Looking for answers to life's questions


I have started walking at least five days a week to get at least 7000 steps according to the fitness tracker my daughter gave me for Mother’s Day. It helps me challenge myself not to spend so much time sitting. Everything I do is sitting. Reading, writing, sewing, heck I can even garden sitting.

No photographic evidence of me sitting but I have proof my sis does.

My walk is one mile up hill and one mile down, minimum. I can add to that by wandering all the side streets. I find that this neighborhood of slightly over 500 manufactured homes has a lot of diversity. I put on headphones, not always to listen to happy, fast-moving music that gets me up the hill, but more often to just keep the wind out of my ear. After the Bells Palsy, the left ear is extremely sensitive to any wind or cool. When I don’t have music playing, I’m more prone to notice things around me so occasionally, I’ll start doing little posts about what I might find interesting on my walks.

I have become so much more observant since I started blogging and even more so since I started walking again. Now that I’m old, I notice what I didn’t have time to see before.

In this political climate, I was surprised to find this sign in a car window. Not being a political person, I didn’t fully understand it and maybe I still don’t.

It was there for a couple of days, then gone. Hmm.

The sign seemed to bother me even though I did not understand it. I guess because they used the words hates and racist in it. I’m glad the sign is gone.

Another morning I was truly surprised to see this as I rounded the corner. Looks like someone was either playing a very good prank or they were delivering a gift. That woke me up a bit.

Was this a joke?

The other side gave no clues either.


I like to look at landscaping as I go down each street. There are no sidewalks here. Guess they don’t encourage walking here but I do it anyway. I saw this tree and took a good look. It had a familiar feel to it.

Very large tree with familiar feathery flowers. My son is in for a huge surprise.

As I was coming a little closer to the end of my walk, I observed this tree. I studied quite intently. I’m sure the owner of the house was wondering why I kept looking at their tree. Once I was sure, I photographed it and marched on home.

This one is a little younger

Here is the photo of the tree my son planted last summer before he moved. He saw the tree in Hawaii and fell in love with it so we had to go to a nursery and find one. I thought for sure it had not survived the unusually harsh winter but here it is in all its spring glory. I don’t think we picked a good spot for this little tree. I had no idea it could get that big and he had no idea it flowered.

Are you more observant when you are walking? Do you find ways to enjoy walking?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself




Comments on: "Observation" (65)

  1. Hey! Am I the first one to join your walk? How fun is that? I’m more than amazed at all the fun things you’re seeing on your walk. Especially that truck, LOL! That person may not be amused. I wonder how many rolls of wrap that took? Oh Lordy, what if it’s the sticky kind that you can never un-knot?
    I haven’t had time to walk too much this summer but I love walking around our neighbourhood looking at the gardens and plants. I’m off for a month and a bit, so should be able be more active outside. If I’d walk a bit faster, instead of picture taking, it might even be construed as exercise, LOL xox K

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    • You might well have been first here. I’m just behind as usual. That truck was something for sure! Still no answers as to what it was about but they got it off. You have had a very busy summer and I’d bet you put on miles just as a regular course of things. There is plenty here that’s nice to look at and a lot that has not been cared for. I keep wanting to stop and pull people’s weeds but I restrain myself. I walk fast in the morning, a lot slower later in the day. 🙂 My daughter laughed at me last evening when I stopped to take a photo of something on our after dinner stroll. I think you have been fairly active even when you are working. I bet I couldn’t keep up with you. It’s good to see you back though. Missed you much. 🙂 Giant hugs.

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  2. Ha! Your neighbourhood is even more odd than mine! I might even be inclined to wander to and fro past that truck until someone comes out and says something ……. The tree is pretty, what is it called? I love my morning walks. We haven’t missed one day this winter – though I tend to avoid too much hill if I can help it, preferring to womble around on the flat or clamber slowly up a gentle incline. I focus on the natural world when walking alone – I talk to some trees too, but only my favourite ones. I love this time of year when everything is coming back to life after the long wet and cold months of winter. I wore a wristband thingy for a couple of years and found it so motivational in getting me moving further every day. I like to be in competition with myself and am always most pleased when I beat my previous record. 🙂

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    • I am so glad to hear I’m not the only one talking to trees and flowers. I have done the walk and stand around the truck hoping for someone to come out. I don’t go by there everyday. I like to change up my routine a bit. It will be a bit harder to walk in the winter here. We get copious amounts of rain, ice and snow and It’s all uphill from my house. I’ve had to find indoor places to walk when the smoke filled the air here from the fires. One day it was the mall before they open the stores and one day it was the airport terminal waiting for my sister to fly in. Not nearly as interesting but I kept looking for something to catch my eye. I’ve noticed here how many don’t care for their yards and plants. Just let them whither and die in the summer heat. Hurts my heart. Plants have feelings too. I agree with you about the fitness tracker. I compete with myself and it gets me moving once an hour at least. I can sit here way too long for it to be good for me. Daylight is almost here at 6:20. Time to get dressed and head up that hill so I can come back down it. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled week ahead. Hope you had a grand birthday. Hugs.

