Looking for answers to life's questions

There is much I want to share with you today but mostly I want to share my love of learning. Several blogs I follow have done the 3 quotes in three days challenge. I wasn’t able to think straight at the time but these ladies have taught me a great deal, although only a couple have done the challenge…so far.

Gardening Nirvana has two blogs but you can see her wonderful quotes here and enjoy some rays of sunshine. She exudes it. Maybe she’s storing it up while in her garden.

Momermom is someone I’d like to hear from more often. Her quotes were wonderful and so is her sewing skill and her writing. She has such great heart.

Conscious Engagement offered me a wonderful quote yesterday and I seriously thought about borrowing it but decided to invite her to join in. Her photographs are incredible as are her travels. I get to go along for free without leaving the living room. Yay!

Can you tell I’ve broken all the rules here?

Things are slowing down here. We have rebuilt the deck structure after the fire uncovered lots of dry rot.

We couldn't see it because it was the foundation!

We couldn’t see it because it was the foundation!

I’ve finished staining the front porch and most of the fencing.

I’ve even started painting the back of the house before the new deck is completely in place.

I figured out that I needed to prime it first. More work.

I figured out that I needed to prime it first. More work.

I’ve finished and sent off a lap quilt to my Aunt Helga in Australia for her 84th birthday the middle of this month but the photos have vanished from the cameras. All that is left is the label I put on the back. It’s flannel for the texture that people with Alzheimer’s need.

I did get the photo of the back side with the label I made on my embroidery machine

I did get the photo of the back side with the label I made on my embroidery machine

There was a last minute rush to get an embroidery done for last weekends wedding gift.

Towels for the happy couple. We are not very traditional.

Towels for the happy couple. We are not very traditional.

Also completed earlier this month were a couple of pillow cases for my son’s ex-wife’s birthday. They were a kit with the worst instructions. I went on the internet and found the directions I needed.

I made 2 pillowcases for a birthday gift

I made 2 pillowcases for a birthday gift

There were also more squares to contribute to this month’s donation quilt. I have more things done but that will have to wait for a better time. I’m still trying to catch up.

Purple month with white contrast

Purple month with white contrast

The end result of several women adding a couple squares each

The end result of several women adding a couple squares each

Can you spot two of these in that big finished quilt?

Can you spot two of these in that big finished quilt?

Most of what has been done by my son and myself on and in this house has been self-taught. We have found books and more recently on-line videos to teach us the things we don’t know how to do.
My son learned how to re-build my deck with some help from my step-granddaughter’s significant other and the internet.

There is a lot we can learn in this world but only if we are open to learning. Once you are open to learning something, there will be a way provided to give you that knowledge. Somehow when you are ready and open enough there is someone or something to teach you what you need to know. That happens with life too. I’ve seen too many that you can see struggle with a problem and you try to help them fix it. Only they aren’t ready for the fix. It took me a long time to learn that I had to be ready to learn the lesson and so do others. It’s always up to us.

So here is my second quote. There is often a lot of synchronicity involved in this reminder.

This teaches me to be a ready student.

This teaches me to be a ready student.

Have you ever had a teacher appear when you are needing to learn something?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of a Second Quote" (62)

  1. Usually my teachings come from life in general. You are always so busy. I feel like a lazy dog next to you. LOL Hope you are well otherwise. Big hugs!


    • I am so ready to have some down time. My brain even hurts.:) Life is a master teacher but so many are unwilling to learn. They’d rather wallow. I know, it took me awhile. 😦


  2. Thank you for the mention, Marlene. Glad to hear the deck is coming along. This is a great quote. I have never heard it before. I have to agree, a teacher does seem to often come along when needed. It made me think, however, after spending so much time with my grandchildren this summer, that perhaps I might occasionally be that teacher that came along for them. Not that I have any profound knowledge or particularly wise words to offer but we all have a such an opportunity to be an inspiration to others. (I’m not saying I have but… )wouldn’t it be wonderful to think that we might have touched a few lives along the way?

