Looking for answers to life's questions


There seems to be some confusion as to what season we are in at this moment in time. I was walking my neighborhood like I do at least 5 days a week. I can do more of that in spring and summer. I love looking at the changes in a neighborhood I see everyday. Looking with fresh eyes is best if you can’t change location during these Covid controlled days.

Brilliant red and some green. But it’s really Autumn

I put up amber colored lights on my front porch this year for a touch of fall to be used through Thanksgiving. Then of course I will put up my colored Christmas lights but still not sure whether we will do any further decorating. Some of my neighbors seem to be in a hurry for winter or at least for Christmas.

Wait! What! There is no snow here nor has Thanksgiving arrived yet.

This plant thinks it’s spring and quite cheery.

I’m not far behind but still have too many things to accomplish to rush things. I’m truly enjoying the autumn right now. We’ve had some massive rain, which we love but the drier moments are stunning.

Further up the street is this delicious golden orb of a tree

There was enough dry time to trim my rosebushes and the rosemary along with trees and shrubs in front. I’ve received mail after sending out hearts so I know they have reached their destination.

I keep a list in my phone and in a notebook my blogging friend Alys gave me for my creative projects. Even though I keep getting things done, the list keeps getting longer.

Is someone adding to it in those few hours when I’m sleeping? I’ve been so busy with the making, so now it’s time to do what Alys taught me and clean up before the next project gets underway. She was a lifesaver in the organizational department. Now I know where everything is and waste less time.

One of 10 so far

Two done, 8 to go which includes Santa. Then it will become a quilt if I’m determined enough.

There was even time to read a short book that has been on my headboard waiting way too long. Everything has it’s right time and I had a night where sleep just eluded me. The book fell on my head wanting to be read and I couldn’t put it down. I’ll get back to the sewing tomorrow. Maybe.

Autumn or winter? Which is it now? Do you have a distinct marker of change or do they blend?


From my heart to yours,


Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Autumn/Winter?" (81)

  1. I am a blender of seasons and life!! Love those reindeer quilts … they would make me fast forward too 🧑🏻‍🎄🦌🎄

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Val. I’m so far behind I barely able to get to blogs but I’ll get there soon. I’m a blender too but winter starts right after Thanksgiving for me. When I start decorating for the holiday after Thanksgiving. I think I love the lights most of all. I’ll take pictures of the reindeer quilt when it’s all done. I’d better get busy though.


  2. I see the pattern you shown. Mother made my girl clothes and loved every minute.

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    • It’s a boxed set of cards my friend, Alys sent for me as we are both sewing enthusiasts. My mother make clothes for all 4 of us. Suits for the boys and beautiful dresses for the girls. I was more basic and new quite up to her caliber but I like more creative things. Those old patterns do bring back memories though, don’t they. Thanks for stopping by, Cathy.


  3. You’ve got some lovely color there. We’ve been having some beautiful golden days on the other coast and I hope we have one tomorrow. Like you, I’m making lists and have done a lot of cleaning. I still need to get at a closet and then I’ll be good until spring. Isn’t Alys amazing? As for the snowman, well, I’m still thinking about Thanksgiving. Will move to Christmas thoughts around Advent, I guess…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m with you, Lisa. I will think about snowmen after Thanksgiving and not a minute before. Alys is forever amazing without a doubt. We have been enjoying the lovely leaves but the days rain may bring them all down so I’m glad I captured the moment. Thanks for the visit.

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  4. I do miss 4 seasons. We have a long, slightly cooler, drier winter, which then blends into a long, hot, humid, wet summer with a side order of cyclones. No spring bulbs and blossoms, no first frosts or trees turning colour. And our little town has just put up its Christmas tree in the Garden of Remembrance… Not even the beginning of December yet.

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    • Oh Kate! A Christmas tree already?! NO! Our seasons are running into each other now too. I think we passed the tipping point and I’m very concerned. On another note, your instructions for getting to classic WP worked wonderfully. I’m deeply grateful for it cut the time it takes me to get a post ready. I spend the better part of a day on it with the photos. Now I’m trying to catch up on my reading what I’ve missed. Wearing out way too quickly. Hope you are doing ok. Thinking of you always.


