Looking for answers to life's questions

Happy Halloween. It’s here again. We have the perfect Halloween weather, though not for the kids. It’s windy, raining and spooky. The wind is knocking down decorations right and left whipping them down the street to be recovered later.

Tombstones went flying.

Tombstones went flying.

My daughter, son and I have combined our meager collection of decor and put out everything we had here at my place. This is where we will be tonight eating the candy that was intended for the neighbor kids. I don’t think any will brave the rain. Most go to city sponsored functions anyway. We have candy just in case.

I’ve been trying to race the weather to get my outside work done before the rains came. Guess who won? I had to pay someone to paint the front of my house. My son is not good with ladders and paint buckets. My sister spilled half a bucket of paint trying to do just the trim so I call in help. I did manage to get the porch area painted with 2 coats. It’s hard to see the difference but it feels so much happier to me. The soft yellow is so much better than the dull beige. Got it finished and cleaned up in time for decorating. I know the bugs schedule now and I’ll do the rest of the painting first thing next spring.


the differemce 2

I put up the metal quilt square to show that this is a quilt friendly home.

I put up the metal quilt square to show that this is a quilt friendly home.

Halloween marks my blogging anniversary. I’ve been doing this four years now and wondering about the merits of a fifth. I know I want to reevaluate where I’m going with this. This last year and a half has been challenging in many ways. What am I saying? They are all somewhat challenging. So the weather has brought us inside and that’s where I need to go. Inside for some deep soul-searching. There is that word again. Searching. Do I still have anything of value to offer? Your time is precious. I never have enough time. So I’m going to take a moment to ponder the number five.

Corny wants a book with his treats

Corny wants a book with his treats

I hope you have a festive Halloween with more treats than tricks.

Are you ready to come inside?


From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of Five" (72)

  1. Congratulations on four years of blogging, Marlene, that’s quite an accomplishment. I love your decorations, especially the cobwebs! It’s a shame it’s raining. Don’t eat too much candy, you don’t want to end up with a stomach ache. 🙂 Happy Halloween!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Halloween, Marlene!
    Hey, that rhymes!
    How many times
    Can I repeat these lines?
    So here’s my bottom line:
    Candy is fine!
    Happy Halloween to my wonderful friend

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No kids here. Too far out and no candy to give anyway. 😉
    I love your decorations.
    I do hope you continue to blog in some form or fashion. I would miss you terribly. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Now Marlene, your post resonates with me today. Partially because it’s been pouring rain all day long and I’ve been trapped inside. Which is fine, because I am brain-dead from a week of classroom training on my new job and I have had a migraine most of the day, but still… it’s pouring. I haven’t even left the deck yet today, and just lean over to chat with my beloved chickies every couple hours. Tell TS they escaped again – all four of them – on Monday, and since I haven’t been home during daylight hours for a week, they have been left to roam free. Last weekend I spotted a coyote circling their pen each morning and if it makes my girls feel safer to hide under the deck, then I will let them. I feel like a bad mom being gone for 11 hours a day anyway.

    But anyway… the part about going inside. I seriously need to check in with my spiritual and emotional health. I dread it because anytime I’ve been away too long, I know there is a lot of work to do when I get back. You are right mental chores can be a lot more work than physical chores. I may just put it off till later, or till introspection forces itself upon me. I need to be totally about my job and getting through my commutes until this period of my life is past. Hopefully only a couple months.

    It breaks my heart to heart that you could actually ask yourself that question: do I have anything to contribute? You must be comparing yourself to what you wish for. Because, if you compared yourself to the general human population, you would see that you already contribute so much. Your quilting group, to choose the first obvious thing that comes to mind, is filled with good people who want to share a common interest and donate to good causes. Just that alone would make you valuable to society. But you also participate in the local seniors group there where you live, you are active with your children, not to mention you created your children – who are now going out and bringing your light to the world like ambassadors. You care about the planet and about politics and about human rights and you share your opinions on your blog…which we all read and love and take to heart. You take care of your friends, which I can only assume, because you take care of me.

