Looking for answers to life's questions

I’m a bit on overload this month clearing and sorting while the rain continues to pummel down. At least it’s no longer snow and ice. Bear with me please. In the meantime, the long ago promise of another story.

Part 2

Maddie was agitated and frustrated. What the heck was Public Relations and how was she supposed to be of help to this firm? The Temp service had sent her over to work for an undetermined amount of time and after a week, she was still a fish out of water. She didn’t know what she was doing and it was becoming more obvious the two women who owned and ran the company didn’t know what they were doing either. Thank goodness it was Friday!

Maddie was in a hurry to get out of the parking lot and onto Riverside Drive towards home after another mind numbing day. She and her husband had free tickets to the Pasadena Ice House Comedy Club. Maddie could really use a laugh after the day she’d had and pulled out a little too fast cutting off another car that seemed to be in as big a hurry as she. She waved behind her apologetically. That curve was hard to see around. Just after pulling out, she was first in line for the stop light with the angry man just behind her. She could almost hear him swear at her as the light finally turned green. Maddie put her foot on the accelerator and started to move forward when she heard it loud and clear. PUT YOUR FOOT ON THE BRAKE! But the light was green she thought. Again it came louder this time. PUT YOUR FOOT ON THE BRAKE NOW! So Maddie did.

Looking into her rear-view mirror, she fully expected Mr. Angry and Impatient to drive right over the top of her car. It was in those milliseconds that a flash of white passed in front of her and she heard the most horrendous sound. Looking over at the lane to the right of her and just a half car length ahead she saw the very large woman in her small Ford Mustang flop over sideways like a rag doll and come back up. The white delivery truck had struck her door with full force. No brakes on his vehicle had been applied. His big truck had pushed the Mustang all the way out of her lane. Maddie knew she had to be dead.

When things stopped for a few seconds and the lane was quiet and clear, Maddie drove across the intersection and pulled up to the curb on the other side. Mr. Angry continued on as did as much of the traffic as possible until the police arrived. Maddie waited till they came to talk to her. She was going to be late getting home but she was alive. Why?

When the police came to get her statement, they asked if the truck driver had gone through a yellow light. “Absolutely not” Maddie stated! Our light was green. Maddie couldn’t explain to the policeman that they’d had a green lights for seconds already and why she had not gone. Maddie made it very clear that the truck driver had gone through a clearly red light on his side and was going so fast he was a blur to her.

Big white truck

Big white truck

small Ford Mustang. No competition.

small Ford Mustang. No competition.

It became clear to Maddie that if the truck had hit her, she was eight feet closer and would most likely not have survived. If she had not pulled out in front of Mr. Angry and Impatient, he would have been first in line at the light. He may have gone quickly as the light turned green.

They would not tell her the other woman’s condition but Maddie was hopeful. Drinks at the Ice House once they got there that night did little to assuage her anguish. Why did she hear the Voice and not the woman in the car next to her? She just couldn’t make sense of it.

The next week, Maddie ask the Temp service to transfer her somewhere else.   She needed life to make sense.

Does life make sense to you?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "The Voice Returns" (49)

  1. Life rarely makes sense to me, Marlene. Until after something happens, then I go…Ahhh, now I get it! At least for that moment. ha!

    Story is nicely done. I had to go back and read the first portion as it’s been a while. 😉

    I have heard that voice too, many times and it has saved my butt too. So I can relate to the story. I like Maddie, she’s real. Keep going!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks, Jackie. It’s been more than 2 years since I wrote that last one. My how time flies. I am so ready to get this place cleared out so I can think.


  2. Oh, Marlene! That was good. I do miss writing some fiction pieces like we did in class. It makes our minds work in another way! Really well done!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This is such a good story Marlene, it is such a real experience for, I would guess, most people…… You ‘should’ (sorry for using the s word) write a little every day. Even if it is just 10 minutes and one sentence. If you can do this after a two year hiatus, think what might happen if you put aside that time daily to work at your craft!

    Woo-hoo! (It is of course advice I have myself received and failed to take up hence my often fearful stance when I approach a blank canvas 🙂 )

    Life is full of surprises, usually arriving when least expected as has recently happened to me.

