Looking for answers to life's questions

The Right Book

Happy Book Lover’s Day, Everyone. I wrote this post a couple of days ago but it sat here waiting for…something. Now I know what it was. Book lovers day.

Very old bunny with old books in old ladies house.

We had blessed rain for the first time in over a month. It wasn’t very much but I went on my front porch to observe and express my gratitude. There would be no walk that morning (maybe later) so I had a few moments before my daughter got up to make her breakfast, read our lesson from Pam Grouts version of the Course in Miracles to grab the original version and read it from there. The original is a hard slog to comprehend but I like to compare the points of view.

While I was pulling the book off the shelf, I noticed another that seemed out of place. It looked unread. Hmmm. I pulled it off the shelf and saw that it was a small Chicken Soup for the Soul book. Where did that come from and when did I buy it? Inside the cover said it was copyrighted in 2012. It appeared to not have been read. As I looked through the table of contents, I realized that I needed this book NOW. It was meant for me to read it at this time.

I think I planned to donate it so it hid.

This happens to me a lot. I will peruse the bookstore and a book will stand out, sending a signal that it needs to go home with me. Some of you will understand this and those who don’t will know my varied therapist has verified that I’m not certifiable. Books call to me and often I don’t get to them right away but when the time comes, they wave again or jump to a different place so I notice them.

Our public library has been closed for months now so I’m grateful to have a stash of my own, no longer needing to apologize for hoarding books. That was the plan all along. Right? That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. Our library doesn’t have all the books I want to read most of the time and I’m a very slow reader. I usually have to renew the book or pay fines. My library at home is substantial and when the moment it right, the book appears.

I have given away so much of my personal library because I needed to make room in my home for other family members to shoehorn their things in while living with me. I love my family but I miss those books. Looking for one I know was on my shelves a year ago and not finding when I wanted to read it made me realize that very few will wander out of my door again. People ask what was my favorite book. I honestly can’t answer that question. Each has value in its own time. Some have resonated so deeply that I purchased two or three copies.

P. S. I found a red dot on the spine while I was reading this Chicken Soup book that I place on some of my books to indicate they have been read. Another blessing of old age. I can read an old book and it’s brand new to me again. 

During one of my many moves, I gave away my copy of Rachel Naomi Remen’s Kitchen Table Wisdom. I regret it every time I see the title. It’s a staple reference book. Silly me. I think I’ll get another copy gently used.

Some books are worth reading often. This is one.

‘A house without books is like a room without windows’ ~Horace Mann

Do you keep a stash of books for emergencies like pandemics or rely on your library?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "The Right Book" (62)

  1. Happy book lovers day!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have always had my own mini library. Love reading and books but read from a narrow few genres now.
    I absolutely do get that books call to you as they call to me and a friend has the same experience. Before I
    Before I read your words saying it, I was thinking that chicken soup book had found you rather than you finding it!
    It is a bit like me and quotes or affirmations. The right one finds you at the right time.
    The Universe listens, but unlike Google, it can be trusted to suggest the right thing!

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    • You made me smile with the google comment. The Universe can be trusted and I do. I am so delighted to hear you have experienced what I’m talking about and don’t think I”m certifiable. We all do things differently and none are right or wrong. I had actually read the book before and didn’t realize it until I felt the sticker on the spine. I’m a little spacey on occasion but it’s a good read once again. Novels are the books I’m most likely to pass on. The rest are reference. I do agree, everything actually does finds us when we are ready. Thanks for stopping by and have a happy book lovers day.

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      • How could anyone think you are certifiable? Ridiculous suggestion. I have also read books twice and got to Chapter 3 before realising it. As it is usually one of the Scandi crime fiction, it sort of spoils it, but then on other occasions, I can’t remember the ending so will read the whole thing again but skip some portions that come back in my memory.

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      • I am doing that now. It’s been years since I read this book and still don’t remember how it ended. It’s audible so I can do other things while listening so no time wasted. I have 2 more waiting. 🙂

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      • Audible books are a great idea.

