Looking for answers to life's questions


Have you noticed that the months of November and December go faster than any month of the year? It’s like these two months are on speed and I’m on molasses. The month between Thanksgiving and Christmas always finds me totally unprepared and way behind schedule.

Set myself up an assembly line in the den so I can watch Christmas movies while I work.

We know it’s coming with 12 months notice. It comes the same time every year and each year I’m behind in my list of things to get done. I’ve even shortened the list to a minute fraction of what it once was.

Someone apparently likes pink. Not my favorite..

Sleep doesn’t come easily when your mind is letting you know all night what’s left to be done before mailing is no longer possible. Since I make most my gifts from what I have available, my creativity has to work overtime as well.


Many days are taken up with fun things. Last weekend I went to the Hazelnut Festival in Mt. Angel, Oregon with my blogging friend Crystal, at Conscious Engagement.  There are better photos on her blog. She did the driving, I bought lunch. Santa was on the porch calling us to dine.

Having a chat with Santa

It’s less than an hour away from my house and two from Crystal’s. It turned into a beautiful day but quite chilly. They were wise enough to hold it in a large hall out of the elements. I bought a lovely hazelnut cake made by the Benedictine Sisters to share over the holidays. There was Chocolate hazelnut handmade pasta to make as a dessert. I can’t wait to try it. Hazelnut butter and so many things made with them I had a hard time leaving it all behind.

I’m dancing to the music

Next week will be full as well. Sewing group will have their all day (5 hrs) gathering to share our finished projects and our gifts for each other. Mine are ready for the bows.

Each one is a little different. For quilting friends.

Even the Pulmonary Fibrosis support group my sister, daughter and I attend will have their monthly gathering at a restaurant downtown. Thank goodness my daughter is a wonderful chauffeur. The drinks (if we imbibe) will be on us but the nibbles are gifted by the foundation. The chauffeur never imbibes and drives. I taught her well.

My first visit with Santa in over 30 years.

This holiday is once again going to be quite different from others. I’ve been gifting from my collections and making lots of bowl cozies for family members to give as their gifts to friends. Since they already have theirs, the making of these others will be my gift to them. I’m slower these days but finding a rhythm.

6 cozies made for my sister so far. She gives them as gifts

Today will be baking day. A favorite for both my daughter and me. We usually spend Saturday’s together and baking in my better-appointed kitchen than she has is fun and tasty. I can only say, I wish you were here. Now it’s time to start our breakfast.

Beginning of baking

How are you doing with timing?


From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Speed" (75)

  1. Gorgeous Marlene.


  2. It is better to be busy I think Marlene. I find myself sitting too much sometimes, and your projects are always beautiful. I enjoy seeing all the places you venture off to with family and friends as well. I think that I could have spent hours at that Hazelnut Festival, even with the pasta alone!

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    • I didn’t include the wine and espresso vodka tasting. Trying to keep it short. We are all pretty busy this time of year, As soon as I get daylight, I have to go clean gutters, get a walk and then back to baking and sewing. I need 4 more weeks! ;( Thanks for the visit. have a wonderfilled week yourself.

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  3. Dear Marlene,
    This post had me smiling all the way down to the bottom of your page as I read and scrolled down to see yet more of your amazing skills and delights with your amazing needlework skills..
    So loved each and every one of them

    I Love the bowl cosies and what a useful gift.
    The embroidery skills on your group sewing project wonderful I love the wording on each square.. Just Beautiful ..

    You looked to have had fun at Hazelnut Festival with your friend Crystal.. What a lovely day and you got to meet Santa too.. Looks a lovely place to visit.
    And what a happy way to share the day both of you. Perfect!

    Love Hazelnut. 🙂 to eat. 🙂
    And your sewing machine I am in awe of.. LOL…
    Working as I did once upon a time in textiles and computerised lockstitch and overseeing the BIG embroidery giant machines from time to time.. I am in awe of your skills in this dept ..

    My own machine I got in the 80’s it was modern in its day, it will do zigzag and button holes… Still works just fine.. But when I had been surrounded by machines all day, I often struggled to sew a button on lol.. Different now-a-days though.. In fact the machine came out only last week.. I made our granddaughter’s new hamster a Christmas stocking.. Lol.. She said he wouldn’t have one.. So I surprised her. And hand embroidered his name onto it..