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    • “Womble.” I’m going to learn to womble now. 😉

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  3. J > Thank heavens for the blessing of living in an odd neighbourhood! The faster we travel, the less we see, until we see nothing about everything.

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    • I agree, it is a blessing to live in an odd neighborhood and I do love walking more than driving because we actually get to see what’s there. Thanks for the visit. Hope you have a wonderfilled week ahead.


  4. I so agree that you see more if you walk rather than drive or cycle. Don’t forget to look where you are putting your feet. When I had a dog I walked three times a day, now I don’t I have to make an effort. At the moment in England we are being urged to do 10 minutes brisk walking every day. I tried it this week, and I was surprised at how hard it was being a stroller myself. I look forward to seeing your walks, what on earth was going on with the van? How good to see a tree like yours.

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  5. That pretty tree is an Albizia julibrissin, or Persian Silk Tree, also known as a mimosa in the US. It grows fast, can get up to about 60ft, but is very drought tolerant. If you don’t want it sprouting everywhere, you’ll need to collect the seed pods when they drop. But it’s one of my favourites, and I agree with your son, it’s an asset to the garden 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • We heard it was called a Japanese Silk tree and I had the original spelling the way you have it and was corrected by the computer which is obviously incorrect. I did not think it would grow in the PNW area as we had a lot of snow last winter. I really thought it was dead. Seeing the other trees in the neighborhood put that thought to rest. I think we may have to move it as it’s in a very tight spot. 😦 I had never noticed them before. Thanks for the great info. I’ll pass it on to the kid. 🙂

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  6. Like Cathy I don’t walk as much now my old dog isn’t up to it… I go swimming, but it’s not at all mentally stimulating! When I go out for a walk with Mr Snail it is sometimes more like a route march because he likes to stride out and is over six feet tall… I have to hold his hand and put the brakes on if I want a meander!!

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    • I stopped walking after my dog passed and got completely out of the habit when I moved in here. Too many other things needed my attention. When I walk, it is a bit like a route march because I go as quickly as I can until something catches my eye. Walking alone works better for me so I can do my own pace. My son tried to walk with me and I couldn’t keep up with him either. It’s my meditation time. I get my heart rate up and breathe deeply but then I can pause and observe a bit as well.

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  7. Yay you for getting out there for daily walks, Marlene! It’s one of the best things we can do for our body and mind. I’m so curious about that truck. What in the world! I love to take walks, especially when I’m at the beach.

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  8. I don’t think I’d like to meet the person who put that sign in their vehicle, given that I’m a white liberal! Your observations are fun, if not downright peculiar–I’ve never seen a shrink-wrapped truck before! And how good that you’re taking long walks–I often come up with what I consider my best blog posts while pondering an idea while I walk.

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    • I am right there with you, Kerry. I don’t know what a white liberal is for starters but the word hate made my teeth hurt. We all view life differently but that’s how growth happens. I know lots of good people with different views than mine. I just choose not to hate anyone. I’ve never seen a shrink wrapped vehicle either. That stopped me in my tracks. And you are right, walking gets the oxygen to the brain and stories just pop into it. That’s why the headphones are on my head by no music is playing. We are composing our own. 🙂


  9. Send some of your ambition to walk my way please. It gets to be habit to ignore the importance of not moving, for many reasons (too hot, too cold, too tired, too sore…) and then poof, you just find months have gone by and you are still sitting. Bad habits are hard to break they say 😉

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    • It has been too hot and too smokey here but I walk the mall, the airport while waiting to pick up my sister, and circles around my house when I can’t get outside like now with all the smoke. This thing buzzes me every hour to move a few steps at least. Oxygen helps the brain and mine needs all the help it can get. If you walk the halls between clients you get some movement. The knees get stiff and hurt when I don’t move regularly. Days are getting shorter so it will mean another adjustment to my schedule but moving is vital to health. I can write stories in my head while walking. Now to remember to actually write them when I get home. I also don’t have a job, Deb. So give yourself a break. Bet you move more than you realize.

