Looking for answers to life's questions

I’m a planner.  My son, plans very differently from me. I will ask what his plan is and he shrugs like a teenager instead of a full grown adult male. I’m sure something is working itself out in his head but I don’t see it. My plan was to have less stuff, his was to move anything that he couldn’t sell and pay less for storage.

I have plenty of  stuff and I’m working feverishly to pass most on or make use of it. We have both sold a great deal and given away more. My little corner of that storage unit is now in my house, driveway and shed along with some of his stuff. I figured I’d go through it this week as he drove his 26’ rental truck to the Northern Arizona Mountains where he has a shipping container purchased and placed conveniently and inexpensively. No more storage costs. The container can later be used for other projects.

This driveway was clear before Christmas

This driveway was clear before Christmas

The pile kept growing. We tried to sell the chain saw at the 100 degree yard sale last summer. Bargain rate if you are interested.

The pile kept growing. We tried to sell the chain saw at the 100 degree yard sale last summer. Bargain rate if you are interested.

There was a time frame to do all this as his navigator/alternate driver/friend flew in to ride back with him. It took us two days to pack the truck with some unprofessional help. A teenager thinking about the video games he was missing and a wonderful blogging friend who was a tiny force of nature. Crystal worked circles around the teenager and me. My son was methodical in a way that was testing my patience. It was cold in a way this city hasn’t seen in decades. Once it was all loaded, he began to be concerned. It fit but felt too heavy. The morning he was going to pull the truck out of the storage area, the gates froze shut and wouldn’t come open. Obviously a clear sign of things to come.

Four layers and I still got too cold when the sun started down.

Four layers and I still got too cold when the sun started down.

By 9 a.m. my son and his navigator/2nd driver managed to get the gate open by hand. The manager stood inside his office door in his long johns with his hands flapping in the air looking helpless to assist in any way. Once the gates were open, we fled after pulling them closed again.

My boxes in the back corner. Only the Holiday boxes will stay.

My boxes in the back corner. Only the Holiday boxes will stay.

Is this the end of the story? Oh, no. It took one stoplight for it to register fully that this load was not going to fly. An attempt was made to rent a tag-along trailer to distribute the load. There wasn’t one to fit the truck. Just go ahead they said at the rental place.

My wise son took the truck to our refuse and recycling center and had it weighed. 6000 pounds over is significant. So the next option was to call mom. That’s what we are for, right?

All but the tan posts go with this unit

All but the tan posts go with this unit

They spent the better part of a precious driving day, offloading his commercial steel shelving into my back yard along with anything too heavy and no longer worth the move. It would have to be sold from my place with him negotiating long distance. As they drove down the highway in the very late afternoon, I got a call that the truck was behaving nicely and all was well.

All together and full of stuff

All together and full of stuff

I wish I could say that there was rest for the weary after all this. I cleaned out the unit the next day in slightly warmer temps, loaded the third seat back into my vehicle by myself to get it out of the incoming weather and moved and sorted things to go to different places. Their truck made it into Utah and headed across to Arizona. Ahead of the weather I’ve been mentally holding back for them. I thank everyone who kept good thoughts with me for this to be a safe journey.

Cleaned out and empty. Ready for the next customer.

Cleaned out and empty. Ready for the next customer.

Anyone interested in a commercial steel shelving unit with the plywood shelves or several different weight bench thingies? I have some of my mom’s end tables that might go to the thrift store in the next load unless you want them?

P.S. They made it safely all the way. Yay!!!

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself




Comments on: "The Best Laid Plans" (68)

  1. Progress! Wonderful!
    I thought of you a short while ago – a friend came round for coffee and when she came in, she said Have you seen what they’re chucking out across the road? I SHOT OUT LIKE A BULLET. My neighbours were obviously doing a clean-out, and I scored a very pretty wooden dining chair (with a broken arm) and an empty earthworm-farm container. Because, you know, I’m short of stuff and desperately need more….
    But since then, I have sorted out 3 boxes in the spare room and packed a box for the charity shop. So it’s a start – of sorts….