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    • You are quite welcome Jan. Have missed hearing from you this summer but then, I have been absent more than usual as well. We are all students and teachers for each other. I learn something each time I log on and read a blog. I like to pass on what I learned. You are probably the same way. I’m sure you are an inspiration to your grandchildren. We can touch people even indirectly by bringing the light to one that carries it to another. And so it goes. One little light at a time. Hope to be seeing more of you soon. Let the rains come so I can be indoors. 😉


      • Amen to that! (Both to the cooler weather/rain and inspiring others) Yes, I haven’t been blogging as much this summer. It is been a very busy summer and taking all I can to keep up with my own blog, following others, commenting, and staying connected. It seems it’s been a very busy summer for many of my blogging buddies!! You certainly have been busy.😄 How is the porch coming along?

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      • The deck is now a deck again. Minus the railings. They will get taken care of when my son gets back from working 2 weeks straight through. A little freelance work for less than usual pay is better than nothing. It’s going to be a long year. Everyone is struggling this summer to keep up. You have no idea how far behind I am. 😦 Glad you got to spend time with your grand babies though. That’s what’s important. Hugs.

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      • Must be in the smokey air on the West Coast. 😨 I know everyone here is struggling here too (including me! ) Not only am I behind, I am seriously not motivated. I am going to remember that spending time with family and friends is more important than those weeds poking up around the driveway or that disorganization in my sewing room! ! Thanks for the reminder! ! ♡♡

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      • Use a little vinegar on the weeds so you don’t have to pull them and the disorganization in the sewing room will take you less time than you think. Sometimes I do just one area at a time and it goes quick. I’ve been dealing with it too. Everything has a rhythm and ours is to do something different right now. You’ll get back to other things when it feels right. Enjoy the family.

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  3. Such a great thought to remember isn’t it Marlene! What you say goes with another quote: ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.’ I have come to understand that it is so important to let folk be. We all walk different paths and come to the teacher we can learn from in our own time. I also think that we are all each others teachers and students. Jan is absolutely right too – I think she teaches us all with her gentleness and kindness and ability. She embodies her faith without preaching and I like to see that very much!


    • I so agree with you Pauline. I learned after raising step children that sometimes helping isn’t helping. Sometimes you just have to let it happen. Everyone comes to that place in their own time. I think about offering a book that might help but then realize I had to be in a place to look for that book that helped me. They might not be there yet. When they are, the book will fall off the shelf at them like it did for me. They do that you know. 🙂 I guess that has been one of my favorite quotes for so many years just for that reason. I like that about Jan too. My faith runs quite deep but it has a slightly different texture than others. Wish the rest of the world could let each other enjoy their uniqueness. 🙂 Hugs and a happy weekend.


      • I needed to read this today. Thanks, Marlene. You’re so right: we have to get there on our own *and* let others get there on their own time too. That can be tricky when you live with a 15 year old. I’m learning this week to do a better job ‘picking my battles’ which will lead to a bit more harmony in the household. I always long for harmony.

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      • Ah, yes. I remember it well. I had my daughter and 2 step children that I raised all one year apart. It was bedlam in our house some time. I had a countdown calendar for when each reached 18. I’m glad I only had 2 children after that experience. Can you imagine having 10,12 or 19???? Crazy. Picking your battles is a good thing to do. I picked the life and death battles. The rest, eh.


      • A countdown calendar. Laughing. Out. Loud. You crack me up, Marlene, but honestly three teens, each a year apart, who can blame you. I’m sure at the time it helped you keep your sanity…or at least kept you out of jail when you wanted to wring someone’s neck.

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    • When I taught college, Pauline, we said “you can lead a student to knowledge, but you can’t make them think!”

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  4. You are so energetic, Marlene, and I wish some of that would rub off on me! Your deck is going to be great.

    You are right, we need to be in learning mode all our lives, to keep our minds open to new solutions. When I was studying for my OU degree, I enjoyed it so much (I was already in my 70s) that I reckon education is in many ways wasted on the young!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for stopping by Viv. I have almost no energy, just desire. That’s what pushes me on when I just want to rest. I’m still young enough but the balance issue slows me down a bit and causes a great deal of fatigue.
      As for education, I’ve never been lucky enough to have a formal one but learning can be done anywhere. You just have to be willing to be taught. Learning has been my lifelong avocation. I think it may be genetic. My children inherited it from both their parents. 🙂 I have often thought about doing the college thing but it’s so expensive here. I could audit classes and may just do that as soon as this house is settled. AT the rate I’m going, that shouldn’t be long. Have a great weekend.