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  10. Thanks for a great post, Marlene. It really is wonderful to become much more observant in our older age.

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    • Thanks so much, Jennie. One plus to old age is hopefully that we don’t have to race through anymore. Sometimes I even remember to photograph what I see. Now to get ready for my walk. I’m hoping the smoke is gone enough for it not to bother the lungs today. This week has been very restricted.

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  11. Good to see you Marlene as I venture walking back in the reader again today for the first time in a while.. And So happy to know you are enjoying your walks. and taking in the sights.. And yes a car wrapped up like that is a bit of surprise… 🙂
    Love the tree with the bloom, and this is a new one one on me.. You do not get to see those kind of trees here in the UK ..
    Walking exercise is so good for you and you are right.. All the hobbies we love to do are not helping maintain our muscles. And long periods of sitting are not good for us as I have found out when sat for long periods knitting..
    Happy Walking Marlene..
    Love and Mega Hugs
    Sue ❤

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    • I was surprised the tree would grow here because we get snow but they apparently thrive as the larger trees testify. I am adding the walking to a more sporadic yoga practice that will probably be primary during the winter months. They yoga really gets to the muscles and I have to be very careful with it. I don’t want to be that old lady who can’t turn herself over in bed. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled weekend. Sending love and hugs.

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  12. You make me humble my dear Marlene. You get yourself out the door and walk and I can’t seem to get out of my chair! Shame on me! I should be taking those walks with Sam. He would love it. Maybe I need one of those wrist thingies to motivate me. But now it’s so smokey and hot I’m not sure I would take walks, the smoke makes it so hard to breathe. The truck is making everyone curious. LOL My neighborhood is not near as big as yours but I bet I could still find interesting things to see.

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    • DO NOT walk in the smoke. Ours is almost gone right now but I did not go our to walk. One day I walked the mall and Wednesday I walked the airport terminal while waiting for my sister’s plane to come in. I didn’t wear the right shoes for that. 😦 I walked everyday, twice a day no matter the weather when I had my dog. I stopped walking when she died. I hate walking but I have to find a way to move and the fitness tracker has me challenging myself and my daughter tries desperately to keep up with me. But she has a job and hurts all the time. Still her tracker helps her push herself. I’m trying to see how many odd things I can find around here. It’s fodder for writing. 🙂 Sam would love to help you write. Hugs. M


  13. I enjoyed your walk! I do so much walking daily my feet hurt at night. Maybe I need to get something measure my steps…it would be interesting to see how far I walk!

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  14. Well I am stumped by the saran wrapped truck! what the heck was that about? Oh and the Mimosa tree or whatever it is, is lovely.

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  15. What a very beautiful and quite unusual looking flower!
    Going for a walk is one of my favourite pastimes but I always head for a nearby park instead of walking through my neighbourhood although it does have walkways 😉

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    • My son was so surprised when I sent him the photo of the flower. He had no idea the tree flowered. My daughter and I sometimes would walk the park in the summer but not this year. It has been getting warm too early in the day and I must walk in the cool. I’m an early riser and she is not. 😦 For me, walking is meditative and can help me write. I imagine it helps you too. Thanks for stopping by, Sarah.

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      • Walking is truly a very lovely way to center one´s being and thoughts.
        I wish I were an early riser but I have to confess that I am not 😉 Though sometimes when I wake up before dawn, I love to see how the colors on the sky are slowly changing and how quiet everything is…

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      • I’ve always been an early riser. The rest of my family, not so much. 🙂 It’s my time of the day. Quiet meditative and gentle. I have the time for it now that most don’t because they are still working. I’m lucky, I’m old. 🙂

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  16. Your neighborhood certainly provides lots of food for thought! I loved reading about your walk. Still wondering what’s up with the plastic wrapped truck. ?? Maybe it was a packaged toy that magically grew one night. LOL I like trees, too, and I often stop to look and listen to them.

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    • I am still trying to find out about the shrink wrapped truck. If I do, I’ll let everyone know. 🙂 That was the most interesting thing on my walks so far. I’m glad I’m not alone in the looking and listening to trees department. I talk to them too. 🙂 Thanks for the visit. Have a wonderfilled week ahead.

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  17. The silk tree is beautiful, especially in bloom! There is one around the corner from my house, and it is giant. Your walks look like fun, and I agree that your neighborhood is quite interesting. Happy walking now that the air is better again! 🙋

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    • The sun is coming up later and later so my walks are starting later and later. Time is going faster too. I just can’t catch up. I’m grateful for the clearer air and now the tiny bit of rain. The air has been very heavy the last 2 days when I walked. I have to do it first thing in the morning or I don’t get it done at all. Did over 10,000 steps yesterday as I walked again with my daughter but not very far.


