Looking for answers to life's questions

There aren’t enough hours in the day, days in the week or weeks in a year. I don’t think there is enough lifetime to pick my favorite. I could be talking about a lot of things here. In my mind I am but for this moment, I’m talking about quilts.

quilt of valor for our servicemen. This is why I quilt. Generous hearts in these quilters

quilt of valor for our servicemen. This is why I quilt. Generous hearts in these quilters

3 Native ladies

3 Native ladies

If you are not a quilter, please don’t despair and think this post is not for you. If you are an artist or an appreciator of art, as I am, than you will surely find something here to delight you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like some art more than others but the creativity in others never ceases to astound me. Please don’t let me open a Pinterest page. I’m gone for hours.

A soft colored landscape made completely from fabric, but how?

A soft colored landscape made completely from fabric, but how?

Even letters and postcards can be made into fabric art

Even letters and postcards can be made into fabric art

I couldn't begin to sew on this since I'm already dizzy.

I couldn’t begin to sew on this since I’m already dizzy.

Modern look for a traditional pattern

Modern look for a traditional pattern

There was every form of fabric art imaginable at the NW Quilters Show. It’s a small show and I pared my photos down to a few of those that came out in spite of bad light. I wish I had room to show them all and if I knew how to do a slide show, I would. Maybe I’ll learn that this winter.

I see these ladies at every quilt show in their skirts made from  ties.  I have lots of ties to create with, just not enough hours...yet.

I see these ladies at every quilt show in their skirts made from ties. I have lots of ties to create with, just not enough hours…yet.

Something simple.

Something simple.

This has taken a while to post as I’ve been quite busy on my own projects. More on that later. I’m almost ready to catch my breath. The quilt show inspired me to keep trying to quilt and try new techniques. A day of appreciation is always inspiring.

What inspires you and which was your favorite.

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of My Favorite" (20)

  1. Beautiful! I have always admired quilters. I don’t have the patience lol
    I love the landscape one! I would have loved to see that first hand. Hope you are doing well Marlene! big hugs.


    • Thanks Jackie. It does take patience. Sometimes I just have to walk away and come back later. I’m an amateur compared to these quilters/fabric artists. You make art with your words. That I envy, big time. I can do several things not very well. 🙂 I can appreciate really well though. 🙂


  2. I’ve tried my hand at quilting Marlene 🙂 I made three, none of them particularly inspirational or even well made. I had to admit I am not a quilter. But my I do admire those who can! I have two favourites, the landscape one and the letters beneath – that would be so fun to do. I cannot conceive how that landscape might be done though – such vision and clarity and stitching ability!

    I look forward to seeing some of your creations when you are ready to show them. I hope you have slowed down a bit and are feeling well. xoxo


    • Feeling well as I can and slowing down has not been a option. More in the next post. I’m writing it now. I don’t consider myself a quilter either. I play at it. But I so appreciate fine artwork where I find it. I will never be the artist you are or another friend with her words. Everyone has something they do well. My quilts will never hang for exhibits but they keep the back of the sofa clean and me warm should I need a cover. 🙂 That’s good enough!


  3. The quilts are beautiful. I used to try my hand at it…but now I’d rather write and explore!


    • I’m still trying to do it all. Quilters are very welcoming and I want to make new friends. This is how I do it and they have such generous hearts that I find I’m drawn to them. Most of them are so willing to teach a novice like me. 🙂 Miss seeing you.


  4. I love quilts but never have quilted despite doing everything else – you know, knitting, sewing, cross stich, etc. etc. Always admired those who craft together these beautiful coverings. I especially love the Quilt of Valor. Lovely to have a creative outlet like this. Looking forward to hearing more of your other projects Marlene…I’m intrigued 🙂


  5. I admire people who can create something so beautiful. I’m not very talented when it comes to sewing, etc. I don’t have the patience to sew a button. 🙂


    • I think some of us were created to be admirers of others talents. That’s why it’s important for some of us to be the readers of others writing and the purchasers of art or the listeners of music. I sew some, but appreciate on a GRAND scale. 🙂 I can dabble at writing, but have a vast library of books, etc. I enjoy the company of creative people so much that I pretend I’m part of that group. Keeps life interesting and entertaining. I’m delighted to meet a fellow admirer. Thanks for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I’m reading around the edges and must admit I’m a bit worried about you. I hope things are okay and trust you’ll let us know in time. I’m sorry to hear that Halloween will be spent somewhere else, but perhaps I’m projecting and that it’s all good.

    I too tried quilting many years ago and didn’t have the patience for it. I’ve always loved sewing, embroider, hook rugs, needlepoint…I’m not sure why quilting wasn’t a natural for me. That said, I love them. I know the work that goes into making one and I admire the artistry and skill. The idea of a quilting bee, with women gathered around, sewing and sharing stories has also appealed to me over the years. Now we blog!

    It’s hard to pick a favorite and I can well imagine you have dozens of great photos as well. The fabric landscape is stunning. I wish I could see that one up close. I also like the musical instruments (such artistry) and the letters. Intriguing.

    Sending love and positive energy your way, MH. xoxox


  7. Dear fellow Pinterest addict, how fun to see all the handiwork firsthand. I know photo’s just never seem to do them justice but I’m most keen on the paper/postcard/photo quilt. The traditional ones are charming, but I favour the off-beat ones. I have done some quilting and took a fabulous ‘Seminal Quilting’ class. The method is sewing strips of fabric together, roller cutting at different angles and then sewing together those strips into patterns. I really enjoyed it at the time but have a lot of new interests to make time for too. I do love to sew home things too. Like aprons or simple pillows and such or actually do a bit of sewing on my paper projects. Have you seen the quilts that are made from marbled fabrics? They take a bunch of strips and sew them all in the same direction to make a picture. They’re pretty cool looking too. Are you using your embroidery machine much? We’re you able to set it up in your new place Marlenie? I’ve been supper busy with work but looking forward to a bit of a lull to get to some of my favourite blogs. Glad I was able to catch up today. I’ve been thinking of you xoK


  8. Marlene what beautiful quilts and a nice way to spend an afternoon. Plus it gave you a break from working on your house. I love the 3 Native Ladies but the quilt of valor would match my home better 🙂 Picking a favorite of anything is hard as my tastes are always evolving and changing.


  9. I loved them all, but the landscape one intrigued me! ♥


  10. grevilleacorner said:

    I generally like bold colours, rather than pastels – but this time, my favourite was the “soft coloured landscape” 🙂


    • Thank you again for reading and it seems the vote for the landscape is almost unanimous. I couldn’t see well enough to see how it was done. Oddly, it didn’t win any prize but my readers all loved it.

      Liked by 1 person

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