Looking for answers to life's questions

An Apple

I sat in my chair eating an apple. It was in one hand, coffee mug in the other, and the mouse was on the arm of my chair so I could move it to read my computer with the fingers that were not holding the apple.

Then I realized I was not tasting the apple. I set down the coffee mug, already about empty at this time of the morning and looked at that apple. It was a lovely small, crisp, happy looking apple.

One of my favorite kinds of apples. The Fuji

One of my favorite kinds of apples. The Fugi


Awareness began to creep in. This apple had been off the tree for quite some time before it arrived on my plate with a purchased salad. I usually get the bread with my salad, not the apple. This apple had something to say. It was still alive even though it was away from the source that gave it life. At least for a while.

An old standard, the Red Delicious.

An old standard, the Red delicious.

We are much like the apple. When we are unplugged from the Source that gives us that spark of life, we can still be alive but not as fully as if we were still plugged in. That spark of life, if we aren’t connected somehow, starts a slow living death until we too start to rot, decompose and go back into the earth. Those that are more connected, seem to stay fresh longer. You’ve all seen people wander through life that look like they have no spark left. The luster is gone, the juices run dry and after a bit, no one wants what you have to offer.

The sweet Gala apples

The sweet Gala apples


That little apple did more than nourish my body; it gave my spirit a quick reminder to pay attention and look for what gives me my spark. That Source of my energy and creativity. Don’t misunderstand. It’s not about religion unless that’s what works for you. It’s about paying attention to life around you. I was multitasking and missing it all and will probably never look at an apple the same way.

Do you find you miss the details when multitasking?

Are you finding ways to plug into your spark?

Thank you for reading and wishing you all a very mindful and Happy Thanksgiving.

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "An Apple" (46)

  1. Lovely Marlene!! A few years ago, I did a course in Mindfullness, being in the here and now. It gave me lots a calm and peace of mind. You are a wise woman, xo Johanna

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  2. I made some yoghurt for the first time on the weekend, Marlene. Coincidentally I was scoffing down a serve as I read your post. I enjoyed it more than the store bought stuff because it was nicer and because I hadn’t made something from scratch for the longest time. (No time 🙂 ) I don’t think it made me plug into my spark, but it gave me pleasure.

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  3. I quit multi-tasking for just that reason, Marlene. Wise woman that you are. I slowed way down when the husband got sick. I had to. So, I started paying more attention to the here and now. My house isn’t as clean as it used to be. I don’t cook the fancier meals like I used to. But….I am enjoying the small things more. The birds flying out my window. Emails from friends. Even the snow when it falls. Things are more important to me now than before. I feel like time is slipping by too fast and I need to pay attention more. Hope you have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving, my friend. ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks so much, Jackie. I notice that I only eat when I’m doing something else. Not good. I often feel like I’m running out of time. I’m much less concerned about outward things but still try daily to catch up with so much not getting done. Thanksgiving will be quiet. Not crowd this year. 🙂 Hugs to you, my friend.


  4. What a lovely post Marlene – a reminder to us all at any time of the year. I no longer multi-task. Once I was a multitasking wizard and was so proud of myself. Eventually I wore out and collapsed and took years to recover. Now I live in the simple things, and mostly enjoy one thing at a time. I wish you many more moments with apples – aren’t they magical little things!! With gratitude and love!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you Pauline, for your kind words. I don’t normally eat apples as a rule but that one seemed to have real purpose. I am very unconscious in my eating and am striving to do better now. Sorry to hear you piles so much on yourself that it collapsed you. I’ve done that too but somehow I forgot to be mindful again. Smart little apple gave me a wake up call. Have a wonderfilled day. Grateful for you with big hugs. 🙂


  5. Food for thought! No pun intended! I too am guilty of multitasking. I am paying more attention though to not do it. I know that when I’m in the moment I focus better, notice the little things and actually accomplish more! Go figure! 😉 Happy Turkey Day! 🦃

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  6. An apple moment! Sounds like we all need more of those 🙂 Thanks for the reminder xx

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  7. Lovely post, Marlene. Multi-tasking definitely steals the joy from the little things in our life….not to mention, it’s exhausting.
    Wishing you and your family a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving.

