Looking for answers to life's questions

A Beach Weekend

I complained previously, gently of course, about not having any vacation. Big problem for a woman with no job and every day is Saturday. With the busy summer, I was looking for a small change in scenery.  I finally got it.

Mid September, my daughter took an extra couple of days off work to take her car in for some extensive repairs in my little town and to take us both to the beach using my boat car.

Cannon Beach was our first stop. It rained the entire way there and most of the day. Very uptown shops for the most part and we sampled flavored vinegars and oils. Lunch was nothing worth repeating, ever. Our highlight there was the wonderful little quilt shop with the nicest ladies. My non-quilting daughter enjoyed it too. I didn’t buy much, really! Of course we found some fuzzy friends waiting out the rain.

Wet all the way and most of the day.

Wet all the way and most of the day.

She was wet and tired of the rain too.

She was wet and tired of the rain too.

Little sister was hoping for a warm spot in the book store

Little sister was hoping for a warm spot in the book store

We booked an inexpensive room with 2 beds and a kitchenette. There was no such thing in Cannon Beach so we spent our 2 nights in neighboring Seaside Beach. They are like night and day. Our motel was not fancy but fortunately, had a separate alcove for the second bed with a door. Daughter could sleep late and I could be up early having my coffee in bed reading. Perfect.

We were on the bottom floor, 4 windows in. Great access

We were on the bottom floor, 4 windows in. Great access

The Ebb Tide was the least expensive place I could find with a vacancy so my expectations were low. I was pleasantly surprised. Everything was clean and fresh. And as a warning, when the hotel says “climate controlled” they mean that in the most literal of terms. The fireplace didn’t work but we didn’t need it. I figured out how to crack the window for air during the night. They provided a fan. How much time do you spend in a room?

Seaside was a whole different feel. Because it’s more affordable, more families and young people are there crawling all the souvenir shops. We did talk to some nice shop owners. One recommendation for dinner was as disappointing as the meal in Cannon Beach. Another shop owner who was passing out free chocolate like I had room for it recommended a place for lunch or dinner the next day in a small town called Gearhart, 6 miles up the road. She said not to blink or we would miss the town.

We set the GPS and found the sweetest place and the best food. Fortunately it was Sunday and by the time we got there, the bakery portion was closing. Whew! Service at the restaurant part was excellent and the food tasty. My kind of town.

Gearhart's Pacific Bakery/Cafe

Gearhart’s Pacific Bakery/Cafe

Poppies at the Paradise Cafe

Poppies at the Paradise Cafe

The next morning we checked out and made our way to Astoria which was not more than 30 minutes away. It was also on the way home.

We passed a chain restaurant that we had eaten breakfast in once and were not that fond of,  in favor of a hole in the wall place called Stephanie’s Cabin. It looked like a tavern but the car was going that way and I was the passenger. Oh, my goodness, what a surprise! They spent nothing on ambiance and everything on the cook. It was perfect, priced right and I let them know.  Then we finally found the quilt store in a hard to get to spot. Small, but nice people and I found gifts for my quilting friends.

Did I mention anywhere actually sitting on the beach and stuffing my toes in the sand? We took our books and just soaked it up. Seaside had the best beach access.  Sand feels so good between the toes. One of life’s greatest pleasures.

Sandy feet on the towel.

Sandy feet on the towel.

Diversity in beach housing

Diversity in beach housing

There was a little meditation time, a few photos and time to talk about things like how we want to reshape our lives. Nothing major. Isn’t that what you do on a weekend at the beach? Where do you go for a quick change of scenery?



From my heart to your,

Marlene Herself







Comments on: "A Beach Weekend" (44)

  1. I’m happy to hear you had a few days away Marlene – I so take for granted the beach is a fifteen minute walk down the road that I haven’t been there all winter! Do you feel refreshed by having soaked up the ozone filled air? I’ve heard it said that the narrow strip of land between terra firma and sea is the healthiest place on the earth. I know I always feel good after a walk along the oceans edge – and sleep well that night too. 🙂

    PS I think your poppies are really nasturtiums?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Haha! Nasturtiums! I don’t think I’ve seen them like that before. At least not around here. I wanted to take the pot home with me. 🙂 You are really close to the beach. It was already quite chilly here so I get why you don’t go in winter. We are about 2 =2 1/2 hours away depending on how awful traffic is but either way, I can’t drive it so I wait for the chauffeur. It’s not a fun day trip so spending the night is always the best way to enjoy it and relax. That strip you are speaking of is where I like to spend my most meditative time while walking. I would love to live close to the beach but here it’s cost prohibitive. And too far from family and public transportation that I need. We make do with the good we have. Thanks for the visit. Of course you are always on my mind these days. 🙂

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  2. Being near the ocean at the beach always restores my sanity and refreshes my soul. From your pictures and writing, I think it did the same for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Being near the ocean always puts things in a clear perspective. So does seeing new places and people. It was a welcome change. Thanks you for stopping by. Have a great week.