    Liked by 1 person

    • You have me cracking up here. 🙂 Once the kid is offloaded he will start listing things for sale. As soon as I get the table and chairs cleared off, I’ll photograph it and list it as well. Just too much stuff. I would love someone to come play in it with me. The antique bed may already be sold as soon as the ice melt enough I can cross the street with it and she wants my empty boxes too. :)You are just hilarious. I’m going to catch up reading posts soon. Thanks for stopping by.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marlene, you alluded to “more than meets the eye” in a past comment, but I had no idea it was this difficult and complex. You must be exhausted. Doing anything in the cold requires so much more energy, not to mention all the emotional drama that seemed to unfold along with it. I know you must be incredibly relieved that Tech Support is finally on the other end of all of this. On the plus side, you now have all your belongings in one place, and most of his possessions have found a home. I would love to join you for a weekend to help you sort and store while we visit, drink tea and make good on all those promised hugs. A client recently asked, in an incredulous voice “you really like doing this?” I had to laugh. I love the whole process of sorting, editing, organizing, space planning and decorating. It makes my heart sing. Long before I did this professionally, I was the go-to person for friends who needed help emptying a garage, organizing a closet, set up filing systems, etc. It’s in my bones.

        This is a different year for you. I feel it. You’ve completed all the major outdoor projects, you’ve reclaimed your home for yourself, and now you have a whole room to make your own once again. I’m so happy for you.

        Love to you, xo

        Liked by 1 person

      • Sending an e-mail. It’s turning into a letter. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you. I will reply in kind soon. I’m off to pick up my son.

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      • Life is not a race. When you have breathing time. 🙂


  2. Interesting post. By coincidence, some of my friends after church service this morning were talking about the topic of storage of their stuff and their grown children’s stuff. Giving away and storing.

    Liked by 1 person

    • This time of year lends itself to organization. I was doing fairly well at it but now must go one step further. I was beginning to question my son’s sanity at the idea of moving his stuff so far in the dead of the worst winter so far. Someone was watching out for him in a serious way.

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  3. I think ‘storage’ would be the start of a slippery slope for me… if my clutter is all in the house, it gives me an incentive to sort it out, which I’m doing slowly 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • That was why I wanted mine where I could finally get to it. He is still looking for a permanent home and until then, books and tools follow him. I just have very little storage space in a manufactured home. No garage, just a tiny shed to keep garden tools in. I wandered for 4 years before I found my permanent home so now what doesn’t work here, goes. I make regular trips to donate and have posted much online. Sold quite a bit. The yard sale was a huge flop. Thanks for stopping by.


  4. I find yard sales net very little money and require a lot of effort including standing around and making nice with people who want to bargain you down by pennies. But bravo to you for organizing and decluttering. What an epic saga!

    Liked by 2 people

    • It’s an amusing tale that I do not want to repeat. I’ve been paring down for years and now must pare down more. I discovered you can catch hoarding tendencies. Going back to the simpler life. Less stress. Thanks for stopping by.

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  5. All’s well that ends well, as Mr Shakespeare so famously muttered…… I called in a local charity shop with their van and let them take the excess lot away when my daughter moved out – everything. I sorted nothing, looked at nothing, because I knew if I did there would be that pulling back thing happening and it just needed to be gone! I figure if she or i now find out we can’t live without the finidanglewhosit, we can purchase another. 🙂 I love the sense of space and lightness my tiny house now has. I even have some storage spaces in my art room that are empty 🙂 I’m making a concerted effort to use up the crafting stuff that I have hoarded for years and am turning out greeting cards at a great rate – prep for next Christmas gift giving 🙂 While you freeze in your little part of the world, we are living in our version of winter. It’s cold and wet and even though the days are long, the light is dimmed due to the clouds and rain. Summer, we all hope, may turn up soon………….. So glad to hear that Tech and his co-driver sorted their weight problems and got there safely. You look very cute Marlene, all wrapped up from the cold. Keep warm! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yes, I have the back of my car already loaded to take to the donation center. So much is being parted out to those in need of what we have. Crystal took the table saw my son helped her load in her car. And we didn’t even have time to feed her a real meal. That will come soon. She had a use for it so it was hers. I can’t believe how much we have already sold right out of the unit. His sofa was picked up before it had to be loaded or donated and so were 2 of the fountains we bought last summer. Broke even on them. I will photograph and list every thing on the neighborhood resale website and move it all along. We have not had winter here like this one since I’ve lived here. But soon we will be complaining about the heat again. I love the winter, just not being outside all day in it. My extra pounds show in that photo. Already working to get it gone too. Minimalizing me too. Getting rid of stuff affects the body. 🙂 Doing much better now. Thank you, Pauline.

