Looking for answers to life's questions

A Bit of Fluff

I’ve been putting off writing, waiting for a more positive frame of mind. There is so much going on out there in the world and in my own little world that I just want to focus on a little bit of fluff. Fluff is such a light and happy word that you would never think it can be used any other way. That will be another story, another time. I’m an old believer that where attention goes, energy grows. I’m aiming for the positive.

During the last trip to the metaphysical bookstore my daughter and I made, she brought my attention to some bumper stickers. She does not put them on her car nor do I put them on mine. She intends to tack hers up somewhere in her cubical. I really have nowhere to hang them up where I will see them every day, but I’m working on that.

I’ll pop one in here on occasion so I don’t draw any attention to myself on the road. It’s best to blend in out there. Here, if you are offended, you just click the button to close my site.

I’d kind of like this on a t-shirt too.

I’m ruminating a great deal these days on things that are not fluffy. Mostly when I take my walks. Five days a week with a minimum of two miles each day. With good weather, uphill. Yesterday it was done early at the mall before the stores open. I then took the MAX downtown to have lunch with my sister and a friend even though it was raining out. I like to wear yellow on gorpy days.

This was purchased in 1997 for a trip to Germany. It’s held up well and cheerful.

Walking is my meditation time. Driving is when I can be seen talking out loud to no one present asking the big questions. I noticed the music in the mall could cover that same kind of out loud conversation and these days, people don’t look at you as strangely. Maybe they think I’m on a blue tooth talking to the powers that be, asking very pointed questions. Wouldn’t it be lovely if the answers to our questions came the same way? I have a lot of serious questions these days.

One of my favorite T-shirts

What do I get for answers? Sun glistening through the clouds and the drops of rain on the windows. Breaks in the rain when I had to drive or walk to the restaurant. Most don’t notice those little things. I seem to notice everything these days. Traffic was lighter than usual, making my way back and forth easier.

This was my souvenir from 2004 or 95 from a trip to Victoria BC Butterfly Garden

Despite all that struggle in the world, the sun keeps doing its thing whether we notice or not. Life for some keeps going on while for others, it comes to a grinding halt or stops suddenly. I’m going to keep looking for the sunshine between the clouds. The view is so much better.

Are you noticing any good fluff in your life right now?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself



Comments on: "A Bit of Fluff" (84)

  1. Hard to find my fluff lately. Been a rough week. I like your fluff. The butterfly tshirt is lovely. 🙂 Big hugs my friend! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jackie. Not all the fluff has been pretty but like I said, another time and story. I’m sorry you are having a rough week too. I love that old shirt. You can’t tell it’s over 10 years old. 🙂


  2. Hello Marlene – your post made me smile – just because I had posted an hour or so earlier and had written about many of the things you mention here. We must be on the same wave-length despite being half the world apart! I like your bumper sticker! Hugs!!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Strange you should ask that, look at apvements drying after the rain, it’s never even , but patterned like clouds! Look down as well as up, see the raindrops on leaves, and the soil beneath your feet!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had never noticed that before, Cathy!!! Thank you for pointing it out. I’ll start looking at this differently now. And just so you know, when there is a typo, the brain reads what you intended to say, not what you wrote. 😉 Have a wonderfilled weekend and thanks for stopping by.


