed & pressed before sending

She can’t find things with her name on them. I washed & pressed before sending

I have my box of old left-over Christmas cards out that will be used this year. My card list is getting shorter and shorter so there is no need to purchase new. What I’m wondering about right now is how to display some of my favorites in a display that could actually stay up all year-long. I have so many different Angel cards that are too beautiful to put away. Checked Pinterest for ideas and I’m sure someone has come up with it, I just haven’t found it. I love the artwork on some cards so much that I buy extra.

This was one of my favorites but I always worry about offending.

This was one of my favorites but I always worry about offending.

My daughter was over yesterday for another day of heating the apartment with the oven. She made two batches of oatmeal/coconut cookies for the holiday. One more scratched off the list. Four more to go but on cold days, it makes sense to bake.

Would like to include one in each card. My friend got hers early.

Would like to include one in each card. My friend got hers early.

I have gifts to mail and almost forgot to put that on my list. It pops up now and then for me to add and subtract from. There it is, under the stack of blankets I have to keep me warm while I sit with my laptop. Maybe I can tie a bell to it. My daughter laughed at me when she noticed I had four notebooks sitting on my couch. Each has a different job.

Why do lists keep getting longer instead of shorter as we get things done? Funny thing though, even with the list getting longer, I’m more relaxed than ever over holiday preparations. I want to enjoy every moment of this wonderful holiday season.

Do you keep lists of things or can you remember everything without one.

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of the Christmas List" (16)

  1. For me, it is a little of both. I remember things pretty well, but find that my phone is invaluable. I use my notepad and calendar to keep me on track. Lists are your friend!


  2. I’m a list person too. I don’t have a Smartphone, but I have small notebooks all over the place and pieces of paper. I think I need a list of my lists. 🙂

    As for what to do with the cards, you could always make a collage in a bigger frame with singles in smaller frames surrounding it. Picture frames can be had cheaply in dollar stores. Just one idea 🙂


    • Thanks for the ideas Jackie. I have frames in the garage but can’t get to them until I get the final move done. I was looking for reasons to go to the thrift store. A far as small notebooks are concerned, I’d lose those but my last husband always had one in the top pocket of his bib overalls. He had a bad case of CRS. You know, Can’t remember S tuff. 🙂 He wore those bib overalls EVERYWHERE! I remember somethings but others just leak through the holes in my brain. Lists also prioritize what needs to get done and how soon. Thanks for reading. Warm, warm hugs, m


  3. Alys has encouraged me to adopt this technique too. I do find it helps me to not forget an item, even though I always add more to the darn list so it never is done. I really love all the embroidery you do Marlene. One day I’d love to get a machine to do this. I just dropped off two tea towels at a shop that does this work, the embroidery will be more than the tea towels cost, LOL. But I think they’ll be cute. I’d like to be able to design my own though. I’ve got buckets of christmas stuff to finish…best run along, it’s already 10:35…YIKES. Have a warm and productive, but relaxing day xoK (we can do both right? ha)


    • You are correct on all counts. First of all, you can have a productive and relaxing day if you follow my example and nap in the middle. Gives me two mornings of energy. No more than an hour does it since I’m a short sleeper at night. The embroidery does cost more than the towels. When I factor in the cost of a stabilizer, thread, the machine itself and the program to personalize, I have a great deal of money invested in a hobby. No way can I produce enough to make a living at it. But I love making personal gifts for friends and family. The lists do get longer but at the end of each day I look back to see what I have finished. When I can check something off the list, I’m so happy. i fought with a printer most of today and it wasn’t on the list. i get a gold star for not throwing it out the window though and printing my homework, recipes I need and letters to go with cards. Whew! No wonder I needed a nap. On to more embroidery. 🙂 BTW, I’m thinking of asking Santa for a trip to the Bahamas. It’s sooooo cold here, You all in Canada and the NE have my deepest sympathies. ;(


  4. grevilleacorner said:

    I used to be a list person but this has eased off greatly in the last year…..Mainly because my life has become simpler so I have less to juggle and remember the few things more easily 🙂


    • Thanks for reading. Glad to hear you don’t need lists anymore. As my life has simplified and I’ve delegated more small and large tasks, my mind has still refused to come completely back from hiatus. My illness did lots of damage and I’m aging, so lists of priorities help keep me on track. I’m with you though. Keep it simple.


  5. I don’t have many lists. I keep mine on my phone to stop having paper around as one of my goals is to have a paper-free home. I have an ongoing list of things I think of or people mention they would like for when I need to give a gift and I keep a list of things I may need when it’s time to do grocery shopping. The last thing I want to do is forget something especially now that I need someone else to pick up my groceries with the snow blocking the bike path on the road.

    Love your embroidery, as always. 🙂


    • Thanks Lois. I enjoy doing the embroidery now that I can again. I will probably never be without paper in my home. I look back over old lists and see what was on my mind years ago. I have boxes of them. They have been exceedingly helpful so many times I can’t begin to tell you. Even got me out of a parking ticket once. Different notebooks, different writing matter. I’ve even kept list my mother wrote to see her handwriting. Keeps her close. Nuts, I know, I’ll let go someday.


      • Okay, the lists your mother wrote are something special. I do wonder at times if some history will be lost because I don’t keep a journal or some other record. Yes, I have the blog but what if the internet would go down and all was lost. It’s a trade off for sure.


  6. Oh my gosh, that Santa’s Helper apron is cute, clever and inspired. I love it! What a great idea.

    I too admire machine embroidery (all embroidery really). It’s lovely what can be done with thread and a fine stitch. You work wonders, Marlene.

    Thanks so much for following Organized at Heart. I make lists and I also calender things using Outlook. Something I’ve found helpful (and you may already be doing this with your different books) is creating lists by category: phone calls, emails/internet, errands so that I group like with like.

    I try to do all my wrapping in one sitting, and get it done before the boys are out for the two week Christmas break. I love wrapping gifts, and once worked at a department store doing just that.


    • Thanks for reading Alys. I like your idea of categories for the lists. I sometimes just section of the page but that can get messy. I’m getting better at delegating than before. Passing off the baking for the most part and my daughter does the wrapping. If she could stand for any length of time it would be a great job for her. I saw the apron for daddy’s and decided to convert it to gift wrapping. The daddy’s apron was also done with permanent marker. Took a great deal of measuring and planning. I want to make another for myself and do measurements as I go. AFTER CHRISTMAS! 🙂


  7. I make grocery lists and usually end up leaving them on the kitchen table as I rush out the door. The best thing about writing something down is that it has implanted itself on short-term memory. I usually remember everything on the list. I agree with the rest of the folks, lists are better than forgetting.


    • You are so correct about the writing of the list and the imprint on the brain. I had a teacher in the 6th grade that taught us that. Proven it over and over. I also have spent a lifetime writing wish lists. My daughter says I am the worlds best at manifesting. If I write it on the list and let go of emotional attachment, I always get what’s on the list. Just be very careful what you ask for. 🙂 Lists are profoundly powerful. I have grocery list in my phone so I don’t leave it at home but write it on paper too so it does get imprinted. 😉


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