    Good to see you Happy ‘Dancing!’ my friend.. Time IS speeding up… no doubt about it… And its not just our age that is the cause..

    Sending HUGE hugs and much love dearest Marlene..
    Take care my friend
    Sue ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much for the visit at this busy time, Sue. I have the bigger embroidery machine in the sewing room. The one in the photo is almost 20 years old and also does smaller embroidery but I use it mostly for just sewing. Then there is hand embroidery sitting in front of me waiting. Yes, I’m well aware that time is really speeding up. I’m moving as fast as I can but it’s no longer so essential. I take more time to pause and observe these days. What gets done, does. The rest, oh well. Later. 😉 A stocking for a hamster! Now that sounds like fun. Have a wonderfilled week, Sue. Hugs and love.

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      • It was fun to make Marlene, and I let our granddaughter sew bits on it too.. I trimmed with white fake fur . Wish I had taken a photo of it.. But she was so overjoyed she took it straight home..
        I agree Marlene.. Its time to BE….. that is what matters… ENJOY your Creativity my friend.. So will I.. ❤
        Much Love

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  4. Christmas always sneaks up on me too, Marlene! I think I am going to have to make a calendar of fun family things to do!

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Bethany. I’m so far behind that I never, ever catch up. It wasn’t always like this but can’t seem to get ahead of it anymore. I write a list, check it twice, and watch it go straight out the window. Right now I should be at the sewing machine because so much needs to get in the mail early this week. Good luck with the fun list. I’ll pop over to see how it’s going. soon.

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  5. Hey Marlene! I’m always impressed by how much you do for others; definitely an inspiration. I’m not doing too bad on my gifting, but baking is another story. I’m hoping to get a few things done this week and will do cookies with the grandkiddos in another week. That’s always chaos and sugar everywhere. But, I wouldn’t trade it. Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Missy. I bake to give to friends and service workers. There are no grandkids so the sugar needs other homes. 🙂 Just the time spent with my daughter makes it special though. I can just see you with the little ones dancing in the sugar. 😉 Have a wonderfilled week too.

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  6. Your house is like Santa’s workshop, Marlene! You look so cute in the photo with Santa. You’re right, the time does slip up on us. I thought I was okay until last night. Windows did a forced update and now everything on my C drive is gone! I tried to restore to a previous date, but it wouldn’t allow me. Have fun baking with your daughter…wish I were there!

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    • Thank you, Jill. It is a workshop and I pray no one drops by. Every room has some kind of work going on. My heart would stop and did almost when I broke my computer. I’m trying not to panic for you. Fortunately, I had mine backed up to a secure outside source so I got back everything important. I have an external hard drive that I MUST start putting things on as well. My photos and embroidery designs take a lot of room. When you are writing a book, I’d be having lots of outside backup for it. Wishing you all the best in recovering data. As for baking, just not enough time together. ;(

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      • That’s great that all your rooms are bustling with activities, Marlene. Thankfully, my important things were saved on my thumb drives, but I had a TON of photos that weren’t. Enjoy!

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  7. It’s fun seeing you and your friend with Santa! You have a great joyous rest of this celebratory month!!!

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  8. It’s great to see you out and about Marlene – and a bit of happy dancing is always good for the soul 🙂 You are doing very well with those bowl cosies – such a lovely idea to gift for gifting on. I was doing really well until the last couple of weeks when the extra things hit and time escalated. But I’ll get there – and have a thoroughly good time doing so despite our miserable weather!

    Liked by 2 people

    • We had one wonderful dry week and I felt bad that I was spending most of it indoors. Rain is back later today so I cleaned out the gutters and took my walk early. Having a little soup before turning on the machine again and getting more sewing done. I guess Christmas will be when the gifts get where they are going. 😉 Everyone seems to like the bowl cozies as they are quite practical. Unlike so many other things. Crystal didn’t want to make that long trip alone so I was invited along. I couldn’t drive it myself anymore so I took good advantage of the opportunity to see what the fuss was all about and we had a wonderful day. I’m sorry you are having miserable weather. I’ll take anything over the heat. Giant squishy hugs.

