Looking for answers to life's questions

I’ve been taking field trips with the Senior Center for a while with my neighbor, Shirlee and sometimes by myself. The one I took a few weeks ago was to Jackson Bottoms Wetlands Wildlife Preserve followed by visit to a Bison Ranch.

Our little bus and driver.

Our little bus and driver.

It’s good to see that seniors, no matter our physical limitations, have not given up on experiencing life. Some of us were in only slightly better shape and health than others but we each enjoyed something of the day.

Several were hanging back from the wind and chill

Several were hanging back from the wind and chill

I would never know about these places nor get to see them other than going with our little shuttle bus from the Senior Center. Getting to know more of my community is important to me since I’m not native to the area. We always have a stop for lunch and it’s a good chance to visit with people I would not otherwise meet.

There have been several trips I have not had time to write about yet but we’ll catch up soon, I hope. This trip was extra interesting as I love all animals but Bison are almost like dinosaurs. They have been walking this earth about that long and have adapted to their environment since then. According to our hostess, the Bison has reduced its size as its environment reduced. These animals were stunning to see but we were kept at a good distance. They are not cuddly animals that allow petting. They can be quite dangerous if you get to close and especially in calf season. Bison herds will surround the calves until they are mature. Our hostess had a large number of stitches in her leg to prove it.

Bits of bright but no fuzzies or flutterbys

Bits of bright but no fuzzies or flutterbys

Our hostess had so much to say about the Bison that I just couldn’t remember everything. Next time, I’ll bring a notebook or a tape recorder.

Another pretty find on mt walk around the preserve.

Another pretty find on mt walk around the preserve.

These were raised primarily for their meat which is supposed to be more nutritious than beef. Also because of the limited availability, more expensive. But they are majestic animals and it’s sad to see them dwindling because there is no room for them to roam. Boy, do I know how they feel. Those big guys have knocked down every tree in their enclosure scratching against them. That’s some muscle

For a number of years there were Bison on a ranch near my home in the mountains of Arizona. They were a gimmick to bring attention to new summer homes for Phoenix/Tucson snowbirds. By the time I moved away, the Bison were gone too. Not sure why. Maybe they went in search of greener pastures. There numbers are finally coming back up but who knows for how long.

bison close

What animals do you find fascinating in our ever declining animal world? Any interesting field trips on your list?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of Bison" (46)

  1. Spashionista said:

    Because I live out in the country every time I go into the city it’s a field trip, and i enjoy it thoroughly 🙂


    Liked by 1 person

    • From the looks of your blog, you get out often enough. I think you get out a lot more than I do. :)) Thanks for stopping by. I’m still playing catchup.


  2. We don’t have any native mammals in this country – so the thought of seeing a real bison herd is quite exciting to me! I’m glad to hear you are getting out and about with your group, any adventure is a good adventure I always think – unless it isn’t….. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Bison came from somewhere else. Europe and probably other continents. They have been here since the beginning and were much,larger. I like the idea of getting to see something that is almost extinct. I’ve been enjoying little adventures while I can Hope you are doing well.


  3. I love to see seniors getting out and going on field trips. I love the Bison, such beautiful creatures. My field trips consists of stepping out on to my patio…there are all so many critters.
    Have a great holiday, Marlene!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m glad to see that the bison are back – they were nigh on hunted to extinction. Nice to have a day out, too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, they were almost extinct from hunters. I understand millions of years ago they were more than twice their size now. It’s like the elephant that is being hunted and whales etc. Sometimes I think people are just nuts. Most of my trips now will be to the home fix it store. :). Lots of work to do. Have a wonderful weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Marlene, I like that you go out on field trips. I believe that new experiences help keep our minds young. One of my favorite things to do is hike our mountain, or the waterfalls in the Gorge. Always recharges my batteries and outlook on life.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We’ve done a lot of walking on these trips. Most of us are fit enough to do the trails. A few not so much. But they like to get out too. Love finding my way around the area and our driver is excellent.

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  6. Looks like you had a great day out… I would love to see bison, as you say there is something very prehistoric about how they look. Getting out and about is good for us and when it offers the chance to


  7. Sounds like a neat trip! Mom and I are taking another bus trip this summer where we’ll be seeing bison. In my part of the country there used to be huge herds roaming free but us humans have changed all that.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s a shame too that they can’t co-exist. They do wonderful things to the soil as they travel through. But they are extremely dangerous to be around. Hope we get to hear all about your trip.