      • I keep reminding myself that change is part of the natural world, things erode and shift and become extinct for all sorts of reasons. It’s the speed that’s worrying, isn’t it? I’m so glad the instructions worked for you. I nearly blew a gasket when they sprang it on me; all that ‘New Editor is coming’ is easy to ignore if you don’t want it to happen! I’m doing OK, so long as I don’t think about Things too deeply, but my sleep is badly disturbed. Hopefully sheer exhaustion will take over at some point and I’ll get a big long sleep!

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      • I had a night last week where my Fit Bit registered zero sleep. Several nights with 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 hours. Mostly around 6. Lots of waking up all night. I get it and yet we continue to function! I’m passing your directions on to those who have asked me for them. They read your comment on it. 😉


      • At least I’m managing a bit more sleep than you… Some nights only 4 hours, mostly about 6. I do best with a solid 8, but that’s seemingly impossible. Thanks for passing on the directions. I hope the more of us revert to Classic, the more WP will realise how many of us still want it!

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      • I’m keeping the instructions and just passed them on. 8 hours? What is that? 😉


      • … I can’t remember!

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  5. I have to show you this woman making a quilt, for when you see it you really will be amazed at the quickness and clever upcycling of old fabric pieces. 🧩🧩🧶🧵

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    • I’d love to see it. I have SO MUCH new fabric and have already donated so much to others.. I love using scraps too. I’m starting to get a lot now that I can sew again. Thanks for stopping by.

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      • I think the main thing is you have to use a sari for the outer edge and strong wool to sew the lot together. Not to forget that you need the floor space to do it on, good lighting and keeping your knees on a soft cushion! It looks like she uses a huge needle, well it would have to be to accommodate the wool (probably not natural material and not sure if it would be DK of 4ply). 🧶

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  6. You have so many projects to complete, Marlene, it was dizzying. But if anyone could do it – you could and it won’t matter if you don’t get it down. I do know the feeling of not being able to put a book down.
    I so love the yellow leaves on the trees. They are so pretty and seemingly so happy too! Fantastic vistas that must warm the coldest of hearts.
    Here it is ramping up in heat. Sweaty undergarments are not fun! Lol. But it is mid november and come December, the humidity controller ramps it up to intolerable. I am on the countdown to Easter when the weather will turn again.

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    • We are getting cold and wet here and I love every minute of it. I probably won’t get all the projects done but I’m prioritizing so I get those done that are most important to me. Gifts come first then things I want to make because they are fun. The rest will probably be donated later when I won’t be able to miss them. 😉


  7. Beautiful autumn photos! Here in my part of Texas, the temps are like (more northern) summer, but some leaves are coming down, and Christmas decorations are going up! Too early for my taste. On my balcony bakers’ rack, I keep my little white lights strung, which go with any holiday or occasion:) I love your reindeer squares, Marlene.

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    • Thanks so much, Becky. Only 8 more squares to do as they take a good 2 hours apiece if the machine is cooperative. I’m anxious to see the quilt take on a life of it’s own. I start early doing gifts and making things but much later putting up anything other than outside lights. I love lights. I should think about the white twinkly lights. Texas almost has several eco seasons since the state is so large. I’m partial to cozy cold seasons so I can read and sew guilt free. 😉

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  8. Such joy filled wonder of you here Marlene! I loved every bit of the sharing of your creative life. It is winter to me now because I know we are facing a tough season and I am ready for it to be over. Creativity like yours gets us through. Stay safe and well my friend.


  9. I watched the video that your friend posted, that woman is amazing. I’d screw it up from beginning to end if I had to try it but clearly she’s had a lot of practice. Very inspiring!
    Here, we’re going from spring into summer. Yesterday was boiling hot but today is cooler and a bit overcast (which I absolutely love).
    I had to laugh at the idea of someone adding to your list of projects while you sleep.
    Take care, lots of love xx

    Liked by 1 person

    • The video is out of my range as well. I’m just trying to get my list of things done. I think I might be thinking of things that I want to make in my sleep and add them or there is an ambitious gremlin hanging out somewhere. 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Jill.