  18. Sweet Marlene, I really enjoyed reading about your walking journey! This happens to me all the time. I love looking at people, and their cars, and their houses, and their trees and their yards. You get a glimpse into their habits, and what they do with themselves. You even get an idea how they align politically or even religiously. People are very interesting. I’m also glad to hear that you are walking each day. It’s such a fun and great way to get some exercise without feeling like you’re overwhelmed with getting your heart rate up or doing the perfect moves or whatever. I just love walking. I’ve done that since I was a kid. I was a kid who read books on power walking across the United States or getting walking in as exercise, and then going and doing it. Not walking across the US, of course, but just getting out and walking and walking all the time. In any case, I love seeing your awesome photos, and I hope you had a wonderful week. You definitely have made me smile today. Sending you big hugs, XOXO.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Cynthia. Glad you enjoyed the walk. I used to do a lot more of it but got caught up in getting settle here and never had the time. The fitness tracker reminds me to move. Now that the air is clear again, I can get back out there. People are so very interesting. Have a great week ahead as well. I’m happy to see signs of autumn finally. Hugs back to you.


  19. You hit the nail on the head, Marlene. I try to walk everyday. It helps me to be more mindful as well as the needed exercise for our dog and me, too. Most of the time it’s the small things that I’m able to see, like a pure white feather with a single black spot or one blossom left on a bush. Have a great observant week!

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    • Thanks Missy. No walk today. Too much smoke in the air…again. Lungs won’t handle it. But I love my walks. I used to walk everyday when I had a dog. Miss her. I’m becoming more and more observant now that I walk alone. Not a lot of change in this tiny neighborhood but I keep my eyes peeled. Have a great week and thanks for the visit.

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  20. Good for you, Marlene, getting out there and walking every day. I love to walk. When I had babies, I pushed them in a stroller everywhere, and later pulled them in a wagon. We went out every day, rain or shine. I found an ingenious cover for the stroller made of heavy duty vinyl with air holes. It dropped over the entire stroller and kept him dry and content. Perhaps this is part of why he loves rain to this day (as do I).

    I’m fascinating by your gorgeous young tree. That flower sparkles! Did you plant it in a place where it can grow up to be that tall or will you have to move it?

    Like you, I’m far more observant when I walk, especially when I walk alone. I notice landscaping, cats and dogs, and like you, the odd things. So far though, I’ve not seen a shrink-wrapped truck. One of these days I’ll blog about the stack of bowling balls in a neighbors yard. To you point, lots of blog-writing in my head too.

    I hope you get a long, cool fall and winter. That’s what I’m hoping for as well. Hugs, MH xo

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    • No walk again this morning as I saw the sun come up red. Smoke in the air from the fire as the winds have changed direction again. I will go to the mall if it doesn’t abate by tomorrow again. I used to walk in all weather when I had my dog but never did so much when my kids were little. I’ve learned a lot along the way.

      I am not sure about the tree. It will get quite large and is not in the best space for that kind of growth.

      A stack of bowling balls??? Now that sounds interesting. We had the best weather yesterday and hope it returns by Wednesday. I can tolerate one or two more really hot days, then I’m going to vote for a recall. 🙂


      • LOL I didn’t know we could vote for a weather recall. Now you tell. 😉 We’re enjoying some blissfully cooler days and nights. I even through a blanket over my feet the other night. I’m so sorry to hear about your nasty air, not to mention the duress everyone is under from these fires.

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      • We have RAIN!!!! Fires under control. Now they are worried about landslides. Cooler for certain. Yay! Walked in the rain this morning as promised. Came home soaked and happy. Fall is in the air. 🙂


      • Oh that’s lovely, Marlene. Rain, glorious rain. I’m glad the fires are out and hope the mud/landslides are minimal. It’s always a worry, isn’t it? Fall is in the air…and on the calendar, too. Ahhhhhh xo

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  21. Yay you for getting out an walking! Have you noticed feeling more energy and flexibility?
    It’s interesting that you mentioned the headphones without music. Sometimes, folks are so in tune to the music that they miss all that is going on around them.
    And I agree, there is no doubt that we see so much more when we walk.
    Interestingly, I see more on the bicycle than when riding the motorcycle, but I see much more doing any of those activities than when in a car.
    I’ll look forward to hearing more about your observations in the neighborhood!