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  6. I’m glad you got some organising done! Good start to the new year.


  7. I am so glad that TS made it to AZ and got most of the stuff there with him. I texted him Thurs morning to say “have a great trip!” and he responded with “I’m at Mom’s trying to repack the truck.” I was so upset I couldn’t bring myself to check in with you. I was having nightmares of half the stuff in the truck piled into your driveway, and you in anxiety fits waiting for the neighborhood association to start complaining.

    Anyway, I was happy to help. You two have both bailed me out in the past and it was a great opportunity for me to return the favors. What a cold, cold day to spend outside! This cold has just made me grumpy. Today it’s finally up to 30 degrees and it feels so warm!

    Tara and Brynnen were home to help me unload the table saw. Luckily I’ve got space for it in the garage and didn’t need to do any rearranging. I can hardly wait to get it all put back together and start using it.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I wanted to send you a note too but was so overwhelm and sorry that all that hard work ended up here in the back yard. You did such a good job of helping him. I just couldn’t do any more. I’m so glad the saw has a space. I’ve slept a good part of yesterday and today. Very exhausting. I did get the boxes for my ornaments out of the shed. So now I can take down the tree. I still want to take you and even Tara to lunch when you get time. I promise no more work. A real visit. They got in last night and offloaded today.

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  8. If I wasn’t the other side of the world, I’d be leaping on those steel shelves for our garage or one of the sheds, or the store room… We are a pushme-pullyou family. I put away and throw out, and he takes out and puts down somewhere, anywhere. Gradually, I nibble away at the hoard. And now, I must remind him to take the flat packs of shelf units to be assembled out of the back of the car….

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was married to a guy like that for almost 25 years. I’m a Virgo and order is my middle name. This kind of chaos exhausts me. It will be gone soon enough. These are industrial steel shelves and they are 12ft tall. Heavy is the operative word here. I shook my head when he thought he would take them with . There has to be another one like him out here to take them off my hands. Tomorrow is ad day. 🙂 Heal those fingers.


  9. I’m so glad they got there safely! It’s so hard to be the mom waiting and worrying. Like you I’m trying to get myself organized…I’m not doing very well at all.


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    • It’s like eating and elephant, Linda. Not going to get done this week. I’m taking my time and working through it. Stuff is already finding new homes as soon as the icy roads are clear. I just wanted everyone to know that I’m not here sitting on my hands not reading their posts. Getting there. Thanks for stopping by. Have a good week.

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  10. You’ve made so much progress, Marlene. You should be proud of yourself. It’s certainly a great start to a new year…clear the clutter. What a cute photo of you all bundled…I love it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The photo of me has made the strict eating plan the doctor suggested so much easier to stay on. I tend to be a stress eater. Now I have to move a lot of stuff to get rid of the stress. It’s actually going to fun, once the weather warms up to above freezing. It’s one of those clean ups that start in the shed being emptied and then stuff going back in orderly then on into the house. Finally found my ornament boxes at the back of the shed so I can take down the tree tonight. 🙂 We are fluffing the Chi around here big time. Thanks for the visit. Have a good writing week.