    That’s the first few things that come to mind. Do you need a list? I can make a list for you, just say the word. 😉 Love you, Marlene ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • You make me smile and laugh. No list required. 🙂 I want to dare to be fresh in my direction. I tend to be cowardly in my writing. The spiritual aspect of my life is my largest. I agree that you can’t go there right now. You have other fish to fry. Keeping your chickens safe while you are gone is a big one. There must be a way to keep them safe from coyotes. Learning a new job is draining. The long commute is draining. Knowing your house is vacant with no protection for your chicks is draining. No wonder you have a migraine. I’d have one too. You’ll get your introspective time soon. But I’ve found that when we don’t take the time, the body makes it for us. Boy have I learned that lesson big time. I was just reading about chickens molting on http://thesnailofhappiness.com/2015/11/01/a-feathered-nest-box/. Hope you find a good solution. Thanks for all the support. Giant hugs. Now go rest.


  5. Wow! Does everyone in your neck of the woods decorate for Halloween? It’s not that noticeable here, though the kids dress up to go trick or treating and I keep having to refill the sweetie tin.

    Please don’t stop blogging – we’re a nice friendly community, and hate to lose anyone.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much Viv. I felt I was getting a little stale after 4 years and needed to look at this with fresh eyes. The last year and half have been so full, I haven’t had time to think or feel. Just do. So now I want to see if I can go where my heart wants to go. I love the blogging community. They have breathed life into me when I thought there was none. Not everyone here decorates. My kids happen to love Halloween more than I do so we do it up. Yes, they are grown ups. My son had the best time handing out candy to those that weren’t washed away by the rain or blown off by the wind. Some decorate more than others. Wait till Christmas. 🙂 Hugs, M


      • Double Wow! Your feeling about the blogging community matches my own. After finishing my degree in 2010 I was very down, but blogging picked me up again, and kept me up there despite some horrendous health issues.

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      • I’m dealing with another health issue that says “pedal back”. Bloggers have seen me through the last 4 years with Bells Palsy related issues. For the first few years I was pretty much house bound. I get out more now but it’s physically and mentally costly. I have to come home and rest. Writing saved me. The blogging community helped heal my soul. I don’t know that I can give it up, I just need to rethink my application and direction.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m sure you’ll find the answers you need.

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  6. Marlene, you know how I feel about Halloween so what a treat for me to wander through all your fabulous decorations. I sure hope the rain took a break so a few trick or treaters could pass through. It would be a shame to go to all that work and not be able to share it with your neighborhood children. That said, I know there is fun in the doing, so with that said, it looks like the three of you poured out your creative juices and had fun.

    As for hiring someone to finish the paint, well done. You’ve worked tirelessly for months and months. It’s nice to call it finished and settle in for the coming winter. I know your sewing, quilting and upcoming holidays are calling you.

    I’ve enjoyed every post you’ve ever written. I think you have a lot to contribute and, selfishly, hope you’ll continue to write and share with us here. I understand, though, that sometimes it’s hard to feel fresh, interesting or relevant. I ask that myself when my blog is feeling stale or when I realize interactions have dropped off. Leilani and others have said “blog for yourself” and I think that’s valid. But if it is only for ourselves, then we would just write in a journal and not seek the interactions that come with blogging.

    I wish you all good things as you go inside and sort things out. I’m so glad you’re here.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you Alys. I so appreciate your kind words. I’m thinking a revamp will be more the course after some thinking time. The rest of the house will get painted in the spring. Too cold for paint to stick now. Only the front, porch and front skirting are done. There were several groups of kids that braved the rain with parents under umbrellas. I heard one little one that was ready to call it quits. We had a lot of wind too. Maybe better luck next year. I don’t blog for myself but for the interaction. I have journals that I keep for myself as you pointed out. We like to grow and keep things fresh and interesting and light. That takes some thought and time. Hugs to you and hope you had a good Halloween. I’ll be thinking of you as you go for your surgery.


      • I’m glad a few brave souls made it out in the rain. The wind is another story. I can see how that might be frightening to a small child, not to mention that it’s hard to stay dry in your wee costume when the adult is holding the umbrella.

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      • Yesterday was Portland’s wettest day of the year! Wouldn’t you know it!


      • Oh good gravy! Wouldn’t you know it is right. That is really something, Marlene. Crazy weather everywhere.

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      • I’m looking forward to sharing in your continued journey, Marlene.

        Thanks for your well wishes for my surgery. I’m so ready to have it behind me. Halloween was different this year: my youngest son and his friend manned the doors all night. We attended an adult party later in the evening, also unusual for us to get in a car to drive anywhere on Halloween. I tried resting before we went out but no luck. Somehow we all made it through the day. Mike’s carvings turned out beautifully, as always. I’ll share in a post later this week.

