Looking for answers to life's questions

Have you ever been so tired that even your fingernails hurt? That’s how I felt the last few nights after a long days of manual labor. Hard physical work is good for the body but my body keeps screaming, “You’re too old for this.”

For Alys. My fairy garden lives

For Alys. My fairy garden lives


Once cooler weather arrived, I was out the door trying to get the projects done that were on the list from the HOA. These are required to be done for this home that was not well cared for the past 10 years. I let a lot slip by when assessing this place for purchase. Now I really pay. In addition, I have a list of my own of things that I want done outside. My mind is totally occupied with these lists and the work being done.

Filling front porch with flowers out of the heat

Filling front porch with flowers out of the heat


Welcome to my home The porch needs to be resealed

Welcome to my home The porch needs to be resealed

I pressure washed the driveway side of the fence.  Tech Support did most of the rest of the fences. Now all four sides are done and ready to stain. I’m ready to do it too. I’m not sure if my body agrees. Hopefully the weather continues to cooperates and keeps the intense heat at bay.


Each morning I have been planting flowers and ground cover called stepables. You can walk on them just like grass and don’t have to mow. I am tired of mowing weeds so they had to go. Ground cover went down a little at a time. I used a lot of cardboard then weed block cloth. We aren’t allowed to have weeds here. I think you can be evicted for them. They give you a warning first.


I had 5 yards of bark dust delivered. I measured the yard and asked how much it would take to cover it. I really thought they were wrong and almost ordered 10 yards. Tech Support talked me out of it. Thank goodness!

The amount is hard to explain. It's a LOT!

The amount is hard to explain. It’s a LOT!


It took 3 hours of me working alone to shovel it out of the driveway into a 4 wheeled cart so it could go out back. Then Tech Support arrived home and worked with me another 2 and a half. As we were getting to the last of the pile, a neighbor boy showed up who had helped move my boulders when I moved in. He wanted to help. He was bored, like most teenagers when school is out. He has some developmental difficulties but is a good young man and a hard worker. I offered him $10 dollars and he had the rest shoveled and in the back yard in less than 30 minutes. Best $10 I ever spent.

From the driveway to the other side of the house

From the driveway to the other side of the house

What’s left is spreading the bark mulch, placing landscape logs between it and the river rock that I placed around the perimeter of the house to keep mud off, staining the fences, painting the house, and pressure washing the front porch so it can be resealed. All before autumn rains.

Going this way too

Going this way too

In addition to all the planting on the terraces, I found a need to spray paint my plastic chairs that I keep up there to rest a minute. My next door neighbor on the porch side kept asking if I would give them back to her as she needed them now. She started asking other neighbors if they would get her chairs for her. Each time she asks, I explain they are mine and I brought them with me. That satisfies her for a few moments but with Alzheimer’s, it’s an endless loop. I spoke to her son and he had locked her chairs up because she kept bringing them into the house. I finally convinced him to put one on her porch for her. Making mine a different color was the easiest solution. Alzheimer’s is something I would not wish on anyone.

My chair on the hill

My chair on the hill

My Chair on the hill after

My Chair on the hill after










I love summer because we can be outside. I enjoy all the work and find much of it meditative. It just doesn’t leave much of me for anything else. I’ll pop back by when I can but you can bet I’m probably up to my elbows in stain, paint or dirt.  Maybe next summer will be a little less work and leave more time for the writing I haven’t been able to concentrate on.

I didn't paint it but it's too true.

I didn’t paint it but it’s too true.


That’s what’s up in my world, what’s up in yours?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself


Comments on: "In Search of What’s up" (60)

  1. Wow, so much work! Would they really evict you because you have weeds? That’s strict! My park doesn’t have many rules, not sure if that’s good or bad. 😉
    One rule they do have is no tires on the roofs. Yet, one has them. I think that is so ugly! But then that trailer looks like it should be condemned.lol Sometimes I wish this park had more rules, make people take better care of the places, but then again, most of us that live here are on really tight monthly budgets so just isn’t going to happen. We is poor. 😉
    Your place is looking really good Marlene.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They are pretty strict about how things look around here. There are a few that don’t abide by the rules and they give you three warnings. Then you are out. I think they are lenient for some folk but they keep this neighborhood looking top drawer. I want that so if I have to sell, I can get a decent price back from this place. They made the guy next door paint his place or he and his family were going to have to go. He had a lot of clean up work to do. It looks so much better now. I’ve done all of this as inexpensively as possible. And I have free labor. 🙂


    • Jackie, I’ve lived in mobile home parks and never seen tires on the roofs. What is the purpose of that?