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      • My son advised me about an app and link to Chirp which has all audible books and the older books are less expensive. Not necessarily my top picks but there is no monthly like with amazon. I’m just wading in.

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      • That sounds like a good alternative.

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  3. Since I don’t keep books that I won’t want to read again, and again, and again… I have a large library full of old friends, some slightly newer ones, and ones that are in the process of becoming old friends. I can always find something that speaks to me, whatever my mood, or however I feel. I totally understand that thing with books reaching out to you, and I don’t think I’m certifiable either. Or if I am, it’s in a very constructive and useful way 😉

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    • I’m delighted you understand how things find you at the right time. I rarely keep a novel that I have read and only to pass it on. Most of mine are on kindle. The rest here are reference type books. Crafting, quilting, writing, spiritual, etc. You’ve seen me write that if there are no books in heaven, I’m not going. 😉 I don’t know if there is a heaven but a bookstore feels pretty close to it for me. I will look at a new friends books if I get the chance. It tells me if they are going to be good friends or just acquaintances. 😉 Have a great book lovers day.

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  4. I love that there’s a designated day for book lovers. My shelves are overflowing with books I need to read during certain seasons of my life. I’ve always loved the Chicken Soup books. You have quite the collection, Marlene!

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    • I was surprised about the designated day too, Jill! It popped up on my calendar like it was meant for me. It even sent me a reminder this morning. I have given away half of my Chicken Soup books already. I have several on Kindle too. Sigh. One story a night and they can be re-read later and at my age, seem brand new. 😉 I bought 3 of the CS for the writer’s soul. 🙂 You will get your books read in due time. Thanks for joining the conversation.

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  5. and to you, from a fellow book lover!

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  6. I’m slowly transitioning to e-books, borrowed from the library, but I will always have room for a few “real” books on my shelf. Enjoy your reading Marlene!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Deb. I too have many, many books on my tablet and almost as many audible. It’s getting to the point that I look at the print size to decide if it will be a real book or an e-book. As long as we can keep reading, that’s all that matters. You do know I bought my house for a place to house my books, right.

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  7. Hey Marlene! I have certain books that get read once and others that I read every year, just because. We have a big bookcase in the office, and others stashed around the house. Lonny’s thought has always been to purchase them while we have the money so we have things to read when we don’t! Have a great week, and enjoy Yuit “Chicken Soup!”

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    • I’m with Lonny there! I buy books now because later you may not find them and then have the time to read them. I’m going through my stash but new good books keep coming out. You have no idea how many boxes of books I’ve donated to the friends of the library here and other places I’ve lived. Pared down at every move but books just keep following me home. Have a wonderful Sunday book lovers day, Missy.

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  8. I miss my old stash of books! I have not been reading as much as listening to audiobooks in the last years but I still maintained a plentiful bookshelf…. until a Marie Kondo moment came into my life. Decided to start with the books and ruthlessly diminished my collection. That was a decision I later regretted deeply. Thank goodness I never got any further with that or I would not still have my sewing stash! Why I did not start with my knickknacks and excessive glassware I will never know.

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    • You make me laugh, Jan. I love Marie Kondo but fabric and books are off limits. I did some purging if you remember. Quite a bit in fact. I too wish I had some of it back but I’m housing my sister’s and daughter’s furniture etc so it wouldn’t all fit. We gave away her whole apartment except the few treasured pieces living here. I love my audio and kindle books too. Thanks for stopping by, Jan. Sending hugs.

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  9. Happy Book Lover’s Day to you as well, Marlene!
    Our local library reopens next week with very limited services so my stash of second-hand and new books have kept me company throughout the pandemic.
    I’ve even raided our building’s laundry room shelves of orphan books to act as a roaming librarian for our neighbourhood, depositing books onto the free library book cupboard’s shelves and every once in awhile, there’s often a lovely book waiting just for me!

