Looking for answers to life's questions

Happy New Year One and All. I have never been so glad to see a new year as I have this year. I’m not saying the last year was bad by any stretch of the imagination. It was challenging at best and I’m totally worn out.

Having spent the last six months of it going from being quite content with my perfectly lovely apartment to moving into my own home brought about some surprising stresses. I lost things. While moving 5 times in the last 5 years, things went missing. Still have not found my saucepans and cannot bring myself to get others as I’m sure they will appear when I stop looking. I am missing a drawer caddy filled with crafting tools and as I was trying to make banana bread, the masher could not be located. It did eventually turn up as will all the other things I’m missing, I hope.
Arriving home late December 1 after being away for five weeks, I woke up and it was already January 1. Where had the time gone? So much had happened or not happened.

Wonderful gifts came in from perfect strangers (perfect in my opinion anyway) and new friends alike. I’ll show you soon. Somehow in the rush of it all, cards were detached from gifts so I couldn’t figure out where some things came from. There was a sweet bookmark with a paper cut snowflake and for the life of me I can’t find who sent it. I received a beautiful card with no return address and a signature I couldn’t make out.

Will the sender please let me know who you are. I so appreciate the gift.

Will the sender please let me know who you are. I so appreciate the gift.

I’ve lost time. Time to promptly send thank you notes for the wonderful gifts I’ve received. I’ve lost the time to make many of the gifts I wanted so much to send out. I lost my oomph for the holiday and just as I almost located it, the holiday was over. Darn. I may have lost my patience once or twice and I’ve lost my sister as a housemate. Though she’s delighted with and extra hour at each end of the day to do better things than to sit in the parking lot we call a freeway.

When I have some time.

When I have some time.

Here's how I thought time got away from me.

Here’s how I thought time got away from me.

I’ve lost my battle with the bulge. I’m hoping it’s not gone permanently. I’ve lost my home to a bit more clutter than I’d like and next week once the weather has warmed up to just cold, Christmas will go back in its boxes and I’ll hunt for clutter free surfaces again. A great deal of my clutter will find its way to an online sale.

Please let me know if you come across my mind. I haven't made it up yet.

Please let me know if you come across my mind. I haven’t made it up yet.

I’m sure you have all heard the old adage, “of all the things I’ve lost, I miss my mind the most”. Well, mine has been missing for quite a while now and I’m in desperate need of it. When something is lost you go back to the last time you remember having it. Oops. I don’t remember when that was. My mind wanders off alone, unsupervised so often, that sometimes I don’t realize it’s gone. If you happen to see it, tell it there will be a cookie waiting if it goes back home. That usually does the trick for a bit.

Another card with no return address to say thank you.

Another card with no return address to say thank you.

Next time I’ll tell you about my search for all the things I’ve gained. Don’t shake your head, I know what you are thinking here. I’m too tired right now to care about that and I want to give it proper attention. There is always tomorrow, I hope.

What have you lost that you would like to find in the New Year?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of the Lost" (34)

  1. That adage is one of my favourites and one i can relate to well 🙂 When you finally get to settle and have a good period of time to just relax, unwind and think straight I am sure you will find not only your mind still intact under the chaos…. and your pots! x


    • Thanks for reading and I’m taking Pauline’s advice. I’ve been resting a little but think more is going to be necessary. Pots can always be replaced. I’ve lived without them this long. Does that tell you anything? My mind has wandered off alone quite often and I’m never sure of the condition it comes back in. Questionable at best. Wishing you a wonderful, productive and prosperous New Year.


      • Oh, you poor thing 😦 I know what that’s like Marlene! I hope you can rest and heal somewhat over the next few months….it takes alot alot of long term stress to get that way and it takes alot to get back. Hugs to you.


  2. I recommend a nice hot bath or shower followed by a quiet sit with a candle or two burning and some soft music playing while you enjoy your favourite warm beverage followed by a good sleep. Do this for three nights ensuring that the days are filled with as many thoughts of gratitude as possible while you pay attention to the tasks you perform and I guarantee your mind will turn up – and, as Wendy mentions, probably your pots will too! xoxo


  3. Moving five times in five years, that’s tough Marlene. I agree with Pauline’s advice, a hot bath and sitting quietly, sounds perfect. Let us know if you find out would sent the card…I love the bookmark. Happy New Year!


    • Thanks, Jill. Pauline is quite wise. I have been resting this week and will give it one more day before my tree and decorations go back to storage. Waiting for it to warm up out there. It’s been a long haul but I think I’m finally at the top of the mountain.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Your mind wanders off alone and unsupervised!! Ha ha ha, what a great description. I really hope you find the things you’ve lost, particularly the saucepans, which you must need all the time. What have I lost that I want to find in 2015? Hair ties. Elastic bands for pony tails, you know? I must buy 50 of those a year. Where do they all go?