        Enjoy your rainy days.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I wish I could send some of that rain to you. Everything changes. So must we.


      • True words, that, Marlene.

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  7. I’m hoping you stick with it. You and I have a blogging history, seeking and searching the best things in life. And sometimes finding the worst in the process. Ah life. I understand the ebbs and flows. It’s a good season to ponder that. While I hope you keep up the blog, I hope more that you do what finds you peace. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Jean. You hit it on the nail head. Finding peace. The last few years have been very Full? My body has decided to remind me that’s it’s time to turn down the dial. I’m not 25 anymore. I stuck myself in a corner with my blog title, Something needs to be remedied so I can grow a bit or wither completely. A little inside time and all of you are helping to make it clearer.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You know I’ve changed my blog title and tag line a couple times. It helps keep it clearer to me, especially the tag line. When I wonder, “Why am I writing this?” “Who wants to read it?” I revisit my tagline and decide whether it fits or not. And honestly, while I love when people read my posts and especially comment, it’s more just a record of having been here. I think I have a terrible fear of being forgotten. Like writing “I WAS HERE” on an underpass. Except it takes a lot longer. 🙂

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      • You always manage to make me laugh. Writing on an underpass is something I can see you doing. I don’t know quite why. 🙂 I’ve changed my tag line but more needs to change. I think it’s fear of being completely out there. I hold a lot back. I think that’s why I love reading your posts. I’d love to be so open and have it resonate. And you always make me laugh or at least smile that “I get it” smile. Thanks for the vote of confidence. It’s appreciated. Fear has been driving me my whole life. I think I need to kick it to the curb.

        Liked by 2 people

      • I recommend steel-toed boots.

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  8. Carol Ferenc said:

    Your decorations are great, Marlene. Love the tombstones!
    Congratulations on your four year blogiversary ~ that’s an amazing accomplishment. I started my blog less than six months ago and it’s hard to imagine four years down the road. Whatever you decide, I hope you choose what’s best for YOU.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for the kind words, Carol. The blogging community has been too wonderful to give up so I think it’s time to revamp and refresh. It takes a great deal of time but I think it’s been worth it. I’ve made some very special friends here. Thanks for stopping by.

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  9. Well look at you! How fun you are I am afraid I am quite to Scrooge when it comes to Halloween. Once the kids were grown and passed that stage I completely lost interest. Your decorations look fabulous. The house looks wonderful too. Now comes the hard job of taking down all of those decorations, sigh. Before you know it it will be time to put up the Christmas decorationsN Now that is a season I can sink my teeth into!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m with you on the holidays. I was never a fan of Halloween but my kids (grown and old) are. Alys @ gardening nirvana sparked my interest a bit. Yes, it’s all coming down and the others will go up after thanksgiving. I do Christmas up pretty big, for this small space. 🙂 Hope you had a peaceful Halloween. We got dumped on with the rain. Almost no kids braved that weather. 😦

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  10. For the past twenty years I’ve lived in a home where kids haven’t darkened my door on Halloween. I miss the cute costumes and smiles of anticipation of the children who come. Halloween was my favorite holiday when I was a kid–but things have changed so much since then. Don’t stop blogging! By the looks of the comments you’ve received, you will be missed a lot. I wish I was so lucky. Besides you and Dan dropping by my blog, I rarely see a comment. What am I doing wrong, Ms. Blog Master?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the kind words, Barb. I have a lot of followers but few that actually read. I read a lot of blogs and comment and we’ve become a community who supports each other like you just did for me. I doubt I’ll give up blogging, just refresh it a bit. Maybe a lot. I need some time to deal with a health issue that was impeding my vision. Can’t do much if you can’t see. I make my print very large to see what I’m reading and writing. I guess it’s like I’m writing a letter to you all every few weeks. And I want to know how you are doing and how you are doing it. I learn so much from each blogger I read. They are my community since I don’t get out as much anymore. We are important to each other. Maybe try asking questions at the end. That’s what my son told me to do and so far, it’s working. And I really care about the answer. We had a few brave souls suffer through the downpour for candy. My son had fun passing it out and they loved the decorations. I was also told to keep the posts short, under 500 words. Sometimes I can’t but I try to keep it in that range. Most of us are so busy that long posts are hard to stick with. The photo’s helped a lot too. I love seeing pictures of what people are doing. Getting better at them. Practice. Big hugs.