  11. I find the older I get the less I really need. Doesn’t always stop me from wanting. The no money does that! LOL I like living with less. Much easier on the nerves and the dusting. Glad TS got to where he was going safely. The joys of moving. This will probably be my last stop so I’m still weeding out things slowly. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • I couldn’t agree more Jackie. This is my last stop until I’m placed into full time care if that’s necessary. Hope not. I have trying to get to my stuff so I could get rid of what I don’t want but now it’s here. It will go quickly. TS never wants to do that again either. I have enough here to keep me busy till I’m 108. Unless I work fast. Just not today. Lots of resting. It’s a big job ahead but I’m going at like eating an elephant. One bite at a time. Like you, S L O W L Y. And I have to be the one to do most of it. Have a good week ahead.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I’m inspired. Getting rid of clutter is definitely a winter project for me. It starts with paperwork….oi vey, way too much to keep. Best of luck getting your task completed!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I keep the shredder very close at hand for paperwork as well as the scanner. For me it’s fabrics and crafting stuff as well as holiday decor. I’m looking forward to an uncluttered life. Just wanted everyone to know why I have been so tardy in reading your posts. I’m getting there. Thank you for stopping by.

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  13. Hahaha, Marlene! Only you can make a fun post out of sorting through stuff. I really shouldn’t laugh, though, I have plenty of sorting to do as well. Don’t you find that it’s a continual project? I get rid of … then I collect more! Take care and stay warm, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was somewhat comedic. Like the keystone cops. You are correct, it is a continual process. I swear I have asked for no gifts for any occasion but they still insist. So I am more direct now. It must be something practical that I can use. Most of my stuff has been in boxes for over 6 years waiting until I could actually get to them. Some is worth hanging on to, the rest is going.

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  14. Oh my god, Marlene–what a story! What a mess! My muscles ache, just thinking what you’ve been through! I know you have the right mindset to get through this–just don’t hurt yourself along the way!

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  15. Marlene that was hard work!! having moved many times, I know all about it. Decluttering is hard work but liberating in the end!! I stick to the rule that when something comes into the house, something has to go out. And once a year in Spring, I check the whole house and I am always amazed that there still will be a carful to bring to the thrift store….xo Johanna

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ve been making regular trips to the thrift stores to deposit, not withdraw for years. My living quarters and storage capacity also keeps getting smaller so more has to go. I’ve also “inherited” a lot of stuff from family members that want me to hold onto it for them. It’s going bye-bye now. Fabric and books are where I fail miserably. This is my last move after at least 35. Just thinking about all I have ahead of me is exhausting. Maybe a nap will help, since I’m still in my PJ’s. 😉 Soon, I’ll be where you are and peacefully enjoying my space. Thanks for stopping by, Johanna.

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  16. I love Johanna’a rule: something in, something out. I’m gonna remember that one. Looks like you made significant progress…and it looks positively liberating! Uncluttered. Fabulous. Nice photo of you, Marlene. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • The photo is helping me stick to my food plan the doc gave me. I sold an antique bed today and am thinking about getting rid of most of my Christmas decorations. No where to store them and so much work for this old woman. It’s going out a lot faster than it comes in. I buy nothing but food and books and books are exchanged. I sold 2 fountains out of the storage unit and have decided to put all the money aside to pay down my mortgage. Makes getting rid of stuff easier. I have a lot of children’s print fleece and flannel. Going to list it on Craigslist and see what happens. It’s the year of the giant purge. 🙂


  17. Firstly I am pleased that your Son and Co-driver and load made it all in one piece to their destination.
    Phew Marlene.. Where on earth do you get your energy from ??… All of that moving and clearing and in such cold temps too.. My Hat is off to you..
    Its a pity you didn’t live a little closer LOL… I have been on at my hubby for years about clearing out the garage.. Its loaded with things that MAY one day come in handy.. He did attempt last year to give it a clearing, but he barely touched the surface..

    I hope your temperatures soon start getting warmer.. ours are just about set to plummet.

    Sending you lots of love.. Loved your photos and especially the one of you in your many layers..