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  8. Well said, Marlene.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Happy Thanksgiving, Marlene! I agree, sometimes we just need to slow down and savor the moment!


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  10. Loved this post Marlene… Such a wonderful insight and analogy about the apple my friend..
    Yes I have been plugging into the sparks that ignite my passions this last week also Marlene… Poetry and painting a little knitting 🙂 for Barbie Dolls.. and playing with my granddaughter…
    And each brings an added smile..
    Sending you Huge Hugs my friend.. wishing you and your family a HAPPY Thanksgiving my friend..
    Love Sue xxx

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  11. I love this wake up call Marlene. An apple and a cup of coffee at the same time… makes me wonder at the incongruous things we end up doing with no thought.
    May we all pause and take time to reflect on our journey 💛

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Val. Yes, that was an odd combination. Shows you that I was completely unaware. Coffee may be going to the wayside for awhile. The apple was meant to soothe what the coffee was doing. 😦 I’m waking up.

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  12. Dearest Marlene-a-go-slow (lol), glad to hear you’ve taken the moment to enjoy a slice of life (pun intended). Lovely read my friend! The analogy is not wasted on me. I’m afraid I’m not a good multi-tasker but do my best. Why? Because I don’t have enough time to do just one thing at a time, all the time. Got that? ha! Like this AM, I was writing Kelly’s Korner, while baking biscuits and watching the morning news and sipping my coffee. I had Blossum in my lap so there was the odd petting required too. All that before work, because when I get home, it’s after 7pm and not much left of the day. Does it all go smoothly? Nope! Today, I left my phone at work and needed a nap between 8:30pm and 9:45pm. Like I said, I’m not that good at it. But in the end, Mr B was happy to have biscuits with Dinner, I got my blog in on time and had a fun day at work. What didn’t I get to? A plethora of things, but tomorrow’s another day……of multi-tasking…….so we’ll try again. I think multi-tasking is ok, as long as you don’t beat yourself up over the things left undone. My new favourite saying? “It’s all good” xo Kisses K PS. I never did see any mail….sorry if Canada Post has lost it, but thanks for your thoughts when you mailed it xo

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    • Arggg! Another thing lost in the mail. My aunt sent a gift from Australia and it never arrived either. Wonder who keeps all the stuff? You really do have multitasking to an art form.I think most of it is ok. As long as I’m not eating when I’m doing other things, which I often do and then wondered where the thing I was eating went. Ha ha. I ate it already. We do cram a lot in a day. At my age, not so much anymore. I remember the days of needing a nap before bed. I still need a nap but more in the middle of the day as I’m a very early riser and seldom get to bed early enough. When I don’t get a rest, I eat more to help keep me going. Sounds like you have a lot more on your plate than you have plate. My daughter uses that phrase “it’s all good” a lot too. Hope you find some time to relax too. But with Christmas coming up, I doubt any of us will be relaxing much. Giant hugs.

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  13. I hope you’ve had a peaceful and mindful Thanksgiving, Marlene. What a terrific post. Great photos, too. I took an eight week course in Mindfulness, and one of the assignments was to eat a meal with mindfulness, being aware of every bite. The sounds, tastes, smells and event the texture. I will catch myself eating too quickly and try to slow down. This is a good reminder. I don’t know why I’ve fallen out of the habit of a daily practice. It’s so good for our mental health.

    I’ve noticed that I will often”scarf” chocolate, as if fearful it will be whisked away from me. Of course, I should be avoiding it altogether, but that’s another story.

    I love your posts, Marlene. I’m glad to have read this one just before I turn out the lights. Big hugs. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Alys. It’s something I’m working on too. We get busy and hurry everything, including our food. Sometimes I find myself eating for all the wrong reasons. Have a wonderfilled day after and weekend. Giant hugs.


      • Yes. So true.