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  10. Lovely photos Marlene. Walking around where you live getting fresh air is always good, but these times it is even more important as we can’t go too many other places

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    • Since I don’t drive to more than the grocery store anymore and my neighborhood is isolated from everything, I have to look at it with fresh eyes every day. Walking is necessary for physical and mental health so I do it even in not the best of weather. Thanks for stopping by, Maja.

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  11. Well, as to seasons, technically we are in Autumn until 21 December (I’m very traditional about a few things LOL), but here the leaves have only begun to fall. We never got out and raked and usually we rake at least three times. But I was contemplating raking when we got a fierce wind for most of the day last Wednesday and it blew most of the leaves away. Then we got snow, which melted. Yesterday we got more snow and all day today, too. So there are plenty of leaves on the maple out front, but each clump of leaves has a huge clump of snow topping it. So . . . I guess this year we are blending the seasons!

    When I was growing up, Christmas decorations, ads, music, etc. never showed their faces until after Remembrance Day (11 November for those who live elsewhere). I liked that. But in recent years Christmas has begun to appear even before our Thanksgiving in mid-October. I really don’t like that at all. I love to progress from season to season, from special day to special day, all year through. To do otherwise, for me, is like going to one of those buffet restaurants and putting a spoonful of each dish on your plate, ending up with a tasteless mish-mash . . .

    When my sons were young, we always had a live tree that we cut ourselves. Because we left it up until after our Little Christmas on 06 January (the twelfth day of Christmas), we didn’t put it up until a few days before Christmas. I love the decorating, but we don’t do much of that here. One day, though . . .

    Glad you are enjoying your sewing; the quilt squares are lovely! and reading (what book was it that fell on your head anyway?) I’m back to reading myself, after quite a long time of not being able to do so, and then not being close to a library.

    Anyway, I see I’m back to my old habit of writing a post instead of a short comment, so I’ll stop here. Lovely to come and see this, Marlene. You inspire me in so many ways and I love that. Have a peaceful and creative week. Warm hugs to you. ~ Linne

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    • I don’t rake in the fall. I let the leaves lay on the ground to keep the roots warm and nourished. I rake in the spring to eliminate any fire hazards.. I’ve heard you were getting snow already. Weather is very odd each year. I’m not ready for snow until after the holidays when folks are done traveling. As for a tree, I gave my big fake tree to my daughter for her job. Since my little one finally fell apart, we are borrowing the big tree back since no one will be in the office for the holidays this year. I am not inclined to a live tree anymore due to weight and fragility. I thought about one in a pot but would have to plant it later and don’t think that will be possible either. I am enjoying the thought of having my big tree back and not having to store it after the holiday. 🙂 I’ll send a note later today.


    • “writing a post instead of a comment” So funny!! I do that too.

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  12. claire93 said:

    I love the changing colour of trees in autumn – nature sure knows how to cheer us up with such bright colours.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Claire. Yes, Mother Nature sure knows how to keep us out of the doldrums during the colder months. It’s been raining cats and dogs here and the wind is moving things along. Listening to it is very soothing. I make it a point to notice whatever beauty I can find out there.


  13. Wow! The trees are spectacular, Marlene. Our color was slow in arriving and once it did, heavy rains and strong winds brought the leaves down. Typically, I put out the autumn/Thanksgiving decorations by the first week in September. By November 1st, I’m ready for a switch, so all of our Christmas trees and decorations are up. I love the cozy feel, so I want to savor it. Comet and Blitzen are adorable! Stay well! xo

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    • My son even commented on the golden colors of that tree. Glad I got a photo that day. We are having the same as you. Rain and wind so I know leaves are on the ground now. We always start putting Christmas up the day after Thanksgiving. Across the street they just put up outside Christmas lights. I’ll wait another week but love seeing them. They cheer me so. We should all be able to set our own calendar on things. 🙂 Cupid came out last night and hoping Dancer and Donner see the light of this day. 😉 Hugs and thanks for the visit, Jill


  14. Beautiful foliage on your trees! Our fall has been a bit confused this year as well, with unseasonably warm days. You’ve been really busy and so productive with your projects! The McCalls pattern cards caught my eye. I have many McCalls patterns of that vintage.

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    • I’m glad I got those photos when I did.. Rain and wind have since stripped the trees. I think I donated all my patterns many years ago so the cards and notebook are a lovely reminder of days gone. I’m more ambitious than productive. The eyes are bigger… you know the rest. 😉 Thanks for the visit, Liz.

