Looking for answers to life's questions


Just to let you  know ,  the vacuum  fell on my laptop .  I don’t  know  if  it  can  be fixed  so I can’t  get to my comments  to respond. Writing  a  post on a tablet  is not the fun it’s  cracked up to be. My son, Tech Support  is looking  for  reasonable  options  for a woman  of my means. This must be remedied quickly  as my banking  is done only online. I can’t  be away from my blogging  family  and friends  either. Please bear with me.

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself


Comments on: "Broken" (68)

  1. Oh no, so stressful. So sorry!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. sagegreenforest said:

    I feel your frustration ..Im lost without my computer or phone. My tech support is also my Son. Im sure yours will find away to get you set back on track. Hang in there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks you so much. I got the borrowed replacement this afternoon. After a bit of adjusting and getting things set up, I’m moving along again. My broken laptop will go in the mail Monday to my son to see if it can be fixed. He’s pretty good so I have great faith in his abilities. I’ll be back to view your post again shortly. I think I’m feeling quite at home there. 🙂


  3. We’ll be here when you get sorted out. I knew vacuums were malevolent beings!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I agree with your opinion of vacuums now. Not sure when it will be allowed out of the closet again. 🙂 Almost back in full swing. The loaner is basic but better than nothing.


  4. Marlene, no worries from your bloggers. I am here even if it takes a while to fix. So stressful, and what a pain. Best to you!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Oh dear, Marlene! I’m sure Tech Support will come through very soon. We are all sending good thoughts your way! ♡

    Liked by 3 people

  6. I am so sorry. Make a suitable fix be found quickly! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh no!! We’ll wait for you!

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  8. Marlene – blasted vacuum cleaners – really they do all that noisy sucking up but the dirt is all back there in the carpet again the next day….. 🙂 I’m sending a contribution via Paypal! xoxo

    Liked by 2 people

    • I saw the contribution and it’s most appreciated. Can’t get to it without the laptop. I’m being sent an old clunker by my son tomorrow then will send him mine to try and repair . It just takes time and this little tablet is not fun to work on but better than nothing. A new computer is out of the question right now. Hugs from me.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Oh no!!! I know how stressful it can be without a computer! All though I didn’t know you vacuumed your ceilings! LOL Um, how else would it have fallen on your laptop??? Just teasing. I am going to send you an email…..no need to answer until you have your computer. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I DO vacuum ceilings. 🙂 I was using the hose part to vacuum my chair of crumbs. Don’t know how those got there, and it knocked the upright handle over. I also use the hose and wand to get cobwebs off the ceilings and corners. I can’t see them so I have to assume they are there. I got the loaner this afternoon. 🙂 Back in business almost. This is his ex’s old one but it works. He is so handy and they are both good to me. Now he can take his time fixing mine. It’s cheaper to replace parts than buy new. I can’t buy new. :/ I need a new roof. 😦 It’s always something.


      • LOL I have to admit I vacuum ceilings too. Mostly I go around with my swifter duster (the one with the long handle) and get as many cobwebs as I can and dust the top of the doorways. 😉
        Ugh. I know new roofs are expensive. We had to put a new one on when we moved in here. 😦 And YES it’s always something.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh no!!!! I’m so sorry to hear, Marlene. I hope you’re back in business soon. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • He’s sending a clunker to use while he rebuilds mine. Nothing goes to water here. Writing on the tablet is almost painful but I must try. Sounds like I’m taking about a car here. Hugs,😊


  11. Hope your son will be able to fix it soon for you, Marlene! Best of luck! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Grim. Hope you sort soon

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  13. It’s always something, isn’t it, Marlene?! I think we need to ban vacuum cleaners. . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    • I agree about banning vacuums. Had a bad feeling just before the darn thing fell over . I should have an old clunker to use in a week. This is crazy on the tablet!!


  14. Oh gosh, Marlene…I’m so sorry. I hope your son is able to fix your laptop soon. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • I received the loaner today and the broken one goes in the mail to him Monday. This is doing well enough. It’s not allowed in the same room with the vacuum though. 🙂 It may take awhile to fix the other but in the meantime, I don’t have to struggle with the tablet. The tablet is a good reader but not so good for writing. 😦 I’ll catch up soon. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  15. Just goes to show, vacuum cleaners should be banned and all time normally devoted to vacuuming should instead be dedicated to pleasant creative pursuits. Much less wear and tear on the laptop. I hope Tech Support is able to sort out something for you; your online presence will be missed. XX

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Best to you Marlene, I hope that a quick fix happens. FYI- I use a Chromebook and love it. All Google operating system, but the cost for the laptop is much easier on the budget.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the info , Deb. I’m not sure what the chrome book is but will ask T.S. during next conversation . He is sending me a clunker to use while I send him mine to resurrect. Much less expensive.


