Looking for answers to life's questions

It’s been two weeks already. The photos I have taken make it look like it’s till Halloween. We didn’t dress up for Halloween but any of these get-ups would have worked quite well.

I'm the holder of the balance pole. I

I’m the holder of the balance pole. I

Ninja painter? Scary job

Ninja painter? Scary job

I’ve made no secret of the fact that I have moved a great deal. I forgot to mention that many of those times my children moved with me. It’s become contagious. They have moved more than most of their friends too. Obviously, I don’t think they are done either.

What is it about moving that stirs up so many contrasting emotions? Delight at new possibilities, fear of the unknown, grief over lost friendships and familiar surroundings are all part of those emotions.

My son did the entire job by himself. There was no tub in the master bath.

My son did the entire job by himself. There was no tub in the master bath.

He had a good start before I got here with the important stuff...books

He had a good start before I got here with the important stuff…books

I was discussing with my son the other night after packing his glassware under layers of baking pans that I should hire myself out as a packer. I pack to get stuff where it’s going undamaged. He reminded me of all the times I helped to move him and his sister as well as my own sister from their places of residence.

In the beginning. The top started out backwards.

In the beginning. The top started out backwards.

It's complete now but no photo.

It’s complete now but no photo.

How do two small women move an extra heavy king sized mattress down the stairs and across the parking lot to a waiting rental truck? My daughter and I couldn’t lift it so we slid it down the stairs to the front door. Then I started laying out cardboard boxes one in front of the other. As we slid the mattress over one set of flattened boxes, I’d pick them up and place them in front of the mattress again and keep sliding. Then we tipped the mattress into the truck with brute force. Yes, two little women can conjure up brute force when the conditions are right. That was another long story that I will tell one day.

Spray painting is the way to go in very high places

Spray painting is the way to go in very high places

Here’s how I pack artwork without paying for expensive packing. They always make it to their destination safe if properly wedged in somewhere.

Painting slid into still flat box and all the edges taped.

Painting slid into still flat box and all the edges taped.

When my last husband and I moved from the home he originally shared with his first wife, we moved a 58 foot 18 wheeled truck jammed full of stuff. They put an 8 foot box on the back of the trailer and we drove a pickup and car…filled. That was the pared down version of my ex’s collection of stuff. I’m living a much simpler life now and never moving it again… I hope. My books are happy just where they are.

So our next project before inspection and appraisal is the moldings around the doors and floors. The main bathroom has had the slow drain problem repaired after the wall had to be cut open. The plumbers installed a clean-out valve so the new owners don’t have to go through that again. It was 90 degrees here today. I’m ready to go home and watch it rain. And rain. And rain.

The hole in the wall bandit at work.

The hole in the wall bandit at work.

We took the slow way home so nothing blew off. The box lifted molding up for better visibility and we needed one that size.

We took the slow way home so nothing blew off. The box lifted molding up for better visibility and we needed one that size.

Moving is madness but sometimes it’s a must. Things happen and we must adjust. Are you dug in deep or still feeling the pull of wanderlust? Can we bring an end to this madness or must we go bust?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of An End To This Madness" (32)

  1. Ah Marlene, I feel your pain. lol I’ve moved so many times I’ve lost count. When I was with the ex, we moved over 40 times! In 13 years. It was crazy! Now, sometimes I still get that wanderlust of a ‘new’ place, but then I sit, drink a cup of coffee, and it passes LOL. Big hugs my friend, hope you can go home soon.


  2. The only good thing about moving is, it’s a great time to donate things you haven’t used in years. I make a point of donating a bag of items each month, so if and when I do move, there won’t be so much stuff. Glad your books are happy! 🙂


    • Thanks for reading Jill. That is so true and I have been offloading for the last 5 years. I left with a truck load and once I landed, I started selling stuff off, then giving stuff away. There is always a donation box by my kitchen that goes each week or so. I’m not done yet even though I’m done moving. My son will sell all his furniture in a yard sale next weekend . The box to donate is full and another started. I LOVE purging. I was set to put stuff on Craigslist before coming here to help.


