Looking for answers to life's questions

Do you sense a theme here? Sleeping isn’t something I do much but the sleep I do get seems to be better. In spite of my discomfort with that horrid C-pap machine, I’m waking more “rested”.

Up until a few years ago, I had my little dog, Schatzie sleeping on my bed. She was quiet all night and never seemed to mind my tossing and turning or the occasional snore fest.

Lucille is my sister's new rescue. She is a year and a half and came to visit this week.

Lucille is my sister’s new rescue. She is a year and a half and came to visit this week.

Now I sleep with just books and notebooks in my bed. My headboard is littered with them and so is the bookcase beside my bed as well as the nightstand next to it. Everything in my life is designed to accommodate my books and notebooks. That includes e-readers.

The other side of the headboard looks just like this.

The other side of the headboard looks just like this.

I don’t read like a normal person. I can read four separate books in one night. Once or two chapters each. I may read a bit from a magazine, a short story book, a non-fiction and a fiction. That’s after I’ve done my journal writing and gratitude list.


My sister is reading and loving it now that I'm done. I'll have to order dinner next.

My sister is reading and loving it now that I’m done. I’ll have to order dinner next.

Recommending books is not something I usually do. The book a person is supposed to read will appear at the right time and place for them. I can be excited about one and tell you about it but you may not be ready for that book now…or ever.  These are just a few that I have read lately.


Some of the journals and books that sleep in my bed.

Some of the journals and books that sleep in my bed.

I’ve had books fall off the bookstore shelves at me, slide forward on my own shelves or just jump into my Amazon cart from nowhere. I have books on crafting, painting, sewing, quilting, writing, quantum physics, spirituality, children’s books, novels, short stories, and the list goes on. Who has time to sleep?


I'm not fond of white t-shirts but I loved this one so much it turned purple.

I’m not fond of white t-shirts but I loved this one so much it turned purple.

My e-reader is filled with self-help books of every manner. Many are filled with wonderful quotes that keep me in a positive frame of mind. I don’t naturally lean that way and must stay cautious. I want to learn something new each day by any means possible. Happiness to me is a bookstore or a fabric store and best viewed with a creative friend.

I couldn't put this one down.

I couldn’t put this one down.


There are novels on my e-reader written by fellow bloggers that only write e-books. I wouldn’t want to miss any of those. Some have to wait a bit to be read but I’m making shorter work of them as the winter projects draw to a close. I’ve read several by Maddie Cochere and Jackie Phillips. They are entertaining and light as well as have a bit of humor which sends me off to sleep with a smile. The only reading done early in the day are all the blogs I follow. That’s done over morning coffee.

This is the fourth book of Maddie's I am reading.

This is the fourth book of Maddie’s I am reading.

Jackie has this writing thing down pat

Jackie has this writing thing down pat

Another of Jackie's with more to come.

Another of Jackie’s with more to come.

As I take off for my trip to Phoenix to see a friend, there will be no hard copies of books going along. Just my journals and a notebook as writing sometimes requires pencil and paper to let the thoughts flow.

I loved this book on creativity!! Most helpful and I finished it quickly

I loved this book on creativity!! Most helpful and I finished it quickly

I will probably find a bookstore while I’m there. Hopefully my favorite in the Mesa area called Changing Hands It’s an independent book store; my favorite kind. I would probably sell my soul to own one. Right now the bookstores own me. If Heaven doesn’t have books, I’m not going.

What are you reading these days? Do you keep books by your bed or in it?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "What’s in my bed?" (80)

  1. Thank you for the shout out, Marlene. I’m so happy you enjoy my books. 🙂 As for me, I’m going to start Maddie’s new book soon! She’s one of my favorites too. She always makes me laugh. Not to mention she is my best bud. 😉
    That little dog is so cute! I sleep with Sam and he also is very patient with my troubled sleeping. I’m glad you are getting some better rest now. It takes time, but hopefully it will get easier as you use your CPap machine. Hey, we live with hope, do we not? 🙂 Big hugs my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks , Jackie . Yes, we live in hope. I’m having a good time. I read Maddie’s book quickly. Like yours, it holds my attention . But we all like different kinds of books . Waiting for you to finish the next books. Glad you are sleeping better too. How is hubby doing?


      • Hubby has had a bit of a setback. He ended up in hospital again, but is home now and doing better. We are going to have someone come over next week to assess him and possibly get some more help. So we shall see. Thank you for asking.