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      • Oh, I definitely know the eyes are bigger phenomenon. There was a period of years when I kept buying more and more fabric to make new outfits the work–most of which are still unmade, and I have a remote job. I now have a stockpile of fabric in drawers and storage bins under the bed.

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      • You will feel better if I ever show photos of my stockpile and I’ve already given away all my clothes making fabric and lots of crafting fabric. I’d say thousands of dollars worth. I realized I’d run out of time and inclination to make any of it. Took quite the load off my shoulders and there is SO much left. Sigh. Hang in there. You are still working and time will tell if the stuff still resonates.

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      • Thank you, Marlene. I’ll hang in a little longer!

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  15. It’s wonderful that your community values nature and you can be surrounded by beauty and the changes going into winter. That’s one of the reasons I love where I live right now. We are inundated with colorful changes every day. That’s also an abundant project list Marlene! I started a “stay in because of Covid” project a few months ago– bookmarks for the family. I’m halfway through the last one and they will go into a book for each person for Christmas. I have so missed doing hand embroidery and these projects are small enough and easy enough that I can work slowly so I don’t make arthritic hands too cranky!

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    • That’s a brilliant idea, Deb! I’d love to see them. I did lace bookmarks for friends and family one year on my embroidery machine. Still working but almost done with the last of 9 apron hand embroideries so I can start making a wall hanging out of it. I have no wall to hang it on though. 😉 I love giving books for every occasion so your bookmarks add that personal touch. I keep long lists to make sure I never discover the meaning of the word ‘bored”

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  16. Great embroidery projects! As for Christmas decorating I decorate inside the porch starting on Thanksgiving evening after the meal. I do the inside of the porch because I hate hanging from ladders in the ice and snow of New England’s January.
    Your question as to the blending of autumn and winter is too the point. Everything seems to get mushed together these days. We are in hurry hurry mode all the time.

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    • Thanks so much, Lou. I’ll post the finished product when it’s done. This way I’m committed to doing it to completion. 😉 I do the porch too and under the carport with my daughter’s help now. I’m not allowed on ladders either and since she works at home, I could get caught. 😉 The only season I want to hurry is summer. Too much work outside and too hot so I’m always ready for Autumn. Remember that song by Alabama, “I’m in a hurry”? It runs through my head a lot. I’m running out of daylight so I’m trying to get it all done fast but… you never get it all done. ;( I think Autumn is my favorite. Thanks for the visit.


  17. WOW, fall is brilliant in your area and still so much green. You don’t even seem that far away but we are in winter mode for a week now. It probably won’t melt until spring because the temps are consistently below 0 C (below 32 F) Our leaves all fell weeks ago. I never did clean them up. What a lazy bones.
    You’re embroidery machine is pretty amazing. Do you have to change the thread every time it needs a new colour?
    I actually ordered a pink Christmas Tree this year. It’s to arrive by Dec 2. I needed an extra boost to get excited about it all. It certainly will be quiet. Oh well, we’re luckier than most.
    Keep on Keeping on Marlene, sounds like you’re enjoying life!! xK

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    • I’ve been seeing your weather on the news, Kelly! I’m not ready for that kind of cold but we had a taste of it before warming back up. Now our fall is rain and wind. Plenty of it here. Leaves should be left on the ground during the winter. It warms the roots of trees and nurtures the earth. I rake in spring to avoid fire hazards. Until then, we get to be lazy. 😉 A pink tree sounds fun. Yes, I have to keep changing the threads. A color may be used several times but it has an order to be used in so it goes on and off each time. Each one of these patterns takes at least 2 hours. Finished Cupid last night. Hoping Dancer and Dasher see the light today. 😉 I can’t push that old machine too hard. Thanks for stopping by. I miss you.

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  18. I love fall and don’t want to rush it away! However, we’ve had snow and cold weather, so it feels like winter. My seasons are blending together. 🤔 You have quite the to-do lists! Mine at home aren’t that long, but my work projects are keeping me busy. Have a great week, Marlene! 😊

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    • Just rain here, Missy with some wind. I’m not ready for snow yet! A lot of the list is finished projects and I have only added some of the current projects that I want underway. Maybe I’ll get more organized this winter. As long as you have a full time or part time job, other projects don’t get to take priority. I think I was more organized and efficient when I was working. 🙂 Stay warm and well. Hugs.