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  9. What a fun outing Marlene! I can picture you taking it all in! Love your sewing projects and all the wonderful creations you come up with. We’re skipping Christmas at home this year since we have workers coming and going through the end of the year. As for gifting, I pick up things throughout the year on my travels and make calendars for friends. This helps with not getting stressed out as time does seem to go by faster the closer the end of the year gets. Happy Sunday! 😉


  10. Such beautiful craft work! I love looking at your sewing projects, they make me feel good. 🙂
    I find as I get older that time flies any time of the year, but especially Nov. and Dec. I don’t do much for Christmas anymore. Don’t even decorate. With just me and the husband, I see no point and he doesn’t seem to care either. Sad isn’t it? Eh, we are still alive and kicking and so we celebrate that every day. We aren’t doing too bad. Big hugs my friend. May your days slow down just a tad so you get catch your breath. ❤


    • I wasn’t going to decorate either this year, Jackie but it means a lot to my sister and I never know what is coming down the line so I pulled up my britches and got to work. I’ll make us a good holiday no matter what. It’s definitely smaller but just as bright. I’m with you in celebrating every day above ground but I so love all the lights and hate to take them down each year. I wouldn’t if I didn’t have to. I’ll be thinking of you both a lot this month. Hang in there. It will get better. Hugs,

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  11. That Santa sure does get around, doesn’t he? It looks as if you had a really fun day out, and all that hazelnut stuff would’ve had me drooling, I love them! For many years now, we’ve given a large donation to a charity of our choice at Christmas, and no longer give gifts, whether bought or handmade (except to the Husband’s mother), so I don’t feel the pressure of getting things ready, whether having to buy or make them. It’s good not to have the pressure, and I feel our money is really at work for those who need it instead of buying things the people we love don’t really need. I must really get my decorations up this week; as a child ours didn’t go up till Christmas Eve but these days the decorating seems to start some time in September!

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    • Everyone does it different. I LOVE the lights and got mine up as soon as I had help. I’m not allowed on ladders when I’m alone. 😉 I did wait till Dec 1 to turn them on though. Each weekend when my daughter comes we try to get something else done. I had not intended to decorate but since my sister is struggling a bit more, I wanted this to be lovely for her. I am with you on the giving of useless gifts. The cozies are a request to be gifts for others. They making of them is my gift. There will be no gifts under the tree and I have given explicit orders that I not receive gifts. I’ve been giving away all my collections of things and donating the rest. I like a simple Christmas of food, family and friends. Enough. I get you have the show the husband’s mother she matters. As circumstances change, so do our choices. I’m with you here. Simple and easy.


  12. Molasses time… Yes! Keep dancing and sharing your groove Marlene 💕

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  13. You are so talented! What beautiful gifts. I love all of them, and you too, even more. What a thoughtful lady! Merry Christmas.

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  14. You may be behind schedule but what you have done, and continue to do, is just amazing. Hazelnuts and dessert pasta sound delicious, as does the cake you bought.

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  15. I have no speed to keep up with all that needs to be done. The difference now that I’m older is that I can let it go. Tonight I drove home in the dark, noticing that most everyone had lights and decorations. I’m not close to having lights or decorations up yet, but somehow the important things will happen and all come together. I don’t have to be Martha Stewart. If I make sure I do for others (you’re way ahead of me) then Christmas is good. I love your quilting! Please tell me, what is a cozie? Merry Christmas to you, Marlene. You look wonderful with Santa! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • I will never be Martha either but the lights when up with my daughter’s help. My favorite part of the holidays!! The big tree was donated to my daughter’s work and we put up the little one with half the ornaments. The rest is irrelevant. I’ll bake to give away to the neighbors and service workers but the bowl cozies are all the rage these days. The guys love them as much as the ladies once they use one. You put your bowl in them, fill with soup or something that needs heating, put them in the microwave to heat your food and you don’t burn your fingers taking the bowl out. My son thinks it’s better than sliced bread and I’m making as many as I can before the holidays for them to gift to their friends. Then I’ll make them to sell so I can repair my carport and roof. 🙂 I’ll be sewing a long, long time. 🙂 They work good with cold things too. Your hands don’t freeze holding a bowl of ice cream. You have to remember that I don’t have a job and live alone so I have no other obligations which gives me so much more time. 😉 I must admit, I was better organized when I was working. Santa was so friendly that we had to dine there. What a fun day. Thanks for visiting.