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      • I’ll keep good thoughts for you both . Hope you get the extra help .


  2. Thanks for all of the recommendations, Marlene! I don’t think I could read that many books when I’m preparing to sleep…it would keep me awake. I’ve discovered when I read with my Kindle before going to bed, I have a restless night in comparison to reading a book with my book light. Have a great time in Phoenix!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by , Jill. I spend very little time with the e-reader at night and more with actual books . I’ll do one chapter at most unless I get almost to the end. Then it’s all over. But I do worry about the light affecting my sleep. Some nights it’s just worth it.

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  3. Hi Marlene! I will have to check out the Buddha books! I too am afflicted with the book disease. Oh well!
    All I can say is keep calm and read on!
    I hope you are having a great time with your friend! 😎

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My eldest swears by that meme ‘It’s not hoarding if it’s books’ I believe she has just fitted her sixth floor to ceiling bookcase into her smallish town house 🙂 You are busy in your reading – and happy in your book stash too and that is what is important. Glad to hear your sleep quality is improving. Have a lovely holiday Marlene and enjoy browsing through as many bookstores and craft emporiums as you can fit in. 🙂


  5. Living In Denim said:

    You reminded me its time to polish off my post on the books i read in February. Where in the world does the time go?

    Your sisters dog is adorable, she’s lucky she can have a pet renting. Most landlords dont allow pets any more. My son doesn’t allow pets in his rentals but we joke as my “landlord” he would let me have any pet I want. 😊

    Enjoy your visit to Phoenix, this is a good Tim of year to visit the city as its not excessively hot yet.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Lois. Have been thinking of you a lot lately. Phoenix was warm, then cool just before I left. Came home to cool and rain. My sister is renting from an old girlfriend. She has lots of them. They all help her out. 🙂 The dog is good for her. Keeps her calm.


      • Living In Denim said:

        We all came down with a stomach virus which at first seemed to be a 24 hour bug but came back to knock us down 48 hours later. We’re all good now although now it’s clean up time to wash everything. 😦

        What a shock that must be to your system to go from the warm dry Phoenix climate back to the cold and rain.

        That’s good that your sister can have her dog but even better news that she rents from a friend. The combination should be good for her to keep her calm, as you put it.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Glad you are all better. I’ve been lucky so far. Took my pickled garlic before and after my trip. So far, no colds or flu. 🙂 Now to try and catch up. :((


      • Living In Denim said:

        I’m glad you have been able to escape the rounds of colds and flu this year. I am seriously considering adding honey back into my diet as I’ve been sicker this past year since eliminating it than I have in the last 30 years or so.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Nothing better for you than local honey. Not the grocery store version. A little bit is always good for you. Gives the bees a job. 🙂


  6. Marlene, your love of books shines through. Like you, I can read several things at once and often do. I have a basket next to the bed filled with books, and usually have one in different rooms in the house.

    Thanks for introducing me to a few of your favorite authors. It’s also nice to see your journals and to know they are close by. Hugs xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • I so appreciate the journal to help keep me on course. I read an eclectic assortment as well as all the blogs. Good to know I’m not the only one reading several at oncnn


      • Marlene, I’m willing to bet that many of us readers read this way. Different things suit us at different times. Did you end up bringing your laptop with you on your travels, or are you borrowing a computer? Either way, it’s nice to hear from you.

        Liked by 1 person

    • I brought my little tablet and was able to connect to my friend’s WiFi . It’s much harder to write this way but wanted to stay in touch . Had my post ready before I left. 😄 Managed to get the quilt mailed to Sam before I left as well. 😊Have a good week .


  7. Not in the bed, but tottering piles on every flat surface around. It was always my dream to live in a bookshop. I usually read only one book at a time, and am deep in the Ken Follett Century Trilogy, each of which is around 1000 pages.

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  8. I have books by my bed. I read a chapter or two of a novel every night. Non fiction I read during the day downstairs. We have books in every room of the house! I like to have extra reading time on Sunday, rather than crafting time. Hope you enjoy your travels.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Glad to hear the c-pap is helping. I read with mine on. It took a while to learn how to adjust my eyes to see over the piece in the midfle. I think I actually read with one eye. I read like you everything. I read several books at a time until one draws me in and demands my full attention. I use to have hundreds of books in all genres but lost them in a move. Heartbroken so I only read on my kindle and nook. I even learned to write using apps on my tablet and kindle. I have difficulty reading my handwriting when I do jot down notes.