    I mostly now view delays as safety nets from disaster, I’ve been saved so often by a vague feeling that says ‘caution’ or ‘no’ and inevitably found that ignoring that intuition or guidance results in some discomfort to my being!

    Good to hear the sorting continues – you deserve to feel light and bright and have the time and space to be a practising writer ❤ xo

    Liked by 3 people

    • I do write often, I just don’t post it. This one has been chewing on me until it was posted. I had no choice in the matter. I am trying to get to a place where I can carve out more time and energy to write. I spend so much time reading others blogs, I rarely give myself time to write my own. Following your inner intuition is always wise. I paid dearly for not doing so as well. Thank you for you kind encouragement.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ah, I see now. It is challenging isn’t it when you read a lot of blogs. I sometimes miss posts, just because I have to do my thing first. Good to hear you are writing daily – if that is what ‘often’ means. I enjoyed reading this story, so the others must be good as well.

        Liked by 3 people

      • I’ll keep working at it as long as possible. Going to start making it more of a priority.

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  4. I agree with Pauline, Marlene. You should write a little each day. You’ve obviously got the talent and that will only improve. I enjoyed the story and I loved Maddie. I’m so happy you shared it with us.

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  5. Life doesn’t make sense but your writing does!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. You go girl! You have the gift….:)
    No, of course life doesn’t make sense. I didn’t realise it was supposed to!?……. xxx
    Make time for yourself and your creativity every day. You owe it to yourself to invest time and energy in your talents ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  7. My life makes sense, and I AM very grateful it does! Your story is very good. Keep on writing.


    Liked by 3 people

  8. Very good piece, Marlene. Keep writing. I’ve had those “Voice” things happen and it’s best to listen.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. Wow, Marlene! Thanks for posting this piece. I could “feel” the accident unfolding, and having been in or witnessed others, it all rings true. I’m glad to hear that you’ve been writing (and re-writing which they says is key to terrific prose) a little every day. It’s a wonderful habit and hopefully a sense of joy as well.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Alys. It’s something I’d like to do but feel serious ill equipped. I’ll hopefully get more time for it soon. Appreciate the kind words.


      • Writing fiction is hard! I admire anyone that dips their toe in that direction. I’ve taken creative writing classes over the years, and learned early on what a challenge it is. I wish you the courage to continue.

        Liked by 2 people

      • It’s really creative non-fiction but no one seems to notice that. 🙂 I may one day expand a bit. I’ve never taken any classes or gone to college so I’m shooting in the dark here.

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  10. I thought I recognized a bit of this story. I’m pretty sure you’ve talked about it to me. The most important parts are 1) listening to that voice! and 2) you being able to write. It was so much fun to get a story, Marlene. Thanks for the gift.

    What rain, huh? But also, what lovely warm temperatures. I can forgive the wet when it’s warm again. Ahhhh…. Almost all my snow melted again. I had 3 to 4 inches this morning, then a monsoon all packed into 6 hours, and now the snow is gone. You should see my creek! It’s so high I’m worrying about my chickens. I had to keep going down there today just to make sure they are high enough up the hill not to wash away. They are fine of course, but from my deck, it seems like all I can see is raging water!

    I remember a story a girlfriend told me once, about being at the grocery store. She needed to use the restroom before her drive home. After she paid for the groceries, she asked to leave the bag near the cashier so she didn’t have to carry it with her. My friend said, as she left the groceries, the bag somehow caught her attention, like, something needed to be paid attention to. “It was like it winked at me,” she said, and couldn’t really explain. But decided she was being silly, went to the restroom, washed her hands, and walked out the door and drove home. In retrospect, she thought that something was trying to tell her she was about to forget her bag of groceries, but she ignored the voice. And look what happens when you ignore the voice: ice cream melts.

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s funny. But I believe every word of it. Life is full of strange experiences. Most we never tell. We get a break on Saturday so maybe the creek will start to go down. The rain has been incredible this year. It broke Portland records. I hate summer but looking forward to some warm. Today was just a lovely warm, wet day.

