Looking for answers to life's questions

Things change fast in my little world. I was finally catching my breath. Completing the simple pillowcase dress that is going with many others to an orphanage in Haiti, and 2 quilt squares for my quilting group that scared me to pieces. Quilts do that to me. I was ready to get on with the unpacking and putting away of MORE BOOKS.

Simple drawstring dress for little girls with so little

Simple drawstring dress for little girls with so little

bottom border of the dress

bottom border of the dress

I bought 3 more bookcases so I could get the rest of my books out of storage and eventually get a smaller, more inexpensive unit. I have more to give away and more to sell. There has been a lot of work going on here and a lot of play. Let’s break this down into bite sized chunks.

This was the prototype (experiment)  to see how the final one would look

This was the prototype (experiment) to see how the final one would look

I thought about making another like this prototype but changed my mind.

I thought about making another like this prototype but changed my mind.

My house is starting to look like a home and my sister who has been with me for the last three months is looking for a place of her own closer to her new job and all the places she goes to regularly. My place puts a lot of miles on her truck so the search is on.

Now I’ll be heading back to California for a month of working with my son to pack and paint his house. He has an offer on his home and they want a 30 day escrow. There is no realtor involved so they must do the paperwork. After putting my home together with the help of my children and sister, I’ll be helping to dismantle his.

ready to turn in and combine.

ready to turn in and combine.

A closer look at my take on a quilt square

A closer look at my take on a quilt square

This little birdy faces the other way.

This little birdy faces the other way.

My quilt squares were turned in this week and I thought they would be put into a big quilt and raffled off. That wasn’t the case. They were divided in two and names drawn to win each of the stacks of 12 blocks. I won a stack and now I’m supposed to put it together and bring it to the Christmas meeting. It’s obviously not going to happen. I doubt I can get it done when I get back in time for the December meeting but maybe for the party after Christmas. It will be a keepsake of each member that made a square.

We all started out with the same 2 fabrics. Then added our own touch. Now the fun begins...in December.

We all started out with the same 2 fabrics. Then added our own touch. Now the fun begins…in December.

Can you see why my mind is a little scattered these days? Our weather went from hot to canoe weather. Wish I could send some of it to those who need it. My son hasn’t seen significant rain in a year. I’m grateful every day I found this perfect place to be a platform for transitions. That’s the story of life. Nothing every stays the same. It’s all one big adventure, if you choose to see it that way. Go with the flow, that’s what the canoe is for. Paddle in the direction of the current, not against it.

Home is where we can ground ourselves and share with others. I hand embroidered this piece.

Home is where we can ground ourselves and share with others. I hand embroidered this piece.

Life has offered many challenges opportunities. Even my health challenges have an upside. Since my mouth doesn’t work as well as it used to, I spend more time listening and learning. So much for being the biggest talker in the family. On to this next adventure. I’ll let you know how it goes.

What’s your next big adventure?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of the Next Big Adventure" (20)

  1. Good luck in your next adventure Marlene! The quilt squares look great! I love the ones with the birds on them. Big hugs. Be safe, be happy.


  2. The little dress is adorable! Have fun packing and painting with your son. Is he moving to Oregon?


  3. Now your last comment on my blog makes sense. I hadn’t seen this before now. You’ve got a busy month ahead. I love the way you take care of each other, you, your son and your daughter. As it should be, but often is not.

    I like your take on the quilt square. The embroidered bird is darling.

    Congratulations to your sister for landing a job. Will she stay put till you return in December?

    Wishing you safe travels and a smooth road ahead. I hope the escrow goes smoothly. You’ve become a moving pro. Hugs


  4. PS What a delightful little dress. I love that you made it for a little girl in Haiti.


  5. Wow Marlene, it never seems to stop for you! You must be a moving guru by now and you will have your son organised in no time – hopefully moving closer? I love the fabric of the dress – what a good pattern for a hot country and even more kudos to you for making one so pretty for a wee girl! I am always amazed at how several people can take the same materials for a project and come back with a whole pile of totally different takes on it! Creativity is a wonderful gift!! Your embroidered centre and the framed piece are both lovely – I do not have the patience for such fine work!

    Do you know I have no next big adventure planned – but my dream remains to find a way to buy my cottage in the country ….. I’ve found the cottage now just need to find the windfall 🙂 And finding that would be an adventure!!


