Looking for answers to life's questions


No, not me. At least so far so good. I’m old but upright.

Leaves, temperatures, temperaments, daylight hours, rain, even the number of posts I’m writing. Everything is falling and changing. That’s the natural order of life. We all want it to stay the same. One person worships the warm weather and constant daylight. Another, like myself, prefers the falling temperatures and rain. Odd for a person who is solar-powered but I am not one who does well in the heat.

Finished with scrap fabric

My expectations of myself are always rising, but my results have fallen a bit. This year, as the autumn closes in with a tease I find myself moving more slowly, introspectively.

Hydrangea in the spring


The seasons of weather are much like the seasons of life. The leaves of my mind blow here and there, not quite coming to a place of rest. Energy in the fall can seem quite scattered. I say that’s why I blow from project to project not quite completing any of them. Lot’s of works in progress.

Showing off for sewing friends Now I need to finish the back and bind it.


Only 10 years in the making. It started out in a class.

Even my plants are showing me that fall is here. My Hydrangea went from a soft blue to green and shades of purple as the fall came blowing in. Our clocks will be falling back an hour on November 4th. Not a fan of changing the clocks because the body takes so much longer to pick up the rhythm.

Here’s how I thought time got away from me.


They started out light blue.


From light blue to dark purple

The whole world is in a cycle of change like the weather. If we can love each season for the good it brings with it, we can weather the storms and find ourselves with the beauty that was always right in front of us.

Beautiful colors against a clear sky

I love the colors of fall

There are many dealing with storms of all kinds this autumn. My thoughts are with you and wish you well. I’m going to enjoy the wobble of weather from cold to warm and back again along with the lovely changes in the colors of leaves. How are you dealing with the Fall?

This is where they end up. Glad it’s not me.

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Falling" (70)

  1. We’re wobbling the other way down here. Despite the fact that it’s spring, and we should be enjoying blossom and buds, we’re experiencing a lot of the same colours as you, due to the hot and extremely dry winter we’ve had. I long for a bit of green…
    I do love your quilt, which looks just like fallen leaves blowing in the wind. Seasonal, and better late than never 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “I’m old but upright.”
    Damn right woman!
    And a whole lot more than just this.
    You are just a brilliant writer, you turn your pain into beauty, and hard won philosophy.
    You are a joy to read and know.

    Liked by 4 people

  3. Such a lovely peaceful kind of post Marlene, you are in tune with the season! I too love that slowing down and the rising of the inner quiet that comes as the season turns. There’s a peace to be found in Autumn that is nowhere else I think. Here we are in a prolonged winter. It seems our weather this spring and on into summer is to be grey skies and winds and rain. Today Siddy and I got caught in a hail storm halfway through our morning walk. It was small hail and stung, poor Siddy was scampering about trying to escape its bite 🙂 We ended huddled under an evergreen tree in the park who kindly afforded us protection until the storm passed. Despite this inclement weather we are still feeling springlike – with the rising of energy and the longer hours of daylight much appreciated. Your quilt is rather lovely- very Autumnal and the pattern is pleasingly and charmingly crazy. I hope you can finish it and get to enjoy its warmth in the coming months xoxo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Pauline. It took me a month to the day to get another post written. I’m hoping next week affords the stretch of time I need to get the back on that crazy quilt so we can use it. We have a week of warm then return to autumn, I hope. I’ve been caught out in lightning storms with my dog and it’s quite scary. I’m sorry you and Siddy got stung by the hail. Weather has been interesting lately. Spring will be there soon and then the long summer. Sending love and hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. We are having a rather nice Autumn in the UK. We have had some glorious sunny and mild days and the colours are changing beautifully with the leaves and the berries. A time for new plans to take us through the winter I always think.
    I love the Autumn picture at the top and your quilt. It is rather nice to pick up an old project and take it too completion. Good Luck.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Cathy. I’ll post the completed quilt when it’s done. I had started so many projects before my world came apart at the seams. 😉 Now I’m trying to get them all to completion while I can. Thank you for your kind words and I’m glad you are having a wonderful autumn as well.


  5. I love your quilt and it’s colours. Perfect for this season 🙂
    Seasons of life are a natural cycle – it’s just that most humans have got out of tune with it, I think. Thanks for your beautiful, insightful and poetical post 🙂
    All the best

    Liked by 1 person

  6. What perfect quilt colors for autumn. Gotta get that one done Marlene before winter comes along!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Deb. I thought the same thing. It’s on the top of my list along with Christmas and birthday gifts that need to be made. The flannel on both sides will be very warm. My daughter always steals my ragtime flannel when she comes and sits in the recliner. 😉

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  7. I loved so many things about this post, Marlene…such beautiful writing. Are you still doing your morning pages? Autumn is a beautiful time of the year and one of my favorites. This year, it’s been slow in its arrival. We dealt with Florence and yesterday, Michael blew through. We were fortunate with Michael, but so many in Florida weren’t. Watching the news coverage is heartbreaking. Thank you for brightening our lives with your lovely writing and your amazing sewing projects…I don’t know how you do it! Your photographs are beautiful, too. Enjoy the season! xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much for all the kind words, Jill. I don’t know how I do anything with my mind scattered like the leaves. I was thinking of all of you affected by storms of one kind or the other when I wrote that yesterday. I have been watching the news a bit and it’s heartbreaking. Keeping good thoughts for you and wishing you a wonderfilled weekend. We have 7 days of 70+ degrees before fall returns. Fickled season.

