Looking for answers to life's questions


I’m sure most of you have wonderful plans for this special day. We have the perfect weather here for celebrating. Cloud cover and not much above 80 degrees which is a break for us.

I spent yesterday repairing my son’s flag that had become a bit tattered from catching on the edge of the roof last year. No wind today will help keep it nice. I have lots of reasons to memorialize today.

Flags are out

Welcome to my humble porch.

Today would be the day my dad would have celebrated his birthday. Happy Birthday, dad. He served 20 years in the Army and felt quite lost when he retired. Here is his photo when he first enlisted and didn’t even have a name on his uniform yet. I do not believe he was 18 yet. Many lied about their ages then.

Just a baby really but he found a home

My first husband served  three years in the Army during the era of drafting so he chose to enlist. That worked out much better for him. It also changed him much like it did my dad.

He is with his parents so his sister keeps the markers looking lovely

So today I remember all those who have served and sacrificed for us as well as all those who hold a place in our hearts though no longer in our arms.

Have a wonderfilled day.

America is hope. It is compassion. It is excellence. It is valor. ~ Paul Tsongas

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself


Comments on: "Memory" (44)

  1. I, too remember many loved ones who served, are serving, who are still here and those who are not. Thanks, Marlene!

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  2. Their sacrifices are not forgotten. They live on in our memories, so it’s important to keep memories alive. Your house is looking lovely, BTW!

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  3. Lovely tribute Marlene.

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  4. Beautiful tribute to those who’ve fought for our freedom. Happy Birthday to your handsome father, too!

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  5. Such sadness, but thankfully happy memories too xxx

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  6. From my heart to yours, well said!

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  7. My dad entered the Army and he was barely 17. He served three years and to the day he died he wouldn’t talk about it. It was hard on him. He said he saw things he wished he never did. War is hell on so many counts. Hope you had a good day, Marlene. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Jackie. My dad not my kids dad ever talked about what they experience. It took delightful young men and made them hard and hurting. I wish we never needed another soldier anywhere ever. My day was busy with yard work. Took my nap and I’m heading back out. I’m by myself again today. No big celebrations here. How are you doing there? Thinking about you most days.


  8. So many losses for these young men, losses that hurt the whole family. Like you, I wish we cold stop fighting, stop sending our young men into the path of the unthinkable. It must be bittersweet to remember your dad today, a day of remembrance for the men (and sometimes women) who gave their lives. Arms around you, Marlene. I’m glad you had some time in the garden to work while you think and reflect. Arms around you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Alys. On days like yesterday, my dad hammers my heart till I write about him. It’s happened several times. I had something else written that will come later this week now. He always seems to want me to write about him. Thanks for the hugs, It’s going to be alright. Someone sent us rain today. :)) I brought the hose to the front yard last night so I could water before the bees came out to feed and I got rain overnight! Woohoo! Have a wonderful week. I’m plotting and planning here. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marlene, I completely relate. So much of my earlier writing has been about my dad. I understand that calling as well. I’m glad you took the time to express what needed to come out. I hope you are feeling a bit more settled.

        More rain overnight! I can hardly believe your year. At least you’ll save time watering. I can’t wait to hear more about the plotting and planning. xo

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      • I am a bit more peaceful. I’ll be sending a note soon. I feel some days that life is in fast forward and I can’t quiet keep up.


      • Boy do I hear that. I’m glad you’re a bit more peaceful.

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  9. I hit enter before I had the chance to say that your garden looks lovely. You also did a nice repair job on your flag. xo

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  10. I love that photo of your dad–he looks so young, but trying to look grown-up and serious. And what a pretty rock garden in front of your house!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Kerry. Dad was the oldest of 10 so I guess serious was his natural expression. I don’t think he was even 17 in that photo. The rocks were here when I bought the house and had to hire 4 teenage boys to help me move them around a bit. Just love them. Thanks for stopping by.