  16. Your gifts are so beautiful! I know that those who would receive them will be so fortunate to receive these beautys crafted by your hand.
    But I also understand the rush of the holidays. Wowza. I’ve been so busy working and creating a meditation course and husby’s birthday’s coming up. I’m thinking, wow! Where in the world has the time gone! I need to do SOMETHING. Hehe.
    I wish you and yours wonderful holiday season. Sending you big hugs!

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    • I love this time of year as I’m a procrastinator that can’t anymore. Deadlines really move you. Time does fly when you have a lot to do. Best of luck with the meditation course and the birthday plans. Thanks for the visit. Will catch up soon. Hugs to you.


  17. Time is screwy. Your handmade gifts are absolutely gorgeous!!! xxx

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  18. Well the time is flying but you also seem to be doing some interesting things. I like the way you compare speed versus molasses! I find the whole autumn period to be busy.

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    • I agree with you, Cynthia. It seems from just before Halloween right through the New Year, we are holding our breath and running through. I’m always happy to see January first. 😉 Thanks for stopping by.

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  19. Marlene, I’ve thought of you many times in my absence from WP these past several months. You accomplish so much for one who feels like she is “on molasses”. Enjoy the gifting, baking, and time with friends but be sure to rest, too.
    Love the picture of you and Santa 🙂

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    • Thank you, Laurie. I’m about to go for a rest in a few minutes. It’s a requirement these days. 😉 I’ve been absent a great deal as well so I fully understand. I’ll get done what I can and let the rest go. Hope things are going well for you. Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if we don’t connect again before hand.


  20. Looks like you’re on a roll Marlene-a-go-go! Way to quilt, bake, travel and decorate your way to the holidays. I’m kind of doing a Benjamin Button kind of Christmas. I thought I was more organize last week, LOL
    I’m almost sure my shopping is done but I need to do a little baking and wrap stuff. Then there’s a few work projects to catch up on. I haven’t gotten anything in the mail though and that’s problematic…gaaaddds! Stop the clock, stop the clock! xo K

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    • I’m with you, sweetie. Stop that clock. Nothing is getting done on time this year. I was trying to sharpen the rotary blade today and sliced my finger so I had to sit for quite a while. It’s a busy social week so Christmas is going to be late this year. Like January. 😉 No shopping for me but I do need to get things finished and mailed. Don’t expect a card on time. The cards I bought need extra postage and a padded envelope so they are not being mailed. Who knew. You are always so busy too. I’m doing less and less each year. Learning to let a lot go these days. But the holidays come whether we are ready or not. Each one different from the last. Enjoy it and know I’ll be thinking of you. Giant Christmas hugs, m

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  21. Love the Santa photos.


  22. I don’t know, Marlene–I think you’re doing great with your holiday prep! The bowl cozies are a really nice project and I love the embroidered hearts in the small hoops. I’m glad you’re making time for outings and fun with the baking, too–that’s really what this season should be all about–the time with people we care about!

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    • You are so right, Kerry. That is what this season is about. Reaching out to people and those we care about. The hearts are like quilted patterns and so much fun to make. I may not get it all done but I’ll enjoy every minute of trying. I’ll do what I can. Hope you are doing well also. Thanks for stopping by.


  23. It’s funny that…same time every year, and yet…where does that time go? And here I am, a stranger to so many blogs, but hopefully not to you, my friend. Lovely to read about your Christmas baking and sewing projects and you will get it all ready in time, as my family say to me when I start to panic and wonder how it will happen…but somehow it always does. I got lost in my memoir these past few months, it took over my life…but it’s lovely to see you again, Marlene, just in time to wish you a Happy Christmas and New Year and to say I love your photos and so glad to see you out and about with your friends and daughter enjoying life and all it brings in those special days 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Sherri. Each moment is a gift and I’m trying to spend them all wisely. The bowl cozy request came up late in the game so I wasn’t prepared in advance. But I’ll get done what I can. The rest I’ll have to let go of and just enjoy what is. Good to hear from you again. Missing you. Happy Christmas to you and yours.