    • Thanks for reading Crystal. Your hair ties are with my mind. Probably in a pocket somewhere, under the bed or sucked up in the vacuum. I have a few left myself that wander off as well.


  5. Happy New Year Marlene. I too agree with Pauline’s advice, sometimes we just get a bit frazzled especially at this time of year. I emphathise with your frustration at not being able to find what you are looking for as I had a very similar situation when I moved home multiple times in a short period. Sadly possessions do go missing but annoying though it may be they are just material and can be replaced. Hopefully 2015 will bring with it a time to relax and enjoy your new home and you can continue your quest to go in search of it all. Perhaps those pots may reveal themselves too. Warmest wishes xx


    • Thanks Karen. I’m not sure what became of some things as I had movers each time stuff went in and out of storage. I’m done now. No more moving! Since I’ve only been in here less than 6 months and helping ofther family members in transition, stuff could be anywhere.If the pans don’t show up I’ll scour the thrift stores for them. I’m taking a down day before tackling the next project. I’m sure my mind was left around here somewhere. Under the tree maybe??Happy New Year.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Sending good thoughts your way, Marlene! May 2015 be a year of peace and joy for you. I totally get it. I am certain most of have wished for our wandering minds from time to time! Don’t fret-most things will probably turn up as you go through the tedious task of unpacking that very last box and sorting out that last little pile. 😊 Hugs!!


    • Thanks so much for the good wishes and for reading. I know you are busier than I am since I have no family here at home. I think once I get through all the last of the boxes and eliminate a lot of stuff, I’ll find better focus and peace. Organization is key. Everything has not yet found it’s home. Some Christmas decorations that fit in other places, no longer fit here and I’m not planning on moving again. EVER! I’m still figuring out how this furnace thing works and all the appliances need attending to soon. I have some of my sister’s furniture still here and soon my son will be here. Organization will be essential. As soon as I get some rest. 🙂 Next week when it warms up is soon enough. Hope you have a terrific new year as well. Happy sewing!


  7. Well, I can at least solve some of the mysteries here. The snowflake and bookmark came from Jerimi, I have her blog address somewhere and when I find it I will email you. The blue Christmas card came from Erin over at MentalMama’s. I have her blog address too which I will send. They are from the christmas card exchange.

    As for your sauce pots, they are in the last box you will look in. LOL

    I do hope you get some rest Marlene and then your mind will clear. I know what it’s like to be that tired that the mind is foggy. Big hugs and I will email you later today!


    • Oh, Jackie, I had to stop laughing before I could reply. Thank you for the heads up on the owners to the cards. I so enjoyed them and wanted to let them know.

      I’ve taken some down time since the heat pump has pumped all the moisture out of my lungs and I’m feeling a bit tight. Laughing is hard now. Going to have to get the vaporizer going.

      The last box I look in is exactly where they might be if one of the 4 movers didn’t miss offloading a box. My project for the year is to go through everything and get rid of as much as possible that needs storage. I don’t even have room here to store Christmas. I think it’s going to get simpler So must my life. Happy New Year kiddo.


      • No problem on the cards, that’s what friends are for. lol

        Get that vaporizer out! lol

        I understand about movers. I lost several boxes due to movers over the years. Happy New year. 🙂


      • Thanks Jackie. I did get the vaporizer out but after all I did to get it going, it won’t work. Took a hot steam shower and have a glass of brandy (on my headboard)

        As soon as my daughter texts that she is home,, I’ll go to sleep. Best medicine of all.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Marlene, your readers are offering great advice. You sound exhausted and in need of some real down time. One of my favorite ways to relax is in a hot bath with a good book. A bit of lavender espom salt soothes tired muscles and draws excess fluids. I highly recommend it.

    I wish I lived close by. I gather energy from organizing and would love to pop over and help you sort.

    There are people who leave Christmas items up until February because the undoing of it all seems overwhelming. We only brought out half our ornaments this year. The boys weren’t into it and I was okay letting that go.

    One thought before putting away any of your Christmas items is to decide now what you don’t want for next year. Then put away only the most special items, and what you have room for. Pauline just wrote a wonderful blog about letting go of possessions and how light she feels without them.

    Thanks for this lovely post. Happy New Year.

    *I’m glad the giver of the bookmark has been revealed. That is pretty cool.


    • Thank you Alys. My next post will be about all the wonderful things that have come my way. Your box of cards will be part of that.

      I’ll have to send someone for lavender Epsom salt. I’ve showered and put myself to bed.

