Looking for answers to life's questions

Summer Vacation?

August is just beginning and I’ve let two months go by without a post. I wasn’t sure I had another one in me. I think it’s because I’ve had so much going on that I didn’t have the brain energy to do more than journal about it at night. If I didn’t, I couldn’t remember what all I had done that day. I’m supposed to be retired and I guess that’s true, I’m re-tired. Over and over again. Tired when I get up, and beat when I fall into bed. It’s summer vacation time, right? I think I’ll declare today a vacation day.

So far my son, with my second pair of hands holding and fetching, completed the replacing of the old deck adding a second set of stairs. Stairs are not easy.

I painted three sides of my house and all the trim. He did the really high spots. He built two gates, I painted or stained them.

He used up some of the old wood from the old deck to build planter boxes.

I painted, with several coats the driveway divider between my place and my neighbors. It makes the driveway area much lighter. I planted the boxes to try my hand at gardening. Then there was the cleanup work of stuffing leftover lumber under the deck out of sight and putting up the skirting I painted.

two coats of sealer and two of outdoor paint barely covered this awful wood. For neighbors privacy

two coats of sealer and two of outdoor paint barely covered this awful wood. For neighbors privacy

We were shooting for a June first completion date with the expectation of this year’s inspection on the property. As life or luck would have it, we now have new property managers and so far, there has been no word of inspections…yet. We were also hurrying to get everything done including inside projects as my son was leaving to go help someone else out-of-state. He put up new outside light fixtures and curtain rods so I could get the curtains made later ( you’ll see those next time), then cleaned out his room on the off-chance of guests.

A little more girly now.

A little more girly now.

We have been moving stuff all spring and summer. I’m ready for a day or two at the beach. Instead, I pressure washed the deck, patio, and driveway.


cleaned driveway, deck and back patio.

cleaned driveway, deck and back patio.


If they want to inspect, I’m ready. Maybe now I can think straight enough to get some pictures together to go with this rambling. This isn’t all I did this summer. The rest will come shortly, I promise. The brain is starting to work again.

Have you had anything that looks like a summer vacation? I can live vicariously. Please share.


From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself



Comments on: "Summer Vacation?" (76)

  1. No summer vacation for me – but every day is a vacation when you’re retired 🙂 You have worked hard and everything is looking very sparkly and pristine. You may be tired, but you two make a great team and have done a lovely job. I hope you feel very proud and now you can begin to enjoy it all. With Tech going out of state you may even have some quieter days to re-energise? I hope so. Doing is good, but taking time to enjoy what you have done is also important isn’t it. I put a post up yesterday too – my first since April. We are a tardy twosome 🙂 xoxo

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    • Once that last job was done outside I decided I needed to claim some time to read some of what I have on how to heal my body. It can be done but I’ve put myself on hold too long now. TS and I did make a good teem. He is missed but I’m enjoying the absolute quiet. Trying not to think about all the other things that still need doing. I’m going to be a human (being) for a day. 🙂 My last post was the end of May. 😦 It may get better for awhile. Hugs


      • I’m glad you are enjoying your quiet time. It’s restorative in its own right. I think you’ve needed this for awhile. I’m happy to hear you are focusing on healing once again. My food intake has gone off the rails (again). My will power seems to extend to two week stretches where food is concerned. It’s tiresome. Good luck, Marlene. I know it’s hard.

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      • I’m pretending I’m in an Ashram. Lots of silence and just doing what absolutely has to be done. And catching up with my friends, of course. We have a heat wave coming Thursday. 😦 Lots of inside time then.Maybe even another post!! 🙂 I have real food issues and there are too many different “experts” who tell you to do it their way. It makes a person crazier than they were about food. I’ll keep you posted on this new try.


      • Nice, Marlene. I like that. My sister is struggling with digestive issues, and nothing seems to help. She’s quite discouraged. Her MS complicates things, too. I think the “experts” are often marginally more informed than we are. I think back to last year when it took forever to get the proper diagnosis for my foot. I feel for you. I look forward to hearing more as you are ready to share.

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  2. Good job Marlene! Always worth sharing 💛

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  3. No summer vacation here either. Your home looks fantastic and I can only imagine how tired you are. I’m in the same boat trying to get outside jobs completed before the weather changes and is too cold for me to work in.

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    • I may have missed some of your posts because I don’t remember seeing any for a while. You should take it even slower than I am. I having some down time today to work through where to go next. Too much needs doing. We are having really cool temps with a hot one thrown in occasionally. Weird summer.


      • Nope, I’ve been so busy that by the time I have a moment to blog I’m exhausted and probably couldn’t write anything coherent.