    Keep warm Marlene.. stay safe.. and Lots and LOTS of LOVE.. ❤ xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Sue. I start out doing pretty good but end up fizzling. Crystal sent me home to warm up and brought my son home. I was cold to the bone that day. I did what I could then just had to quit. We have more snow and cold coming in tonight. It’s very unusual. here. I do a little at a time but stay at it till it’s done. I hate clutter and took my Suburban load to the thrift collection center today so I can load it again. I have a lot of “I might use it someday” as well. It’s now or never. You stay warm too. Hugs

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  18. What an undertaking! I am happy the move went well and that you have your place to yourself again. Going through all the stuff right at home sounds perfect, and in this weather downright warm and cozy. 😉
    I’ve been going through my closet and books. Lots of piles and bags are lined up to be taken to the thrift shop once I feel better. My biggest issue is books. I’m sure you can relate. I know so many people who have three car garages and giant houses, yet can’t fit their cars in them. Brian and I made a promise to each other when we first got married: to never ever store anything in the attic and always make sure there is room in the garage for the cars. So far we’re doing well. My mother-in-law was the ultimate pack rat and collector of all things collectible. When she died my husband spent an incredible amount of time sorting and dispersing with a sale and lots of trips to Goodwill. That’s when I decided that I would never want to burden my kids with something like that.
    Anyway, I believe it’s good for us to realize that more stuff doesn’t make us happier or better or … It just helps us be more poor, both financially and in terms of time management.
    Happy decluttering Marlene! Stay warm and safe! 😊

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    • I agree. I’m not leaving this mess to my kids. I’m having a good time purging. Books are not on the list, yet. I’ve pared down those before. I have almost no storage here so I have to deal with all this right away.

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      • Good for you! I was watching a documentary on minimalism the other day. Enlighten!
        Plus, whenever I travel I only bring one small carry-on bag and my camera and iPad. I find it very liberating, especially when when I watch others carrying around suitcases I could fit my entire closet in.
        I’m with you on that one! 🤗

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  19. Oh my goodness, Marlene! What an extraordinarily rough day. I’m so very glad that you had the amazing Crystal to help you! She’s quite a friend!
    I wish we could all be there to have a big ol work day at some point.
    Please take a moment to breathe, to rest, and to prepare for the next step.

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    • I did take 2 weekend days to rest and thank you for caring, Laurie. Crystal was already sick with something she didn’t mention and then picked up another bug later. She is finally recovering. My son gave her the table saw for all her hard work. She had a place to put it and use it. The work has just begun. 🙂


  20. […] found out that a blogger friend of mine was  shorthanded on, as she put it, “young energetic people,” and I answered the call. […]

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  21. Oh Marlene, what adventures you’ve had while I’ve been away from blogging…and how kind of you to keep in touch with me despite all this. Oh I feel for you with all your son’s ‘stuff’, and so glad that after all of that, he arrived safe and sound. I don’t know how you did it, and in all that cold too. I wish I lived nearer to help out. We could do with a chain saw, but mailing one to England might not be the cheapest or wisest thing to do, lol! Seriously though, when I moved with my three kids from California back to England, we went from a large, 4 bed house, 3 car garage, lots of storage (oh, how I miss American homes, all that closet space…) to a much smaller house. And then an even smaller one after that, but it’s just me, hubby and aspie youngest now. Not counting all the pets, but you know about all them. Somehow, I still have all their stuff in our garage and loft (attic) and for a while now hubby and I have been saying it really is time they take it off our hands. They’ve moved so much, renting, so it’s been difficult and storage is so darn expensive. When we next move (which might be sooner rather than later, but shhhh…not letting that cat out of the bag yet…) things will change. They have to! I read your previous post and thought I would comment on both of them here, and wanted to say you’ve got some good goals for the year ahead, and I do believe you will be able to achieve them once past this clearing out phase. I’m right there along side you my friend, if not in the flesh then in spirit. And how wonderful to have your blogger friend to help practically. Sending you big hugs and hope you’re feeling warmer now 🙂 xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for the visit, Sherri. I promise to keep silent about the possible shift of location. I never, ever want to move again. The chain saw would not be worth the mailing. It didn’t cut well which is why he left it behind. A friend has taken it to try out. Why do we always keep the stuff our kids leave behind. I never did that to my parents who would never have allowed it. I’m just going to live much simpler after this clearing out. Making progress. I hope you find somewhere that works well for you and family. My daughter still pays for storage as she has a tiny apartment. We went through last summer and did a huge clearing out and want to see if we can rid her of more “stuff” this spring. I’m thinking there is a shift in the accumulation trend coming around. I’ll be waiting to hear more from your end soon I hope.