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  3. There’s nothing better than feeling the sand between your toes. I’m so happy you had a nice getaway to the beach, Marlene. You deserved it! Thanks for sharing your lovely photographs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jill. I was grateful my daughter was ready for a break. She’s my driver. How can a person live so close to something without going to see it? Had to remedy that. Have a terrific week ahead.

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  4. There is nothing like a getaway to refresh the spirit, Marlene! I’m so glad that you and your daughter could soak up some sunshine, sand between the toes, and walks along the beach, while making memories together. Isn’t it fun to follow your passion in new destinations? So happy that you found some great, little quilt shops to explore! (I am always on the lookout for antique shops and papercrafting/scrapbooking shops!) Here in the Midwest, I love to walk near lakes or rivers. Spending time in my garden is also a heavenly little getaway for me. For a complete change of pace, we hop on a plane to visit my parents and spend a little time walking in the Sonoran desert in Arizona. The beauty of nature truly expands my heart! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Every time I go in my yard, all I see is work. 🙂 But being somewhere different is always fun. I used to travel a great deal. Lived in the Midwest and Arizona so I know what you are talking about. Started playing with scrapbooking and may one day get back to it. Antique shops are lovely and fun. If time permits, I love to explore them as well. I’m a curious person by nature so I love looking at things that are different from where I live. Keeps life interesting. Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. YAY! A break is routine is always a very good thing.


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  6. Ah, I haven’t gone anywhere in a very long time. When I want a change of scenery I just go out with Sam. 😉
    You little outing sounds so nice. I think I got all my adventures out early in life. Now I’m a boring stay at home person. It’s something I enjoy though, so don’t feel bad for me.
    Glad you got to go somewhere and enjoy yourself. Big hugs! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m a homebody like you now. The nomadic life left me that way. But quality time at the beach with my daughter was too good to pass up. You have extenuating circumstances. Been there so I understand. There is still time later. I go for walks here but the beach seems to breath life into me. Wouldn’t want to live there but a couple of days are perfect. I had 4 days including extra when we got home and found out her car was going to need more than expected. Mines in the shop now. 😦 Hang in there. It will get better. Hugs to you too.


      • Thanks, Marlene. Yes, I few days away sometimes is enough to recharge. Sorry about your car troubles. You hang in there too. Big hugs my friend. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. This sounds lovely, Marlene. I have been a beach bum for years and prefer the Oregon coast to others. We have such nice sand. The more between my toes the better. 🙂 Sometimes that get-away is just the ticket. I, as well, hunt down quilt shops (and bakeries and chocolate shops, too) when I beach my way through the summer. I am glad I don’t live there. It would be too windy and stormy too much of the year. An occasional, two night stay is perfect for me. Glad you had some mother-daughter time. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Karen. Two days was perfect. By Monday, she got the news on her car and problems at work that needed her attention so it was best to just head home. I had almost 4 days with her and it was a treasure. I was so glad the bakery was closed. 🙂 It’s a fatal flaw. I did not go into the bookstore this time. Have my quota for the year. I didn’t know you quilted. I’m just learning. Hope you are enjoying the wet autumn. Loving every drop.


  8. Hey Marlene! I’m so glad you got a chance to get away to the beach. It’s such a lovely spot to be, rain or shine. What type of goodies did you discover at the quilt shops you visited? Also, find any interesting book stores? Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • We found a pattern for the Asian panel my daughter has and want to make a bed quilt with. I got some little applique kits for my quilting friends for Christmas. Not something they will find here. There is a cute bookstore in Cannon Beach. The photo of the dogs was at the door. I’m not allowed in. 😦 Soon I won’t be allowed in quilt stores either. Have my quota for now. The best part was spending more time with my daughter. That was worth the trip and just being together on the beach.