      Liked by 1 person

      • I had the same question but there are all kinds out there. 🙂


      • It was because the metal roofs would rattle when the wind blew hard, so the tires kept the roof from ‘rumbling’ in the wind. You don’t see it much anymore, not like years ago, because newer mobile homes have asphalt roofs not metal. Was mostly done in windier places.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I got tired just reading all the work you put in. I know it will be all worth it when you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. It’s actually worth it now. I so enjoy being in the yard and doing work that makes things look nice. I don’t listen to anything but the birds and bees while I’m out there. And sometimes a neighbor drops by to see what’s up. It’s a wonderful icebreaker in my new community.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You’ve been doing so much work! I am inspired by your commitment to your house and yard 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. It’s not large but I want to make it wonderful. As soon as the mulch is all down, planter boxes for veggies will be built. I can’t plant veggies in the terraces because of the creosote logs so they have to go down below. There is a plan in play here. 🙂


  4. Impressive, Marlene! You have more energy than I do. Your house is becoming your home. I’m very happy for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Missy. Yes it is becoming mine. I have always taken very good care of everything in my charge. This place was long neglected and seems to be feeling quite happy with the face lift. Thank goodness I have some help for awhile. I think that’s why I’m pushing so hard. Have a wonderful weekend too.


  5. Marlene, now I need a nap!! I am exhausted just reading about all the things you are doing! Maybe you can get a little rest this weekend if it actually rains. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  6. You, Marlene, are one busy lady! I’m impressed by what you’ve accomplished. I was happy to hear you called in some extra troops for help. I think it’s time you get a little R&R. Happy Weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jill. Tomorrow is my me day. The kids are going off on their own for awhile and I will get a few things done inside. Finish a pillow for a friend and maybe tackle one of my quilt projects. Unless it’s really nice out then, I’ll move more mulch. 🙂


  7. Oh, Marlene, I feel your pain! Yes, I know that feeling and felt it many days when I first moved in here as there was just so much that had to be done all at once. I love how your place is coming along I bet your neighbors are thrilled too.

    Don’t you sometimes wish we still had the energy we had as kids? I agree that ten dollars was well spent! It bothers me how many kids today have developmental problems. In my last apartment building there were only two families with children and both had one child with developmental problems and now here two of the three boys living across from me have them too. As for your neighbor with alzheimers, that must be hard. What’s the big deal if she carries them inside with her? I hope your painting of your chairs helps to ease her anxiety.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by Lois. I know you, of all people get it. You work as hard as I do and from your chair. When I’m working out front everyone stops by and says something nice. As for the developmental problems, on half of my street there are a minimum of 8 people that have some form of difficulty. The young man is the only boy of a set of triplets. One girl is deaf, one with cerebral palsy. They are 18 and don’t drive. Mom is single. Next door is a mom and herh daughter both needing care living with grandma and grandpa. Mrs Alzheimer is just lonely and wants to visit with everyone but no one wants to talk to her. Painting the chairs did help. She is a lovely woman who still has a sense of humor. We chat whenever I’m out. Had to start keeping the door locked because we found her in the living room looking quite confused a couple of times. Neighbors do watch out for her though. Take care and get some rest too. Hugs,


  8. Phew! Cogratulations on your travaux: you must be feeling very positive about those results. Bon courage for the remainder of the jobs, and I hope the weather keeps cool and dry for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Viv. Alas, there are but 3 more days of kind weather with maybe a drop of rain. The next 7 are in the high 90’s to 100. Very little will get done unless very early in the morning. I do try to do quiet work at 5:30 a.m. 🙂 Hugs and have a wonderful weekend. I love when people say that to me. When you are retired, everyday is the weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  9. That’s a stupendous amount of work! But I can relate to the satisfaction you’re feeling and the payoff will be amazing!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Kerry. It is a lot of work but I really like doing it. A good contrast to sitting at the laptop or sewing machine or even in front of the TV with needlework. I’ve had little time for any of that lately. I’m hoping the payoff will be that my trailer holds it’s value. Other than that, I just like things to look loved. This place had been used, not loved. Every home has a heart. This one was a little sad. 🙂