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  19. I have several friends who are putting up their Christmas trees early. I might do that as well.

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    • It’s that kind of year. I’ll put mine up as soon as we rescue it from my daughter’s empty office since it’s not being used this year. I say do it up big this year and start as early as you want. . 😉

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  20. I love this, Marlene. How wonderful that you have sent your hearts to friends. You are my hero. Yes, savor autumn while it is here. I never thought about putting up amber colored lights in the fall. Christmas and winter will be here soon enough. Kudos to you organization!!

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    • I have thoroughly enjoyed making and sending hearts to those who have trusted me with their address. We often correspond though email or snail mail with little notes to keep the old ways going. Who doesn’t love a card in the mailbox. This is the first year I have put up amber lights myself. I just needed a little twinkle. 😉 As for organizing, I’m still a work in progress. Most of my hearts went to people I have never met in person. Hugs.

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  21. Love the beautiful colors of your autumn trees and the lovely flower! What a feast for the eyes! Normally we don’t really get to enjoy autumn, it usually slips into winter pretty fast and we don’t get to see much of colorful leaves as they simply get brown very quickly and drop to the ground. But not this year! I’ve been on some very nice autumn walks in the park and sucked in all the beautiful colors around me like a dry sponge! LOL!
    So glad more hearts found their way – the one you gave me is winking right at me while I’m writing this comment. 😀
    You always astonish me with your many projects, Marlene – I feel like such a sloth just looking at your to-do list! Mine is very short these days because I simply don’t seem to be able to tick of more than one or two boxes. Maybe I’m starting to hibernate like a bear – I’d actually love to do that!! Take care, dear friend! Hugs!

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    • I was lucky to catch those trees at just the right time. The next time I walked by, they were all on the ground. We are very warm this autumn which is unusual. We are all taking advantage of it to get outdoor lights up for Christmas before the freeze comes back. I’ll start this weekend. We all need a little extra twinkle in our lives right now so we’ve given each other permission to jump ahead and get festive. I’m like you and want to cozy up like a bear and just sleep. It will have to wait until after the holidays. I have gifts to make for my family. I’m glad you liked the heart. I’d like to send out many more to bring a little cheer in the world. It’s ok to be sloth-like on occasion. I have those days too. Like today. Didn’t check off all the boxes on the to-do list. 😉 Maybe tomorrow will be better. Hugs to you, sweet girl. Stay well and happy.

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      • Totally agree about the need for extra twinkle in our lives right now, Marlene! That and tons of Christmas candy (I’m munching on some Spekulatius cookies while I’m writing this 😉 ).
        Don’t feel bad about not checking off all the boxes, I’m becoming an expert at it and think it’s rather an okay thing to do. 😉
        Today it rained the whole day, so I had the perfect excuse for staying in and read my book. 😀
        Stay well and happy too!! ❤


      • I had to look up those cookies and downloaded a recipe. Lebkuchen are still my all time favorite. I have a stash I bought at the import store. It’s raining most of the week here but the sewing machine is calling me. as soon as I’m done here. Lots of tech work to do as well. Hang in there. We will have to lose all those extra pounds after covid together. 😉

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      • I’m not sure I’m good at loosing extra pounds but we can try. 😉 At the moment I enjoy eating all those yummy Christmas treats. Glad you found a recipe for Spekulatius, I admit I only ever buy them but they’re really good! And yay to that import shop! I think what I would miss most should I ever live abroad would be the food. 😉

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  22. On Laurie’s blog you mentioned that colours are brighter right now than in the past four years (ha ha), but I honestly think this Fall has been extra bright in our part of the world. I am just not used to being blown away at so much colour. The hills up here around Longview/Kelso have been stunningly rich. However…you make a good point about seeing the world with fresh eyes. I go out so rarely compared to my old life, that I spend those trips soaking up as much of the world as I can: noticing all the colour, the shapes and textures and lovely small things because it’s probably all I’m going to see for another 10 days while I don’t leave my house. What a gorgeous golden orb, and I got a kick out of the plant that thinks it’s spring.