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    • I forgot to answer your question. Yes, I’m still doing morning pages. This morning at 5:15. ;( I don’t sleep much. 😉 Found a new fountain pen with cartridges that writes beautifully. 😉

      Liked by 2 people

      • I’m so impressed, Marlene. I’ve tried to doing the morning pages, but I’ve struggled. I think part of my problem is I’m at my day job @ 6 a.m., I’d have to get up around 3:00 to get in those pages. I’ll continue to try, but I seem to go a few days and then there’s an absence for a couple of days. You pen sounds wonderful! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • You can’t do them at that hour!!!! I’ve had a mid afternoon page or a late morning break page but the end result is taking time to come back to center. I don’t believe there has to be rules about it. They are suggestions and you have to do what works for you. I write when something needs to come out and be seen. Good thing I sleep alone because there is always a tablet and a book sleeping next to me. And I don’t have a job. Neither did Julia Cameron. Not the 9-5 kind. We do what we can when we can. Relaxing is the most important thing we can do. Have fun! 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • I appreciate the tips, Marlene! You must be filling up those notebooks. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

      • I am indeed filling up those notebooks. 😉

        Liked by 2 people

  8. I was so afraid that you were going to write that you took a huge fall! Thankfully you DID NOT!
    I’m one for long days and hot weather, Terry is like you he loves fall WINTER and spring…all cooler weather!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The heat stroke made it impossible to cool down. My older friends don’t like to visit because I don’t turn my heat up to 80. It’s set at 64 most of the time. I will turn it up a bit for visitors if I know they are coming. 🙂
      As for falling, with my balance issue, it’s always in the cards but I work very hard to not do that. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Linda. Have a great weekend.

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  9. Beautifully put, Marlene. This year Fall has been spectacular; colors and temperatures and enjoying the cool/warm days. I love your hydrangea photos. They really depict the change. Have a great weekend, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I love fall too. The colors, the smells, the birthdays. 😉 I love your quilt and fall hanging. We are both still upright. Way to go us! Today we have the wind so all the leaves are blowing around which makes it look like mini colorful tornadoes. I like watching it all.

    Hope you continue to stay upright for a long long time, my friend. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Jackie. Keep on keeping on. You are going to survive because you are a strong woman. No wind here but it would be nice, Warm has brought the bugs back and I wish they would blow away. 😉 I’m doing my best here.


  11. What a wonderful post, Marlene! Your hydrangea pictures are fabulous, especially the one with the red vase in the lower left! Your quilting and sewing skills are amazing too! Fall is definitely here and I’m loving how the weather makes it possible to be out and about to take in all the colors, the mild sunshine and crisp air. Enjoy your weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Such a nice, mellow post, Marlene–it’s the time of year for nice and mellow, I think. I love autumn and only wish the warn, golden days would last longer. We actually have snow flurries in the forecast! I really love your quilt top–the combination of crazy quilt with the structure of the squares and those fall colors!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Kerry. It was a class and I knew nothing. Had to figure it out as I went from there after 10 years of being in a box. Snow flurries sound good to me right now. We have 10 days of 75 degrees!!!! The weather is very confused. 😉 I’m ready for a mellow cool fall with indoor work. Have a great week.


  13. Change, fall, yes, it’s all inevitable. But also so glorious: I love fall colors, scents, and the last whispers of summer to the first hints of winter…
    And your quilt. Oh. My. Goodness. You are incredibly talented!! WOWOWOW! I’ve always wanted to learn that, but…I’m not so good with a sewing machine. That and I have about exactly 2,473 other interests and need to concentrate on just a few things for a little while. And then perhaps one day I’ll learn that. You make it look easy, though I’m sure it’s not so easy. Hehe.
    I hope you’ve been well. Sending hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Cynthia. You are so kind, The quilt is the product of a first class and I have muddled my way through it on my own 10 years later. It won’t win any ribbons or even one for beginners, I just enjoy the challenge. I know what you mean about too many hobbies already. I’m so far behind I may never catch up with anything. Just doing my best.