  4. oh for goodness sake, pavements,


  5. Just read Pauline’s post and then yours – what lovely sentiments from you both.
    I find my positivity in being creative, as you know. I’m just putting the finishing touches to a surprise gift for a lady who I met a few weeks ago who has restrictions in her life because of disability. I love sharing some happiness and there’s nothing better than a surprise parcel through the post. I’m hoping I make her smile.
    My poorly dog means that I am not getting many walks at the moment, but I am still swimming three times a week and it does have a similar meditative effect… although the view is not as good in the pool as outdoors!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Being creative and sharing those marvelous gifts of yours lighten many hearts, Jan. Yours and the receivers. I understand the feeling as I’ve been on both ends of that. I had stopped walking altogether when I lost my dog. It’s not as much fun to go it alone but I need to move. You get a lot of meditation time doing other things as well. I would imagine the Limery would give you that place of meditation. In a pool, I just focus on staying afloat. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled weekend.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. There is quite a bit of fluff going on in the world these days. But there will always be another tomorrow, and glad to see that you are putting off writing and focusing on what you got in the offline world 🙂 Walking is such a good way to pass the time. Not only do you get a dose of exercise but it’s also a time to reflect and admire the plants and sky and clouds 🙂 For me, I think there’s been a bit of fluff in my life – that I’m focusing too much on writing and will probably turn away from it for a bit. Time to sit back and just be, just enjoy the quiet around me 🙂 Take care, Marlene 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for stopping by, Mabel. Time for reflection is essential for me at least. I need the walking for exercise as most of what I do are sitting activities. I’m probably going to be doing more writing now but not necessarily blog writing. Lots of stories to be written while I have a today. Tomorrow is never guaranteed. Looking at the plants and the sky when I walk often moves me to photograph it. To truly pause and inhale it. enjoy your quiet time just being. Have a wonderfilled weekend. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I can make you an iron-on transfer for the bumper sticker text so you can put it on a T-shirt, if you like? It will have to wait till we get back from our trip, but it would be no trouble…. Let me know 🙂 xx


    • Thanks so much for the offer, Kate. I’m thinking I will let my embroidery machine do the work. I just have to put it on the list. 🙂 You have a long enough list already! Enjoy your trip and thanks for stopping by.

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  8. I’m happy to hear you’re aiming for the positive, Marlene. It’s really our only option in order to keep our sanity. Despite all of the heartbreak in the world, there’s always goodness and kindness. I love the butterflies! I hope you’re feeling well. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jill. Don’t the butterflies make you feel cheery? I have a friend who hates yellow so we never wear it around her but it’s one of my favorite colors on dark rainy days. The news has made the world almost too much to bear so I surround myself with cheerful things and look for the glimmer of light in all of it. Have a wonderfilled weekend.

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  9. Fluff is good! Just like a good frivolous read sometimes. 😊 Outside is soothing to the soul- most specially when you take time to soak in the little things. How impressive that you are walking regularly. I could use this motivation. And , I agree, yellow is a lovely cheerful color!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Jan. I love being outside too. I have a friend who hates the color yellow so much no one wears it around her and she buys no fabric with yellow in it. I need the yellow to cheer me up a lot of the time. It’s like wearing sunshine. Have a wonderfilled weekend. I hope things are well in your neck of the woods. Worry about everyone down south.


      • I don’t look good wearing yellow, but I love the cheerful color in other ways. I love growing sunflowers and pumpkins (both with gorgeous yellow blooms) and the walls of several rooms in my home are a soft yellow. That butterfly t-shirt suits you. I hope to visit the butterfly garden on a future visit to Victoria. xo

        Liked by 1 person

      • The color of sunflowers is your yellow. Nothing like my t-shirt. I love my yellow (outside) house but those darn bugs are back and they like it too. They are drawn to the warmer colors it seems. Ready for a good cold snap. You have to visit the butterfly garden in Victoria!!!! I probably took 100 photos in there and several hundred more at Butchart Gardens. It’s so entertaining and educational. Love my butterflies as I’m a flitter. You know what that is. 🙂


  10. I appreciate this post Marlene! Sometimes turning inward and quiet to reflect about what’s going on in one’s life is important. My year’s been rough too, with lots of unpleasant fluff surrounding me. When I look around though, I realize that my stuff is just minuscule compared to what some people have to deal with in their lives and situations. Be well, and enjoy a peaceful sunny weekend with beautiful fluffy clouds in the sky! Hugs 🙋

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Hi Marlene – thanks for this post, it gave me a much needed kick in the booty. I’ve been dwelling on some negativity this weekend. Then read this post, and you said, “where attention goes, energy grows,” – so true. So I turned off my negative thinking for awhile and aimed for something more positive. 🙂


    • Thanks for stopping by, Stacey. You know that old saying, “you teach what you need to learn” When I need to remember this, I have to put it out there for everyone. It’s to easy to get caught up in it especially as the days get shorter and darker. So I’m turning on all the lights and the heater in the sewing room shortly (after the first cuppa” and get to work before I go for my morning walk. I’ve committed to finishing the squares for quilt group today. Have a wonderfilled week ahead.