        We set up our tree today. The boys were into it this year, so we all had fun. Mike hung lights. We seem to fall along traditional lines in that regard. Are you swinging in to the Christmas season, Marlene?

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      • My heart is into the Christmas season as I’m working on the gifts I’m giving but I have orders to wait for assistance to get the tree from storage as it requires a ladder. I’ll also need help moving things from in front of my boxes of ornaments and lights. Things got pretty disorganized as my son kept looking through his things to find tools he needed. My stuff ended up where it shouldn’t be. My daughter may help this morning or my sister later in the week. I’m the strongest of us but it’s probably wise to have someone holding the ladder and being there to call for help if necessary. 🙂 I’m thinking there is nothing traditional about me. 🙂 I can just see the fun in your place with 3 boys playing. 🙂


  14. Such a timely post.
    Thank you for the reminder to be mindful, and also to take those moments to simply be.
    To remember where we get our energy, our “spark”.
    It’s funny that I’m reading this today, even though you posted it 4 days ago.
    I’ve been pondering these past couple days that I am pulled in so many directions and am missing the enjoyment of them.
    I’ll be thinking of you and your words of wisdom this week.
    Thank you

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  15. I intentionally unplug every night from the distractions, about an hour before bed. The only multitasking I allow then is doing something creative with my hands while listening to music on the stereo. Mindfulness is far more nourishing and productive than multitasking.

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    • I so agree. Just need longer days. I journal and read just before I go to sleep. That takes an hour or more all cozied up. I tend not to give myself permission to sit and just one thing at a time. Watching tv has to be justified somehow. Most often it was with a meal. Now I have taken up needle work again to keep my hands busy and not be wasting time watching television. I try to cram as much as possible into the moments I’m conscious. Working to find a way to get it all done more mindfully. I spent today cooking chicken on the grill while putting up outside lights. Racing the weather here. I like to listen to music or an audio book while I sew. Thanks for stopping by. with another reminder to slow it down and pay attention.

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  16. Marlene, you speak words that echo in my heart. We would live in a much better culture if we got out of ourselves for a few moments to notice someone else. Well said, my friend.

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  17. A great thing to connect apples to mindfulness. I think I’ve got at least one Fuji in the kitchen right now, and I’ll give it a go.

    For me, the one reliable thing that always snaps me back is the jaw-dropping beauty of the world. No matter where I live – and sometimes I’ve lived in truly desolate places – no matter what the weather, or the time of day, or what just happened in my personal life, beauty gets through when nothing else does. Sometimes the intricate minuscule patterns on a spider’s back, or the frost pattern on the deck railing, or a bird perched in a single beam of sunshine, a reflection in water, a rainbow on my office wall, the gurgling of my Beaver Creek, the colour of my eyes, the shape of a cloud… these things get through. I don’t know how, but I love it.

    Liked by 3 people

    • It’s funny how some posts just write themselves and others I struggle over. That one presented itself and said sit and press keys. 🙂 Mother Nature does really awesome work and yes, it can snap you out of any bad spot. Enjoy your Fugi. I’ll go get one Monday when the ice melts. You have the most beautiful piece of property to bring you back to center. Thanks for all the visits. You’ve been busy tonight. I’m trying to catch up too.

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      • I have been busy all day! It’s been a very good day for getting tasks done. In my last comment to you I talked about the beauty of my land, and it reminded me that I’ve been taking a lot of snow photos and I should blog them. So, I’m gonna pop some logs onto the fire and start working on that now.

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  18. Sigh… I could have used this reminder over the holidays. We took a late vacation over Thanksgiving and Christmas ran into quite a blur. I found myself with a flickering light. The good news however is this is timely for me today. A wonderfully insightful post. Thank you. I suppose I’m behind for a reason because this is something that resonates with me today perhaps more than it would have in November. 😍

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, I agree. Everything in it’s right timing. The holidays were a blur here too. I never want a repeat of them. With my son moving out across Christmas, it was all but non-existent. I’m ready for a vacation now. 🙂 Thanks for going the distance all at once. 🙂 Sent an e-mail too.

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