  10. What a great deal of work. Looks like you have accomplished so much and your efforts are paying off. I did not know you could paint plastic chairs but will give it a try as my white ones look so shabby. I have a house like yours and love it! Love the smaller yard but love having a yard at all. The house is so perfect and we have not been disappointed downsizing 14 years ago. Great little community too. I am sure you will enjoy all of your efforts and hopefully will soon be kicking your feet up for a well deserved break. ♡♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Jan. It’s nice to know you live in a house like mine. I love my neighborhood. My yard is almost too big for me and the terraces were a problem until my son put up the posts for balance. I’ll make them pretty later. 🙂 They make a spray paint and canned paint for plastic. It worked quite well. And my sweet neighbor has stopped asking for them back. She now has a part-time caregiver after her son goes to work but I’m sure it won’t be long till she needs full time care.
      Have a wonderful weekend. Look forward to hearing more about your lovely place. 🙂 Hint, hint.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. You have done a great job with your landscaping. And I love the new chair color, so sorry your neighbor has Alzheimer’s, it is devastating for all involved. It was kind of you to change the chair color so she would not be as confused.

    It is also nice to have such a good neighbor to help you with the rest of the dirt distribution. I agree it is well worth the $10.00. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. I’m going to be working on the landscaping for quite some time I think. My son liked the color too. It seems to have put the neighbor at ease. An easy and inexpensive fix. So few of the neighbors will talk with sweet Ms Alzheimer but I seem to have no difficulty working around the loop. We introduce ourselves to each other at every meeting and I understand the conversation is only going so far. She is always bringing us crackers or bottled water when she sees us outside working. We have learned to graciously say thank you and she gets so much pleasure out of gifting. I have learned to gift small things back which brings her endless delight. This has been a wonderfully eclectic neighborhood.


  12. OMG-weeds are an eviction! YIKES. I would never survive….HOA sounds like a bad word-LOL…just kidding. I keep my front yard a bit weed free but it is filled with flowers they cover the weeds! I can relate to all the work-it is exhausting + sometimes I wonder if I will do it again but I am always drawn back out there and love how it feels when I am done;-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • This is one trailer park that doesn’t really look like one. They have inspections once a year and want homes kept at a high standard. If you want to let yours go, find another place to live is their motto. It does keep property values up but it’s wearing on the nerves. I’ve been here only a year so I’m still learning the ropes and don’t want to move again. But I do not like HOA’s on the whole. This entire property is owned by one family and they call the shots. I want to keep my nice for myself but have only so much energy. I’ll get it done eventually. Thanks for stopping by.


  13. + forgot to say-looks might good too!


  14. If you were any younger Marlenie, you could start a yard care business. Because that is looking sparkly and B-U-tiful. Honestly, that’s so much. I hope you’re not over-doing things this summer. Are you taking days off in-between? Drinking lot’s of water? Wearing sunscreen? Your work ethic could put many to shame. Personally, I would like that there are rules for the appearance of everyones yard and dwelling. That will definitely keep out the riff-raff that let things go. Our old neighbour was a messy guy. We built a fence (without his help) to improve our view. We heard, after we moved that he got a weed notice. LOL, I guess the guy that bought our house wasn’t as concerned about ‘keeping the peace’ as we were. I wanted to complain to the county for years but didn’t want to have to glare at each other for ever after. I actually used to cut his yard which was basically mowed down weeds. We planted a large bed of trees on his side too, just so we didn’t have to see his yard. Too bad you weren’t my neighbour 😀 I’d love to live beside your place. So tidy and well cared for. We might take longer to get things done though because there’d be all this chit-chat going on, ha! The porch is looking so homey too. I love those baskets that hang on a railing and planted two myself for our deck. It’s nice to look out the window and see flowers. You have the knack for making everything look like a million bucks. I never thought of painting those lawn chairs but love that colour (naturally). It’s all looking glorious Marlene, you must have such a sense of accomplishment when you pull in the driveway. Even your cute little Fairy Garden is well manicured, I can tell a mini-Marlene-a-go-go has been by that little pool. Very cute my dear, just like you xoxo K