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    • Thanks for joining the conversation, Kimberlee. I love the idea of being a roaming librarian. At one time, I loaned out books from my stash as well. Only one person in our park has a little free library but I haven’t stopped to check yet. I will probably NEVER run out of reading material but that hasn’t stopped me from picking up new books that look very interesting. It’s an addiction and I’m glad it’s the only one I have other than sweets. 😉 I’m glad you have a rescue stash to keep you going, Hang in there. It will get better…with a book. 😉

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  10. Hurray for Book Lover’s Day! I have more books than I will be able to read in my lifetime, and I’m still buying more. And that’s after getting rid of books every time I’ve moved!

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    • Oh goodness, Liz. You make me feel so much better! I’m exactly the same way! My sister shames me all the time but I just don’t care. I have books on my tablet and audible books too. Still no shelf space. My headboard is loaded so I could essentially be buried in books. If there aren’t books in heaven, I’m not going! So glad to share this addiction with you. Have a very good Book Lovers Day.

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  11. When I got to the red dot I laughed so hard! I am the same way with movies, as well as books. I might know I saw it after it’s on for awhile, but I have no memory of how it ended, so I might as well watch again ;). Happy Book Lover’s Day. That is one thing the pandemic is good for: reading. Even though I don’t have time during the day, because we NEVER go out in the evening, I have more reading time than I had before. I also still have books left to read; it’s just that my cozies are harder to come by. I always read those first off ;).

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    • I know you aren’t a quilter but you should try Mary Marks quilting series. No extraneous words and flat funny. You have to start with the first one. I’m on #7 and #8 which just came out is waiting too. Best writing I’ve run into in a long time. Just my opinion of course. I still have so much outside work to do that I get minimal reading time. I’m saving the cozy. We never go out in the evening either and rarely during the day. My daughter works all day and I’m teacher her how to trim bushes and pressure wash on the weekends. 🙂 Yes, the red dot was embarrassing. I saw it after I had written the entire post. ;( Had to admit to it before I published though. 😉 Enjoy those cozies. Thanks for joining the conversation. Happy Book lovers day.


  12. So often the second read years later exposes things that you didn’t see the first time through.

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    • Absolutely, Lou. You are in a different frame of mind. I just don’t know what my kids are going to do with all these book when I’m gone since they have too many of their own. 🙂 they could start their our own library if they put them all together. I’m lucky I raised avid readers. Thanks for joining the conversation.


  13. I do have a stack of books I haven’t read. It isn’t terribly high, but it’s usually at least four. Of course, I download them from the internet, too and use the library as well. But during the pandemic, I’ve ordered online and kept them stacked. It helps. Some go back out the door after I read them and some I keep. I also cull the shelves periodically to ensure I don’t start stacking the books on the floor, etc. But every once in a while, I start looking for a book and realize I either lent it out or culled it. For the most part, you can get them again, so it isn’t too disturbing, but it’s nice to have some ready to read or re-read once you’ve forgotten them. And like Lou says, if the reread is long enough ago, you’ll usually find something you didn’t see because you’ve lived more.

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    • I did agree with Lou’s assessment. Reading with fresh eyes and a different perspective is so interesting. I have culled many times. The Friends of the Library has taken so many of my books. I had to load the boxes on a dolly. A stack of four books waiting sounds quite manageable. Enjoy each one. Have a wonderful week.

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  14. How wonderful, Marlene, to find a book right on your shelf that you need NOW! Maybe I should go check out my shelves, again…

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    • It really looked brand new so I thought it was. Then the red sticker I put on it rubbed my fingers and I felt quite foolish but I’m enjoying it a second time. Fresh eyes and perspective this time. That’s why I hate to get rid of any book. Unless it’s just an awful read. Thanks for stopping by and joining the conversation, Becky. Hope you had a wonderful book lovers day.

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  15. I am thrilled that there is a Book Lovers Day. I think there several. And aren’t we all grateful for our home libraries.