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  12. It’s always important to find the fluff in life wherever you can! Stay positive Marlene, your fluff post made my morning fluffier!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. So much bad/sad news lately. If I were a religious person, I’d be considering the possibility of Armageddon! I like the way “my” bloggers are fighting back, with fluff and positivity and generosity and love!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the visit, Kerry. Those are our best weapons to fight back negativity. I have to limit my news intake. I get the gist of what’s going on then shut it down or I’d go down with it. Spread your joy and helps others. Have a wonderfilled week ahead, Kerry.


  14. First of all, I LOVE that bumper sticker! I, too, stick them up in places not mobile, like my office. I have: My DOCTOR is a Nurse Practitioner and Obedient Women are Never Remembered in History.
    In regards to Fluff: I have to confess to struggling with this. While I know that remaining positive is critical, but I’ve been reluctant to share happiness when so many are suffering. The latest shooting massacre had me keeping my positive to myself as I worried that folks would think I’d moved on.
    What a conundrum: how to remain positive and see the goodness in life while at the same time fighting for justice.
    Thank you for this post, Marlene. You always seem to say things just the right way.
    and oh! Right on with all that walking!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I do understand your conundrum, Laurie but I’ve learned that we can’t be unhappy enough to make some feel better so if it’s a problem I did not create and can’t fix, then I help the world by spreading a little joy. When we have these catastrophic events, good people get to shine by the immediate help they are able to give. One badly behaving person or weather and hundreds of good stepping up to the plate. I figure I’m supposed to take care of what’s put in front of me. I’m not expected to fix it all. You do good work everyday. You are supposed to be joyful and spread it around. Love your bumper stickers too. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderfilled week.


  15. Such a lovely post, Marlene. Good thoughts. I like the bumper sticker, too. Fluff, what a great word. I think I’ll carry that around with me. Thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Hi Marlene! I take daily walks to a nearby park. It’s a time to think, pray and observe; to be mindful of more than the “not fluffy” that is all around us. I’m grateful for hearing the birds and seeing the blaze of color in trees and shrubs! Have a great week, my friend!

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  17. My thesaurus does not find “gorpy”. Please elaborate!!!
    I like the answers you get to some of your questions. That glass-half-full attitude? If only you could bottle it, you’d save the world 🙂 I hope you have a great week xxx

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  18. Gorpy describes Oregon fall and winter days to a T. I love that! For my part, I also drive and pose the big questions to ??? while on the road. So far I’ve yet to receive an answer, but I’m fairly chatty so I’m confident it will happen.
    I don’t raise an eyebrow when folks appear to be in deep conversation while driving; I only raise an eyebrow when I see rocking. It never fails to make me smile (oh, to let loose like that!) It’s that moment when you are stopped at an intersection and you look around and notice strange bodily movements from someone in a nearby car. You realize they are rocking out to their favorite tune. Their eyes are closed, their mouths are moving; they could care less who is watching. How freeing. How liberating. They’ve been transported.
    I, too, feel that reaching for the sun is how we must conduct ourselves amidst the chaos. Laurie above echoes my thoughts, but we must try to keep positive and do what we can within our immediate circle. Ripple effect in action goes on and on and we must believe in the good and try to stay positive. Great post, Marlene. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks you so much, Karenlee! Does my heart good to know I ‘m not alone out there. We all just have to keep looking at the bright side. I know it’s there somewhere. 😉 If all I can do is make someone smile, I’ve done well for the day. Have a wonderfilled week too. I’m glad you understood my word “gorpy” I make up words to express things quickly. It seems to suit the weather here. ;(


  19. I always notice the fluff. 🙂 Baby praying mantises are my favorite finds recently I’m shocked by how many are on my property this year. They always make me smile. Having little ones around regularly is a bonus because they are so alert to everything going on around them.