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      • Ahh…thanks Marlene, nothing is concrete, but I will be sure to let you know when it is! As for the chainsaw, would love the custom’s official’s face on reading that declaration, lol 😀 Ha…I agree! My parents neither, we had to sort our own stuff out, get rid of it or take it with us. Different times. We’ll be comparing notes on the status of our clear outs! I’m ready for it, just as you are! Keep warm my friend, lovely chatting with you again, much love… xoxo


  22. I am so glad to hear your son made it safely to his destination. I thought the plan was to get all his stuff out of your home, not leave you with more to have to deal with selling on your own? Children! Mine are like that too. My sons tell me I have plenty of room to store things for them and I try to hold off the onslaught. I wish we were closer, I would purchase the chainsaw for my son to help you out.

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    • I sent it with a friend who may buy it. My sister is coming tomorrow to get the antique lamps I tried to sell before. She will pay me for them and they are out of my place. My son has ads on Craigslist for some of it and will add more shortly. I have more to add as well. A great deal I just took to the Goodwill. They wouldn’t take the shop lights so I need to find someone else that might want them. My entire collection of houses and much of my Christmas decor will go on sale soon. Salvation army didn’t want anything Christmas as they have to store it for a year. I get that. He had it all in the truck but the truck was dragging on the axles. And he was racing the storm so there was no choice. If it can’t be sold, he will come back to get it or it will go to the scrap yard. Now I still need to deal with all my crap. How did I get this much stuff???? ;( I have pink and aqua knit fabric to make nighties out of and will never get to it. You could make several from one piece. I planned to make so much but the eyes are really giving me trouble these days. The fabric is free to a good home.


      • I’m glad you were able to find someone who could use the chainsaw, not something you want sitting around.

        I don’t know about you, but I sure was left with a lot of stuff I didn’t need when my boys became adults and moved out, but then there were my books which were numerous. It’s good to have those things gone, you’ll be happy when yours are too.

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      • Getting happier every day. 🙂 Books don’t count. Remember, “it isn’t hoarding if it’s only books” 🙂

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  23. Marlene, glad it’s all done and whew! I feel for you! I hope all gets sold as you wish and for the price you want. I am glad the weather held for them as well. Good job Mama!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much. There was fervent prayer involved and someone was listening. 🙂 It will all go in it’s right time and much is being given away. I trust what I need will be supplied when I need it. 🙂 I wish it was all done but I’m still doing a great deal of hard work to move this stuff out.


  24. Marlene, I feel exhausted after having just run my eyes down your post and the many responses. I only called by to leave my thanks for your recent decision to follow Learning from Dogs! Seriously, thank you very much! Best wishes, Paul.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It seems I have a close relationship with many of my followers. We have become long distance friends over the years. Thank you for reading and stopping by.


  25. Great post! I personally love to give my stuff away, I live quite zen like. Just my style, I guess.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Cecilia. Not a lot of Zen around here just yet but I’m working on it. Still have an awful lot of stuff that I’m still making decisions on. Thanks for stopping by.


  26. Just dropping by again here to see how your week has been Marlene? and hope that the weather is warming up a little from the time you posted this post.. Hope also your Son is settling in..
    Take care of you Love and Hugs Sue xxx

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    • Thanks for checking in, Sue. I have been so busy getting things sorted that I’ve been mentally drained and the foul weather isn’t helping. My son is quite content where he is now. I’ve made 4 or 5 trips to various donation centers but there is still so much to deal with. I had to take some down time before I could tackle the rest. Saturday will be our first dry day in ages. We broke all records for rain so far. I’ll try to get a story posted this week. Feeling quite stuck. Thanks for stopping by, Sue. Hugs.