    Liked by 1 person

    • You start my day off with a smile, sweetie. A lawn care business was a strong contender some years ago. I just didn’t have the muscle. :)) You should see me out there. I wear long sleeves, sometimes 2 layers of them. Good thing when the darn spider appeared from on high and pinched my arm through them. Took weeks to heal up well. I wear a large hat that covers everything, gloves, long pants and socks and shoes. I’m too fair to spend any time outside uncovered. I’m not a fan of sunscreen and would forget it every time so it’s just lots of clothes. I’m usually done out there by mid-morning. I would have more good stuff on the porch but I still want to pressure wash it and stain it which means everything has to move off and back on to get it all done. Once that’s done, look out. I know what you mean about keeping the peace. I’m not a tattle tale either. Several of the neighbors are. But the owners drive around here almost everyday to see what looks bad. If it gets too awful, out you go. Then you have to keep paying your rent on the space till your house sells. There are a few that need work here but eventually, it gets done. I want my place to look nice too. Now if I could teach Tech Support to not be such a clutter bug!! 😦
      If we were neighbors, we would be chatting a lot. I’d be done already by now but I spend too much time chatting with neighbors here. 🙂 Ms Alzheimer is no longer asking for her chairs back, now she is asking for her house and car keys. She can’t find them anywhere. Poor dear. her son has hidden them. What do you say??? Thanks for taking time to come visit. I’ve been missing you. Sending you lots of hugs and love. Now go make the rest of the world aqua. :))

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Wow Marlene, the garden is coming on great. You’ve done a great job. I hope the cooler weather stays with you so you get to do the rest as well.


    • Thank you so much for all your reading of my posts!! I do appreciate it. We have today and tomorrow of reasonable weather then the furnace gets turned on outside. Back to early morning work outside and afternoons inside. Have you noticed the sun coming up later and later each day? We are already slipping toward fall but I think summer has not yet finished with us. I will have to work faster. One section of fence is painted. After a good drying out from our precious rain, I ll be on to the next section. My plants were dancing in yesterdays first summer rain. Hope you are having wonderful summer weather finally.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Oh Marlene, you are getting there, everything is coming together but it is a lot of work! You did so much shovelling, wow! I love your fairy garden, you are making such a lovely home. That is sad for the neighbour with Alzheimers, as you say, wouldn’t wish it on anyone, so sad. I hope the blue chair helped. I hope too you get some time to rest up and unwind before the next stint of work starts. Love the dust bunny sign! I have a post coming up soon about a bunny, but a different kind! So enjoyed reading about your progress and how things are going, but hopefully your fingernails are now rested and you are feeling better. And here’s a hug anyway… 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Sherri. You were the only one that noticed the dust bunny sign! I’ve had some rest and still working a little at a time. More progress reports later. Hugs.


  17. Marlene, you are a force! I’m impressed by your strength and stamina. When we were younger (late thirties) we did a lot of the work around here ourselves, but I can’t even do a tenth of what you are doing now. I tried digging up grass two years ago and after an hour of making barely a dent I realized I couldn’t do it on my own. Part of it is having the proper tools, but a lot of it for me is my chronic neck and back pain. You make it look easy (and I know from experience it’s not). I can’t imagine why you would need to go to a gym.

    I’m delighted you could hire a young man from your neighborhood. You gave him something to do and some spending money as well and you earned a few less blisters for the day in the deal.

    I’m tickled to see your fairy garden. Thanks for sharing that in this post. I love your deck with all the plants, and I’m especially smitten with the planter that looks like miniature fence posts. I think I might have commented on this in another post, long ago. Is that possible, or is it new?

    Your chair’s are a beautiful shade of green and will never be mistaken for your neighbors in the future. Poor thing. It’s my worst fear of getting older: losing my faculties. Mom had dementia in her last decade, which took a dip for the worse whenever she was seriously ill. When she recovered, her memory improved too. By the last year though, she retained very little of the present day, but she was never unhappy. It sounds like your neighbor is in the confused, early stages. Very, very sad.

