Looking for answers to life's questions

Back in Business

It’s been a very long month and there has been so much going on that there has been little time to share any of it.

My sister brought the plants for me to grow. These are delicious.

Tech support  (my son) put in a new hard drive and I got my files downloaded from Crash Plan. It took  a week  of leaving the laptop on while it did the work. Now I must do the filing and cleanup to get everything back where it belongs. The most important part has been my photos. There will be a lot of housekeeping going on to get them backed up to several places. I had to reinstall programs that I used every day as well.

Bet you thought I was sitting on my hands here just enjoying my down time. Ha! I wish that could happen one day. Only one yard of rock in my sister’s truck. She drove, I did the shoveling.  She’s not allowed.

We had a short spell of decent temperatures that were combined with so much smoke in the air from forest fires. First the smoke came down from Canada and Washington then the wind shifted and we got smoke from southern Oregon. In the interim, I managed to get a little outside work done as well as some inside projects.

mulch 2 yards

2 yards of mulch took awhile to move so the car could go in and out

This will be a bridging post for the next thing that’s been going on around here. Never a dull moment in Sleepy Hollow.

This fabric was a gift from my son when he went to Hawaii. Was it a whole year ago?

I’ve been making sets of placemats to sell and give as gifts.


With all the work I’ve done, there has been a lot I haven’t been able to get around to doing. My sewing room has been collecting dust for the last few weeks since before my company came and left. I have been looking at what is going to take priority in my life in the coming year. I love to make things for friends and family and will probably continue to do that on occasion but circumstances are changing and there is some writing that needs to be done sooner than later. Stories that need to be written for posterity while this old mind can still recall them.

So, quilting is taking a back seat for the interim. It’s been a hard decision to make as I love all the members of my group. I think they understand. As soon as it cools down just a bit; we are expecting 99 degrees this week and close to that most other days for the next 15; I will finish up preparing the outside for winter and settle into my writing almost exclusively. Losing my laptop for even a short period of time pointed out how much I enjoy the process of writing. It feels good to be back in the business of telling stories.

African Violet loves the kitchen sink area

Do you suffer any angst from losing something you work with daily? How about setting priorities and focus?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Back in Business" (52)

  1. You tell stories so well I am very glad you are going to be doing it. Your quilting is gorgeous too.

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  2. PS- You are plucky! I so admire plucky women. I am impressed you managed all that rock and then the mulch. I am reading a book, “40 Years in the Wilderness,” written by a woman who raised kids in a homestead far in the Alaskan wilderness. She’s a good writer, and she is plucky, like you. I admire you both.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks so much, Cindy. I’ve never been called plucky before but it feels pretty good. I had a couple of young men offer to help with the mulch but let them know this is how I stay fit and do the upper body work. 🙂 I always sleep better after a day of physical work. Besides, I can’t pay anyone to do it for me so if i want it done, I do it myself. 🙂

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  3. Yes.Well. You are remarkable.

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  4. You look pretty onto it with that shovel in your hands Marlene – I’m so impressed! 🙂 Our weather has warmed up and dried off beautifully, spring is well on her way. So you must have some cooler days coming your way soon. Your placemats look so colourful – wouldn’t they be fun to have for cheerful table setting any time of the year! It’s good that you have made a decision about where to place your priorities – I think that is such an important thing to do, anything else tends to leave us feeling scattered and dissatisfied doesn’t it. I can see how it must have been a challenge for your though. Writing is a solitary occupation and your quilting group has meant company as well as creating – not an easy either-or to choose from. Still, decisions can always be amended 🙂 Happy writing and here’s to a healthy and well behaved lap top!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I did have fun with that shovel, Pauline. We had a few cool days here and there and I took great advantage of them. Today will top at 99 degrees and again tomorrow. Outside early in the morning then inside the rest of the day. More smoke blowing in today. 😦 Sometimes, priorities are made for us. My sister’s health has determined mine for now. I can amend later as you mentioned.. I was feeling quite scattered and the laptop crashing (thanks to the vacuum) brought it into focus. I’m glad you are getting happier weather. Looking forward now to catching up with my reading. Have I missed one of your posts? Figured out my problem with WP notifications as well. Be well and happy. Hugs.

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  5. I think I’d go nuts if I didn’t have my laptop. Writing, research, looking at other peoples’ pretty work, making lists and schedules. No sir, wouldn’t want to do without my lappie. On the other hand, when we’re away from home and camping, I’m quite happy – so long as I know I can come back and write it all up while it’s still fresh in my mind. I think you have the right idea: keep active, and your body will stay mobile longer. It’s the people who sit in their chairs in front of the TV all day who are old before they need to be.

    Liked by 3 people

    • I’m with you. TS had to send me a loaner and then fix the loaner to do me until he got mine back in business. The tablet let me do a little but I could not write much on it. I’m like one of the teenagers with their technology. ::) I walk now 5 days a week at least 7000 steps mostly uphill. The shoveling is good for upper body muscles. Move it or lose it is the phrase. I have to move often or my bones start to creek. 🙂 Have a great week ahead. I will catch up, I will catch up. 🙂


  6. Wow, looks like you’ve been working hard. Loved the photos of you with the showle. Glad you found your focus for the best future .