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  11. Marlene, such good writings!! You are a natural story teller. Your style reminds of the way Agatha Christie writes: I felt I was engaged in the story right away,from onlooker to fellow thinker, so to speak. I felt, I was actullay present and could see it happening. Now I want to know the rest of the story< how does Maudie cope with survivor guilt, or does the story become more mystic and is she open for spirit guides, both? Is more to happen because maybe she might change her whole life and become an artist or minister, or writer. Does it affect her relations with family and friends? Cliffhangers I believe you call it?? Decluttering or not, you HAVE to create a space for your writing desk and do something every day. Yes, yes, more of this please!!! Xo Johanna

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh, Johanna! You warm my heart. Thank you so much for your kind words. You have helped me to sort out the direction I wanted to go with these stories and couldn’t quite put my finger on. I’m going to copy your comment and keep it in my writing file. The positive feedback helps so much. I guess the time has come. 🙂 Giant squishy hugs. M

      Liked by 1 person

  12. I enjoyed the story very much Marlene!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Good morning Marlene! I’ve always enjoyed your stories! I still remember the one about the tea cups you did in class. 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  14. You are very talented in so many ways! I agree with above –you are a gifted story teller. I have been in situations like Maddie. I often think….split second here, or there the story would have been different! I remember an accident that I was in many moons ago and you captured the feelings. It felt like slow motion. I remember seeing the car coming towards me at the light, so I floored it and got through, but they hit my tail end and spun me. I often thought, If I had not floored it, I would have been crunched! I would not have walked away….I will enjoy reading more of your stories:-)

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Robbie. Your kind words mean a lot. I’d like to get more time for story telling. Soon, I hope. I was in a similar accident to the one you are describing and know just what you mean. I’ll have to write about it one day. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled Sunday.

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  15. Dear Marlene..
    What a beautiful piece of writing, I love your story.. And yes life often does not make sense. And I cannot tell you how this post resonated with me.. As this happened in real life to me when I was working travelling back and forth along narrow country lanes.

    I have it somewhere upon my blog the story..
    I was driving a route very familiar, and not much traffic ever on that route early in the morning.. I was driving approaching a bad u bend in the road.. I never drive at speed. So wasn’t going fast. When I heard in my head Slowdown.. It was quite clear.. I didn’t pay heed looking at my speed I was not going fast.. It then said again SLOW DOWN.. I reached to brake and the peddle I kid you not was already it seemed half depressed.. So that when I applied pressure It was like I did an emergency stop I slowed down that quickly.

    It was then that a Car came around the U bend so fast he couldn’t take the corner properly, he was on my side of the road.. If I had not heard that voice, and slowed down when I did just prior to getting to that bad bend.. I would have had a head on collision.

    I still get shudders thinking of it.. And know that voice is was looking out for me..

    Thank you Marlene for sharing this.. Life doesn’t always have to make sense.. So long as we Live it Well..

    Love and Hugs dear friend..
    Sue xx ❤

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  16. There is very little about life that makes sense to me lately. Your story is amazing and so vivid I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a fictionalized account of something you personally experienced. That’s high praise my friend.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. wow, Marlene!! This is so beautifully written…had me on the edge of my seat…and also touched my soul as I have had instances like this. One time, on our way to Disney World we were in the middle of a large pack of aggressive cars going from 95 to Rt. 4…it is a long curve and we were all going about 80!! I worked my way out of it and something told me to put my foot on the brake and really slow down…I did so…safely…no one was behind me. My passenger thought I was crazy! About two miles up the road there was a horrific crash involving about 7 cars…I’m talking one car was high up in a tree!!! I knew it was the pack of drivers…and I have never forgotten the voice I heard!!!
    Thanks for your loving heart!! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s a wonderful story, Lorrie! I’d bet there are so many others out there of those of us who have listened. I always wonder why some are singled out and others don’t hear the warning. Thank you for your kind words. Giant hugs.

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  18. Marlene, you have quite a talent for writing fiction. I have noticed many bloggers that I follow have written books… Have you ever considered this, or short stories? At the very least you should post more of your writing on your blog. With a somewhat generic blog title you could get away with posting just about anything you wanted. It’s not like you had a specific cooking or sewing blog title going on here …. which is considerably more restrictive. I have also noticed bloggers that post fiction. Myself, no talent in that area. Although I like writing to a certain degree, I think it takes a special kind of writer to be able to produce fiction that’s enjoyable too many. Keep it up!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for your kind words. They warm my heart. I will send you a note soon to expound on this. Not sure if I have your e-mail address and if not, I’ll send snail mail.

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