    I think you and I are sharing similar weather. We’re at the start of another heat wave. Some places may hit 103 or 104 this week. Misery!

    It’s to nice to read your post. xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Good morning Alys. Good of you to come for a visit. Yes, you did comment on the little pot bench. I purchased it at the senior center right after I bought the house. It was made by a senior gentleman and donated to help raise funds for the senior center. I love his work.
      We will reach 102 this week as well. I must admit, I’m sensing fall creeping in the air in a quiet undercurrent. The deck has been pressure washed and after this weeks heat and a good drying out, I will stain it gray. No one else is fond of the color but the wood grays naturally and keeps creeping out from the redwood stain so I will start off with the color it will go naturally. Then no office official will notice so quickly that it needs to be done again. :P)
      Dementia is one thing, Alzheimer’s another. But you know that already. With Alzheimer’s you forget how to swallow and slowly starve. My neighbor has not asked anyone to bring her chairs (mine) down off the hill since I painted them. Yesterday I was the lucky recipient of a lovely can of tuna. I told my son I will wait a week and see what happens if I offer it to her as a gift. Will she take it? She has such a generous nature and wants to give so we accept and try to find ways to give back little things to her. Her son is having a hard time dealing with her and another neighbor called social services thinking he may be hitting her. We are watching closely but there are now care givers coming in for a few hours a week. Very sad indeed. By the way, if the ground is too hard, I soaked it a while, then dug it up. It’s where tenacity outweighs strength. I’m not physically strong but find ways to do the things I need to get done. I can’t figure out why I’d need a gym either. ???? I’m going to carry a few more buckets of dirt up the hill now so we’ll have to chat more later. :))) Hugs.


  18. Wow… you have most certainly been busy and I am giving you a high five for all of that effort.. Your garden is looking lovely.. and I can relate to the hard work involved in all of that shovelling.. I know only too well when helping hubby move muck in the allotments in Spring.

    Thank you for all of your support with the Bee’s I appreciate it.. And if ever you want to look around our allotments.. you can find it connected to the next comment.. as I will sign in with my gardening blog.

    Have a creative day.. I am off to make a quiche now ready for tea tonight. 🙂
    Hugs Sue xxx


    • Thanks so much Sue. I haven’t stopped all summer and keep looking for signs of snow. 🙂 I’m really working to get it ready for raised planting beds. The creosote retaining wall is not dirt I want to plant food in so I’m making adjustments. I’m happy to do everything I can to help mother nature along. We have been just awful to her so far. I will take a look all around your blog shortly. I think this has been one of the most full years I’ve ever had. But there is always time for creative play. Have a wonderful day. Hope the quiche turns out well. Enjoy. Hugs, Marlene


  19. I have been in the allotments picking the produce this morning.. 🙂 Love your pots too on your porch.. I admire all the hard work you have put in.. Phew… I got tired out just looking at all of that bark dust you moved.. well done you.
    I hope you find time to rest up a little too…. I find little and often works for me. 🙂 .. love and Hugs.. Sue


    • I agree with you on little and often. I would have liked to take my time getting it out of the driveway but did not want the office staff to come by and inspect or give me a warning. I got it out of eye view quickly then take my time putting it where it needs to go. I stopped working outside at 8:30 this morning as we are back to excessive heat this week. Time to finish a quilt.:) Everything is watered to survive the 105 degrees we will have today. Tomorrow, a degree or two cooler. I have plenty to occupy my mind and hands indoors as well. Next year I may be able to pick my own produce. At least that’s the plan. 🙂 Hugs, Marlene


  20. I am using you for motivation to get my rear in gear and work on my place. I also need to re-seal the deck and hadn’t thought of pressure washing it first since I have never owned a deck before. I really need to get that done during the dry months. It is a delight that the neighbor boy came over and wanted to help – just great! I wish I could get more work out of my Tara. That is one lazy teenager. I can get help, but it’s only after demands and threats and nagging, and then I have to endure the cold shoulder and stink eye the rest of the day. I wish I had a bored neighbor boy…

    Your yard looks so great with that bark dust put down, I can vouch for it. Great colour too, and glad you didn’t go for the red bark. I call it “hot dog bark,” after I learned that the same dye that colours hot dogs is used to colour that bark.

