Looking for answers to life's questions

I haven’t written in several weeks. First I was afraid to jinx my good luck. When things “worked out”, I had no time to write anything cohesive. I was trying to stay awake long enough to pick up tech support at the airport. Flight was an hour late. I drove to the airport before it got dark and just waited. Tech support is important to a blogger and anyone who spends as much time on the internet as I do.

On Friday the 13th, I got these in my hot little hand.

On Friday the 13th, I got these in my hot little hand.

I had been without internet for two days. I don’t think that’s happened since I first started using the computer. I had no idea how addicted (?) I am to the vast reaches of my wireless modem. I don’t excite easily but lose my internet connection and watch the electricity come off me. This last month I have e-mailed documents, printed them, signed them, scanned the signed copy back into the computer and e-mailed the document back to the sender. Did you know you can buy a house without ever seeing a human being? Then I learned how to play money on the internet. It’s like playing monopoly online. One click of the mouse and money’s all gone. You just bought some real estate that’s not quite Park place. But this time I have something to show for it.

Hydrangea by my front steps

Hydrangea by my front steps

If all works well, and you will know for certain by the appearance of this post, tech support landed safely and drove us to my new home. He will have to wade through bags and boxes to find the equipment he needs. Everything came out of the moving truck and the back of my car, landing squarely in the middle of every room, randomly.

Best move out of the 4 in last 4 years. Last one...I hope.

Best move out of the 4 in last 4 years. Last one…I hope.

So short and sweet, I have managed to purchase a manufactured home in a park where I rent the space. Not ideal but I have no one living down or upstairs. I don’t have to tiptoe at night or at 4:30 a.m. when I wake. I can paint my walls bright white and hang my own window coverings. It will cost me the same each month or even less than renting my apartment. This place needed a LOT of work to make it fresh and clean. I even needed to replace a floor. The pet the woman “didn’t have” made a real mess in one room and small messes in many. That fact was well hidden until I had the keys in hand. I’ll tell you more about it as time permits but just wanted you to know I have not been resting on my ample laurels.

After I ripped out the carpet and tackless strip.

After I ripped out the carpet and tackless strip.

sewing chair will roll nicely on this and it smells better now. Oil based paint underneath to seal it.

sewing chair will roll nicely on this and it smells better now. Oil based paint underneath to seal it.

This home park is like only a few I have seen. Plenty of green space around them and little fenced yards for your pet. The homes are permanent. They stay here until they fall apart and are replaced with another factory assembled home. I take care of my yard which is a perfect size for me. I even managed to snag a free lawnmower from someone moving on. My home was built the same year as my car so I’ll always know how old they are. They both need updating.

View from my kitchen window. Needs some care but it brings so much peace.

View from my kitchen window. Needs some care but it brings so much peace.

I don’t plan to see boredom until oh, 2025 maybe. I’ll send more pictures soon but tech support has completed his task and is scrounging the refrigerator for food I do not have at the moment. He’s going to have to wait till his next trip out to have mom cook his favorites. I’m just too tired right now. I might have managed the job of hooking up the internet but with everything else, it would have just been a bit much. You can’t beat a man at his own game. My techy took care of internet connection in 3 minutes flat. My tech support also hangs new shades, installs toilets and puts up shelves etc, etc, etc. I’m so lucky. All he needed was leftover Christmas cookies.

Who knew he would become my tech support and all round help? Just feed him.

Who knew he would become my tech support and all round help? Just feed him.

Tech support riding the cart while shopping. They never grow up really.

Tech support riding the cart while shopping. They never grow up really.

How far would you go to get tech support?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of Tech Support" (23)

  1. How fabulous is all of this? I wondered what was going on when you had to go wait at the airport for tech support – ‘Goodness,’ I thought ‘the US has quite gone to the dogs!’ Ah, but a son – yes indeedy, we would go to the ends of the earth for that kind of tech support!