  3. Love the words, “we must adjust.” Sometimes change is easy and really anticipated. Others, not so much and we dig our heels in kicking and screaming. Home truly is where the heart is – not necessarily a physical place. It will be so nice for you to have your son closer – even with the hard work! Yeah for you!


    • Thanks Missy. Sorry to hear you will be leaving the area. When are you heading out? I won’t be back till Dec. Change is hard. Even if you want it. For me home is where I get to call the shots. It will be nice to have both my kids close by, but they have their own lives and I have to make one for myself somehow. Having them close by though is such a grand thing. I’m glad you will have your family all close too.


      • Our move date is December 9th. I was talking with my daughter-in-law this morning about possible houses in Bend. It’s getting real now, but exciting. In fact, it makes me smile just thinking about all of us being in the same town. Take care!


      • I’m sorry I won’t get to see you before you leave. I’ve always wanted to see that area. Hear it’s beautiful. Like you, I wanted to be where most of my family was and now the last member will be there too. I’ll keep following you on your blog though. Distance is short on the internet. 🙂


  4. I hope no bank robbers are visiting your blog today because they may get some disquise ideas, LOL. Gads, you are really going to town. If only every homeowner selling would do so much before moving out. It wouldn’t have taken us 3 years to find a home. Nothing like a fresh coat of paint to make something look brand spanking new. We had the choice of redo-ing the hardwood or painting (time limited) before we were moving in. I choose painting. It’s nice and bright now and looks 100 % cleaner too. Sorry to the previous owner but I’m a neat freak. Get this! Those new bathroom counters are identical to my bathroom counters, funny. Why do we wait to sell a home before we add all these nice things? Let’s just do it for ourselves this time around Marlene! My next update is going to be drapes. I only left up the ones that were a must for privacy because they’re all…..how can I put it…….butt ugly. LOL xoxox k


    • Why is it that houses always have ugly curtains in them? Do the people sell their homes because they can’t stand those curtains a moment longer do you think? I agree, make your home nice for yourself, enjoy yourself with clean bright beautiful surroundings – it makes for happier incumbents!


      • You make me laugh out loud. My son picked these curtains and thinks they are wonderful, Bachelor taste, I’m not fond of them either. I took the lot of them down out of my place when I moved in as they were dark and smelled bad. Gave them to the thrift store. We’ve put fresh paint in the rooms so she can move children and new baby in straight away. She had a baby last weekend and will move in around Thanksgiving here if all goes well. I’ll scrub it down for them and they are on their own with the rest.


    • My son was doing it for himself. Had not planned to sell till he got laid off his job. He’s a bachelor working too many hours to get much done by himself. He needed help. A second pair of hands makes a lot of difference. This place was a short sale when he bought it and knew it needed some work. Turned out to be a money pit. He likes the new buyers and they have little ones so he’s working hard to make it as good as possible with the time we have left. It’s already in escrow so we are just making sure everything works well for them.

      I put up new duet blinds for privacy. Not curtains yet and I’ll probably do something very light like lace. I need all the light I can get. Men have different taste and this was his home so he could do it his way. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m sure they’ll be thankful for any project they don’t need to address when they move in. I sure would be. You’re both very thoughtful and kind. I had Duet blinds in our previous home. They’re really great! Hunter Douglas was really good about repairing them when needed too since they had a time time warranty. There are blinds on every window here. Nice that they’re beige but they’re nothing to write home about, LOL. Sometimes soon I hope, I’m a patient woman. xoK


  5. Speaking as one perennial gypsy to another – I have one more move in me – but whether it ever happens is in the laps of the gods. So I adjust and practise finding contentment where I am! Sigh!