  14. Dearest Marlene.. So love your wonderful embroidery, and that quilt, wow.. just fantastic.. I love those Autumn colours, and putting the back on it will be a wonderful Autumn/ Winter project..
    And yes the seasons seem to be slipping by at ever faster speed. Our own weather at the moment doesn’t seem to know what it wants to do… Last weekend we had morning frosts.. This week was so warm I sat on the swing in T-shirt with an Ice-cream in hand. And Although still warm, we have Gales blowing and bending those trees still laden with berries and leaves..
    But Fall, as you say has arrived and the ground is awash with colour as leaves swirl around..

    I loved what you said here Marlene.
    ” The whole world is in a cycle of change like the weather. If we can love each season for the good it brings with it, we can weather the storms and find ourselves with the beauty that was always right in front of us.”

    That is so true.. Life has it’s own cycles, and we ride out the storms, and enjoy the moments of joy..
    Its crucial right we each just take time to BE.. and find our own places of Peace within to send out into the world at large..
    People do not realise the power of love and light that each can bring, by just ‘falling’ in LOVE with Nature’s rhythmic seasons..
    We are but within another cycle.. We came here to help within this our Mother’s Transition and help the vibration of Human’s to finally wake up to the fact that once upon a time, Others Fell, and kept us here..

    Loved all of your photo’s Marlene.. and I too have loved watching our Hydrangea’s transformational progress. May we each learn to bloom so beautifully, no matter what season we are within..

    Love and Blessings Marlene..
    ( I have wrestled with my own return to blogland this past week.. But something within me still is wishing to be spoken.. So I will just keep going as the flow takes me.. Disappearing and emerging, while like you projects get finished at home.. )

    Take care my beautiful friend… I think both of us feel that need to complete unfinished projects..
    Stay Blessed..
    ❤ In love and Gratitude.. Sue 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Sue. We are always so on the same page. Yes, for some reason completing unfinished projects seems very important these days. I’m going to try and finish the quilt in the next week or two, Hopefully we will have cool weather by then. It will be 75 all week!!!! What the heck?

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      • I know the temps here crazy too… We had floods and storms in part of the UK in Wales.. And now temps are set to soar again to 26C midweek.. I am sure the quilt will be completed soon.. I finished knitting a cardigan for myself yesterday and its now all sewn together, all I need now is to purchase some buttons.. 😀 And I have been completing some model making I started way back in January.. I still have a way to go with that, but I am gradually finished half projects.. A scarf is also half started from last year.. That is the next, And then I think most of what I started and didn’t finish is completed..
        I have been busy putting bulbs for Spring in tubs for the garden.. And today I am attempting to sit and write my thoughts again.. But when I sit at my PC, I somehow just can not be bothered to write a post, though I do have one to complete for the 26th October as I have promised to take part in Part three of the awakening saga, E-books of which are at the bottom of blog, I contributed to the last two for Barbara’s Blog over at My Magnificent Self..
        But just allowing myself to go with the flow.. And know, all is well in my world… Sending huge hugs your way Marlene..
        Take care dear friend.. ❤ Sue ❤

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  15. Fall is one of my favorite seasons. The colors and cool temperatures. Plus my birthday is coming up.
    You did a beautiful job on the quilt.

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  16. The colors, the talent, the colors, the beauty, the colors, the fall!

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  17. To my delight, fall has finally arrived in NC. Michael came in with all of its wind and rain and left fall weather behind as it moved on out. What I love most is that my blueberry bushes begin to turn burgundy as the weather cools down, both leaves before they fall and also stems. More time for reflection as we begin to slow down from the summer activities.
    I join the ranks in marveling on your quilt work and pictures. Truly beautiful! Be well!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Celine. It’s a good thing it’s a small photo of the quilt so no one can see it very well. 😉 I’ll post another when it’s complete. We had fall, now we are having summer again. I’m glad to hear you ‘weathered’ Michael. That was quite the storm. I’m ready for cool and wet. I’m trying to catch up a little. Have a great week. Take care of yourself.

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      • You know, in some indigenous cultures imperfections were purposely incorporated into creations to mimic the imperfections of life. At least that’s what I tell people when they see the mistakes on the walls I’ve painted in my house! 😉

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      • I believe the Amish and other groups do that with their quilts. I really don’t care about the imperfections as much as others looking at my work. 😉 I don’t have to build my in, they come quite organically. 😉 I’m still learning is my line.


  18. The tablet just ate my comment 😦

    Glad you are ok and I love that quilt! Stay well, Marlene. Hugs from the UK. ~ Linne


    • Looks like you are still traveling, Linne. Thanks for taking a few moments to stop by. I’m not posting as often these days but still trying to keep my hand in. Hope you are well also and enjoying where ever you are. Love and hugs.