    We do not have your ‘home in a park’ set-up here – but I can see it is a jolly sound idea – Like everything there will be draw backs, for nothing is perfect in this material world. However we can practise happiness and gratitude and inner contentment and for sure, more of that will come our way. It is just so wonderful that you have your own home and as you say can paint your walls – bright magenta if you please – and hang your own choice of curtains. Having a small garden to care for is a good thing, especially if you have a feeling of space around you from the park. I think I remember you mentioning a forest is behind your house [I hope I’m right with that memory] will that be a safe place to go for walks and to commune with nature? Or will you just enjoy knowing it is there?

    Well done Marlene – I wish you much happiness and contentment in your own house. May your garden grow abundant and beautiful and your home be ever safe and love filled xoxo


    • Thank you for the good wishes Pauline. It means a lot to me. You get it too that what you focus on increases. So I focus on all the good already in my life and stay in gratitude for all of it. Then more good just keeps rolling in the door. This is not every persons cup of tea but this is perfect for me. Many turn up their noses at manufactured homes. they are put together in a factory and shipped on trucks in 2 or 3 sections. When they get to where they are going, they put the sections together like a giant puzzle. They rarely use the best quality but they are affordable and you can make them as nice as you wish with what money you have. I bought this from a woman who swore she only smoked outside and had no dog. She lied on both counts but I’m making it all better. This entire neighborhood, (park) is only these manufactured homes but each one is required to keep there space tidy and clean. No junk cars or trash around them. It feels like a neighborhood. But I’m extra blessed to have wonderful grown (?) kids who are mountains of help. Tech support also takes lots of photos so they will be available as soon as I sit again. I can only say I am one grateful and happy woman. Hugs to you for cheering me on.


  2. grevilleacorner said:

    congrats – your new home looks lovely and what a wonderful view from your window 🙂


    • Thank you so much. Once I get settled enough, I plan to take my laptop up to the woods and catch up with all my virtual friends. I am fortunate to have good help so it won’t be much longer.


  3. So happy to hear that you are getting all settled in and that you have such great “tech support”. Enjoy your new home. I look forward to hearing much more about it.


    • Good to hear from you Dot. I’ve never been so exhausted but the whole thing feels wonderful. I have over 200 e-mails to read. My tech support (both son and daughter have been monumental in the help department. I don’t dare do this again. We are all plum worn out in a good way. Yes, there will be more news on the house.Love to hear about what’s going on on your end too. Hugs to the family. M


  4. Love the riding the cart photo!
    Hooray for your new slice of heaven…you deserve it! -Bree (Katie) and little big man Josh


    • He’s just a great big kid but one that also has a great big heart. He takes good care of his mom. He flew up from Calif just to help me out. I’ll have to come down again when it cools down there and I can drive again. Soon. Big hugs for Josh. I’ve loved watching him grow through your photos. Keep them coming. His smile is so captivating. Sure miss you and hope you are starting to write again. It’s a gift few get. Thanks so much for reading. Hugs, Marlene


  5. I’m so excited for you!


    • Thanks Missy. The reality is finally hitting. I’m excited too when I’m not bone weary. It’s so much fun to fix my own place. I’m hoping to be back soon. Even for just a visit.


  6. It sounds like you’ve just experienced a touch of divine intervention. Congratulations. I hope you’re happy and content in your new place for many, many years. My best, Barbara


    • I am extremely blessed and grateful. I think that’s what got me this far. I plan to have this be my last move. There has been a great deal of divine intervention in my life. I count on it. Hope all is well with you too. Miss hearing from you often but I do understand the concept of having one’s hands full. Hugs, M


  7. Pattypoo said:

    I would fly to the ends of the earth to just get a hug from your tech support ! I am so excitied and proud of you my sister! For all of us that know you, you are an inspiration.


    • Thank you Pattypoo. That makes me happy. I’m letting his huggable self sleep in this morning before we take the MAX into town to a camera store. More toys for growing boys. I am living in gratitude that I have this place. Photos as soon as my eyes can focus. Love you too my sister of my heart.