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    • Thanks for slowing down long enough to visit, Laurie. I know you work at slowing down. I love walking and want more time for it. I have lots of photos stored up, well, maybe just a few. Rain is coming in Sunday and we are so excited to see it that I won’t complain about getting drenched or having to walk the mall a couple of days. I am more energetic and flexible but I do other things as well to stay that way. It will be back to indoor yoga this winter. ;( I almost never listen to music unless I need a boost getting up the hill on a rough morning. 🙂 Walking is the best way to learn about any area. Meet interesting people, animals and hear the birds. 🙂 Have a great weekend ahead. 🙂


  22. That’s fabulous that you are walking! Amazing what you see when you slow down to smell the flowers, isn’t it? I so need to do this. I’m not nearly as motivated as I should be especially since my knee replacement in May. I think you may have inspired me a bit, Marlene. I have been wanting to ask what happened after you completed your Whole30? Did you continue on with this paleo type eating style? I have decided it rather works well for me. What a beautiful tree. I’ve never heard of it and the flower is absolutely lovely. I have to ask, did they eventually take the plastic off the truck or do you think they were preparing for rain? Haha

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    • You make me laugh, Jan. Yes, they took the plastic off the truck and I have never seen a soul out but I walk quite early in the morning. My guess as to why, I think they bought the fixer house and the truck was to help with the work. May have been a congrats on the start of the project. I wrote a whole story about it in my head. 🙂 As soon as I have a glimmer of daylight. I do the hill first and downhill on the way back. Today was hard as my hip was acting up. Made it home and some yoga will be called for tonight. I should have stuck with the whole 30 but of course I go somewhere and eat something it would be best to avoid and I’m off and running. Tomorrow is sewing group and they always have chocolate. Last week quilt group made a dessert in honor of my birthday. Yup, but only one piece. Still it doesn’t take much for me to go on a food bender. Walking 5 days a week is good for me and I’ll keep it up as long as the weather isn’t too awful. Walking inside is just not the same. 😦


  23. Marlene, love that tree with the feathery flowers! I wonder what was up with the wrapped truck? Did you ever find out? That sign in the car window made me feel sick. Glad someone took it down. Hope you have many lovely walks! Thanks for sharing with us! ♥

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    • Thanks so much for stopping by. I have not seen anyone at that house I could ask about it but I walk pretty early in the morning. I think the car that the sign was on is gone too. Made me happy to see it gone too. I honestly didn’t really know what a white liberal was because I’m not a political person but I knew it offended me. The words racist and hate in a sentence struck my core.


  24. One of the things I do when I walk is wave at people. Like they do out in the rural areas. I’ve been doing it for 4 or 5 years now, and I think it might be catching on. Sometimes people wave at me before I wave at them. One morning a woman backed into her waste receptacle that had been placed out on trash day. It happened right in front of me, and I could imagine her embarrassment. So I ran up and righted it before she got out of her car. She pulled back up in her driveway and was about to get out as I was walking away. Once she realized what I had done, she rolled down her window and yelled something. I had my earbuds in, so I couldn’t hear it. I just waved, then smiled the whole way home. I’m sure the gift was more mine than hers. 🙂

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    • You are so right! The gift was yours first. It changes your vibration and hopefully hers. That is exactly how we change the world. One wave at a time. That’s all it will take. Keep up the good work in changing the world. You are a lightworker and didn’t know it.:)

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  25. My home office widow looks out onto the road and last winter a young woman started walking every day. I could see, as I watched her go past the first few days, that walking was not something she was accustomed to. It’s been nearly a year and she has changed. I can actually SEE the power in her legs. She walks upright, and pulls forward with her legs, and the way her body moves is more flexible and flowing. She has slimmed down noticeably too. One day I was doing yardwork when she came by and I interrupted her walk to tell her that I had witnessed her body getting stronger, and that she was an inspiration to me: out there every day, rain, shine, snow, wind. She said it made her day to hear that, and she told me her name. Now I wave to Jocelyn whenever I catch her eye. I still haven’t followed her lead and began regular walking, but I have a constant reminder of what enormous health benefits it can have.

    I’m glad you have been able to get out so often, and I’m proud of you for sticking with it. You have been at this for some time, Marlene, and it’s a tough habit to get into. You are another inspiration for me. Love you

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    • Thank you, Crystal. It sounds like you are finally getting to work from home more often which must be lovely for you. It’s harder now that the air has become colder to get out and walk but I still find a way. Not that it’s helping me much as there are other lifestyle changes that need to happen. ;( You do a lot of hiking so you get plenty of good exercise. We all have to do just what we can and let the rest go. I’m so glad you got a chance to meet another neighbor.

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