    I can’t believe I have missed so many of your posts. I don’t get alerts anymore, so that may be why. I check my WP Reader only sometimes, and that’s when I make an effort to see what everyone else is doing. I am so grateful to multiple blogger friends who make the effort to read my blog each time, when I don’t read each of theirs. Anyway, I am particularly interested in your life, so I don’t like it when I miss yours.

    My favourite part about your lists is that you checked off some things. Isn’t that the best? On my lists I draw a line through, as it feels really good to not even have to read the item again, ha ha. I think that’s one of the best things about having a list: that you can mark off what is done. I prefer a paper list, because I enjoy the physical act of wiping off a line item. Yes!

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    • You read like I do, Crystal. I can’t keep up with all the blogs that are posted which is why I write short post only twice a month at best. I just don’t have that much time said the old lady with no job. 😉 I keep those lists in my phone and check them off there too. But a paper list that is permanent is useful for those days I feel like I’m wasting too much time and am too lazy. I had planned to do 2 more reindeer today. Didn’t happen. I’m here because my body won’t sit in that chair today. It’s been a LONG day. Keep taking care of yourself.

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  23. It was cold here for a few days, even a little snow, but now we’re supposed to be back to very warm by the end of the week. It’s making for a very pretty autumn this year! We went ahead and put our Christmas lights up, because of the weather being so nice, but we won’t turn them on until after Thanksgiving.


    • I’m with you, Erin. I’m going to put up my lights this weekend and get the tree from my daughter’s office. They won’t be using it this year and then I don’t have to store or dispose of it. It’s been a tough year for everyone and all are trying to put it behind them with extra early holiday cheer. The weather here was like yours, cold then warm again. Who knows what’s next. Hang on tight. The wild ride isn’t over yet. 🙂 Thanks for the visit.


  24. I think a little season-confusion is normal this time of year. One day it’s Halloween and then ten days later it’s New Years! There’s always more to do than there are hours. Keep up the good work and enjoy every moment. 😀

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    • Thanks for the encouragement, Diane, Yes, there is a lot to cram in a short space in time but I’m doing my best and trying to be more present here as well. Sleep? I’ll do that next year. 😉 Enjoy the Autumn/Winter. 😉

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  25. Strangely, since March I’m feeling that life is like a bowl of oatmeal. No matter how much brown sugar you sprinkle on it, underneath its still beige and bland. Healthy, yes but that’s about all you can say about it. I see the seasons changing (that’s the brown sugar) but everything else is the same.

    I enjoyed the picture of the old McCalls pattern. Memories of sewing days of yore. How lucky are all the people you sew for and who will receive your gifts. Do you make anything for yourself?

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    • I’m so sorry you are feeling oatmealish. Life is like that sometimes. I think that’s what makes the rest of it sparkle a bit more.

      I’m pretty much sewing by braille these days. The old eyes were never good but now are letting me know it’s time to hurry. I do sew just for the fun of it and I’m working on the reindeer quilt to hang for Christmas. But all in all, nothing is really for me. I’m at the end of year 5 of a 2-5 year diagnosis and still holding my own but see changes. Everything I have will go somewhere else shortly. So in essence, I’m making for whoever wants it later. Now I find joy in the creation of it all. Maybe life has more sparkle when you know there is little of it left. I find joy in the little things more now. The tree will go up and the lights on the house will too. Hang in there. This too shall pass. Thanks for the visit. I would send you a heart if you wanted one. Hugs, m.


      • Marlene, I did not know about your diagnosis or illness. How I missed that important information, I don’t know but I apologize. Now so many things make sense to me as I think about your posts and what you’re trying to accomplish. As for me, I’ll just add more sugar and maybe some cinnamon to my oatmeal. Hugs and love to you.

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      • Don’t apologize. I’m just explaining why I see things differently. Lots of cinnamon and sweetener in my oatmeal too. 😉 Sugar and spice. 🙂

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  26. I have to agree, some people are really rushing Christmas! Time to stop and appreciate the fall where we can. I see you are busy as usual. Appreciating your little heart rug mug there. I am certainly treasuring mine. Are you doing needlepoint for Christmas? Really nice! Something I have never really attempted and now I don’t think I could see well enough. I continue to loom, making hats for donations and a few gifts here and there. I think I will try to tackle a scarf. Just enjoying what I know how to do now and haven’t been motivated to try something different. Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving although as we know things will be different this year!