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    • I was so surprised to see it on my calendar! There are so many of us that we should have that day to enjoy our books. I have always enjoyed having my own library of books and these are well traveled. I’ve left furniture behind but very few books in all my moves. E-books have saved me from vacationing with several hundred pounds of books in the back seat. I was afraid I’d run out of reading material. I know you are a book lover as you read so many and so fast. I’m quite slow at it and print size matters so e-books and audible are saving me shelf space. I’m not sure when our library will open again so mine is doing nicely. Have a great week, Cathy.


  16. I just love this post, Marlene! I completely understand how a book calls to you. My books are my children. When I find one that speaks to me, the first thing I do is put it against my heart holding the book firm, and rubbing the cover over and over in circles. Really. I can’t do the e-book thing. I need to feel the pages. Your home library looks absolutely wonderful. The Chicken Soup books are favorites.

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    • I’m glad this resonated with you, Jennie. I’ll be so happy for late fall and winter so I have more time to read. Summer leaves me a bit ragged. I just put an New CS book on my wishlist as I have a birthday soon and it’s the only thing I want. “Listen to your Dreams”. I do ebooks for novels since there is little room for them and so many are in print too small for me to see. With the tablet, I can make the print as large as I need at the moment. Everything else I want hard copy. I found another book I had been looking for that was my dads and am reading it now. I was afraid I’d donated it. There is no wall space for more book shelves and some are filled 2 deep. Sigh. I can see you taking those books into your heart and soul. If there are no books in Heaven, I’m not going. 😉 I’m absolutely sure there will be though. 😉

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      • Oh, Marlene… you always make me smile. If there are no books in Heaven, I’m not going either. 🙂 I know what you mean about no space. Our son made us a big coffee table with a full shelf underneath. That has now become the holder of the recent books, because there isn’t any more room. Giving away books feels like giving away my children. Well, the only exception was giving away hubby’s college course books, math and more. That giveaway was delightful.

        I hope you get the new CS book for your birthday. Drop lots of hints to your children! Hubby does the ebooks, too. It’s hard for him with Macular Degeneration. Me, I gotta hold and turn those pages. I knew you would understand about holding those books to my heart. Thank goodness you found your dad’s book. Best to you, Marlene!

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  17. I love your love of books, Marlene. I’ve also had the experience of finding just the right book at just the right time, both in libraries and book stores. My LFL get’s constant visits during this time. Long live books. Long live libraries and bookstores. I’m sorry you’ve parted with a few favorites over the years, but what a good soul you are, welcoming family members into your home when they needed it most. xo

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    • I’ve been missing you here, Alys. Even though I had actually read the book, it’s like a new one all over again. I think books are my first love. Poor daughter had to pare down too. Though she has 3 bookshelves in her tiny room and a shelf of books on my bookcase. Sis wants me to get rid of them all. She keeps nothing. We know how that’s going to play out. 😉 Sending hugs to you all.


  18. In my house, every day is book lover’s day! And yes, when I’m reading a book, I make sure I have at least three others lined up to be next. I used to read only one book at a time, but now with Audibles, I read one book when I’m in the car driving, one hardback book that I’ve acquired from the library (we have curbside pick up now, and i can order the book I want on-line, then select a day/time to pick it up!) and one book on my Kindle, because again, I order those through the library e-book site, and I never know when suddenly it’s ready for me. So far, I’m not getting mixed up between characters in different books. I think this is good for the brain. 🙂
    And as far as books ‘finding us,” a couple of months ago two different people mentioned to me the book A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle, which I’ve never read. The third time someone quoted him in an e-mail to me, I went into my guest room closet to find an old album I needed, opened a box stuck in the corner of the closet, and sitting on top when I opened the box…? You guessed it – A New Earth. I don’t remember buying it, but at some point several years ago I must have, and now it was obviously time for me to read it.
    P.S. I LOVED the book.