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      • Missing you, too Marlene. I find it so hard to focus on much after all the exhaustion of book writing, not to mention homefront ‘stuff’… but as you say, we do what we can (and I will find a way here after the new year to keep up to speed as I do so enjoy catching up with you…) I love your philosophy… ‘just enjoy what is’. Amen to that! Thank you! ❤

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  24. Soumya Somani said:

    That was really cute!

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  25. Another lovely and inspiring post, Marlene! Love the bowl cosies and the wee embroidered hearts. I’m SO glad you had a lovely day at the Hazelnut festival; I could envy you if I hadn’t had an equal amount of fun this year lol. We keep Christmas pretty low key around here, but once I’m on my own again, it’ll be ‘all stops out’! I love the lights, too. We are planning to drive around one evening and look at them, which will be great. I’ve been keeping busy and still haven’t dealt with my photos or finished a post for publishing. Oh, well . . . I’m coming to share your philosophy about doing what’s possible and not dwelling on the rest . . .

    I wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year. Much Love and Light coming your way and plenty of warm, albeit virtual, hugs.

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    • Thank you so much for the warm wishes, Linne and I’m sending them right back to you. It’s going to be understated here as well. I’ve sewn what I can and the rest just has to wait. I’m only doing the fuss for my sister. So many are not blogging much these days and the rest post more than I can keep up with. I’d love to go looking at the lights but I don’t go out at night. Unless someone else is doing the driving of course. Hope you get your footing soon. Happy Christmas, Linne and wishing you a New Year filled with the new life you are seeking. Giant squishy hugs.


  26. Wishing you a most wondrous holiday filled with love and joy. Many blessings to you, Marlene.

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    • Thank you, Celine. Same back to you. I am very blessed to have family to share the holiday with and the day after Christmas will be spent in quiet reflection and getting caught up on my reading. The new year is bring a lot of changes for me so getting time here has been a bit harder. Hope your holiday is merry and your new year filled with wonder and all things good.

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  27. You put me to shame with how productive you are, Marlene. To set up a production line, one must be organized!
    And I agree with the time going faster. But at least when you produce a piece of sewing or art, you have something to show for the time spent!

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    • Time is going faster. I swear the entire Universe is whirling at warp speed. I am organized to a great degree but that doesn’t stop the chocolate bars destined for gift bags to vanish into thin air as well as other gifts. My house moves things on me, I’m sure of it. 😉 I can only sit at the machine for a small amount of time before I have to rest my back so production was slow. I did make a total of 21 cozies that arrived at their destinations in time. Hope you are having a wonderfilled Christmas and your New Year brings all things good. Sending hugs.


  28. You are an artist! I admire the beautiful things that you make…so creative and well made. And I have never seen bowl cozies before 🙂 I hope your holidays are going great, Happy New Year Marlene!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for stopping by. Bowl cozies are just too handy, especially for the fellows. They have more delicate hands when it comes to handling hot things. 😉 They are everywhere up here and once a person has used them, they can’t imagine not. Such a silly thing. 😉 Hope your Christmas was merry, Tiny and your new year bright and filled with all things wonderful.

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  29. Happy New Year, Marlene. Are you an Oregonian lass?

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  30. You do lovely work, Marlene!! Happy New Year! 😁❤

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  31. Loved your photos and stories of your fiber arts and then the things about your trip, etc. Very wonderful. I am a fiber artist too, and so always enjoy meeting another one. I know those pink pieces you made are the microwave hand protectors right? Very cool. Thank you sor sharing. Anne Copeland

    Liked by 1 person

    • They are bowl cozies made for the microwave to save fingers from being burned. It must be all cotton to not catch fire or melt. You can find tutorials on the internet. So easy to make but take a bit of time. I have gutted my sewing room so it will be a bit before anything else comes out of there. Thank you for the visit and the follow. I just noticed that. I’m going to catch up soon. 😉

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      • Have fun! Those microwave cozies are pretty cool. I have a friend who lived in Paradise, CA before the big fire. She is a paraplegic and now has to look for a new home since they lost everything. She used to make those too, and bowls too. She always did pretty well with them. So sad that so much is gone.Have a good week.

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