  11. Nice way to memorialize your loved ones, Marlene. Your father sure does look young here. I think you are right about the lying (of ages) back then. I also feel many did just to get in, and it was honorable to make a career of being in the service. My father was in both the National Guard and the Navy. While aboard ship (U.S. S. Boxer) he witnessed a fire–in fact, dad was the one who alerted the Captain about said fire–where several shipmates lost their lives; they had to jump or remain and risk burning. So incredibly sad. I always think of this when Memorial Day comes around, and am so grateful he made it through that experience. We must remember those who have sacrificed before us. ❤ Great post.

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  12. Beautiful tribute, Marlene! My father-in-law was a pilot in the Air Force. He loved every moment of it and often told us stories from those days. 😊

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  13. Hello sweetness! I’m admiring your beautiful curbfront garden! It’s all perfectly stunning!! The previous owner must be green with envy if they ever drive by. They would hardly recognize the place. Hope you have a nice long weekend. Your dad sure was a young pup in that photo. My gosh, they took ’em young. How did these boys ever survive? How frightening it must have been in battle. I’m happy he came home to watch you grow up, so so many did not. We will never be able to amend the past, let’s hope we never have to have another world war. xo K

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, dear heart. The previous owner only came by once after I bought it. She was not a friendly person so I never spoke to her. Doesn’t matter. It’s all coming along slowly and nicely. I just have to stay on top of the weeds. Sis bought me a small bush yesterday to replace something that froze over winter.
      Yes, I doubt he was much over 16. Didn’t even finish school. I am worried about another war too as we have so many not so good heads of countries locking horns. Trying to be careful with my words these days. Hope you are having a wonderful time playing in all that pretty paper. 🙂 Giant hugs. M

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  14. Thank you for this wonderful post, Marlene. May we never forget those who have served, your father and first husband. Always say thank you to our veterans, and never forget. I think your home and porch and garden are lovely!

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  15. Many young men feel called to their duty and bravely serve their country. Memorial days, and Anzac days, as we call them here make me sad as I see just how many sacrificed their lives. Sometimes, the sacrifice is successful as an evil power is eliminated and yet, the scars left on the loved ones left at home remain forever. Success with loss is hard for me to reconcile as I can only relate to my sons and daughters and how I’d feel if they lost their lives. Grateful for the sacrifice but endlessly regretful that any life how to be lost through national conflict. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we all got along and war was a word that had not been created?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree with you. I would love to live in a world where we embraced each others differences rather than try to change them. I’m grateful my children had a different choice to make, so far. But we do need to stop those that slaughter without conscience. Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderfilled week ahead.

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  16. Hello Marlene – thank you for this post. For caring for and mending the flag, for rememberinng those who have passed on and the service they gave to our country, and of course, for sharing that photo of your father. He was so young in that picture, although I’m sure he felt like such an adult.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by, Laurie. Being an army brat, there is no way I can ever forget. I bleed red, white and blue even though I was born in Germany. 🙂 I think he may have been just past 16, the oldest of 10 and thought of himself as just one more mouth to feed. He was an adult in so many ways. At least the Army required he get his diploma to stay in so He began to love learning again. Both parents passed that on to me.


  17. I’m so glad that you shared these important family memories this Memorial Day, Marlene. The entire family truly sacrifices whenever one family member serves our nation and is deployed. We must always remember… as we hope for peace in the future.

    On a much lighter note, I love, love, love all of the beautiful color in your front garden, Marlene! Wishing you happy June days in the garden! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Dawn. This June is very much unlike the last with much cooler temps and a bit of rain here and there. So very grateful. The bees are having a party in the yard right now so I can only work there in the wee hours of the morning.

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  18. Too many who come back from wars Marlene, come back changed .. It has to affect a person very deeply.. Seeing and witnessing all they did..
    Your flag flew proud and your home looks lovely and neat with your beautiful rockery plants in front.. You have it beautiful Marlene..
    Hope you are doing OK my friend.. Sending Love your way..
    Sue ❤ xxx ❤

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    • Thank you for your kind words, Sue. War changes everyone including the wars in our own homes. I’m very happy with the front of the house. It does still require some work. Usually at 5-6 a.m. before the bees start feeding out there. They LOVE it. I am doing amazingly well. When I look around, I see how blessed I am so I don’t worry. All is as it should be. I’m learning a new lesson. 🙂 Giant hugs. M

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