    I am MOST impressed with your ninja photo and how you moved the mattress! My daughter moves in a couple of weeks and I am quite relieved to not be required with the process as all her work mates have decided to do it for her – how great is that! I can just be in charge of delivering refreshments, an easy job! We also thought poor Siddy might be more of a nuisance [Siddy?? A nuisance – never!!] than a help!

    Hope it is all going well and yu will be back home listening to the rain soon 🙂


    • insearchofitall said:

      Thanks for reading Pauline. I like contentment. I used that expression a lot while in my apartment. It was perfectly adequate if I had to stay there. I stayed in gratitude for it but the desire for my own place was always on the horizon. I would be happy either way. I think that’s why I was smiled upon and a good compromise came up.
      My son the ninja painter is afraid of falling from high places. I’m not. I just have balance issues. 🙂 The over-spray from the paint sprayer made us cover everything. I had to keep looking up at him in case he got wobbly. He liked my idea of the balance pole. Worked quite well.
      I’m afraid Siddy would be more entertainment than help. He may get lost with doors opening and closing and everyone in and out. That would be catastrophic.

      I don’t mind being a gypsy with a home base. You’ll get your last move real soon. I’m sure of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh Marlene, I feel so much all you share here, having moved so many times including internationally, four times. Must be totally nuts but there it is. We have lived in our present house, me hubby and 22 year old daughter, for 7 years, the longest I’ve lived anywhere in 35 years. It’s good to be able have the opportunity to sort and clear things out though, that’s one good thing, but where indeed does our strength and energy come from? Our garage is still full of my boys’ stuff, neither of them owning their own houses and moving frequently. 90 degrees? That’s way too hot for this time of year but I remember California weather only too well. Hope you get home to some wonderful rain soon…but what a wonderful mom you are! Hugs to you Marlene… 🙂


    • Thanks for reading Sherri. It’s finally cooled to normal. I don’t have a garage at my place so my son’s things all go into storage till he gets another place. it’s the way of life these days. My house has my sister’s furniture too. 😦 It’s crazy madness. Hugs back to you. Isn’t it nice we can hug across oceans?

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Sure does look like Halloween hung around a bit longer this year. 😉 I’m sure you are looking forward to getting home and settling in for the winter months and having your home to yourself.

    You and your daughter crack me up, that’s how I manage so many things as I refuse to give in and say I can’t do something (unless it involves ladders which are death traps for me).


    • Oh yes, Lois. STAY OFF THE LADDERS! It looks like Halloween many days here with being covered in paint. How is your move coming? I’ll be by for a visit shortly. Chasing my tail right now. Thanks for stopping by and I’m delighted to give you a giggle.


  8. grevilleacorner said:

    Moving home is a great opportunity for decluttering. I have moved many times and have ended up with less “stuff” each time…..the best being when hubby and I moved from Singapore to New Zealand for a year and were effectively “homeless” so we had only the “stuff” that we could fit in our suitcases for the flight over and stayed like that for a year while we had a wonderful time camping. It was a life changing experience. Now i have loads more “stuff” again as I have settled back into a permanent home in Australia – but I don’t have the same attachment for it – I could let it all go in an instant. That feels good and right 🙂


    • Thanks for reading. I was like that in my youth. In the last 20 years, I’ve collected many lovely books and just can’t part with them, I loan them out freely but love to have them line my walls for (insulation). 🙂 I have quite a collection of crafting and sewing materials, but nothing other than a few things of loved ones long gone, matters. I’ve started fresh many times. You have lived in places I can only hope to see one day. I was homeless the first 2 years after leaving my husband, sleeping on sofas, futons of family members that gave me shelter and paying my rent with domestic work for them. I was grateful. Still moving stuff out of my life and now helping my son move stuff out of his. My phrase these days is “it won’t all fit in the truck” Let it go. It’s his books and tools and art supplies that will make it. Everything else will be sold or given away. I’m with you. It’s very freeing.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Anne Marie Whalley said:

    When you will read my book you’ll see that I had only my books crossing the ocean. I wish you good luck with the moving hoping it will be the last one.