    I’m like you and your daughter, I never put bumper stickers on my vehicles. I figure if I want someone to know what is on my mind or what I find important I will tell them. For the most part I like to keep my opinions to myself not share them with complete strangers. Same goes for sayings and the like on my clothes, such as novelty tees.

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    • I do have a few t-shirt that I consider conversation starters. I do work hard not to antagonize. But I do like to make people smile. Only saw one praying mantis this year. Too hot I think.


  20. Wonderful to see you embracing the Good ‘Fluff’ in life dear Marlene.. and that is what I have been doing recently too, My knitting needles have been clicking instead of my mouse..
    But my hands are feeling it today, so giving them a rest for the key board, 🙂

    Love that bumper sticker and that T Shirt. May we all embraced the Good Fluff in our lives dear Marlene.. Love and hugs my dear friend xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Sue. I had a needle in my hand all day too. Just not knitting needles. 🙂 When you get too much bad news, you have to go looking for the good fluff. Hope the hurricane treated you better than expected. Have been thinking of you all there.


  21. Hi Marlene! I love that sticker and the lovely butterfly shirt! I also tend to wear more lively colors when it’s gray outside, and with that I don’t only mean the weather but the mood in general too. I find myself trying to avoid the news lately but of course don’t succeed because turning my eyes away from all the bad things happening around the globe doesn’t make it go away, sadly.
    Your morning walks sound like the perfect way to include some beauty in your day – I love that nature can help us with all the little things that so easily pass our attention if we are too busy or caught up with ourselves. It can be bird, a bee or just a lovely cloud that can brighten one’s mood in an instant.
    Have a very lovely and creative day!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by. Bright colors and lots of lights on help my mood too when I’m feeling gloomy. The news has the intention of giving us the bad mostly. We are beginning to see that the pressure to present the good as well is starting to take hold. I’ve often said that the only way I can watch the news is to tape it, so I can fast forward with the sound off while they hammer some piece of news to death for 10 minutes. I can watch what I feel relevant then fast forward a bit more. It keeps me from taking all that negativity into my body and passing it around. I’m still informed, just not beaten with the bad. My walks are going to be harder in the winter but they do put perspective on everything. Have a lovely week yourself and enjoy a little walk too. 🙂

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      • Your way of handling the news sounds very reasonable to me, Marlene! I really wish the news would also cover good news but apparently that doesn’t sell well… and in the end, it´s all about the money. 😦
        Make sure to get yourself some spikes for your winter walks if there´s snow or ice! And as a last minute aid I can recommend pulling overly large woolen socks over your boots, that really helps them to get a grip on the ice. 🙂
        Have a wonderful weekend!

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  22. Well, Marlene Yourself: I love this post. I’m impressed with your stamina – 2 miles sounds like a great workout. and I think positive fluff is great stuff.

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    • Thank you, Cynthia. A minimum of 2 miles clears the head so well. I can actually think of posts when I’m walking. We do need more positive fluff in our lives. Your book is just what is needed by so many.

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  23. I love butterflies, so that T-shirt looks awesome to me too!

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    • I’ve always collected Angel and butterfly ephemera. If it has a butterfly on it, it comes home with me. 🙂 Kind of who I am. Running late today to come see you but I’m more than delighted to see you here. Just turned on the computer. Have a wonderfilled day, Ms. C Hugs.


  24. I am so happy, reading you comments, and seeing all the love that flowing to you. I do very much hope you know what this means about you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much, Cindy. I cherish all the comments on my blog. I write it to start a conversation and for connection. I feel as though I have come to know each of you as though you were my favorite neighbor. I’m always delighted to see you here. Have a wonderfilled weekend in the Holler. 🙂


  25. I love your coat and your shirt, Marlene. I used to be able to walk like that every day until bunions on both feet took over and so now I am riding a stationary bike…inside. I don’t feel safe enough to try to ride a bike outside here. You are fortunate!

