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Posts tagged ‘Christmas list’

In Search of the Christmas List

I’ll admit it right now for all to know; I’m a list maker. My family makes fun of me but I have less problem with things being forgotten. I even have a sticky notes app for my computer. There are reminders to check the bank balance, order gift books online, etc.

I have lists in my smart phone. Grocery lists, gift lists, lists of things I need to remember, things I want to make, things I need to get done, and the lists go on and on.

Made this for my daughter to aid in her job as family gift wrapper.

Made this for my daughter to aid in her job as family gift wrapper.

I sat down with my cup of coffee and wrote out my Christmas list. Not the one to Santa asking for things I certainly don’t need, but the one to keep me on track to get everything accomplished for the holiday in a timely manner. I forgot to put mailing cards to Germany and Australia this week on the list. I keep burying my list under all the things I’m doing.

I wanted to finish gifts for a long-time friend who just had a birthday and rushed them to the post office. They actually arrived on time. I have my tree up but I’ve lost my tree top Angel. I’m going to get better organized this year. That’s going on my list when I find it. I’ve started following Organized at Heart for some help with that.

A thread catcher for my quilting friend.

A thread catcher for my quilting friend.

She can't find things with her name on them. I washed & pressed before sending

She can’t find things with her name on them. I washed & pressed before sending

I have my box of old left-over Christmas cards out that will be used this year. My card list is getting shorter and shorter so there is no need to purchase new. What I’m wondering about right now is how to display some of my favorites in a display that could actually stay up all year-long. I have so many different Angel cards that are too beautiful to put away. Checked Pinterest for ideas and I’m sure someone has come up with it, I just haven’t found it. I love the artwork on some cards so much that I buy extra.

This was one of my favorites but I always worry about offending.

This was one of my favorites but I always worry about offending.

My daughter was over yesterday for another day of heating the apartment with the oven. She made two batches of oatmeal/coconut cookies for the holiday. One more scratched off the list. Four more to go but on cold days, it makes sense to bake.

Would like to include one in each card. My friend got hers early.

Would like to include one in each card. My friend got hers early.

I have gifts to mail and almost forgot to put that on my list. It pops up now and then for me to add and subtract from. There it is, under the stack of blankets I have to keep me warm while I sit with my laptop. Maybe I can tie a bell to it. My daughter laughed at me when she noticed I had four notebooks sitting on my couch. Each has a different job.

Why do lists keep getting longer instead of shorter as we get things done? Funny thing though, even with the list getting longer, I’m more relaxed than ever over holiday preparations. I want to enjoy every moment of this wonderful holiday season.

Do you keep lists of things or can you remember everything without one.

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself