Looking for answers to life's questions

The summer has started out with freezing cold and then oven temperatures then back to cold again. It’s in transition, just like many of us. Summer brings so many more projects than hours in a day as many of you know from experiences of your own. No more leisurely moments under a cozy blanket reading and writing. Summer always brings hard work even though it’s deeply enjoyable.

These are gone now but so pretty I wanted to include them again.

Mine has had an explosion of work, starting with getting my carport repaired. My son connected with someone who is somewhat family, (long story) and this sweet young man squeezed me into his very busy schedule while giving me the friends and family discount. (Still not cheap) It turned out there was a lot more rot and incorrect construction than originally anticipated. I expected that and made provisions for it.

Those kids (to this old lady) worked darn hard and did an outstanding job. I painted the plywood white before they put it up and the new support beams the color of the house so they would fade into the background. They should have been put there when the carport was built 14 years ago. I’ve had to wait 5 years to get it done but the next owner will feel so much safer now.


We are coming into inspection season in our park so my list is long. I have a yard sale planned for the last week of June to raise money for our animal shelters and lighten my load. I will be pressure washing my house, fence and porches then painting all that has worn down in the last year or two.

Free oregano that no one wants.

The garden is perking up nicely and several containers of green waste (weeds) have been recycled to compost. I will be painting the underside of the rest of the carport, the shed attached to the carport and some railings that succumbed to the rain this year. There are so many chores that need doing in the summer months that I almost don’t look forward to the warm weather. I don’t get as much time to write or sew. I’d like to sit under my trees with my feet in the dirt and know everything is in order. I’m sure I’ll get there by September. Maybe.

My kids say I create work for myself and then lament over the fact that I can’t get it all done in record time anymore.  I’m my own worst enemy. They may have a point.

So there you have it. My explanation of why I blog or visit your blogs rarely during the summer months. This weekend will be about getting stuff out of storage and ready for sale and donation.  I’ll try to visit again soon.

Happy Summer Solstice to you all. We will celebrate tonight wrapped up warm. It may get to 70 degrees today for a minute.

How about you? Are you finding time for things other than chores? Are you your own worst enemy or do you find the hard work creative and fulfilling?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Time for Other Things" (49)

  1. You make me tired just reading about your To Do list, which is why I haven’t made one of my own… I need to get the lasted ovarian cancer quilt out of the way, and then maybe I can think about filling, sanding, painting, tiling, more shelving, hanging pictures, unpacking boxes…. rats! See what you did there? No, but seriously, take care, dear Marlene. Do take some time to smell the roses (assuming your weather has allowed any to come out).
    It’s Winter Solstice for us, yesterday was the shortest day. Time for the seasons to roll over.

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    • I love how we have opposite time frames. It keeps us on our toes. Your list is always longer than mine but I’m older and running out of steam. 🙂 I have the car unloaded with the first haul and going back for more. We will sell what we can, then give away the rest. Time to lighten up. With 2 households always packed into my space, it means we both pare down now that it’s warm enough to open up boxes. I did take a lunch break and talked my unemployed neighbor into helping us tomorrow move a piece of furniture. Yay! I’ll pay him of course. I’ll try and catch up with you later today. Ready for another run at it. 🙂 Hugs.

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  2. WOW! You have been BUSY! But I will bet your carport looks all sparkling and new!

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    • It’s not going to leak anymore, that’s the hope anyway. It was done correctly this time. They tied the weight to the house and in most states, that’s against code. They needed support on the house side as well. I feel safer now. 😉 It also has water and ice shield under the composite roofing. Everyday is full of something that needs doing. No boredom here. 😉 Thanks for stopping by. Heading out for another load for yard sale. 😉 Have a great weekend.

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  3. Marlene, I can always tell from your pictures that you keep your outdoor areas neat and tidy and provide something beautiful for you and the neighbors to look at. The alternative is not a happy thought though, no natural areas to attract insects and small wildlife, no color to speak of, and most of all nothing to connect you to the earth and give you a sense of pride. Finding a balance is hard, but I think you are an accepting person and will realize what limitations you should follow to make your life easier but still lovely and enjoyable and fulfilling.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Working diligently to lighten my load this summer and get everything into low effort mode. I hope lots of people come by for the yard sale next weekend because none of this stuff is staying here. Simplicity is my goal. I don’t want to work this hard anymore. Time to play more. Just a few more chores and I’ll be in relax mode…maybe. 😉 Thanks for the visit. I’ll be thinking of you as I pull weeds and plant groundcover. 😉 Have a great weekend.


  4. Marlene, your garden looks beautiful! Love the irises! I’m happy that you got your carport taken care off. That should be one less thing to worry about. It’s been yard work over here as well. The weeds are relentless! I try not to create extra “work” for myself whenever possible. I’ve been making sure that I allow myself enough time to do some fun things every day. It makes a big difference in feeling more balanced and happy! Have a good weekend! 🙋

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks. Sabine. Balance is an issue for me in so many ways as you know. 😉 But we are getting there. Talked to my neighbor on the upside and he will help us move heavy furniture tomorrow and my neighbor on the downside put a faucet in the driveway side this week so I won’t be having to drag a heavy hose anymore. Things are looking up but take time. Have a bit more groundcover to move to choke out weeds later. I think you gave me the irises. 😉 Stunning. You’ve had a lot of work too this year so I’m just catching up with you. Have to get to my storage one more time today and then to Heather’s tomorrow. I have plans. 😉 Good week for yard work though. Have a good weekend. Hugs.

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      • Yes, I think the irises came from here. I have lots of them! Even a Japanese one that I call the Origami Iris. It’s pure blue and unfolds in a very unique way, hence the origami reference. Let me know if you want one!
        I’m glad things are falling into place for you and that you’re getting a little help from your neighbors. Still working on getting an email off to you! Hugs back and be well! 🙂

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  5. I’ll take your point to heart. I may be my own worst enemy in that I make so much extra work for myself because I want my place to be pretty. But like you, I enjoy the work so much. There are a million weeds that need pulling, more plants that should go in, small repairs of gates and stone walls and paint touch-ups. No one sees any of it as a problem but me, but I feel so good when I get some of it done.

    Two days ago I mowed and got stung by the bees for the first time. Just one sting, and it stopped hurting in two hours, so I’m fine. I have to go past their hives, back and forth, back and forth. Each time I would call “I’m sorry!” and after awhile “I’m almost done, I promise!” But they got sick of it and a group of them ran me off. I was running through the yard, stripping off my shirt (bee inside), pulling braids out of my hair (bee tangled in hair), flinging my phone, my headphones, my gloves. It must have been hilarious.

    Another thing about summer chores is that they leave us with stories to tell.

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    • You are so right, Crystal. We have more stories to tell in summer. I just don’t get them written. It’s taken over a week to do this one. I would be freaking out at the bees. Had yellow jackets chase and sting me last summer. I’m very wary now. I can imagine you running for your life and stripping off as you go. Scary. Have a good weekend. Cut out fabric yesterday for more cozies. Just need to plant my buns. ;(

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  6. It’s easy to become one own’s worst enemy indeed… the more ideas and things we get, the more our workload and todo list exponentially grows.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and making me realise that!
    I hope you feel the joy of satisfaction now that the carport is being tidied up 🙂
    Sending you hugs and good vibes ❤

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    • Thanks so much, Judith. My house was left in such despair when I bought it and I’m mostly trying to bring it up to standard so if my kids have to put it up for sale, all the hard work will be done. I’m looking at with the eye of a buyer. Want to enjoy the fruits of my labor while I can as well. 🙂 I’m ready for the easy life ASAP. 😉 Join me in the easy life. Let that enemy loose. 😉 Hugs and have a great weekend.

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  7. Your early summer sounds just like ours was last season – unbelievably changeable until nigh on autumn when it finally settled in and stuck around longer than usual. Now with solstice having been hit I’m looking forward to the return of the light. Going for our evening walk at 5.30 in the dark is not that much fun. I’m glad you had so much help with that carport – imagine if you had to do it by yourself!! One of the upsides of being really poor is there’s a landlord who does all the maintenance 🙂 Good luck with your sale – summer is a good time to have it. I get to think of you most days at the moment as I use your bowl cozy constantly for hot porridge or hot soup ❤ It's such a fabulous invention!! xo


    • My son wanted to try and do it himself but his knees are gone and this project took some finesse and real knowhow. It also helped that there was a crew. I figure when we sell this place, we’ll get the money back on the work. In the meantime, I’ve put myself in a tight spot but my daughters rent will get me clear in a year with no interest. 🙂 It had to be done one way or other. At least several young family’s had income that week. 😉 As for walking in the dark, I couldn’t do it. Schatzie was very compliant about moving her walks to the first and last daylight hours. She didn’t like the dark either. 🙂 We’d run into skunks and racoons and other night creatures and she was happy to be inside by dark. I love the longer days so I can get more done but then we have more to do. 😉 It’s still cool so I’m grateful that I can things done without the heat. I’ll let you know how the sale goes. I want to get rid of so much. I have 25 cozies finished for the sale and 25 more ready to put together. Do you need a couple for your daughters? Tell me what color they like and I’ll send them. I sent Alys enough for her family. You have given me so much that I’d love to do this for you.

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  8. What a sight for sore eyes all those repairs must be 😀 … in a previous life I worked in the building industry and spent the first few years being constantly horrified and enraged at the amount of shoddy and downright illegal construction work I came across, by DIY-ers and professionals alike.

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    • I know nothing about the building industry but I do understand codes and quality. This was the 5th contractor I talked to and the first that knew what to do to fix the shoddy work paid for by the previous owner. I could see it as a layperson. It just takes money to fix and I didn’t have any. Still need to put on a new roof and that takes a really good roofer. I may think about it when the carport is paid for. My last husband and I took a sow’s ear, (his house) and turned it into a silk purse by getting the right people to do good work. They are hard to find. I was so happy with this crew of young men. They did good work. Thanks for stopping by .

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  9. Gosh, you all have certainly been busy, Marlene. Everything is looking great. You’re fortunate to have so many helpers. You all need your own TV show! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, I am grateful to have these young men do the work. I’ve interviewed 5 other contractors and these were the first to grasp what was needed. I’ve done a lot of home upgrading and know what needs doing from a buyers perspective. We would look like the keystone cops on a tv show.


  10. Marlene, you always seem to be busy and industrious; nothing boring about your life! Your flowers look beautiful. I do miss how easy it is to garden in PDX. It’s more challenging on the east side of the mountains. Happy summer to you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Missy. It’s quite the challenge here too. The soil is clay and I’m slowly adding amendments and hopefully I’ll get to the mulch again this summer. No, I do not know the meaning of the word bored. We were taught early to find things to do to stay out of trouble. 😉 I have to admit, I’m slowing down. It’s been wet and cool so far but the heat is right around the corner so I hope to get most of it done before it gets unbearable. Have a wonderfilled weekend and thanks for the visit.

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  11. You always amaze me at the energy and amount of work you get through Marlene, and seeing how your distant relative connections have worked to make safer and rebuild that car port was wonderful to see step by step.
    So enjoyed your photo’s and your garden too looking great.
    Now if I lived nearer lol I would be picking up a little of your free oregano and drying it to put in a jar.. 🙂
    I have fresh in some tubs on my patio along with rosemary and thyme.

    Like you we have been busy busy with our garden and allotment.. and also like your weather its been up and down in temps and rain the other week like we needed to build an ark .. But today its Sunny and fine..
    So I am only hopping on my computer for a short while as I catch up with some comments left me and I thought I would pop along and see how you were doing..

    Never still… lol.. So I have to agree, sometimes we find and make work for ourselves, but busy is how we like to be.. 🙂

    Just take care of yourself and remember you are allow to take it easy every now and again lol
    Good luck with your Yard sale too..

    sending love and well wishes Marlene..
    and special giant hugs..
    ❤ 🙂

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    • So nice to see you here, Sue. I’ve been thinking of you and knew you were doing what I’m doing. Summer chores. Yes, we do love to be busy and have good work for ourselves. I’m called in so many directions each day that my brain gets quite confused. I am sitting here instead of in the garden which needs water and a bit of ground cover planted. The later morning will be about moving furniture and getting more stuff from storage to sell. My daughter is a little less organized but has a lot less time. We’ve enlisted some strong muscle to help with the heavier things. The first of July brings the heat back so I’m hurrying to beat it. Take care and enjoy the dirt. I love getting my hands in it too. Love and giant squishy hugs to you as well, Sue.

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      • So pleased to know you have some strong muscle on hand Marlene :-).. I have been out in the allotment all morning, Picking our Pea crop and shelling a huge amount that when shelled and bagged for the freezer has a weight of nearly 4 pounds. My fingers ached from two hours of shelling peas.. And still lots more to pick..
        Its been a great year this year for our Peas, last year wasn’t as good.. ALL that rain has helped fill the pods.. 🙂
        Mega hugs right back Marlene and hope that Yard Sale goes well ❤

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  12. I can so totally relate to all the work you’re doing and the feeling of having to rush, to get it all done during the few nice months! We, too, have million onerous jobs we’re tackling–sanding and painting decks and outdoor steps, and refinishing the cedar siding, all the regular weeding and mowing . . . and everything! I *almost* yearn for winter (not quite!) I’m awfully glad you had access to that good, hard-working crew to do the heavy lifting–what a big job! But how wonderful to have it done.

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    • Oh, Kerry! You can relate. Since I’m the only one doing work around here, (daughter works all day) I have to work faster and harder to get things done. I love the extra daylight in summer but not the extra work. Guess it will keep me in shape. I’ve been looking for a good crew to do that project for the last 4 years. Finally! They were wonderful. One huge worry off my shoulders. Next? 🙂 Have a great weekend. We are moving furniture and storage stuff. Sigh.


  13. Wow, you’ve done a lot! I love your garden, so many flowers to lift the spirit. The summers are so short here in New Hampshire that I let the chores go until winter except for some minimal weeding to keep the landscaping respectable. My husband and I spend Saturdays in the summer getting out in nature. A short drive gets us to the seashore; a little longer drive gets us to the mountains. We never tire of the views.

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    • Thank you for stopping by, Liz. I let my chores go way too long already so now I have to get at it. I’m not close to respectable yet. 😉 I don’t drive much anymore so my view has to be right here. I know the east coast is so beautiful with so much to see. I lived in New Jersey for about 6 months and didn’t get to see much of it at the time. I think we can find beauty in so many places if we look.

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  14. I think I accidentally deleted my comment. Oops. Like you, I am my own worst enemy. With the summer off, I have planned projects that realistically will take six months. Your car port looks terrific! What a big job. Enjoy cleaning out and having a yard sale next week. Happy summer to you, Marlene. 🌞

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    • Thank you for stopping by, Jennie. I have accidentally deleted comments as well. I have projects that should take 6 months too. Sigh. I’ll try to get the underside of the carport painted after the yard sale. It’s going to be one busy summer to say the least. Have a great one.

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      • My pleasure, Marlene. If you get the underside painted, you’ll feel like a million dollars. It may take the whole summer, but that’s okay. I hope the yard sale goes well. Purging and clearing out feels so good. I think it’s our stage in life. Happy summer, my friend!

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  15. My goodness me that I some list. Hope you get it all done before the inspection. Lots going on here some nice, some not. Just back from enjoying the wedding of my youngest son. I now have three daughter in laws. Need to catch up with the day to day things.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Cathy. Hoping to read about the wedding. I’m sure it was a delight. You always have quite the list too so I’m just trying to keep up. 🙂 Three DIL’s is quite the increase in family size. Should make for even more fun. Have a wonderfilled week ahead.


  16. You have been so busy, Marlene. Be careful to schedule in some rest time so that summer isn’t all about getting those jobs done! The carport looks great – I can’t fathom why they ran the downpipe through the roof, though! That was strange problem solving! Love the hydrangeas and flowering plants. Looking very cosy. Take care, Amanda

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    • That photo was the roof of the shed going through the roof of the carport. There was no way to fix it but they did stop the damage to the carport. It would have cost SO much more to reconstruct the whole thing. The things they get away with boggles the mind. My guys did the best they could with a head shaking situation. 😉 Thanks for the visit. I’m taking a short rest before going back to work on cozies. 😉


  17. Wow! Your carport already looks great and when it’s all painted white it will be perfect! 😄
    Tell me about too many chores and not having enough time for creative stuff! I think I haven’t painted anything apart from my windowsills during the whole of July! 😂 I even have to remind myself to go to the park sometimes and just enjoy summer before it’s over. I hope you do too. 😉


    • Thanks for stopping by, Sarah. I’m trying to get it all done before my inspection which has fortuitously been delayed by a change in management this summer. 😉 Then I would very much like to put my house on the market and get out from under so much work. Not likely to happen this summer though. I’m taking one job at a time and relaxing a bit in between. It is important to enjoy the summer. My backyard is almost as good as a park and I don’t have to drive there. I keep waiting to see if you pop up with something, but more than anyone, I understand. As soon as I get a little shade out front, I have to go sand the porch railing and paint it. Always another job to do. Took another load of stuff to the donation center this morning. The purging continues. Have a wonderfilled week, Sarah.

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      • I just popped up with a little something, Marlene. 😉 Took me a lot of time too, I’m not used to writing posts anymore I think! 😀
        That must be so lovely to have a backyard that’s almost as good as a park. Luckily mine isn’t far and it really is a very nice one. 🙂
        I wanted to do some purging this summer too, but I’m always putting it off – it’s not my favorite pastime. 😉
        have a wonder filled week, too, Marlene!

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  18. Being a homeowner means never having ‘extra’ cash ever again. That car port looked like a huge job. Glad you were able to get it done before it collapsed all together. We had work done on our decks this summer. It was to be in early June but continuous rain hampered efforts. Your place must be the nicest one in the community. It’s so spic and spam!! xo K

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    • Thanks for the visit, K. Yes, home ownership is costly. I’ll be in debt long after I’m gone for that repair. 😉 Had to be done though. I think my house is the best around with the best lot to play in. I work hard to keep it nice. Wish I could say I’m done but homeowners are never done, are they? 🙂 Always another project. Weather has been weird this summer. Love and hugs. M

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