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    • I am holding off on Christmas too. Enjoying the autumn until the last drop is gone.
      I can NOT do needlepoint. What I have pictured is machine embroidery. I finished the last reindeer tonight and only have Santa left to put them all into a quilt. I am so grateful that my machine has an easy self threader and all I have to do is keep changing the thread. Pretty much sewing by braille these days. Scary how hard it is to see anymore. Thanksgiving and Christmas are going to be very odd this year. I told my sister I didn’t even need a meal. We could enjoy a piece of pie together and call it good. They may whisk her away to San Fran. to wait for lungs any time now. She is in dire need so she may miss Christmas at home. I was going to ask in my last note about your brother.. I get brain fog a lot. I’ll write soon. Got your card.


  27. That tree is stunning! It would make me so happy to walk by that every day.
    And despite those long lists, you are still accomplishing things … your work will make a beautiful quilt some day ❤

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Laurie. My son said the same thing about that tree. It demanded a photo and all I have is my little phone camera. It was stunning. I’m hoping to get to the assembly part of the quilt soon. They embroidery is all done. I have lazy days so maybe tomorrow will be a dig into it day. 😉 Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving. We are jumping for joy around here. Finally.


  28. All Seasons are perfect Marlene, so pleased to arrive back here today and know you are enjoying Autumn so much.. Loved the colours of your neighbourhood and your embroidery just gorgeous.
    Wonderful to know you are getting out on your walks still.. And yes the Seasons are seeming to be confused here.. In the beginning of November here in the UK my Magnolia shrub started to flower again and so did some of my spring shrubs as they had their second lot of blossoms some of which are still in bloom right now.
    Sorry I have not been around as much either Marlene… Taking care of myself for a while..
    Lots of Love your way.. And Happy Thanksgiving my friend when it arrives… We still have much to be grateful for…
    Sending love dear friend ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello Sue! Thanks for stopping by at this busiest time of the year. I’m plowed under here. More on my to – do list than there is of me. At least my daughter has the next 5 days off to help. Having more trouble seeing these days so the driving myself anywhere is no longer an option. Things are going slower because of it. But I am still walking. Some days it must be indoors but I get it done. We have A LOT to be grateful for here. We are getting a new President after all. Took 3 weeks but even the other side decided it was a good idea. 😉 I’m so glad you are taking time to take care of yourself. I’m doing much the same. Have several letters to answer that have been waiting a while and trying to get this little computer to do what the old better one did is a bit of a challenge but I never look a gift in the mouth. It was my DIL’s gift to me and a basic model. It at least types the words when I push the keys. 😉 I’ll be in touch again soon.

      Liked by 1 person

  29. oh my goodness, i LOVE autumn most of all and had no desire to rush in the winter. just today i started putting up a few Christmas lights……….I feel blessed to be around to do it but my body loves fall most of all……..thank you for sharing some of the beauty that surrounds you.


  30. Marlene, I’m glad a book fell on your head so you could take a break and just read!!😀 The quilts are gorgeous and I love your lists … so many of them and lots of things to tick off.

    The golden orb of the tree is truly stunning and an incredible and awe-inspiring sight and can’t believe it’s just there, in the middle of the neighbourhood! I’m not convinced about a snowman before December … do you have snow yet so that it fits into place? Hope so!

    Wishing you a peaceful Christmas holiday … with lots of time to relax! xx


  31. Thanks for stopping by, Annika. No snow yet. Maybe not at all this year. We get very little which is a good thing because it’s so rare, our city shuts down and cars slide all over the roads. It’s like a demolition derby out there. Streets get icy here in winter from the rain. So far, it’s been quite warm for December. I went by that tree 2 days later and the leaves were all on the ground. I just got lucky. The neighbors and the rest of the country had all decided we needed a little extra twinkle in our tinsel so they all decorated early and put up more. Anything for a little cheer in our isolation. Hope things are going better in your part of the world but the news says otherwise. Hope your Christmas is happy anyway.


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