  11. Oh Marlene, please don’t stop blogging. I enjoy your stories and dry sense of humor; your photos and how you cleverly document everyday life with your words. Happy belated Halloween, early Thanksgiving and …. take care my friend – Missy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, Missy. Thank you so much for those kind words. I just need longer days or more energy. Working on the energy part now. I think it might just need to be freshened up when I freshen up. I’m not as lyrical with my writing as you are and so many others. Kind of meat and potatoes writing. :/ Hope you had a happy Halloween too. I’m sure we’ll touch base before Thanksgiving. 🙂 Hugs.

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  12. May your eyes begin to heal, may you find the peace you seek and may you revamp your blog rather than stop writing. Too many people would miss you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for those very kind words. They mean a lot. I’m taking the steps to heal the vision and myself. Hopefully a revamping will happen.


  13. I really did like your ghost and skeleton Halloween …. not something that is very big here. BUT bring on Christmas!!! Different seasons for us but I am planning on going all out this year! I look forward to what you have to share.

    Marlene I am new to this blogging world and I am grateful that I have met you in this cyber world. Much love to you dear lady!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Danellajoy. We may try a bit harder next year. I’m starting to get into it a bit more. Not so many do here unless they have small children. Mine are older than you but very playful. 😉 Not like their mom. I love the blogging world and have made the very best of friends here. I hope you keep posting. Hugs to you and your mom.


  14. My granddaughter always says that as her birthday is October 31st, she’s not afraid of anything.

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  15. Four years is a long time blogging Marlene, many congratulations on a fine achievement! I know just how you feel, I hope in your soul searching you find your answers, although I for one would sorely miss you if you decide to stop blogging. This is a good time of year for that, to hunker down as the weather turns cold and windy and winter heads our way. I love your Halloween preparations, hope it was fun and the wind didn’t keep the trick or treaters away 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by Sherri. I’m still trying to catch up on my blog reading. Some write everyday and I just can’t keep up. The last year and a half has left my energy scattered and me quite stressed. Time to regroup. Winter is a good time for that. If I can get a quiet moment where something is not demanding my attention, I want to make some lists and see where I end up. How can I make this better or am I wasting everyone’s time. I so appreciate your kind words. The reason I haven’t thrown in the towel already is I would miss you as well. I’ve made some wonderful friendships here. The rain did slow the kids down. Hopefully next year won’t be as wet. They said it was our wettest day this year. I felt bad but we have snow in the mountains from it. That equals water in the summer months. Yay!!!


  16. Hi Marlene.. I am having to leave my comment with my other logo, I do not get answers to this one in my notification. But I have been spammed so all my comments upon my main blog are going into peoples spam boxes so I won’t risk it on yours..

    Lovely to see the decorations and we had a busy Halloween too.. You have been busy I see with the paint pot again.. Not so much resting has been done by the looks of it LOL..

    Lovely to have you at Dreamwalkers today.. and Please take care, and try to rest this weekend..
    Love and Hugs Sue xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so sorry about the spam. It does worry one. I’ve been resting more than working but heading out to a downtown lunch with a very old friend. I drive only the MAX station and take the rail downtown. I can no longer manage the longer drive. It will rain all weekend so maybe some creative work will happen. 🙂 Giant hugs..M


  17. Absolutely fantastic Hallowe’en decorations!

    Congratulations on four years of blogging! I think blogs change and grow as we do, but they’re such a fun way to correspond with people all over the world and learn new ideas and get a ton of inspiration – I don’t always get a chance to read and comment as I would like to do, but I really value your work and time and that of all the other bloggers I follow.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much Sheryl. I don’t get to read as many as I’d like to either. Some of you write every day. I manage once ever couple of weeks. Just keeping up with the blog reading is a job in itself. I guess revamping the blog is like buying a new dress. It perks up our spirits just a bit. Thanks for stopping by.


  18. I can’t believe this got lost in my inbox! I love the new color of your home and the quilt square is lovely! I want to put a barn quilt on the one wall of my exterior next year (I hope) to give it some life.

    Your decorations are adorable. I don’t bother to decorate for Halloween, when I do put decorations up it’s more of a autumn theme than a specific holiday.