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  26. Embarrassing! I am on my phone. Keep walking as long as you can! The coat is cheerful! 😊


  27. What a wonderful walking workout, Marlene! I’m so proud of you!! Walking always lifts my spirits.Your sunny, yellow raincoat is a delightful day brightener, too. Sometimes we just have to turn away from all of the difficult news and make our own sunshine. You are definitely doing that! I can tell that we have all been feeling the same the past few weeks. I’m very glad that we are sharing our feelings and connecting through our blogs. It always adds a bit of comfy, cozy ‘fluff’ to my day! Sending a bit of sunshine across the miles, sweet Marlene! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Dawn. We have sunshine again today after weeks of rain. You are correct, we do need to make our own sunshine and connecting with friends is a good way to do it. I watch the news mostly in fast forward with the sound off. If it’s something I need to know about I can slow it down and listen. The rest is just talking heads beating me over the head with bad news. No thanks. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled week ahead.

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  28. I’ve been composing a long email in my head for a week, Marlene, but can’t seem to catch up. I’ve missed my regular walks. It was a crazy 98 here today with more heat this week, but once the cool finally settles in, I’m going to take a page from your book and walk every day. It helps clear my head and it is certainly good for our heart and lungs too, and those major muscle groups they like us to keep active. I’m taking Pilates two days a week, but I need more.

    I always enjoy your posts and generally read them through twice so that I don’t miss a thing. Love and hugs, xo

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    • I’ve been writing on in mine to you and Pauline as well. I don’t have a job to go to so I have more time. Walking does clear the head. Walking in heat and smoke is never all that good. I have the mall as backup if air quality is unfavorable and I go before the stores open so it’s only people doing the same thing. Aren’t they nice to let us do that? 😉 I only do 5 days a week to give muscles time to heal in between. Needing more yoga too. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.


  29. As I’ve gotten older, I notice fluff more, spend time being more grateful, looking up to the clouds and night sky to notice all that beckons. Sometimes when I tell others about those things, they look at me like I have too much time on my hands. But I notice whether or not I am busy. I think it’s just the way we are, Marlene. So happy to have a friend in you who sees things as well. ♥

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  30. Sweet friend! I’d missed this when it came out, but I’m glad I found this post now. 🙂 Walking is my meditation time, too. And I try to focus on my affirmations, my mantras and the present – like you do, too. That said, I love the way you think. I truly believe that if everyone did some “inner work” like this each day, we’d have world peace. Seriously. This has become my own M.O.: to continually put out good things into the world in the hopes that I’ll start a ripple. 🙂 And you’re starting your own ripple. So wonderful to come here and read your beautiful post!

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    • Everything in it’s right time, Cynthia. 😉 I figured it was my job to pass on a smile to anyone I meet with a kind word if possible. That should help counteract some of the negative out there. That’s my ripple. 🙂 You have your own special ripple. A much larger one but each one counts. Thank you for the visit.


  31. Hi, Marlene; I read this before but was short on time then. Great post, by the way. My thinking on much of the news or whatever is that in the end, if it serves as a catalyst to nudge people into being kinder, more positive, more patient, etc., then it’s a good thing. We’ve had plenty of time to do our ‘inner work’ as one comment refers to it and I feel many of us didn’t do much. So now’s the time, right? I have one of Pauline’s cards that says “Choose Joy” and that has helped me get back in the right mindset again. And it’s amazing how much comes from those small first ripples . . …I love your jacket; such a bright cheerful colour! The bumper sticker, too. Just what I think myself. I am encouraged to see how much positivity is flowing into the world from you and then from your readers. There will be a rainbow up ahead somewhere!

    Good for you on the walking from, too. I meant to do some here this summer, but my cousins warned me about aggressive dogs in the neighbourhood, so I didn’t. But I am doing bits of yoga and stretching. And trying not to sit at the computer for long stretches. It’s nice to have a bit of the housework left up to me (finally!), too.