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  9. Hi Marlene, your beach escape looks fabulous! Seaside is a great place to visit. Groupon used to have great offers all the way up and down our Oregon and Washington Coast, which was an inexpensive chance to discover new places and hotels along our beaches.
    Spending time with your daughter like this is a wonderful way to bond and create memories both of you can treasure forever!
    Hugs to you from me! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Sabine. I’ve never used Groupon. My son does but I had no idea you could use it for a hotel. At least now I’ve been there. How are you doing this rainy week? Thinking of you. I’ll send a note in a bit.

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  10. Marlene, what a lovely time away. It’s amazing how restorative a change of scenery can be, most especially when it involves time at the coast. We too spent time at the coast this weekend. What a fun coincidence.

    I love this sentence :”They spent nothing on ambiance and everything on the cook.” It tells us everything we need to know.

    I know that our houses and homes are always a work in progress, and I certainly know that is true in the garden, but my hope is that you will soon be in maintenance mode so you can enjoy your time relaxing, quilting, reading and looking out those clean windows.

    It’s nice seeing the rain. I hope the dogs were warm and dry in no time though. We had a bit of rain in the Bay Area, but San Jose’s share could best be described as “did I feel a drop or am I imaging things” . The cooler temps are welcome, though, and the fire is 85% contained.

    It’s always so good to read your posts. I’m glad you are here.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yay on the containment!!!! I’m hoping that more rain is on the way to you. We’ve had a good deal. Those were the cutest two sisters. The head of the bigger one was the size of the little one. So sweet and bored. 😦 I haven’t been to the beach in 2 years so it was a welcome trip. I appreciate you always stopping by to encourage me on. It means a lot. Have a wonderfilled week. Hugs.


      • Marlene, we have rain in the forecast for this Friday. Fingers crossed…since nothing else seems to work.[snort]

        I love reading your blog and connecting with you. I’m so glad you’re here.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks so much, Alys. I’ve got my fingers crossed too. My mother always said to squeeze your thumbs in your hands for good luck. It sounds cool in German but not so much in English. 🙂 I’ll be spending more time here soon …I hope. 🙂


  11. So happy you had a nice time with your daughter and the sea!!! I was also happy that the poor doggies found friendship with you. Xo Johanna

    Liked by 1 person

    • We get our fuzzy love anywhere it’s available. 🙂 I cherish the time I get to spend with my daughter. Her growing up years were difficult but her adult years are pure joy. Thanks for stopping by.

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  12. I so enjoyed taking this romp with you!! You always make me feel that I was along with you, Marlene! It sounds like you had a sweet weekend. Hope you are well and busy with an amazing project 😉 Blessings dear friend! ♡♡

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Looks like a great trip!

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  14. One good thing about catching up on my blog reading so late: It’s freezing and we’re buried under snow, and your beach photos from October are delicious and thaw the chill. Even the rainy car photo was wonderful 🙂

    I used to live near the beach, when I was in Eureka, CA for 7 years. From the back yard I could hear the jetty foghorns, that’s how close I was. 5 min to the beach any time of day, any time of year. I grew to love the Pacific Ocean. Now I’m close enough to get the marine fog, and I hardly ever go. Silly me.

    Every time I travel and spot a quilting shop, I think of you. Maybe a good book idea would be traveling an area and visiting every little town and mapping out all the quilting shops. It would be a delight to someone until it got outdated. I’ll bet quilt shops open and close a lot.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The beach was wonderful and it had been too long between visits, Crystal. I do miss it. There are books out there about nation wide quilt stores and you are correct, they do go out of business too quickly. Owners retire or the business fails to thrive. There was one .5 miles from my apartment when I move to OC and they were closed in less than a year. Owner moved it but they didn’t have the personality for it. Closed again. I’ve always wanted to visit the quilt shops in Europe too. I just can’t sew all the fabric I buy fast enough cause I’m sitting here reading and writing. 🙂 Thanks for the visit. Hope you are feeling better.

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  15. I can’t imagine why you were new posts heart popping up on my reader or my notifications. I was dismayed to say that I have missed so many of your posts. I will have to check my settings. I spent some time at Cannon Beach a few years ago with friends. We also went into a quilting shop in the area… I wonder if it was the same one? It was quite lovely and I enjoyed it immensely even though you know I don’t quilt. This post reminded me of that wonderful trip with friends along the Oregon coast.


    • I loved Cannon Beach much better than Seaside but there were no hotels we could afford in Cannon Beach. They are quite close to each other. I think that quilt shop has been there for years. It’s the only one in town. Let me know if you ever get back up this way.

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