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      • I know all about those wobbly balance problems! And you have a good weekend – don’t work too hard.

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      • I have wonderful plans for the weekend. Taking a quilting friend to dinner Saturday as it’s her 79th birthday! She would have been alone. Sunday is my daughter’s day to spend with me. We will go for German food after her laundry is done. If I didn’t have a washer/dryer, I wonder how often I’d see her? :)) It’s supposed to rain! I sure hope so. Then I can just clean inside and maybe sew!! Hope your weekend is wonderful as well.

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  5. You go Girl!!! It all looks great:-) The picture with you resting, I can relate…been me lately. Out there weeding and creating in the garden + not much time to visit blogs lately:-( But glad I stopped by , WOW-your are creating a place to be + it looks great!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Robbie. TS would catch a rare moment of me sitting on my laurels. That’s a darn big porch. I hope to have it all looking good by next summer. Figured I could catch up on blogs when it starts raining. Maybe some sewing and quilting too. 🙂 Come on rain!


  6. NotAPunkRocker said:

    I like the wedding gift towels! Cute 😀

    I didn’t think about with Alzhimer’s patients and texture, but it makes sense. Glad it turned out the way you wanted and that it will be on its way soon ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. Not sure how the bride and groom felt about the towels but they are sharing a place with another couple so I figured putting their names on the towels would be the best thing to do. Auntie likes her quilt though she can’t fully express it. I got a not the quilt and photos arrived. It was a lucid moment and they are fewer and fewer. Thanks for reading.

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  7. You were supposed to take it easy and enjoy having your house to yourself while Tech Support was away. You wore me out just reading this. Do you ever sleep?

    Yes, I have had many teachers who entered my life just when I needed them the most to help me along. I don’t know where I would be or even who I would be without having met them.

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    • No, Lois. I don’t sleep very much. The list gets longer rather than shorter.You don’t sleep much yourself, dear lady. I am enjoying my time alone. Getting ready for some possible rain!!! Yay! We are in desperate need here on the west coast. I think I’ll nap a minute now. 🙂


  8. Pillowcases are such a nice gift idea. I never think about that. I don’t think Disney’s Frozen is going away, ever. It’s really struck a note with children with remarkable staying power. I wonder if all that singing of “Let it Go” will serve as a life lesson as they age. Food for thought.

    I am blown away at the projects you complete: entire quilts, quilt squares for your shared project, embroidered towels and the deck. Even the time to shop for the right materials for these projects takes time. I’ve really enjoyed looking at the quilt up close. I love the marriage of geometry and artistry that make such a beautiful, practical thing. Its clear you get so much enjoyment at your sewing machine. I suppose the hot days have their pluses: time for projects indoors.

    Thank you for the gracious mention and for this wonderful quote.

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    • Thanks for your kind words, Alys. I didn’t sew the big quilt together. My friend who is 79 and has lots of time volunteered to sew all our squares to make the big one. The one I sent my aunt was much smaller. More individual sized. The ex-DIL loves anything Disney. She has no room left for collectibles, so we are down to clothes, quilts or simple pillowcases. After watching a U-tube video, it was much simpler. Do you know the definition of the word “bored”? I don’t. :))


      • Bored? Hmmm…I’m too busy to go look that up. 😉

        Please don’t sell yourself short, Marlene. That photo of you resting on the almost-finished, stained deck says it all: you’re a work horse who loves fixing and creating and it pours out of you in a hundred different ways.

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      • SEE! I knew you wouldn’t know what that word meant either. It’s FALLING here! We had RAIN and some wind and the leaves are blowing everywhere. I’m in heaven. Now the sun is shining. What a perfect day!! Wishing you one too. 🙂 Hugs. I do love fixing and creating.:)))


      • I’m so happy to hear that your weather turned! Where can I get a slice of that pie?