    I wish I could do more here, but I have been working at my job so much! The last three weekends in a row I have been working mandatory overtime, and I’m simply exhausted. My step-father came for a visit on Thursday night, and was bored all day Friday because I was working, then when he found out I was going to work all day Saturday too, he went back home to Idaho. “I gotta keep doing stuff,” he explained. Sounds like Tech Support. I felt so bad. I loved having him here and wished I didn’t have to work the whole time. He did do a few little chores for us that I am *so* excited about. I can’t wait to show you our new mailbox that he put up for us.

    Anyway, I trust you stayed out of the heat in these last few 100+ days. Good gravy it has been hot. I hope all your plants have survived the fiery furnace too. It should cool down to the 90s in the next few days. Too bad the HOA won’t pull the weeds for you. That was so funny: evicted for weeds. It should be much easier now with the tarp and the bark. Hugs to you both. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • You make me laugh. Last summer, I concentrated on the inside other than take down a tree that had roots invading the house and driveway. I planted a few stepables and called it good. This summer, now that the inside is civilized, I can take care of the back. Give yourself a break. No one is happy with my choice of porch and fence stain either. I opted for light grey rather than hot dog red.:)) I liked having the pressure washer so I could take my time rather than renting and hurrying. There is so much work here to do that I’ll do what I can and get the rest when I can. Teenagers are mostly all alike. They only work when they need money for something and then usually not that hard. Very typical. The young man was developmentally delayed and has a single mom too. He’s a triplet and all have one difficulty or another. He can’t get a job for money so he helps neighbors. Never saw a kid work so fast but you have to keep an eye out and make sure he gets what you are saying. 🙂 I have almost no weeds now!!! I am pacing myself for the most part. Have only stained half the deck today. Will do the rest later this week. A little at a time. You too! Sorry you missed time with your step dad. But work is work. College isn’t cheap. 😦


  21. I hope your fingernails have stopped hurting by now 🙂 and I think your post prompted me into repainting my outdoor furniture 🙂 and Have just about recovered myself :-D.. Wishing you a peaceful weekend..
    Sue ❤


  22. Good heavens, Marlene, you have the vigor and vitality of a legion of men. I want to know what you’re eating for breakfast.
    Your efforts are truly admirable and I think after reading most of the above comments, that all your followers and fans believe you have some sort of super-human strength. Not to mention a bucketload of creativity.
    I’m so impressed. And truly looking forward to finding out more about your summer adventure as you turn this house into a home.
    Lovely, lovely work!

    Liked by 1 person

    • My son insists I eat something protein based for breakfast. If I don’t make it, he makes it and brings it to me. :)) I have the tenacity of a pit bull with a meaty bone. What is missing in physical strength, I make up for with leverage and creative maneuvering. My son says I’m the strongest women he knows. I think all the muscles are in my head. :)) Thanks so much for reading.


  23. Marlene, I’m exhausted reading your post 🙂 I know how much hard work you are doing and the fruits of your labors will pay off with the beauty you are creating!! Sending you loving thoughts…and many blessings!!! Hope you have time today to sit and enjoy all you have done ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Sit? What’s that?? 🙂 Thanks Lorrie. Let me know if you get to the best part. When I don’t have enough work to do, I create more. It’s those Hot August Nights that are getting to me.:) Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ah! Marlene…we must be twins separated at birth! The worst part for me is when I create more work…and avoid something I “should” be doing! I hate the word “should!” Love & blessings ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  24. Yard looks great! That was really nice that you painted your chair as I know that helped the neighbor lady. With Alzheimer’s, they will perseverate on things and even if she forgot about it, she would re-remember until you changed the color. Good job! ♥

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much. Maybe my mind is a little broken too so I figured that’s how it would go in hers. We deal with her daily and she has no boundaries.They have finally assigned a part-time caregiver to help her son. I think he’s at his wits end. I read a lot about Alzheimer’s. My aunt has it. It’s so hard on the families.


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