    • If I know anything about this universe, it’s that it always says yes. I put what I want on a list and let the rest of it come about however. I have always received everything I’ve ever really wanted. Not always as I envisioned it but always just as it should be. That’s how I ended up here. I’ve never been happier. Yes, I’m a world class packer. I’ve done it more than most. My son will be moving here with us. At least for the time being until he gets a new direction.His sister and I are delighted. The embroidery was done on a machine in a couple of hours. It does take some patience but not like hand embroidery as was done in the home sweet home piece. Thanks for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Marlene, big hugs to you on your new adventure! Your talent and creativity are amazing! xo


  7. grevilleacorner said:

    Best wishes for your Californian ‘adventure’ – what lies beneath your story is the wisdom of the ages – that is, how we greet and respond to what happens to us in life, creates our experience _/\_


  8. You are one busy lady Marlene and now off to California too…wow! Thinking of you and hope all goes well with your son’s house sale and move. My mum always came out to help me from England, especially when I went through my divorce and had to sell the family home in CA before coming back. I love the way your family helps one another, a true blessing. I speak to my friend from CA on Skype regularly and she tells of the terrible drought they are having there. They need rain desperately. We have strange, mild weather here, and last winter barely a day of frost, just rain, more rain and storms which did terrible damage. The world is upside down it seems in more ways than one. I love your quilts, all the patterns are beautiful. Lovely to read that you are getting things in their place step by step…and you are so right about that, we really do need to just go with the flow and stop swimming against the current. So much easier that way! Have a lovely day my friend 🙂


  9. Look at you Sew! All the blocks are fab, but you’re sweet birdies knock it out of the park. Congratulations on being one of the lucky winners. What a fun idea. I’m sure you’ve said before, but where about’s in California does your son live Marlene? I ask because Dec 11 -16, I’ll be in San Diego. Any chance we’ll be in the same area at the same time? It’s great that he’s sold his house so quickly. It must be such a relief. Won’t it be nice to spend a month together while getting things done?
    I biggiefied the little dress you’ve created. Super cute idea Marlene! Such a nice thing to do too. How’d you get involved in that? I’m always seeing pretty pillowcases at the Antique store for cheap and wondered how they could be used.
    Sounds like you’ve got a fair number of books to organize. I don’t have nearly as many but am planning a little reading area in a dining area with a bay window. I’ll be down the road, so many of mine books are still packed. I’ve been too busy to sit and read currently. Infact off to work shortly so best giddy-up. Have a beautiful day, hugs xoK


    • Thanks for checking in with me. My son is 45 minutes north of Burbank which is north of LA. I’m hoping to either use my ticket to fly back on Dec 1 or ride up with my son if all goes well. A lot of things can still go wrong but we are being optimistic and packing like it’s going to happen.
      All he will get from this deal is a clean credit score. No cash to start again. But we are still painting, finishing putting in the new master bath and the whole house needs molding,
      You want to talk about books! My son has more than I do. He’s getting rid of the furniture but not the books.
      I still get to read a little bit each night before I fall asleep. Got a lot read at the airport and on the flight. I’ll be hitting the sewing machine when I get home, I hope. Enjoy San Diego. It’s beautiful there. The weather is perfect in Dec. We had 90 today.
      The little dress is called a pillowcase dress and I imagine you could make one from a pillowcase. We made them from fabric we had on hand. I certainly wouldn’t use vintage pillowcases for them.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Moldings? New bathrooms? Gads Marlene, you can start a home contractor business after all this home reno experience 😀 Don’t work too hard hon xoK


      • I should write a blog about all the home repair I’ve done over the years. One house from subfloors up to new roof. I didn’t do it all myself but arranged it all. Oh I could tell you stories.:)

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Wow your life went from busy to crazy busy. Maybe you could offer the quilt squares to someone who has more time to complete it? Is your son leaving California?

    I wish you lived closer I found a huge bookcase upstairs in the house. It’s four feet by seven feet. I’m trying to decide how I can use it but would gladly have given it to you.

    Don’t overdo it helping to pack up your son’s house and save some energy for your return projects.

    P.S. I changed the commenting system on my new blog to disqus if you would like to visit. It seems to have cleared up all the problems people had with the blogger default system.


    • I haven’t been able to find you other than these older blogs from wordpress. Crazy is the operative word. I want to keep the quilt as a keepsake. I’ll do it up in time for the Christmas party on Dec 30. Late but done. I’m finally done getting bookcases. Prefab work well and are inexpensive. Just like my house. I want to find you so I can see pics of your new place.


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