        Ours changed a bit too, though not nearly as dramatically as yours. We’ve dropped twenty degrees and have a nice breeze. Ahhhhhh

        Enjoy your perfect day, MH. xox

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  9. PS and I forgot to mention the fence. I sure hope you’ve been working on that in the wee hours and not in the midday heat. Ack.


    • I’ve been working on it in shifts. Have to wait till it’s in the shade. I can’t do heat. Paint doesn’t work in the heat. It will dry on the brush. Isn’t that too bad? :)))) The new manager drove by and said he liked the color. Very calming. I agreed. My son liked the natural color better. He was out voted. 🙂


      • Calm is good. Hurray for the thumbs up from the manager and hurray for you for staining it the color you like. Will you have to re-stain the fence every year or will it last for some time?


      • I’m all for calm and happy. Once the yellow goes on the house, it will all feel different. I’m thinking it will need staining every couple of years. it hadn’t been done before and they buried some of the wood below grade. There is some rot. May just have to remove some boards and cut them off. Funny how people think wood is indestructible. I’m not sure how I like the Trex yet. it’s a bit softer under the feet with a bit more give. Not great when you are on a ladder. 😦 Time will tell.


      • We debated Trex vs wood when they built our deck but ended up with a wood called Ipe. We’ll have to compare notes in ten years to see how our respective decks are holding up. I’ve noticed that the natural shrinking of wood is exposing the deck screws and an ever so slight change in the height of the transition between ramp and deck, but otherwise all is good. Mike oiled it twice, years on and three I think…I loose track, which gives it a dark color. I actually prefer the look after it fades, but know that the oil is a good preservative.

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      • I’ll keep you posted. It may not take that long to figure out how well I like it.

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  10. Your busyness puts me to shame! The fence project looks great. Now for the rain to come so you (me/we) can settle down. The one picture of the the decayed boards appear very cross-like. Perhaps there is a message in its positon? Take care, my friend.

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    • Oh, I know I’m always watched over. My SIL is still beating herself up over the fire. I told her everything happens for a reason. We would not have discovered the rot any other way. I’m always up for allowing Divine intervention. 🙂 I am so ready to slow down. Will have to next week. 😦


      • That is exactly right! Thank goodness for divine intervention finding a way for you to discover the rot in the wood. I can understand SIL feeling bad, but I hope she recovers soon and trusts your sincerity.

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      • I even told my SIL that this happy accident helped you as well. We still talk at least once a week so it’s good in that department. She probably won’t make another trip as her health is questionable. I do wish she stopped smoking and started walking a little at a time. But I couldn’t convince her brother either. He’s managed to live 20 years longer than he did. Women are stronger. 🙂

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  11. Hi Marlene, I hope we get lots of rain so you get to relax a bit. Have a good weekend!

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  12. Good heavens, you’re productive! And you’re able to do so much in part because you’re open to help, from everyone from your family members to the on-line videos. I like the way your post led us to your quote.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Kerry. I work hard at that. I’m an independent woman which means I’m smart enough to know when to ask for help. 🙂 There are things I do well, like point and say “fix it please” 🙂


  13. Wow, you seem to be quite busy these days! Your craft work looks really good and I’m sure the recipients will be over the moon!

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    • Thanks so much. I’m ALWAYS busy. Guess I always have been one of those people who likes to have lots to do. The more diversity there is, the more interesting it can be. This week will be a more quiet week so we shall see how that goes. 🙂 Hope all is well in your corner of the world. 🙂

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  14. Snap! Just look at you sew, build, and sew some more…I shall be the one with the pom-poms doing a Marlene-a-go-go cheer from my cozy sofa.

    It’s great that the guys are figuring things out so they can help you ‘get-er-done’ I really think there’s no end to what you can learn on You-Tube. Maybe I’ll Goggle brain surgery, LOL.

    The fence and porch look great! I like that it’s a lighter colour, looks bright and clean.