    You know how I feel about your blog. I look forward to more and hope you will continue even if it’s just now and again, but I won’t pester you to do so. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Just taking a little breathing space to regroup. To see if I can make some improvements. Most of the outside decorations belong to my kids. The inside is stuff I painted years and years ago in classes. I’m looking forward to finishing the outside painting next spring. First thing on my list when the warm comes back. The yellow feels so cheerful. Now I have more autumn up than Halloween. Time is speeding up again. I don’t think I ever put up Halloween before the last couple of years. The barn quilt sounds like a fun idea. My friend that I sew with hangs different quilts on her front porch to let the neighbors know a quilter lives there. I just put up my little mini signs but the wind is something I need to figure out how to deal with. It keeps blowing them. Giant hugs.


      • The Eco Grandma said:

        Glad to hear you are just taking a bit of breathing space, I’d really miss you.

        I took a walk today and noticed a woman touching up the paint on her deck and thought I should tackle the trim or the swing set or something else outside before it’s too late. But I’ve got my hands full indoors right now so decided to let it be. We expect to drop below freezing by Friday so that doesn’t give the paint much time to cure and I’d hate to have to repaint everything next year.

        When I put the barn quilt up I’m going to screw it right into the house then caulk around it to prevent the wasps from nesting behind it like they do the shutters and any crack they can find. What about those 3M picture hanger type strips? Would they hold up during the changing weather for your quilt? I don’t know if they are just for indoors or not but it might be worth checking into. The only other thing I can think of would be to use little clamps on two of the sides to keep it up there but that would require screws into the siding and I don’t know if you want to do that.

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      • I quit painting when the weather dropped below 65 for at least 4 hours. The painters said it would have to be redone if it’s too cold to stick. 3M doesn’t work well in extreme cold or wind. I won’t be putting any real quilts outside for any length of time. A painted one is the best solution.


      • The Eco Grandma said:

        Yes,I too questioned the ability of the paint to stick this time of year. Too bad about the 3M products it was the only real thing that came to mind. No I wouldn’t hang a real quilt outside either.

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  19. Good Morning Marlenie-bean, I just typed a rather wordy message and then it disappeared…?? phooey. I’ll shall be back to recap later as now I must run off. Don’t you dare go away…..I’m rather late but would be so sad to find your WP doorbell missing…..see you later xoxoxoxo K

    Liked by 1 person

    • Not to worry, I’m going to be back soon myself. Going to lunch with my sis and see a funny movie. :))

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      • Chirpity chirp chirp, good morning Wonderfrau ! Your outing sounded way fun! Which movie did you go see ? It’s
        Mr B’s Birthday weekend, so we’ll see a movie this weekend too. We plan on seeing Bond, James Bond 😉
        Wow, Ka-Pow those are some great decorations you all got done. That Gnome is positively wacky and frightening. Looks like you had fun putting it together. My decor was rather lame this year because of work, just too busy. But we got over 150 kids. I was in a killer clown costume I had worn to work that day. One grownup said to me, “great costume, we love this street because everyone decorates and hands out great treats”. It seems like we may have moved into some sort of ‘Halloween Alley’. Like those crazy Christmas Alley’s where all the neighbours go nuts and a lot of visitors walk by to see it.
        Happy Blogaversary Marlene 😀 xo Please don’t give it up, even if the visits are farther apart, I love that you’re here and would really miss you. xo K


  20. Really great decorations.


  21. My heart would be broken to not have you here, Marlene!! I understand what you may be thinking…I have not been around as much and sometimes wonder how long I will do this…but then I think of the incredible people u have met and connected with…and I know how much I miss everyone when I’m gone for only a few weeks!! Anyway…I for one…and I am sure there are many others…would miss you!! ♡♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Lorri. I appreciate the kind words. I’m thinking of revamping a bit after the first of the year since right now my energy is so very scattered. I have those same thoughts. I’m closer to bloggers that people right here. Sad, isn’t it? I feel like I’m in the fastest spin cycle on the washer right now. Taking some time to breathe again. So many of us are doing just that. Not a bad thing to come back fresh and ready.


      • Yes, Marlene! It is all about ebbs and flows. I have not been here as much as I would like…I think the agitation part of the cycle has stopped…and now I am ready for rinsing!! 😉 Take the time you need…but know there are so many who support you here. And you can always drop an email if you have the time 😉 Have a super wonderful Sunday!! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks so much, Lorrie. Have a wonderful week ahead and big hugs to you.

        Liked by 1 person

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