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the visit, Maja. Sometimes the decisions get made for you if you dawdle too long. I love playing in the dirt and rocks with a shovel. My sister took the photo as she is not allowed near the rock or bark dust. I let her roll the 4 wheeled cart. Have a great week ahead.


  7. Truly an inspiration to us all! Yes there comes a time when you have to realise that time is finite and priorities have to be set. Good luck with this next phase in your life.

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  8. You’ve been using your time well, to get a lot accomplished! Having to do all that organizational stuff with a new computer is a BIG hassle, and now you’ll be much more aware of backing up your photos and writing. Of all the fiber work you’ve been doing, I like the heart-shaped embroidery of flowers the best!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much, Kerry. I have another heart started to go with this one. I’m thinking when the whole set of embroidery is done, I’ll make a quilt of it. So many directions, so little time. Have to get those pictures safe. Have a wonderfilled week.


  9. Those tomatoes look incredibly juicy and yummy, Marlene! What a thoughtful gift these plants from your sister. I´m always amazed that nature provides us with so much with so little input from ourselves, like providing water and sunlight.
    Wow! You must be incredibly strong! I´m sure I would never get managed to move all those stones and mulch – at least not in one day!
    Tos fabrics from Hawaii are just gorgeous – I love the colorful butterflies on a black background.
    And the hand embroidery is beautiful!
    Look forward to all those stories you will have to tell! And have fun with your laptop! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for the visit, Sarah. My son says I’m the strongest woman he knows. It’s mostly German determination to get things where I want them to go. What I can’t lift, I maneuver. I’ve moved my entire house full of furniture by myself. The mulch came late in the day so I had to finish the next morning. I was just impressed that my son went into a QUILT store in Hawaii to find me a souvenir rather than any other store. He knows his mom. 🙂 The laptop, I can’t live without.

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      • You´re very welcome, Marlene!
        Well, then I need to find that hidden button activating my German superpowers 😉
        That´s an incredible thing you did, moving your entire house all by yourself – should I ever move to the US I know who to call 😉 😉
        Have a lovely day! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I must say, purple is your color, Marlene. You look so cute and healthy shoveling those rocks. I love the placemats. Being a lucky recipient of one of your lovely embroidered bookmarks, I think of you each day that I read. 🙂 Glad your laptop is up and running!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Jill. You know the saying, “when I’m old I shall wear purple”. Well, I’m OLD. 🙂 But doing the heavy work is good for the body and the soul. Glad you like the bookmark. Made myself one in yellow. Have done several in aqua and purple for friends. The placemats are a pattern from my quilting friend and I’m in love with it. Want more time to do EVERYTHING! But golly, gee, I need to sleep just a little. I am SO grateful for Tech Support and his ability to help out his old mom. 🙂 have a wonderfilled week, Jill. Hugs.

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  11. J > I’d be lost without a sense of purpose. Take that away, and I flounder – no firm ground, no sense of direction.

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  12. Marlene! You go, girl. And, you rock. Actually, you inspire me. Gorgeous quilting, and amazing planting/yard work. Thank goodness your son helped get your computer back to working. Whew! Looking forward to reading your stories. BTW, I always meant to tell you I love how you sign your posts, “From my heart to yours.”

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I wish I had your energy! A few years ago I could do that, now, not so much. I need to get out of my chair more often. 😉
    Love the placemats and embroidery. Been years since I did any embroidery. My fingers just won’t do it anymore.
    Glad you got your laptop up and going again. And now we have stories to look forward to! Yay!! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jackie. I’m losing steam fast. Taking longer to do the same thing I did last year. The placemats are fun to do but as is everything, time consuming. I love making them and have more cut to put together, just waiting for inside time to do them. There has been quite a bit ruminating in my head. Lets hope it translates to the page. Hang in there my friend. Hugs.


  14. SOOOOO glad you have your laptop back. I would die without daily access. Also, am very impressed with your shovelling. I wouldn’t even know how to hold one of those things – I can just about manage a pool cue ! ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Now you have me beat there. I tried pool several times. Didn’t work very well. 🙂 Yes, thought I would stop breathing when the handle of the vacuum went crashing down on the laptop tray. I knew in that moment it was toast. Thanks for stopping by.


  15. Well, my friend you are doing better than I am in the writing business. We’ve been gone, packing and moving and then tossing in some health stuff. All that means a lack of writing. You are my impetus to get going! Thanks bunches!

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  16. Marlene! I just love you! You’re one of the most determined and independent-minded woman I’ve ever known. The beautiful quilting and sewing projects always leave me in awe. Way back when … 😂 … I did some sewing, knitting and crocheting myself, but I was too impatient to slow down the process, so things never fit quite right or were a little “off”. The purple bookmark and placemats you made for me are gorgeous. But my favorite is the tapestry of the books and flowers! Thank you for these special gifts, and most of all for the gift of your friendship! 💖

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  17. Marlene, I loved reading your post as much as all the comments that followed. I’m glad you’re prioritizing and hope you’ll feel more settled now that you’ve arrived at a plan. Losing a computer (and the contents) would be a nightmare for all of us, most especially the photos. It’s also become the tool that connects so many of us via our blogs, email, social media and the like. My computer serves as address book, photo album, resource, connection, all of it and more.