  19. Very nice fall images captured here, Marlene! We don’t have much of an autumn here in ‘evergreen’ Florida, and only a few trees that drop their leaves so I always like to see the fall colors in nature. I also admired the beautiful outcome of your 10-year project!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. My! You had me in a fright, Marlene! Thankfully you didn’t fall!! Which is why I prefer to call it Autumn, no misunderstandings. 😉 Like you I’m not good with hot weather and welcome the cooler temperatures and the wonderful colours, especially since summer was so dry that the usual array if colours – green meadows and bushes in the park – was somewhat muted to an ugly yellow. But I know I’ll miss the flowers even though watering them this year took so much effort. And my paintings have started to become all Orange too! 😁 Just finished a little pumpkin still life and am thinking of painting an Orang utan next. 😊
    Have a wonderfilled weekend! Hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Sarah. I thought it would be a catching title. 🙂 Everything does seem to be falling these days and I do work extra hard not to fall myself but my mood seems to fall a bit as the days get darker longer. I’ve added my autumn quilts and colors around me as well. I’m not that fond of orange but this time of year, it seems only proper. Have a great week ahead.

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      • Adding your autumn quilts and colors around you sounds like the perfect way to ward of those darker moods – I know them only too well myself. I´ve been gathering some colorful wine leaves and chestnuts to create a welcome wrath of some kind but it´s so cold suddenly that all I want to do is huddle up in a blanket and read a good book! Lol! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  21. I love, LOVE your crazy quilt, Marlene. Isn’t fall just gorgeous? Your changing hydrangeas are so pretty, as are the trees. My weariness seems to increase a tiny bit each year, but that’s a small price to pay to be able to appreciate the beauty in the world. Best to you! ❤️

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    • Thank you, Jennie! I’m trying to make myself get this quilt finished. Did the back and now am hand stitching little things to the front. You always seem to be so energetic but time takes it’s tole on us. Have a wonderful week.

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  22. Timelesslady said:

    I enjoyed your lovely photographs of Autumns. The cold is here now in New Jersey, trees that were just tinged with some color will hopefully begin to show bolder color.


    • Thank you so much. I’ve only spent a winter and spring in NJ but you have a cold that I’ve never experienced anywhere else in the world. Brrrr. Right through the bones cold. Beautiful though.

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  23. Marlene: this is a beautifully written post — I love how you use the term ‘falling’, here, as well as the insights you share. Beautiful images too. Thank you.


  24. And that quilt! What a beauty. I forgot to say: Congrats!

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  25. All the beautiful colours for sure. While I crave the crisp and cool weather, autumn colours have never been my thing. They’re pretty for a couple of weeks here. Then bam, we get a windy day and it’s goes from colour to bland and stays that way until May…sometimes June. That being said, your projects are really pretty.

    I much prefer the colours of summer really. Aqua water, blonde beaches, colourful clothes. This fall I wanted to buy a few new wardrobe items for work and shopped forever. Blaaaah, olive green, orange, brown, kaki, cooper, drab yellow….no mam, never in my closet. I ended up with black everything, LOL. As far as scrapbooking goes, I never buy the fall collections. Luckily winter colours are more my thing. Remember when you wouldn’t wear white after labour day? Who makes up the rules? LOL xok

    Liked by 1 person

    • You make me laugh with you aversion to fall colors. They aren’t mine either but that was the collection of fabrics available when I started the class. It only took me 10 years to finish that quilt. I’ll post a finished photo soon. Everything has its season. I love the bright colors and lights at Christmas but I usually like soft muted colors. I’m not quite as high energy as you are. 😉 Is anyone? Bet you love all the summer sherbert colors. 🙂 It will be here before you know it. I’m trying not to wish any moments away though. I was ready to see the end of the extreme heat we had though. I never wear white anytime other than winter white. It doesn’t look good on me. 🙂 You are one of a kind and can make your own rules. Keep having fun. That’s the most important part. Hugs.

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  26. I can see that you’re a hydrangea lover, too, as are my wife and me. Although, as a few blogs attest, I’m just the hole digger.

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    • I do love hydrangeas. Had tried to grow them in the Arizona mountains with no luck but these were here when I bought this place and with love and feeding, they have done remarkably well. Every plant needs a hole digger or you would have none. 😉 Thanks for stopping by.

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      • Speaking of ‘stopping by’, we stopped by your neighbor neighborhood early Nov. our daughter is a single girl living in Portland. She works in Camus, WA. We wish she was closer but such is life. You have magnificent country, there in the Pacific NW.

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      • I’ve been to Camas and it’s a lovely area! My sister lives in Woodland, north a bit more. I’m in Oregon City and my daughter works in Portland and is living there till she moves in with me this winter. I wanted to be no more than 45 min to an airport for family and friends to get here. I’m only 20 min from ours. It is wonderful here but I don’t want to tell anyone. 😉

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