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    • You should see the size of my smile here and the chuckle along with it. I have all 3 types of reading matter at well and never read just one at a time. I don’t understand people that do. 😉 All different genres. That old phrase “a time and place for everything” applies here. I took Oprah’s course on a New Earth and still have my copy. Now I know you get the ‘books appearing’ when the need and time is right. Not many do. Maybe that’s why I’ve always felt like the odd duck on the wrong planet, 😉 I’m so glad this resonated for you. Thanks for the visit and I understand not getting to things right away. ;( I’m flitting all over the place trying to find a landing spot. 😉

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      • Again, I am impressed you can have three books on the go at once. I have to re-read back to the beginning of the chapter if I do this just to catch the story line again. Although I guess it is not much different to watching three different series on TV, except TV often gives you a recap at the start.

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    • I am impressed Pam. I might have two on the go and listen to podcasts in the car but three! WoW!


  19. Marlene, your post has now given me the perfect excuse to keep my books – some of which are unread (I think!). I love your red dot system to show you’ve finished a book – sometimes I’ll be half-way through a book before I realise I’ve already read it! Oh, I totally understand how a book will be shouting out to you from the library/books shop and that ‘it needs to go home with me.’ I haven’t heard of either Chicken Soup book or the Table Kitchen book – but I need lots of wisdom at the moment and will definitely check these out! Keep safe and well – and Happy Belated Book Lover’s Day – isn’t that every day?!😀

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    • I so agree, Annika. Everyday is book lovers day in my house. 😉 Chicken Soup for the soul has so many different anthologies and are very short stories. I read one each night. I have also given away many of them. Then they bring out more. Kitchen Table Wisdom I think should be on everyone’s bookshelf and I’m waiting for my second copy. 🙂 I’m delighted that you are part of the books pick us club. So few understand what I’m talking about. There are still too many that don’t read at all!! 😦 Thanks for the visit. Keep safe and well too.

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      • My birthday is coming up and I always LOVE Book presents … I’m giving these two as a handy hint to my mother! And no doubt she will love to read then too! I know, I can’t belive how many don’t enjoy books and homes without book ladened bookshelves are just so hard to comprehend! Happy Reading, my friend! Xx

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  20. Hello Marlene, what a lovely read and I love books too… I used to read so many and enjoyed creating a esoteric library at home so that I could grab them if needed and have them available for my friends to read! There did come a time though that I stopped buying as I had to practice channeling my own voice and wisdom. Where I was going wasn’t written and had to begin trusting myself to take me beyond and birth NewEarth from within. I appreciated so many books at the time, like yourself they used to tell me to take them home! Isn’t life so magical! I celebrated my own journey finding freedom by writing about it, recording my many ah ha moments and understandings… and to give back, to encourage others to look within for further guidance and step out of the human game of duality.
    Thankyou Marlene, until soon again, love Barbara x

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    • This is such a lovely comment, Barbara. Thank you. I also rarely buy books anymore, Time is precious so I’m more selective. If it’s not reference material, I send it on and novels for light reading are usually ebooks. I found one series that I thought was worth passing on so I bought hard copies so I could donate them. Like you, I do a lot of writing for myself. Morning pages, nightly journal and a gratitude daily journal. Always a notebook in or next to my bed for the middle of the night revelations. Summer is harder for me to get a lot of down time as we have yearly inspections on our homes exteriors. For a trailer park, they are very stringent about upkeep. Winter is when I can write more. I’ll be popping by more very soon to see what I’ve been missing. Have a wonderfilled weekend .

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  21. I missed this Marlene.. But then I am missing many posts of late… My mind has been else where as I wander down my garden path reluctant to connect into this mad reality that is forming around us..