    • Thanks for reading my blog, Anne Marie. I started reading your book. I’ll let you know when I finish. I myself will never move again but so many are in transitions right now. Maybe it’s the alignment of the stars. Hugs.


  10. Hello Marlene, After your visit to my blog, via Alys, I just had to come over here. It’s funny to be reading a blog when I know nothing about you! Moves can be an adventure and fun, unwanted and sad, but either way, moves are work, work, work!! The main benefit, as someone else pointed out, is that it offers the opportunity to clean out, donate, throw away.
    After years and years of moving (military child, education and job changes) I have been in my home for 17 years! I’ve never lived in one place so long! Scary!
    Good luck to you and by the way … that photo of the truck … wow! I’d have done the same thing 🙂


    • Hi Laurie, Thanks for following and reading. I too was a military brat and wife that came with lots of moves. I’ve read your comments on so many of the blogs I follow, it feels like we are old friends already. I read your about page and will be reading more as time permits. I am NO photographer as I’m somewhat visually challenged. Alys woke me to the importance of photos so I give it the point, shoot and pray attitude. With a bit of cropping, I can salvage something. Hope to see you again soon. 🙂


  11. Moving – ah yes, a word to put fear in our hearts and shivers down our spines! Like you and many of your readers I view moving as a great way to de-clutter and downsize even further. If I don’t move, I don’t evaluate whether I’ve used things recently or not, and so they stay. My last move (to this tiny little tropical island) was the biggest down-sizing I’ve done – except for my books, which were culled ruthlessly but still filled many, many boxes, so your photos of your books were very evocative for me. Thanks for a great post!


    • Thank you for reading Clare. I have spent the last 4 months setting up a new home for myself and now helping my son do the same. So many I know are now in transition. I have been culling for the last 4 years having moved that often during that time. You see what is important to you when you move. I’m done but my son still has a way to go. I read your posts each time but don’t always get to comment. They are ever so helpful and I appreciate the work you put into them. Thank you.


  12. I”m thoroughly done with moving. We left our home in Canada when I was six. Dad’s visa was delayed, causing a six month delay. I went to three different schools in the second grade. We eventually landed in Millbrae (for 7 years) then Santa Clara, then San Jose. We’ve lived in our home for 18 years, the longest I’ve lived anywhere. When we were first dating, Mike and I talked about this. His family moved back and forth across the country too, in addition to some time in Argentina. We both wanted to raise our boys, to the extent possible, in one place. I’m happy to say we’ve pulled that off. Other than a six week stay in a motel during the worst of our remodel ten years ago, they’ve never known any other home. I love travel, but man of man, it feels good to set down roots.

    Lovely post, Marlene.


  13. Happy to have discovered you Marlene 😀 (via Pauline). We will be moving soon (some time in the New Year). Hubby is trying to convince me that we can make the trek across the Rockies in January – probably the most dangerous time to be on the roads what with the possibility (probability more like it) of avalanches, black ice and white outs. So I’m trying to buy us some time (digging my heels in). No matter how many times we move (and we have moved around a lot) I still haven’t ‘got used to it’. Hope you are settled in 😀


    • Thanks for stopping by Yolanda. I’ve been taking a peak at your blog as well. It’s possible to cross the Rockies in January, but I wouldn’t recommend it. I’ve been caught in a white out that was not predicted outside Albuquerque NM. I was “led” through it. Never, ever want to experience that again. Somehow, things work out. I don’t plan to ever move again. My son on the other hand, well, he has no wife to help so I got elected. I don’t have to do the moving, just the packing, painting and helping in general.

      Isn’t Pauline the greatest. I am always entertained by her and rush when I see a post she’s done. I’ll be seeing more of your blog soon. I so want this job finished so I can go home and get ready for Christmas in my OWN home.

      Liked by 1 person

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