  8. Ack-Acka-Dak! LOL, that’s the greeting of the Water-Buffalo’s Club that Fred and Barney went to on the Flinstone’s. Snicker, did you ever watch?
    Hey ! That sounded like an interesting field trip and you’re right, fun to meet up new people too. There was a farm near the lake that raised Buffalo and I was amazed by their size too. It’s just nice to get out of town and march around in the grass and forest isn’t it? I’m amazed at the wild Lupins (purple speared flowers) just growing along the way. I’ve tried them many times with no luck. Our winters are too cold I think. They’re a bi-annual I think.

    We’re having a spell of really nice weather and I need to get outside and do gardening b4 the day is too hot. Enjoy the weekend Marlene-a-go-go xoxo K

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Bison are 1/3 the size they were in the beginning. And they are still huge. I couldn’t get the photos of the birds and duck flying but they were at the preserve. They were no where near the Bison. Scare of them too. I’m ready to garden too and this is our last week of cool before the heat shows up. 😦 So we are doing the heavy landscape work. It’s endless. I always have good weekends and good weeks and good days. Life is good and especially when I hear from you.

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  9. How interesting! I did not know that the bison numbers were dwindling. The only thing I knew about bison was they were very big and I’ve heard of a bison burgers. Interesting that you’re participating with the Senior Center. Many people do not know that they have so much to offer. I happened by my Senior Center recently to see what was going on. Not only do they have day trips, they have overnight and many sightseeing adventures as well. What a great way to get out and see the world if you’re not the planner type or you like to meet new people or find new traveling companions. I’m planning to go back because I discovered a wonderful handcraft group of ladies that will help me with my crocheting. I discovered they meet four times a week and I can pop in with a project and they will help me to complete it. I was so impressed with the Senior Center from the lunches to the card game and everything in between.glad to hear you’re taking advantage of your local center. They are a wealth of resources!

    Liked by 1 person

    • One of the senior centers was where I started my writing classes. I’m not much for their food but I will be going to learn crochet again as soon as the outside of my house is done.More work today. We have a few days of cool left so I am trying to get the heavy work done. Next week, hot, hot, hot. ;( Thanks for stopping by. I’d love to find a traveling companion that can pay their own way. Which might be a good way to go with the senior center. My last husband wouldn’t even go in except to get free bread. They have so much to offer that when I get caught up, I’ll take more advantage of. Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

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  10. Joining in at a senior center is a great way to meet local friends. It sounds like they have a nice variety of activities as well.

    I’ve never seen bison in real life. I think that would be really cool. I love all animals, so seeing any of them in the wild would be interesting. I’ve secretly hoped to spot one of the mountain lions they warn us about on the trails, but realize it is just as well that I haven’t encountered one.

    It’s nice to hear about your current slice of life, Marlene. You are a woman of many interests so I’m guessing never a dull moment. Kudos! xox


    • Thanks for stopping by Alys. I’m as behind in my writing as my reading. I guess it’s because I have so many interests and am ALWAYS doing something or the other.I took the word bored out of my dictionary. My neighbor asked if I was always working. I told her yes and I was even working when I’m sitting down. 🙂 That’s when I sew, read or write. Not enough time left to waste. Too much good stuff to see and do and people to spend time with. Life is good and full.
      I’ve been fortunate enough to never see a mountain lion but I have seen bear close up enough, coyotes, elk, deer, skunk, raccoons, and various other wildlife. I’m glad you haven’t seen a mountain lion either. Have a wonderful Memorial weekend. Hugs.


      • Oh my, you have seen your fair share of creatures. And I know you’re right that an encounter with a mountain lion is not something to wish for. I’ve never seen a coyote or an elk. I’ve seen deer and raccoons and a bear many moons ago. That was quite amazing, but again best viewed from a distance.

        I hope you are enjoying your weekend, too. It was overcast and cool yesterday, today it’s sunny and breezy. It’s been quite variable. I got to see a friend for dinner yesterday that moved away a few years ago and again today, lunch with an old college friend and her new beau. Lovely.

        I’m doing a few projects, too so a nice balance of both.

        Hugs to you, too.

        Liked by 1 person

  11. Hi Marlene! I love going on this trip with you! I have never seen a bison in person…but we had a baby bull when I was a little girl….we had to feed it with a bottle!! His name was Mickey and he was fine until he started butting us if we went inside the fence. I love ALL animals…flora and fauna…and get very excited whenever I am in nature and see them. I will have a post tomorrow about an encounter with a turtle. Much love to you…have a super holiday weekend ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by Lorrie. I’m so looking forward to your encounter with a turtle. I love them! Just like all animals. We had no animals when I was growing up. My dad got a hunting dog the year I left home and it was gone by the time I saw them again. I was 14 at the time. I don’t know where my love of animals came from but I am drawn to them like a bear to honey. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial weekend.