        It’s been a weird summer here too. I mentioned to my son that I used to be able to read a radar map but the jet stream is so messed up I’m not much good at it this year.

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      • So you have been affected like the rest of us by this weird whatever. We are all off balance this summer. Hope all is well. I’m doing a lot more resting this last week or two.

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      • Oh yes the weather has been difficult in many ways. We had the hottest days on record in June which caused the children to become sunburned very easily as they didn’t have a period of getting used to being outside after sitting in a school all year. Then we had hot with rain now it’s just unpredictable for the last couple of weeks. I figure another year or two of this I might actually have figured out enough ways to protect the garden beds no matter what Mother Nature tosses my way.

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      • It’s been downright cold this week, Thurs,Friday and Sat go to the high 90’s, almost to 100. I think Sept is going to eat us alive. I want an early fall and the leaves are already falling. June was awful. I don’t know if we will ever figure out the weather or the world. Just hang on for the ride.


      • We had some cold nights this past week but it’s hot again. We are hovering right around 85-90 which is normal but still having lots of rainy days. This week they are predicting four days with thunderstorms and one of rain showers. five out of seven is practically unheard of for August usually this is when the drought conditions set in and all the grass is dead. It’s green as could be and growing like weeds. Yep, all we can do his hang on and go with the flow.


  4. Marlene, everything looks fantastic! I can’t believe the butterfly bushes are already blooming!! I can help with the summer vacation: we should go out on a lunch date again and combine with a fun adventure of some kind! 😉 Be well, and don’t forget to relax now and again!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. No summer vacation for me either, Marlene. Hopefully the end of the month though. No wonder you’re tired…you’ve been busy. Everything looks great!

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  6. What a busy summer, Marlene! Everything looks just wonderful. You should feel so proud of your hard work. So glad that you had a great teammate for all of your projects! I hope your new garden adds sunshine and joy to your days! ♥

    My summer has been oh-so busy here, too. I spent every day in June scraping and painting the front porch ceiling, trim, and columns. It was hot and exhausting work, while wearing protective gear as I removed old paint. It felt empowering though, just to know that I could still take on this big job at my age! From my ladder, I could see my flower and herb gardens turning into a jungle. So, all of July was spent working extra hard in the garden. So happy for August, which I am calling Friendship Month! Now I’m enjoying getting together with all of the friends that I missed this summer!! ♡

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    • Thank you so much, Dawn. You hit the nail on the head. I’m not bragging, just feel EMPOWERED! I’m at the 68 mark and the fact that I can still do so much of this stuff makes me happy. I know many much younger women who can’t do those things. I’m hoping to devote more time to my garden next summer when I won’t be so distracted with all these other projects but for now, it’s what it is. I love the idea of making August the Friendship Month! What a great idea! I’m hoping to catch up with all my blogging friends here. There is still a lot to do inside so better get a move on. Have a wonderfilled week ahead and thanks for stopping by.

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  7. Oh my, Marlene!! What a LOT of work you’ve done. It looks terrific but I got all achy just thinking about it. You have earned some time in a comfy chair with a book and a cool drink!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Kerry. That’s what I’m doing now. Catching up on my blog reading. Next, after the windows get professionally cleaned on Friday, I take some inside pictures. of the work in here. Have a wonderfilled week ahead.


  8. YAY! You are back! I love what all you have been doing! You will enjoy it!!!


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    • Thank you, Linda! A lot has been going on and I only touched the surface. It makes the mind tired. I have not been able to keep up with reading posts and hope to gain some ground on that soon. I planned to work out in the yard today but we have RAIN! So much for plans. 🙂 Guess groceries will wait too. Thanks for stopping by. See you soon.


  9. My summer is a series of travelling from one wheelchair sporting event after another. I’ve got two weeks and then I’m off again to Chicago. Less than a month after that I travel to San Antonio, TX for five days. After that, I go back into training. Whew!

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    • That does NOT sound like a vacation to me. 😦 Sounds like a lot of hard work. Your two weeks off could be your vacation unless you spend it doing other work. Thanks for stopping by.

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  10. Marlene, you are such an inspiration to me… No formal vacay this summer, but several day trips or overnight getaways. We usually do our travels in the shoulder seasons. It’s still beautiful and less crowded. Take some time to relax, my friend!

    Ps your home is looking lovely!!

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    • Thank you, Missy. It’s starting to feel that way too. Took two years to make it mine and still doing a few things that need to be done but the rest can wait. I guess it happens to most people when they move to a new place. I even worked that hard on a rental house when I had one. I like the idea of doing trips on the off season. I may get a trip to the beach with the daughter maybe mid-Sept. 🙂 I can’t drive it yet so I wait. Have a lovely week ahead.