      I had planned to go through the purging of Christmas which is why I’m in no hurry to put it away. Making a box for the thrift store and a list for Craigslist. It will be a very busy time unloading all there is no room for here.

      I have no problem letting things go and looking forward to a much smaller storage unit. This place is large enough but there is no storage for seasonal things…yet. Working on that soon too.

      I wish your were here too. I don’t trust my sister to help. When I realize I’ve only actually lived in this house almost 4 months, I don’t feel so bad anymore. Slowly, methodically, organization is my word this year. It’s imperative.


      • Wow, has it really only been four months? Look at all you’ve done. Then the holidays and your trip south. No wonder you’re exhausted.

        Sometimes I think we get sick for enforced downtime. Like you, I’m always on the go. Thinking of you today and always.


      • Thanks Alys. Getting better and catching up Vacation over. 🙂


  9. I so enjoy how you relate the everyday with such a dry, tongue-in-cheek sense of humor. Marlene, you are an inspiration. I’m glad you are searching and finding. Happy New Year – Missy


    • Thanks Missy. Happy New Year. Are you all settled in your new home? Yes, I do have that dry German sense of humor but at least I still have one. I’ll be catching up soon. Some little bug required and unsolicited vacation this last week. Not the flu or a cold but something. Ah, well; must have needed the time down.


  10. I’m just marvelling at your tag cloud down here at the bottom of your blog Marlene. Geez, no wonder you’re tired! LOL. A random look-see turned up: Magic, Realtor, Quantum Physics. Golly, you are very versatile 😀 That’s a compliment, not a tease.

    I’ve babbled on about how busy I was at different Blogs, so I will spare you the details. Needless to say, I felt a little more like a deflating little, “boom” more than “BOOMDEE”. I’m catching my breath now though. The store was really busy in December too, so that was loads of fun but I came home bushed.

    What’s going on with your clock there? Funky! Does it turn sideways 2 hours after
    beer-o’clock? OK, now I tease, snicker.

    I say, “put your wee feet up and enjoy a cup-O” but I doubt that you will for long. There’s always something calling your name. I’ll just unpack this or I’ll just organize that. I recognize the desire to do it but we should pace ourselves. More Tea! Less Work! Sounds like that should be on a T-shirt. xoxox mwaaa!


    • Thanks sweety. Got a knock down from the Universe. A touch of who knows what but it’s set me down with a cup of tea and a shot of brandy. Doc said keep it up. I’m getting better everyday.

      Yes, I have very eclectic interests. Does create problems. Hence the massive amount of books on every subject possible.

      The clock is my sisters. Bought it for her years ago but it’s living with me until she has a permanent residence again if that happens. It makes beautiful music as it goes around. Does that dance every hour.

      Guess I’ll get caught up next week.


  11. What is it about women? We somehow think we can do it all, and when a new challenge (a move, the holidays) is added to the already long list of responsibilities, we assume we can handle it all without missing a step.
    Give your self a break, soak in a tub, listen to music, read a book, or if you’re like me, have a lovely glass of wine … but do whatever it is that brings you peace and give yourself time to accomplish all that you want (and don’t do the things that aren’t really necessary).
    It’ll all work out. Promise.


    • My reply to you must have gone into the ether. I know I wrote it but seems to be missing. I appreciate you stopping by. I did get a forced vacation. One day I’ll learn but I guess we women just don’t. It’s been almost a week and I’m still getting more downtime than I can afford but what doesn’t get done won’t cause a house fire so it will wait. Doc agreed that a good cup of tea and a sip of brandy with lots of rest would do the trick. All better now… almost. You too take care and rest.


  12. Happy new year and best wishes to you and yours for health, happiness, peace & prosperity in 2015!


  13. Like you, time seemed to disappear for me over the festive season… just where did it go? Anyway, I hope things are more settled now and that you have a peaceful and creative 2015 ❤


    • Thanks for reading. Yours is the second comment I’ve replied to that has vanished. So I’ll try again. Things will be at least as INTERESTING this year, just in a different way. What more can a person ask for? I like the creative part though. Hoping for a lot of that.

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  14. Oh Marlene, moving so many times, I wonder you aren’t worn out. So many things get lost, but how lovely to receive such a beautiful gift. You deserve it. I really do hope you can take some time out to rest and recuperate and then find all that you need to…including some wonderful refreshment. A very Happy New Year to you, may it bring all your heart desires. Big hugs ~ Sherri ❤


    • Thank you Sherri. Life is settling down a bit. My son will be coming to stay for awhile in the next week or so. There was much to do. Everyone I know has been in transition this year. There is little my heart needs anymore. I have been truly blessed. A little down time was nice though. Moving a bit faster now. Happy New Year and hope you are well. I’m catching up soon.

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