    I wonder if you can visit your quilting group from time to time or ask them over for coffee or tea? Then you maintain the beauty of the friendships, without the extra time and burden of the responsibility with everything else you have going on. Just a thought.

    I too love that embroidered heart. There is something about free-form that I’m loving more and more these days. Your sewing work is so clean and tidy. Those are adorable butterfly place mats, too.

    Seeing you shovel heavy rock from the back of a pickup truck is most impressive. I would sleep well too after that! Sending big, squishy hugs your way.

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    • Thank you, Alys. We do depend on the computers too much. I’ve decided to make hard copies of so many things and put the photos on USB drives. I do so worry about losing it. I am still looking to maintain relationships with the group as best as I’m allowed. Square peg in a round hole. I keep trying to fit. :/


  18. Its good to catch up Marlene 💛 What a productive time without your laptop. Glad you have it back though 😎

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  19. As you know, I was without a laptop for awhile myself. it breeds patience and for me, rest that I might not have taken otherwise. You have most certainly been busy. Be sure to take time to breathe, Marlene.

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    • Every morning when I walk my 2 miles. 🙂 Up the hill and back down concentrating on bring in air and letting it out again. Huffing and puffing. I put on headphones to block the wind in my ear but also to keep from being distracted. It’s a walking meditation. For vision purposes, a large screened laptop is almost a requirement. But it does make you stop and think when you don’t have one. I hope I sent my condolences when you were without your laptop. Thanks for the visits. Still catching up. 🙂


  20. Never let it be said that as we age we do nothing but sit on our butts. 🙂 I’ve been thinking about you and how you are getting along. I see you’ve found a small money maker, that’s good. You have such a big heart to have given so much away it’s time for you to take care of yourself now.

    I had to smile at the photo of your violet, mine finally has buds on it so should flower soon enough.

    I could easily live without my computer if I’m busy but would definitely miss it on days like today when being stuck inside gives me time to catch up with everyone and get a bit of work done on it.

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    • My computer is my connection to all of you. I’m not sure if I’m actually making any money but I’m having a good time trying. 🙂 The one reason I want to be able to take care of myself is so no one else has to to do it. ;( This next week will be quieter. I’m looking forward to getting caught up. Have a good week. I see autumn on the horizon. 🙂 Hugs.

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      • I completely understand that and wanting to be able to care for myself is why I too keep doing what I do. I may be exhausted at the end of the day but it’s in a good way….I know it’s been a day of using muscles I don’t want to lose. I hope you do have a quieter week I might too. 🙂 Autumn isn’t on the horizon for me, it’s already here.

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  21. Wow Marlene.. I am impressed.. And those arm and back muscles must be in good shape lol after all the heavy lifting..
    Love the choices of fabric your son got you last year.. and you have put them together beautifully.. Love the embroidery and the book marks.. Busy Bee you have been..
    Sending LOVE
    Sue xxx

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    • Why do I have the feeling all the time that I’m accomplishing so little? My son says I am the strongest woman he knows. I can do so much more than my appearance would suggest. 🙂 I’m a fooler. I’m going to hopefully get more accomplished once all of the electronic things are running smooth again. Autumn is coming. :)) Hugs and love back to you, Sue my friend.

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  22. Well now, you’re a landscraper, seamstress, writer, gardener, blogger, walker, reader and sorry I’m too tired to carry on !!
    Marlene-a-go-go, you are totally living up to your knickname. I’m the worst at prioritizing and generally do many different things throughout the day. I rarely stick to a plan, if I even have one. The other day, I stayed in my pj’s till almost 11:00am, when I decided to take the trash out. Next thing you know, I’m chopping and bagging this giant rhubbarb plant that needed to be cleaned up. It looked so good, I carried on to the Lilys. Suddenly my whole garden was tidied up and I didn’t even get out of my pj’s. That’s how things happen here. Somehow, it all works out in the end. I have no idea how, I just roll with the punches xoxox K

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    • Ha, ha. You make me laugh thinking of you gardening in your P.J’s. I think we are cut from the same cloth. I can plan all I want to about what needs to be done today and before my coffee is gone, so is the plan. 🙂 I was going to go out for my walk yesterday but the smoke came back into the valley so it turned out that I cut down dead stalks of spent flowers, poured buckets of compost around them for the fall and got the trash out before heading in to hide from the smoke. Most of my day was spent here, ironing, cleaning the kitchen and talking to family about other family members living in Florida. Not the full day I had envisioned but a quiet gentle day of connection. You work circles around me everyday. I’m much more laid back than you imagine. I just figure at my age, if I move too slowly, the grim reaper might catch me and I still have fun things I want to do. 🙂 A diverse life is so much more interesting than just one singular track. But you know that. I see you flit faster than a butterfly trying to avoid the net. 🙂 Giant hugs,

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