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  10. I read like you…I have four books I read a little in every night!


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  11. So many good books and only two eyes to read with!

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  12. That’s quite a nest you have in your bed! I do the same thing when my husband is away. It’s nice to see so much about how reading sustains us, no matter what we’re reading. And I’m with you about wiring a journal, too. I’ve been doing it in a committed way for 5 years and only wish I had started much earlier!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think I have at least 20 years of journals . There are advantages of the husband being away.😊 Since I no longer have one , I’m free to clutter my bed with books all the time . 😊 I’m sure you would rather have the husband though . Thanks for stopping by .


  13. Like you, I love to read, but find I am too tired most evenings to do so. I am jealous that you are able to read so much. Keep up the good work and hopefully I’ll be better able to join in your passion soon enough. Nothing better than learning something new every day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by . I’m not caught up yet but in a few days when I get home . I go to bed extra early for that quiet time . It helps me sleep better to journal and read something light and uplifting . I’ll stop by soon .

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  14. Hey Marlene! Your reading habit is inspiring. I’m pretty eclectic in what I read, anywhere from some easy beach read to works good for my soul to suspense. Currently, I’m reading a book entitled “An Altar in the World.” It’s one of the introspective, take a look at my life types. I also have “A Hundred Yard Journey” for fun. Great question!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ll have to check out the Altar to the world . Loved the Hundred Yard Journey. Variety is essential for good reading enjoyment, at least for me an obviously you too. Have a great week and thanks for stopping by .

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  15. What a great point about a book finding us at the right time. I had never quite thought of it in that way, but it’s so true! I have so many books I’ve been promising to read for other bloggers, but I am a slow reader while writing my memoir. Having said that, I do read all day, whether articles (on and off line), blogs, daily readings, inspirational, articles that come in via my Facebook Page about the latest on Autism and Asperger’s, just all the time, but the one luxury of sitting in bed last thing at night reading a good book is such a heavenly luxury, that like you, I can only say Heaven MUST have books 😉 Have a wonderful time in Phoenix with your dear friend Marlene, happy safe travels ❤

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Books used to be like air for me, utterly essential. For some reason once I got diagnosed I lost the ability to concentrate well enough to read for long. I’ve got a stack of books next to my comfy chair at home, all started, none very far.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Our minds are funny creatures, Kat. They do play with us and not always kindly. I’ve learned to give myself the one chapter a night goal. Some nights it’s just one page . Then I get sucked in and can’t quit. If a book doesn’t suck me in, I am happy to let it go. I’m a slow reader because of vision limitations , so I’m going to audio more. Could be a solution for you as well . Thanks for stopping by .

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  17. Wow, Marlene! That is quite an impressive group of books that you have. I have not yet mastered the art of reading multiple books at one time. Since I had taken a hiatus from reading (for some undetermined reason), I have recently started listening to audiobooks which has proved to be very successful. I was so encouraged I also started reading some actual books. I have even stepped up to being able to listen to one audio book and read a hard book of a different sort. That is about as far as I can get in multitasking. I also have a book (I read only a chapter a week however), for our women’s Bible study. I guess if I count that I could count three books going at one time.. I did notice that lovely picture over your bed. Didn’t I recognize that as one of Pauline’s lovely paintings? I hope you have/ had a wonderful time in Phoenix. I wasn’t quite sure of your dates coming and going. We are also headed to Phoenix in May as our granddaughter will be graduating from high school there. Safe travels!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Had a great time in Phoenix, Jan. First stop was ‘Changing Hands” bookstore and the Wildflower Bread Co for lunch. It’s in Tempe/Mesa. My very favorite bookstore. I’m heading more to audio as well. As the vision fails.books are harder. The e-reader helps since I can make the print large. I read different books for different reasons as time permits. We all have times when we can’t concentrate on reading matter. Give it time. It will change. Some books sit for quite a while till I get back to them. I just got home today. It was lovely in Phoenix. Yes, that was one of Pauline’s. I have a couple of them. I’ll be checking in with you soon. 🙂

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    • Oh, I’m so glad you asked about the painting! I was wondering the same thing.