  12. This is neat and I did not know there were bison so close to us. Seems like I’ve seen them being raised in multiple places as a grew up, so I didn’t realize their numbers were still dwindling. That is a heartbreak.

    Now there are two things I am looking forward to for when I get older: 1) one of those motorized scooters (I can hardly wait till I can justify it! I’m going to have flames painted on the sides!), and 2) a senior center! I honestly did not know they did so many things.


    • You make me laugh. 🙂 The Bison are in the Forest Grove area. People try to “farm” them but they are so strong and dangerous that most give up. I hope we don’t lose them altogether.
      I just can’t see you on a scooter.:) You will be hiking mountain paths until they close the lid. Now the senior center will give you new paths to hike. The Jackson Bottoms Wetlands was a hefty hike for an old lady. Many stayed in the covered areas and just looked around. My cane takes me anywhere I want to explore. I’ll be exploring too till they close the lid. Too much fun. Did use a scooter when I broke my ankle. It was fun.

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      • Yep. My mother gave me a good perspective once. She said she thought the only difference in being able to get things done when she was older was that she would have to go slower. Slower is something I can handle, but you are right, if I can’t hit the trails, half my joy in life will be gone.

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  13. really enjoyed this post:-) I was at a restaurant the other day and someone ordered a bison burger, I had to pause and think..a bison???? Lovely pictures and how neat you are getting out to meet people. It is hard to move some place where you don’t know a lot of people. Harder as you age to make friends, but a trip-now that is fun!


  14. The Bison was our college mascot, and I used to think it was a stupid mascot until I saw a real one firsthand. WOW, I wouldn’t mess with one. It’s interesting to think that they used to be even bigger than they are now. I think it’s so great that community centers offer these trips. As the Nowhere Man character in Yellow Submarine said, “So little time…so much to know!”

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s me! In search of it all. So much to know!!!! Any day I can learn something new is a great day. The rest are all good. And the problem is, I’m running out of time. 😦
      Those Bison are huge! If they can push a tree over, I’m going to give them lots of room. Great mascot. I wish I could have remembered all the information that woman had but I really didn’t know what to expect. Thanks for stopping by. Hope all is well.


  15. Looks like it was really interesting. I’ve never seen a bison in person, I’m sure they’re even bigger than they look in the photos! I have to say I love your adventurous spirit. I don’t know if I believe you that you are a creature of habit, it seems like you are constantly trying new things.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I need routine and I love for things to stay the same but at the same time, you don’t grow that way. I have always pushed past my comfort zone to some degree in order to keep life interesting. Learning something new each day is something I deeply value. Old codgers make me cranky. Those that still want a dial telephone and hate computers, you know the kind. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


  16. It’s wonderful exploring new surroundings isn’t it? So glad you are getting out and about and enjoying your field trips. What a beautiful area, so lush and green – just like England 🙂 Enjoyed reading about Bison too, you taught me a few things I didn’t know, such as how long they’ve been around for one thing. Fascinating. Looking foward to reading more of your outings Marlene, lovely post, thank you for sharing it with us.

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  17. I love bison, this looks like such a fun place to visit. We have a nice herd at Brookfield Zoo by Chicago, that we see often since I get a yearly membership and enjoy using it in all seasons 🙂

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  18. Hi Marlene…I’m feeling a bit like you were a few posts back, when you were trying to keep up with reading, writing, life. Where our family farm is in Eugene, there is a family who raise Bison. They are magnificent creatures. You don’t realize how large they are until you are up close and personal. Looks like such a lovely afternoon!


  19. Love, love, love bison. There is a bison farm in the town I moved from last fall. The owners and I became good friends and because they use electrified fencing the bison come quite close to the road. The owners had grown up raising cows for meat but saw the deteriorating health of their family and researched healthier options, coming up with bison. We’ve taken the grandkids there to enjoy meals and see the bison, they love visiting. The meat is healthier and yet tastes very much like grass-fed beef.

    I have a couple more years before I am eligible for senior activities, but I hope the local senior center here has trips I can take when the time comes that are half as nice as the trips you get to take.

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    • The hardest part of the trips is the walking involved. It limits some from going. There are a few who use a walker but you can check to see what they have available for you. A lot of the people going are not seniors. So keep your options open. Check out the center and see what’s available for you. It’s also often a place that offers free or inexpensive bread, etc. Books are something else you can get. I’ve been visiting mine for many years. Well before I became official. My son would prefer bison to beef but it’s just too costly. It’s good the kids got an up close view.


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