    Hope your weekend is a good one and the coming week even better. ~ Linne

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    • Thank you for visiting, Linne! So happy to hear from you. Yoga is very good for you. I want to do more and this winter will probably be the time. Out of chaos comes great things. It’s the pendulum swinging and I think you are right. It’s giving us opportunity to practice more kindness. I’m glad you found something good in my post. I have the mixed media piece of Pauline’s “Choose Joy”. Bought it a couple of years ago when I still had a bit of money. I see it everyday too. It does inspire. I’m lucky here in the way that everyone that buys here has to have well behaved dogs or they have to go. One benefit of an HOA. (Home owners association) So I’m free to walk this neighborhood. Have a wonderfilled weekend and week ahead too. Hugs,


  32. I don’t come here often enough. When I do I’m always rewarded. Words like fluff and gorpy make me smile. Fluff reminds me of my daughter’s rabbit, Mufasa. I love love LOVE the bumper sticker. I’d wear that on a shirt for sure! I’m Googling it… In the meantime, remember the sun is up there whether the clouds hide it or not. We have snow today. It’s the wet early-winter type. Kind of gorpy.

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    • Thank you, Jean. I’m delighted to see you here. I love making up words. You are so right, the sun is shining no matter what and on everyone and everything. If I get time, (after the holidays) I may embroider it on a t-shirt. 🙂 Thank you for your kind words. Hope your gorpy weather is letting up.

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  33. Hey there Marlene-a-go-go ! You go-go girl and never stop. Never stop until you *have* to. Here’s my fluffly suggestion for the day, “have you ever thought about rescuing an older dog?” Like maybe one that’s just content to snooze a lot. The way I see it, you’re already out for them long walks and honestly, nothing makes the day better than watching a pet do something silly or ever just snoozing. Maybe even kissing a widdle paw. Animals don’t give a ripp about what’s going on in the world. They only care about being with you and what’s for dinner. Easy-breezy-cheesy-Louisey !
    Fluff in my life? Well, I just went back to work after a month off. It went too fast but I did get in a visit with Alys and that was the cherry on top. I was still scrapping for the store while I was off but it was more enjoyable because I had more time to enjoy it. Time is a luxury many people don’t enjoy and so I’d say we’re both rich in that regard.
    Yesterday was the Halloween Crop at Urban. I dressed as a spider. It wasn’t too elaberate. A headband, black clothes, sparkly web gloves and a giant web all wrapped around me. It was one of those stretchy, wispy webs you see in yards. Well every where I went I got snagged up or tangled….ha! So there’s cobweb pieces hanging off of racking and door frames…..that’s kinda of Fluffy right?! Fluff on my friend ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, I have thought about an older dog quite often but then it would just have to get rescued again. Not quite fair. Even thought about fostering. Nothing like fluffy loving. Lot’s of circumstances make that not such a good idea anymore and I’ve learned why I trust my instincts. My sister rescued a little dog and brings it by often. She’s already found another family for her when needed.
      I hope you took photos of your spider costume. I so want to see that. I knew you were visiting with Alys. Saw your photos on FB. So you are back to the grind! What a hard grind you have playing with all that pretty paper and fun stuff. You and Alys make some of the prettiest cards I’ve ever seen. You are so in the right place to work. Enjoy your Halloween. Giant squishy hugs my friend.

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  34. […] Hi, everyone! It’s been an interesting day . . . the appointment with the ophthalmologist went as well as could be expected. I have to have an ultrasound on the left eye, as the cataract is too dense to allow anyone to view the back of the eye.That should be scheduled within a couple of days, but I have no idea how long I’ll have to wait for it. Measurements will be taken in early January and then there will be two surgeries, about a month apart. With any luck, I’ll have fairly normal vision from then on.  So that’s the ‘tough’ part of my day. I’ll spare you the details, as I’m rather interested in getting to the ‘fluff’ part of this. (Thanks for that, Marlene ) […]

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    • Thanks so much for letting me know, Linne. I’ll keep good thoughts for you. Won’t life be different when you can see more again? Giant hugs. M


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