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  18. Carol Ferenc said:

    Love this post, Marlene! You have books on quantum physics? Wow, you’re full of surprises 🙂 I read a wide variety of books, too. I’m in a library-based book club and we read fiction. That’s nice because the librarians do the recommendations and they’re usually right on ~ easy for the group to decide what to read next.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I absolutely love quantum physics and anything scientific. Yes, I’ve had several say I didn’t strike them that way. I don’t look all that bright and never thought I was but I read almost anything that isn’t nailed down. I rarely read fiction. Mostly light fiction or something that has jumped out at me. Books jump out at me for odd reasons. The rest of my books are to learn something. I will always be an odd duck. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. I’m always looking for the next good read.

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      • Carol Ferenc said:

        Well, I’m impressed because I wouldn’t understand the first thing about physics. No matter what we each choose to read, it’s a good thing!


  19. Hello Marlene-a-go-go. Off to Phoenix now! How exciting. I’m thinking it’ll be getting hot there very soon.
    Your sisters new furry companion is so adorable. How is it that I can fall immediately in love with every furry little creature? My boss Lori, brings her doggies to work some days and I get to take them out for little walks. They’re on a duplex leash and get tangled together and do circles to untangle. They’re so smart and generally figure it out. I laugh and laugh from behind as I see their wee little ears bounce as we go faster and faster. One day, it was pretty chilly, they ran me around the whole complex in heals. I could barely keep up. All three of us ran past a neighbour shovelling her walk to the business and all I had time to say was, “they’re taking ME for a walk” as I ran by laughing.
    You’re probably itching to get out into your yard. I can’t believe how much you’ve done in such a short time. I still have snow in the backyard, but it’s melting fast. It’s to be 12C or 49F today. I’m doubtful because there’s no sunshine this morning. Just grey sky.
    You and Pauline are really piling up the books. While I totally love bookstores and go often, I barely have time to read a blog or two here and there. So I’ve not read a single book in months. I’m planning a small library/computer room in the house and maybe will be encouraged to have time set aside to read, I hope so. Off I go now….work day xoxo K

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    • We have the same temp as you do! Phoenix was warm when I got there but I brought the cool weather with me. My friend needed a coat before I left. :)) I’m bad!! I need to read to breathe so it’s not an option. But I’m not working a job or have a husband. I have built in time. The kid is in the kitchen cooking our dinner. My job is to oversee and shout directions. 🙂 Hehe. More time here. My friend in Phoenix had a fur baby so I had 5 days of loving but more resolute than ever not to have another of my own. They take so much time and energy that I just don’t have anymore. My sister needs that dog. It calms her and gives her purpose. So I’ll be seeing Lucille often enough. I sure am glad you stopped by here for a few moments. I’ve missed you and seeing all the things you create. But I do understand how little time there is to get it all done. I have a guest coming tomorrow so my days are swamped again. Giant hugs and misses. 🙂 M

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  20. I’m glad you wake up more rested! Books is a very important part of the interior!

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  21. Hi Marlene. I saw you on Jill’s blog and thought I’d pop over. Love your taste in books. Lunch with Buddha caught my attention. What is it about?

    Like you, I don’t naturally lean positive, so I read uplifting quotes and consciously remind myself to stay in that frame of mind.

    Sorry you ended up with that CPAP. I’ve seen that they have some smaller ones these days, but I have no idea how it all works.

    Nice to meet you and read your blog.

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    • Thanks for stopping by Lori. “Lunch with Buddha” is the second in a series of 3. Breakfast with Buddha marked me forever. These are novels with profound and simple messages woven in without being preachy or condescending. My sister just brought “Lunch” back. She finished it quickly too. He writes a wonderful story. “Dinner” is in my shopping cart. 🙂 It has to wait a bit. I’m not fond of the C-pap but definitely fond of brain cells so I’ll use it as long as necessary. I just keep forgetting to breathe. Do that during the day too. 🙂 Get busy and end up holding my breath until everyone hears this huge sigh. They are better than they were 10 years ago. C-pap forces air in when you forget to breathe at night. I was doing that 32 times in an hour.

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      • I stop breathing when I’m awake, too, but it’s usually when I’m stressing. Glad you have that c-pap to help you out.

        Thanks for explaining about the book. I will have to check it out. I love those types of spiritually uplifting books.

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  22. A lovely post and I read a bit the same, with various books on the go. One of those is Big Magic which I’ve nearly finished and thoroughly love – some very sound and inspirational advice. I like the looks of many of the other books too and am going to have a look at some of these for Easter holidays; I need lots of books! I just finished Trail of Broken Wings. Heart-wrenching but wonderfully written book.