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      • Yes the weather here too dull, cold wet.. now snow set for the weekend.. Its draining for sure.. I had to ask hubby to come for a walk with me the other day, I was fed up of the four walls.. As we can not do much in the garden right now.. It rejuvenated me for a while.. :-D.. Glad you are OK Marlene.. Keep warm, and dont over do things.. Love and Hugs xx Sue

        Liked by 1 person

  27. Oh, How I can relate :-)!!!!! I have been on a rollercoaster of stuff coming and going since my kids all started going to and from college and onto the next phase of life. I finally got both my cars in the garage this last year! My youngest came home from Boston to go onto a graduate program. He stuffed most of his life( collections) in his car when he came this time, so not that much to bring into our home. Oh, how I wish I had that little:-) He moved to Wisconsin a few weeks ago; I cleared out the room again( ugh) for the last time, I hope:-)

    I also had my parents move here at the same time as he returned. They uprooted and moved near us and purchased a new home that was smaller….but now I had to take some of their stuff…AND, I am married to a pack rat:-) LOL-but I do love him, and he is my best friend. My son said, well, mom just get a storage unit for Dad’s stuff! Are you kidding, I have a large enough house that anything extra is just extra…luckily my middle daughter has been emptying out the stuff from my basement to use at her place. My son took a few pieces which help clear space. I have read many articles about Millennials and their desire to never take their parent’s junk/ what we call heirlooms! I can relate to this story….My husband is working on his stuff, and it will take him years to find the back of the wall in the basement!

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    • You make me laugh, Robbie. My last husband was a pack rat too. It’s contagious, did you know that? It used to be a joke that I would donate to the thrift stores and my husband would buy it back. We had 3 storage sheds on our property and they were all full. When I left, everything fit into a 26 ft. truck and went into storage up here. I’m still giving stuff away. Even a lot of the stuff my son left behind has gone. He bought a 40ft shipping container to put his stuff into. Not sure what the next phase will look like for him but mine is going to be a whole lot simpler.


      • lol..that is my life story!!! I got him to stop buying, but oh my gosh it is a sickness! I have the top floor cleared out , but he has the basement ( ugh-his man cave) and his father is just like him:-( I told him when his father passes on, I am not going to deal with his stuff but none of it will come into our home. I have my oldest daughter’s stuff becasue she has lived in Europe the past decade. She has small kids now and wants some of her stuff, but can’t get it to her. I would love to!
        I never go shopping anymore unless it is for a specific items. I stay clear of stores now that I don’t need to cloth any young people in my home. LOL. I spent many years searching the clearance racks for them etc…When they moved out I took over their rooms and never looked back.( I do miss them but not all the stuff-LOL) Other people leave the room the same, I packed it up and now have an art studio, plant room and guest room:-) It is a joke with my kids. My son that came home this past fall before going off to grad school. He had the guest room with all his “stuff” and within one week he was gone it was all cleared out with new bedding and lamps. He took some he needed since he only had what was in his car from Boston. My husband retires in 2 years, I told him he needs to start a used book store from our basement-..oh well, thank you for letting me vent:-) I can SO relate:-)

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      • Vent away, Robbie. We all need to do it on occasion. It helps bring things into focus that need to change. I have a sewing room and a craft/guest room. There is enough room for someone to sleep and put their suitcase on the table but no other space anymore. No one else will ever move in unless they are dying and need care. Then they won’t need their stuff. 🙂

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      • lol..you make me laugh!!! You have a great day:-)

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  28. Look at you, I would hardly call this the blahs being as ambitious and industrious as you are! You are certainly persistent and have accomplished more in a short time this year than I have without a doubt. Perhaps I will be inspired… Maybe not, I feel bed time coming on! After all, tomorrow is a new day.😄

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    • I was pushing through till I hit the wall. Then I had 2 weeks of the blahs and some sun today and a lovely valentines day being with friends pushed me to the other side. Now to start again. I’ll be up late tonight. My daughter is traveling. 🙂

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