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  11. You make me tired just reading all you have done. It looks great.

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  12. Aloha, how wonderful; to see a post from you again, Marlene!! And you say TIRED???? my goodness no wonder becuase you have been working!! And bless that helpful son of yours! It all look marvelous! Glad to see you back and yes, go sit on that deck and watch the clouds go by ;o) xo Johanna

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m sitting, trying to catch up on blogs. They are stacked up deep. 😦 I have the best son in the world, according to his mother. 🙂 Don’t know how I got so lucky since I had no luck at all with husbands. :/ Hard work is good for the soul and my soul is feeling quite smug right now. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled week ahead. Thanks for stopping by.

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  13. Had a good chuckle over the ‘re-tired’ comment. Oh, how I can relate!
    I’m confused on the inspection comments. Is that because of the fire? What do the property managers have to do with it? I’ve never heard of them doing an inspection. Is that a normal happenstance?
    If my questions are too nosy – just let me know. I’ll only think them next time. . . 🙂

    BTW – your peace of heaven looks grand – all the hard work is paying off and can I adopt your son?

    Liked by 1 person

    • No one here knows about the fire. We got it out FAST! This is a managed mobile home park that the owners have very strict standards of upkeep to keep it from looking like a trailer park. Each year they do and inspection of the properties. We lease the land our homes set on but own the homes. Me and the bank, of course. We are required with threat of eviction to keep the lawns mowed, roofs and structures in good repair, etc, etc. They started doing it just before I moved in because so many were letting their properties run down and it lowers property value if someone wants to sell. This house was in good shape for the most part but once I got in, OMG there was a lot the previous owner hadn’t done. I’m caught up. 🙂 As for adopting the son, he’s on loan to his ex right now for several months and comes with his own tools and a bay of computers and monitors. We call him T.S. for tech support.His industry sent most of the work to India and laid off everyone. Now he’s restructuring. Something like that. Working to build a business online so he can go anywhere and help anyone. 🙂 He’s as good as they get.

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      • Inspections can be a good thing. As long as they don’t get crazy with the rules and regulations. But for old-time parks like ours, it’s not always easy. . . We still have a good number of old timers in old mobiles. The owner is cleaning those older areas up, but it’s a slow process. And, because the park grew over a long careless period of time, the mobile numbers don’t always make sense, nor do the twisty streets. Kind of like ear hairs – curly and odd!
        The maze of streets often has frustrated strangers stopping to growl, “How do I get out of this place?”
        We like to look at them with eyes wide and say,”Good luck with that eh. We’ve been trying to get out of here for years. . . “

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      • You live in a park too??? Wow! We have a number of old homes and old timers and yes, they are starting to get a little crazy with each new manager. We are trying to set up a system to help some of the older folks. I looked for 2 years for a regular home I could buy on my funds but this was my best option. I’ll keep mine up and hope to remain invisible to the managers. This place only has slightly over 500 homes and was well laid out for the most part. I did get a little lost the first few times. 🙂

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  14. Marlene, it is so good to see you back. You definitely have been a busy person with all of your cleaning, projects, and spit-shining everything. It all looks great and I am hanging my head in shame at the disarray in our yard when I see what you have accomplished this summer. No wonder you fall into bed exhausted every night. I can’t seem to push myself that hard. No vacations for us this summer but we will be headed to Tucson at the end of the month for a meet up with my son. It will be fun but I’m expecting it to be extremely hot. Take some time for yourself and enjoy what you have accomplished.♡♡

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    • I probably would have taken it slower but I was concerned about the inspection and my son heading out. I’m resting now. I hope next summer to take things a bit easier. I do not envy you the trip to Tucson. It takes a certain kind of person to deal with that kind of heat. I’m not cut out for it. Hope to see you back soon.

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  15. I’m having such a good time reading your post, all the comments, your replies to the comments, etc. Great to see the photos as well. You are an inspiration, Marlene. You have so much strength and energy. I’m glad TS could help finish the big outdoor projects before he left, and I’m happy too that you have the place to yourself. The guest room looks nice with the pretty coverlet quilt and the clean surfaces. I know that makes you as happy as it does me in my own environment. It creates a sense of calm. Everything looks wonderful: the gates, deck, planter boxes, the cleaned deck and driveway, new stairs. Wow what a lot of work.