  17. Oh, so sorry Marlene. Hopefully, Tech Support will be able to come to your rescue. Take care my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Dear Marlene, sorry to hear you have a broken lap top.. Do not worry about visits dear friend.. Just concentrate on what is important within your world my friend.. I hope it can be fixed quickly for you..
    Sending HUGE Hugs dear Marlene.. and take care..
    Hugs Sue xxx ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  19. I am so sorry!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. Hopefully you’ll be up and typing again soon! We’ve lost a couple computers over the years. They never give up their ghost at a convenient time. 😦

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have the replacement he sent. Sending mine out to him on Monday then will hide for a week. The temps predicted are shocking. I don’t think Portland has ever seen those kinds of temps. I have enough food to last and will sit here and try to get caught up. Hope your weekend is good.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. I hate it when domestic appliances start fighting back. You need to have very stern words about discipline with that vacuum cleaner.
    Good luck, and hoping your laptop problems are soon behind you 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Vacuum has been banished to it’s closet with some very blue words.😢 T.S. is sending me a clunker to use while I send him mine for either a funeral or resurrection. Thanks for stopping by .

      Liked by 1 person

  22. I love what Sue said up there. Just take care of the things you need to take care of. We’ll all be back here waiting. 🙂
    Sorry that happened, though. Ugh…of all the things. I guess the vacuum won, huh? Tell Mr. Tech Support to do a good job and get you back online soon so we can read your gorgeous words. In the meantime, though, we’ll be patiently waiting. 🙂


    • T.S. has sent a loaner to hold me over. It’s kind of like dropping your car off for repairs and taking a junker out to use in the meantime. If it can be fixed, he will do it. All my photos are on there so I have to be patient. I know he will work his magic. 🙂


  23. It’s like having your hand cut off when you lose your favourite technological implement. It makes me wonder what we ever did without them, only a few years ago! I hope your son manages to get you sorted out.xx


    • Thank you for stopping by. I’m trying to use my tablet in the meantime It’s awful and I am in withdrawal . Hopefully the clunker he is sending will do while he tries to resurrect the old one. 😢


  24. It is a strange feeling being disconnected from the cyber world


  25. How quickly we get used to being online whenever we chose and then society also encourages that. Hope the laptop issue is solved soon for your sake! Sorry for the duplicate comment. Finger on my phone inadvertently hovered over ‘send’ a millisecond too long on the first comment and it flew off into cyberspace


  26. Oh, that’s not easy Marlene. Well done on amassing your resources to solve the problem and coming up with several solutions to tide you over!
    I love the idea of a “malevolent” vacuum cleaner from one of your other commenters – hah, I shall never look at mine in the same way again!
    Don’t stress about replying – as several others have said, it’s not a problem at all, we enjoy your posts too much to let us worry about replies. Hang in there and I’m sure Tech Support will work his magic.

    Liked by 1 person

  27. Thanks so much for your kind words . Hopefully I will be back in business in a week or so . The clunker was very much that so I am back to the tablet . 😣 At least I have it. 😊

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  28. I feel your pain, Marlene. Our computer has been faltering for the last year and we have somehow muddled along. This was definitely a hindrance in my blogging activities. My daughter recently gave me an old refurbished computer which I am in the process of hooking up to our network. Computers certainly can make a difference in our lives now. How did we ever survive without them back in the day??? Hope you get your issue resolved very soon. Just curious, how on earth do you drop a vacuum on a computer? 😂


    • You were the only one to ask that question. I was using the hose attachment to the upright type to vacuum out my chair. Some idiot snacks there and left crumbs. The laptop was on it’s tray stand on the floor and as I pulled on the hose, the whole thing tipped over and the handle hit the closed laptop that had just come back on because I accidentally moved the mouse which starts it up even when closed. I knew as soon as the handle hit it was over. I’ve been having problems with mine as well. The keys were sticking so typing was no longer fun. I was down to one blog a month. It was only 4 years old but it was well used. This one my son actually sent me and didn’t work well initially but he managed to get us set up to log in remotely and fixed it that way. It was just a tech glitch. This one is owned by his ex-wife who hated how sensitive the touch pad was. It seems virtually new. She will get it back once mine is repaired. In the meantime, I have something to use. 🙂 I broke the hard drive so it’s a parts problem. 😦 I would rather have a new computer than a new car. I use it more than my car. Guess it’s a matter of priorities.

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  29. OH, NO! I am so sorry!

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  30. Oh, Marlene, you sure didn’t need that, did you? I hope the laptop is up and working again soon. And that vacuum . . . it really needs to behave itself! I’m glad it’s getting a time-out. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Linne. I didn’t need that as I’m already way behind in the blog world not to mention all the other things that I need to catch up on because I’ve been busy trying to get the laptop issue dealt with. I’ll catch up soon. Hugs.

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  31. So the only good thing about visiting one week after you posted is that I was able to read through the comment section and get an update.
    So the vaccuum is the villian.
    Tech Support sent you a clunker, which didnt help.
    You are making progress with the tablet.
    All in all: Total Frustration!
    I have a hard enough time keeping up with comments on my lap top, let alone the phone or tablet.
    Take care, my friend.
    Hoping that Tech Support comes through!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s getting better every day. Tech support fixed the clunker remotely. Isn’t technology wonderful. He logged into this laptop and did his magic and it’s working beautifully now. When his ex-wife gets it back, she will be very happy with it. In the meantime, I’ll use it till he fixes the other one or tells me it can’t be resurrected. All my photos are on it. 😦 Now I can catch up a little faster. Thanks for the visit.


  32. That sounds a little like the ‘dog ate my homework!’ Hehehe

    Liked by 1 person

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