  8. Lovely to see this post Marlene and see and hear news of where you’re now safely getting set up. I wish you so much happiness and send all good wishes to you. Ruth


  9. I’ve just found your post! I’m so excited for you Marlene. I will leave a longer comment tomorrow when I’m not so tired. Big, big hugs. xox


    • Gee! What’s tired? Oh yeah, now I remember. It’s what I’ve been for the last month and especially the last 7 days. I so understand. 🙂


      • Moving is exhausting, isn’t it? All that stress from the bank leading up to it didn’t help either. I hope you get to settle in and enjoy very soon. xox


      • Good Morning Alys. Yes, moving is exhausting and I don’t think I’ll do it again.:) But it’s been fun in so many ways. There is a saying from the practice of Feng Shui that if you want to change your life, move 27 things in your home. Well, I think mission accomplished. I see BIG changes ahead. 🙂 We have been having a great time looking at all the possibilities here. Dealing with a lender is the hardest part. I don’t envy anyone going through that part. Negotiating with the seller on different items was also something I’ve never done. This has been a real stretch for me as a single woman. I’ve done well and remarkably stress free. I figure what is meant to be, will. It’s all perception and mine is getting better every day. Thanks for all your encouraging words. Hugs, back down to earth Marlene. 🙂


  10. Marlene, hurray for you. I’ve visited friends in the nicer parks, so I can easily picture yours. I’m so happy you’ve found an affordable place to spread your roots and make your own. It’s fabulous that you did the clean and purge in your apartment, because now you’re starting with a clean slate.

    The new floor looks nice, and will last much longer than carpet anyway, so although she lied (shame on her), you now have a lovely replacement floor for your sewing room, all the better too, when you drop pins and needles. Bonus!

    I love the photo of your son on the back of the shopping cart. That made me smile. My husband is tech support around here and how lucky I am. There is so much to know about this stuff. It makes me feel inept, though I remind myself that I’m good at other things.

    I’m looking forward to future posts as you make your house your home. The surrounding greens are glorious. Enjoy!


    • Thank you Alys. I can see your sons being as helpful as mine in your golden years. You and their dad couldn’t have raised anything but. I do love the laminate floor and if it wasn’t discontinued stock, I’d do the whole house in it. I’ll take the time to decide the next step but figure the entire floor will need sealing before new flooring gets put down. Much later, I’m sure. My son has done so many fix-it things around here, it’s hard to imagine what I would have done without him. I can’t begin to tell you how much my daughter helped but that will be another blog. I am blessed beyond words.


  11. Oh wow, you’ve already managed new flooring. Looks super duper and yah yah, I can just see you zipping around on your wheeling chair like the wind. It’s so nice to freshen things up. We had to do some new carpets in the basement and two hours later, it went from yuk to, “hey, it’s nice and cool down here”. I probably wouldn’t have spent any time down there before.
    I’m so darn happy for you Marlene, a dream is realized and with a little spit and polish you are going to have a place you love. I don’t think it’s possible to buy any pre-owned home that you don’t need to do something too. To be able to make it your own is a must for gals like us.
    How lucky to have a hydrangea too. I would adore a blue one but they aren’t hardy enough for our winters. I had a variety that grows very small yellow/lime balls that fade to blush pink when dry. Very pretty but not like the giant blue poofs you see on ones like yours. Have you been using your deck much? We have a very small one but I’m out there right now. It’s been really hot here. It’s fun discovering the garden here. I have a peony that was beautiful 4 days ago, before a heavy rain.
    Thank goodness for tech support hey? The fact that he works for cookies is a bonus, LOL.
    Alys and I were shooting the breeze and were calculating how far Portland is from San Jose (I’ve driven before, it took us 3 days), it’s only an 11 hour drive for her or under 2 hours by plane. We’ve put you on our list for places we can get too. Of course well let you get well settled, we’re not totally nutty. xoxoxoxK


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