    As for me, I’ve had the rare opportunity to travel twice in a very short time without a theme park in sight! My older son is home from college, but working two days a week at the law library at SCU. He’s a great help around the house and a pleasure to have home. His brother is volunteering as a day camp counselor so he’s been busy all summer.

    Marlene, it is so good to have you back in the blogging world. Sending massive hugs your way. xo

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  16. Oh Marlene. what a transformation.. And love also the idea of those gardening beds.. They are so much easier than bending down too far..
    Loved all of both of your hard work…
    No wonder you have not had time for blogging..
    Same here on and off.. one post a week if I am lucky.. At least now I am feeling Less guilty for not catching up with everyone.. Life and living has to come top of our list..
    And this project was a task and a half.. Well done to the both of you..

    Sending Lots of Love..
    Sue xxx ❤ ( and thank you for dropping by.. I appreciated that a lot Marlene.. )

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    • Life and living should always be at the top of our lists. I’ll have all winter to catch up. I just cannot find it in myself to post everyday. My life is not that interesting. 🙂 It felt so good to get a major portion of the projects done. Only a couple more but they will wait till next spring when the kid comes back. Maybe. Thanks for the visit. Love hearing from you.

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      • Loved my visit Marlene.. as I do yours.. and yes you will find me hear in winter more too 🙂 (( today it is raining or else I may well not have been here either )) Lol.. xxx


  17. I’m exhausted just reading about all the work. Still, it looks great now.

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  18. And I thought you said all you do is sit around in your lounge chair and read.
    Incredible work Marlene. do you side jobs? Have plenty here that needs catching up with…

    Liked by 1 person

    • That made me laugh, Eddie. Thanks for stopping by and I do often do side jobs. Helped my son get his house ready to sell. Have photos on scaffolding in the stairwell painting the second story. Scrubbed down my daughters apartment two weeks ago because she’s not able to do the work. I have more strength at 68 the she has at 43. 😦 I do a lot of sitting and reading but a balance in life is necessary. Hard work, contemplative rest. Don’t know where you are but I work pretty hard and cheap. 🙂

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  19. Good gracious! When do you sleep? You are a machine, sent to earth to make other retiree’s look lazy, LOL! You are really living up to that nickname, Marlene-a-go-go! You know, I only gently tease 😀 It wasn’t a challenge, HA!
    Everything looks amazing! I hope you’re on some kind of bonus program at the hardware store, you seem to keep them well in the black.
    Have you ate anything from the garden yet? Since we were away at the beginning of July, then Alys in the middle of July and my cousin Sherri at the end of July, I’ve not taken on too many projects since June. That was a crazy month. I’m back at work now and loving that. I’m doing my second class, a double scrapbook layout, August 27th. So for now, it’s crafting till I’m silly. Retirement suites me and by the looks of things, you too. We finally get to do what makes us happy and content. ❤ ❤ xo K

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    • I nap a lot. 🙂 Things are slowed to a dull roar now. Sitting more than I would like. Garden experiment was fun. Had a few tomatoes and many cucumbers but the spaghetti squash has taken over and they are huge! Not quite ripe yet but what do I know. Not much movement this month. Too hot to move out there. Did get a start of redoing my fairy garden. Still needs work but a good start. Inside time now and next week will be worse. 😦 You’ve had a very busy summer too. Lots of crafting is good for the soul. Retirement is grand.:) Thanks for the visit. Miss seeing you.

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  20. I have missed you my friend, but deep down I knew that you were not letting any moss grow under your feet!! You are a “work horse” and I mean it in the best possible way 😀 I had many things I wanted to accomplish this summer, but unlike you I start strong and then lose steam 😏 Everything looks super and your hard work pays off. Take some time for yourself dear one, and get a little rest!! 💚💙 Many sweet blessings I wish for you!

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  21. Oh my heavens, you have been busy!! And it looks so good. You may be tired, but there has to be a sense of satisfaction getting these projects completed. Most certainly you deserve a vacation!! Me, only one weekend away in the mountains after my busy blueberry season was over. And now I change hats from farmer to writer/teacher as I get ready to teach a 10 week class on Practical Wisdom. Retired is definitely not the right term to describe life these days.
    Give yourself a hug pat on the back and a few days just to take in all that you’ve accomplished. You earned it!!!!

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    • Thank you so much. I have been so intent on getting everything possible done this summer while I had help that reading blogs has had to take a back seat. Come on winter!! Just finished another long on the list project. My son will be back for a week and can assist in putting it where it needs to go, so one more major project done. It does feel good. At least I am NEVER bored. 🙂 You have some lovely hats. Farmer, writer, teacher. Sounds like you can use a pat on the back too. 🙂 Here’s one from me. Thanks for stopping by.