    I so love your book shelves, I have four Chicken Soup books upon my shelves, but this one isn’t among them… and I smiled even wider as yes, we now can pick books we have read in the past and it is like reading from new….
    Most of my books are all spiritual in nature, and like you I am thankful for my large book collection…
    As neighbours in lockdown, we did a lot of lending out of our books with each other within our community… I am sure I opened and eye or three with the books I lent out.. Which when returned were done so, sometimes with just a thank you, I found that interesting… Which meant as I could tell, they had opened it and put it back down… While others said, they had enjoyed reading and it had given them new insights… Which led to further conversations, all at safe distancing rules… lol… The books I were given were thrillers, romance… I did read a few, but I had one of Lynn McTaggarts I had bought before the lock down from a second hand book store… Which was sat waiting to be read…. “The Intention Experiment ” I found fascinating with facts ….
    We need to seriously now focus our Intentions right now… to find the positive…. and create the vision of a United Peaceful world.. Though I feel that may take some Divergence of opposites before the Whole is unified..

    Much love dear Marlene…. and Likewise my friend… You are often sent love and well wishes on the airwaves my friend… ❤ 💖🙏💖

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    • So glad to hear from you and I know what you mean. I miss so many posts as I’m quite scattered in my energy, especially now. I have read all of Lynn McTaggert’s books. Loved them.
      We have been in forced evacuation from possible fire but the smoke is right now, the worst in the WORLD! It’s seeping through the AC system of the hotel we are staying in but at least we don’t have to worry about fire here. We are close to the airport and got my son and his wife on their flight out this morning. We may be here 3 or 4 more days. It feels like the apocalypse. I’m on hold with the insurance company to make sure of my coverage. This is going to be an expense I had not planned on. Oregon and Washington have not seen fires this before. Just found out I’m well covered so I can relax once again. I am out of the book lending business. NO one wants to read my kind of books. But I think books find the person that need to read them. No one I know has ever asked me for a book like Lynn McTaggert’s or any other spiritual book. They want only erotic romance or thrillers. I like a cozy mystery for relaxation but I have so many other genre’s including a couple hundred books on writing and an equally large number of spiritual books. Most people won’t like anything I like so I let them find their own way. Now if their ears perk up when I mention something, I’ll enlighten more. 😉 Take care and hang on. It’s just the beginning of this wild ride. At least we are better prepared then most. 😉 Hugs and love to you my friend.

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      • Hope those fires soon get under control Marlene, I am happy to know you are safe and in a hotel.. It Must be terrible for many having these fires break out… So my thoughts are with you Marlene.. ❤
        And yes agree with the book lending, I suggested some reading and they said they would be interested… But you just know we were not on the same wave length..
        Happy your Son and wife got their flight ok..
        YOU too take care Marlene…
        Much love your way ❤ ❤ ❤

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  22. Like you I’m a book hoarder, and weren’t I lucky I am because when the pandemic hit all our libraries shut down too of course. And to anyone doubting: that was the plan right from the beginning. ‘Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.’ 😉 Are your libraries still closed or can you order books and pick them up? It was like this here at first but now we can enter them again and roam the shelves. But only restricted numbers of visitors at a time and with masks. Still, I’m so happy about that because even though I still have quite a few unread books I just love picking books from the library, and yes, certain books do call out to me as well. 😊 Belated Happy Book Lover’s Day, Marlene – although for the likes of us it’s always Book Lover’s Day, right? 😉💕

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    • I’m glad to hear your libraries are open again. You can order and pick up here but I have plenty to keep me going for now. No one is going anywhere right now. We are on fire watch and have been evacuated but the air quality is as bad here as at home. It’s in the hazardous range so I’m glad I don’t have to worry about library books and took a few of my own to the hotel where we will stay until it’s safe to go home. I’ll try and get a blog written this weekend. Just put my son on the plane home. Glad you have plenty to read too. Hugs, 🙂

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  23. How terrible! I’ve heard only little about the wildfires spreading from California over to Oregon and Washington on the news today. And about how bad the air quality has become now. I still have the images from Australia last year haunting me in my head. I hope you’ll get appropriate support for your lung condition under these circumstances like oxygen? Thinking of you and hope you can soon return safely home. ❤

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