    My teachers have been many. Years ago, when I found myself alone and feeling betrayed, I thought I’d never want to go through that again. But lucky me, I had many friends, with loving marriages that included me in their families and showed me what a good relationship looks like. Then after a few miss-steps, along came Jim. He’s shown me what a good man can be. No marriage is a breeze, but it helps when two people are willing to learn from each other.

    Thanks for sharing your quote and project news my dear! You’re an inspiration for us sofa surfers, hehe xo B

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    • Thanks for stopping by sweetie. I know what your schedule is like too. You don’t let any grass grow under your feet. It’s just different grass than mine. It’s been a challenge to get this all done with such odd weather. Most days it was too hot to do anything but TS worked hard to get it all down before he left for 2 weeks. I like the color as it is calming. The HOA likes it too. Yay?
      I am so glad you had better luck the second time around. It often works that way. Just not for me. I’d still like to believe there is someone out there for me and for my kids too. I’d like them settled with wonderful partners for my peace of mind. Everyone should have a great partner. If you are on the sofa, my guess is you are working on something there. 🙂 That’s where I do my writing. :))

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      • holy ya! this mornings sofa action involved booking my flight to San Jose. Toddle-lou on Sept 30th for 7 days of fun. How sweet it is (say it like Jackie) xo

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    • Brain surgery. You nut. 😉

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  15. You do good work, my friend–both inside and outside the home. Your quilts are so beautiful! I love them. They remind me of the quilts my grandma made, but I was too young to appreciate them. I admire you painting and fixing yourself. I’m in no shape to take on such aggressive projects.

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    • I always say I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in. I promise I’m holding on tight to the ladder which I’m not supposed to be on with my balance problems. Sewing is a struggle too.I leaves me dizzy and unable to see well for hours. I just don’t give up. I work awhile, rest awhile then repeat. I took my health so for granted years ago. Wish I had it back now. 🙂 I do these projects myself because I can’t pay anyone to do them for me. If my son didn’t help, I’m not sure how I would manage. I guess I just keep counting my blessings and keep moving.


  16. EVERY SINGLE TIME!! 😉 ♡♡

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  17. Oh, I can’t tell you how great this whole post is for me. First of all – THANK YOU for the shout out, and here it is a month later and I’m finally reading it. You are a truly special friend and your support has been unwavering from the day we first made contact. How serendipitous that day was. I’m glad you liked the quote I shared, and now I feel like I should add a special quote to each of your quote posts, since I have not posted for weeks, so I know accepting a blog challenge is unrealistic. Quote two is from Theresa Panza, from Don Quixote. She is Sancho Panza’s wife, remember Sancho the squire? Anyway, in the book she says, “Hunger is the best sauce.” It’s simple and always applicable. Particularly when backpacking.

    You are a powerhouse of activity. I can hardly wait to retire and see if I can pack my days as full as you do. Quilting and embroidering and heavy yard work and deck construction and painting. I assume that in there somewhere you were also cooking and cleaning and blogging. Good heavens you inspire me.

    I have believed for some time that it’s the learning that keeps us young. My blog tagline says it: “Careening through life and learning stuff,” because I feel that the learning is a substantial enough goal in itself. (That sort of helps me make peace with the fact that I have not used my Masters Degree in any kind of employment, but I am still in awe of so many of the things I learned).

    It follows that I have discovered over and over, that when I have opened up my stubborn heart and my egotistical mind to some more education…a teacher does appear. Someone who somehow notices that it’s the right time to tell me what I have needed to know. Or, it might not be a person, but an event, or nature revealing herself. That is a wonderful quote, and thank you for it.

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    • Thank you, Crystal. I’m glad it resonated with you. I see you are playing catch up like I’m still trying to do. I’ve spent the last 3 weeks doing virtually nothing. No posts at all. Just reading and commenting, Watching more British mysteries than I’ve seen in my whole life. I have no degrees but my motto has been to learn something new every day or close the lid. If I can’t learn, I must be dead. Everyone teaches us something. I love the quote. I was pretty sure you were up to your eyeballs and it doesn’t stop when you retire. We usually wonder how we had time to work? I was wondering about whether you took the new job?

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