  22. Goodness, no wonder you are tired! Even though you have not posted much, when you do, I am so impressed with the sheer volume of work that you accomplish! While I had someone else paint my house, you painted yours.
    Everything looks really great! The stairs, the porch, the raised beds. Wow.
    I see from previous comments that you have been napping / resting. Do it! You deserve it!

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    • Thanks Laurie. I have been busy and remain that way. Trying to get another post together but life just has it’s own schedule. Naps are good for the heart and I need mine to work a good long time for all the things I still want to do. I like to work hard, then rest and play too. Balance. I so enjoy doing all those things so that makes it easier. 🙂 I’ll be by to see you again soon. Hugs.


  23. Marlene, I’m SO impressed with the amount of work you’ve got through, and your home looks sparkling and new and fresh – good for you!

    It’s Winter down here, which is a lovely time. After about 9 house moves in 3 months (long story), I’ve finally settled into a lovely new home which makes me happy. However, it’s not quite finished, so I’ve been moving in while dealing with plumbers, carpenters etc, which is…. interesting. Still a lot of work to do on the house, so evenings and weekends are fully taken up at the moment! But it’s good to be so busy, and able to do things.

    I enjoyed your post and photos – thank you!

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Clare. You can see why I’ve had little time to post lately. That will be remedied shortly. I have yours open to read this morning. Much catching up to do. 9 moves in 3 months has beat my record by a long shot. Always have time for a long story.Settling in takes time. I’ve been in my place 2 years and it’s finally starting to feel like my home. I agree, it nice to be busy and fully engaged. Would love to see photos of what you have done as well. Thank you so much for stopping by. Hugs. M


  24. “Re-tired”… Ha! I can relate! The deck looks great though! Good work.

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    • Thanks for stopping by. There have been a couple of your posts including today’s that said they couldn’t find the content. I may try to access them through my reader. My son does good work and tries hard. This is all new territory for him. It’s learn as you go. Have a great weekend.

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      • One was a draft that got published for a minute by accident. Others succumbed to my inner critic and got banished back to the draft house. Thanks so much for reading and commenting. Enjoy your weekend!

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  25. It must be such a relief to have all the things done that you wanted done for a someday inspection. Has it happened yet? On the one hand it’s a reprieve that the new managers aren’t ready to inspect, but on the other hand, one wants to get it over with!

    I should have property managers threatening an inspection to get me more motivated. Ever since I took that break from work this summer, my ToDo list has loomed less, and I have felt peace. I’m taking the opportunity to do diddly squat some days. I have had a great summer for tasks getting done though. Tara and I (mostly Tara) hung a lot of art on the walls finally. I have tried to stock up on winter wood for the stove, and built a wall of stacked wood over on the neighbor side, so I don’t have to look at their junked out vehicles. I’ve hauled and stacked and chopped up brush and made a MOUNTAIN of a slash pile. But I can’t burn it yet because there is still a summer ban. I’ve wall-mounted a bedside lamp that’s been sitting in my closet for a year. Last week I finally planted a bunch of hydrangeas my uncle started for me that have been in pots since spring. I was waiting for the rains to start again. Anyway, even with my things getting done, I remain in awe at how much you do. However, I do work full time and I’m sure without that job getting in the way, I would have time to do more, ha ha!!

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    • I am remarkably lazy many days. I could do so much more if I didn’t piddle time away sitting at the computer, scouting the fridge or cabinets for something to eat, or watch mindless television. I find some days are good for getting things done, others are just not. Must be how the stars are lined up that day. Does that sound like a valid excuse? 🙂 I think we are well past fire danger but the cold is still not quite here yet. Good for you to get a good stack going. It’s covered, right? No mention of inspection yet but that’s ok by me. I’m ready now. I still have stuff I want to do but their list is fulfilled. You should be taking a great deal of down time. It will be called recharge time and good for you. I do it regularly. And I have no job. 🙂

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      • You are an excellent resource for when I want to know what’s good for me!

        Yes, well, the burn days lag a bit behind reality on the ground, but they will let me burn one of these days, and it will be a mighty bonfire! I have only half the stack covered. The other half is soaked. My wood guy says he gets tarps for free, and I keep forgetting to ask him to bring another. I guess I will when I buy the next cord. It seems to me that I am spending much more money buying wood than I would spend by turning on the electric heater, but I can’t help myself. I simply adore the fire.

        And speaking of stars lined up, you should take a look at my new post. 😉

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      • I’ll head over shortly. Heading for sewing group shortly. Had a lot to get ready to go with me.

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