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    • Thanks for stopping by Annika. I tend toward self=help and spiritual growth. Not to good with heart wrenching but ‘the forgotten seamstress’ had me captivated. A friend is caught in it now.:) Loved “big magic” I want more reading time but spring and summer are outside work time for me so the reading time is less. Guess that’s why I LOVE winters. 🙂

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  23. Wonderful to see your list of books Marlene. You are a better reader than I.. I have only been known to have two books on the go at the same time.. One on my night stand and the other down stairs 🙂
    I smiled when I read about books flying off of book shelves at you.. This has happened to me on more than one occasion 🙂 usually a spiritual book that I was meant to read.. I bet you miss your little dog Schatzie … But Lucille is such a cutie I bet you make a fuss of her visits 🙂
    Have a wonderful rest of the week and weekend Marlene.. and again thank you for your catch ups they are so very much appreciated xxx

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    • Thank you, Sue. I read different books for different energy levels. Some days I have a lot, some it just needs to be light and easy. I may get a chapter of 2 books a night and one short story. And yes, they are usually spiritual books that seem to fly off the shelves at me. That’s my highest interest according to my spread sheet book count. 🙂 We have sun today and freezing temps. Spring???? 🙂 Hugs


      • Yes same here weather wise too.. Heavy frost this morning but bright Sun now.. We went out to buy some pot plants I got a Jasmine for the patio so hubby is out there now re-potting into suitable pots. while I spend an hour here.. Working my way down my comment listings 🙂 lol.. Have a Happy Sun-shining day 🙂

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  24. Marlene I simply do not know how you do it all. You are my mentor, whether you realize it or not. On top of everything else, you read books like they’re going out of print. Like I mentioned above, I’m halfway through book two of Ken Follet’s recent trilogy. As an introduction, he said he wanted to attempt to follow characters over time, as he did in his epic Pillars of the Earth. That was my favourite book of all time up until I read Shantaram, by Gregory David Roberts which is now my fave. Anyway, I’ve loved nearly everything Follet writes, and this trilogy is good too. It mirrors real life events and realistic people as they live through WWI and WWII. I’m also getting an education about world history, which I appreciate.

    Most of my books are audio books, and I purchase based on length, because I love to get in deep and hide away in another world for as long as possible.

    I am intrigued by the Big Magic book you mentioned. I often feel the need to nurture my creative side, and I can too easily talk myself out of being creative, telling myself it’s a luxury. But when creativity is part of a woman’s soul, it’s not a luxury but a necessity. I need to bring it out as often as I can.

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    • Big Magic was a quick and wonderful read. So many can be a waste of paper. I marked a lot of it with sticky tabs. The soul does need creative expression. I’ve never considered myself creative, more an appreciator of creativity. 😉

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  25. Yes!!! Yes, yes, yes!! Everything you said…books have fallen off shelves and at this point jn the game when one “magically” appears…I don’t hesitate! I LOVE BOOKS!! 😉 ♡

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    • I think I have just found another that popped up that can change so much for me. Books popping into my virtual shopping cart are a gift of Grace. I’m glad you are a fellow BOOK LOVER. 🙂 We are a rare breed indeed. Thanks for stopping by.


      • Can’t even tell you how much I love books…real books…hold them in my hands books! One day, I will write one myself 😉 Blessitude ♡

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      • I’m embarrassed to show how many I have. Like my shirt says, “It’s not hoarding if it’s only books” :)) I want to write one as well. Maybe life will calm down soon and the process can begin. Thanks for sharing my love of books and understanding. Good to see you here. 🙂 Hugs.

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  26. Oh books…… I’ve downsized so much but books……. well, no. I don’t know how you can read so many books at one time – two is my limit. Well done! We have to rent where we live now as housing for foreigners is unaffordable for us. We struggled to find a place that allows dogs. Luckily we found a nice one. We’ve got 2 rescue dogs and hope to get a third soon if we can manage it – there are always so many loving hearts out there waiting for a forever home! Thanks for your book recommendations Marlene!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by Clare. I always joke that if there are no books in Heaven, I’m not going. I read different kinds of books at different times of the day. Non-fiction takes me longer to get through. I hate to let go of books but I have thinned out a great deal. I’m happy to hear you have a place that allows animals. I know how hard that is. My sister brings her dog to visit each week but I’m at an age where I won’t take on another. I’m so far behind in my blog reading and hoping to catch up soon.


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