Looking for answers to life's questions

I’m sitting in the motel’s breakfast room writing this but can’t get it posted right away. It will have to wait for a secure internet connection later.

Good Ship Pumpkin. Too cute for words.

We just completed three days of intense packing of all the things we thought we couldn’t live without. Then we finally got the last of our things into storage with a great deal of help from my sister and a couple of my daughter’s friends. Lastly, we cleaned house for the buyer to move into without worry about putting things away. I wanted her experience to be different from mine moving into this home.

As we drove away to give the keys to my realtor, I fully expected a sad farewell. It didn’t come. I must have been too tired from all the details of the sale and the work but I was oddly somewhat relieved to pass the torch to the next younger owner.

Last view on a stormy day.

We listed the house September 10 and signed closing papers November 10. Wow! Apparently, I found the only realtor who really works for their client and goes the extra mile. I have had realtors while buying and selling other places that I wouldn’t recommend to anyone. I think Debra and I would have been friends had we met before.

No path left

I dawdled and lollygagged with the packing earlier, thinking we had lots of time. Maybe till spring. Here we are, officially homeless with no permanent forwarding address. What 73-year-old woman with health issues does that? Yes, I have checked in with a professional that assures me I’m not crazy. Maybe a little slow in the brain department.

We have had a short night’s rest. I woke at 2:30 this morning. A loud voice in my dreams called my name and brought me straight up and out of slumber. Not wanting to turn on the lights in our room so my chauffeur could get quality sleep, I wandered in here to visit with you.

Mt Shasta I think

We won’t leave until past daybreak for a 7-hour drive to the next motel. The following day I get to visit my friend and fellow blogger, Alys at Gardening Nirvana, dropping off a fairy garden for her gentle care while my daughter and I travel on to Arizona to spend the rest of the month with my son and his family. After which we hope to board a flight for Germany and anywhere else that we can get to see.

This whole trip and experience took on a life of its own. We are traveling in winter during a pandemic with heavy outbreaks in many places. It’s a bit scary but if not now, when?

More bowl cozies

The hardest part was taking down my sewing room. I did manage to finish a few projects that were sitting there waiting. Bowl cozies half done and I couldn’t leave them that way. I’ve already sold four of them to my realtor who had never seen them before. Now I have to hope that I find a place that will allow me space to continue being creative.

Wine and cork cozies

“Not all those who wander are lost.” – J.R.R. Tolkien

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "That Homeless Feeling" (54)

  1. Sending you lots of hugs and good thoughts for safe travels. And you’re absolutely right, if not now there may not be another opportunity for this adventure. Seize the day and all that. 😉

    Liked by 5 people

    • Thanks so much, Erin. I don’t have the advantage of youth to hope the travel can still happen, later. I’m just hoping to get time to read the blogs I’ve been missing soon. Let’s all keep hoping that this gets better soon.

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  2. I have so much respect for you Marlene, to take on such major changes at this time. I am adaptable, but anything I have encountered to this point is so insignificant compared to your last few months. Again, take extra care as you make your way to Arizona and then, as I think you will, enjoy the travel and experiences to come after that. You are truly and inspiration.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Deb. What I’ve seen so far traveling into California would make your hair curl. People look at me like I’m nuts for wearing a mask. We are the only people doing so. It will be the same in Arizona. I’ll keep you posted as I can. Take care of yourself. Are you retired yet?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Last day is tomorrow Marlene! I get the mask issue. Went to a local crafty type event last weekend. No one had masks on except me. Love to hear the news as you have time/internet!

        Liked by 2 people

  3. It was good to see a new post from you, Marlene! I hope your trip goes well–and when it’s over, your find a comfortable new nest.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Liz. I have such mixed feelings about this but I’ve found myself getting a bit stodgy or curmudgeonly in my old age. We can’t have that so it’s time to shake things up a bit and forge a new outlook. I’ll post as often as possible.

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  4. Marlene, I’m excited to hear all about your next adventure! I do hope you will be posting and sharing photos along the way. I love the Tolkien quote you shared. It comes to my mind often. Via con Dios, my friend, vi con Dios. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’ll post as I can, Missy and I appreciate you stopping by to visit my erratic blog. I’ve always been a bit of a gypsy but life is always in motion, not sitting complacently in front the TV. Stay well.


  5. As eloquent as ever, even in a strange motel in the middle of the night! I have a strong feeling this entire tectonic shift in your life will turn out to do you good in more ways than one, and also in ways you least expect. Lots of love to you xx

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks so much, Jill. I’m really hoping you are right in that assessment. It feels right so I’m going with the flow instead of upstream. I’m way behind here but hope to catch up soon. Lots of love and hugs to you as well.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Marlene, Tolkien’s words are so true and you are rather on a new adventure. Wishing you a fabulous time with your children and then an amazing visit to Germany and onwards. Fingers crossed you find space along the way for your creative needlework – I can well imagine that it would be difficult for you to be away from this. Take care xx


    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Annika and I apologize for the late reply. It got past me somehow. We are now in Germany and I have a feeling that is as far as we will make it with all the restrictions. So far, so good. Staying quite safe and out of crowds. I brought hand needle work with me but so far, not a stitch. Maybe soon. Busy working over photos and trying to prepare a post.

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  7. I’ll admit I got a little weepy when I saw the photo of your house. You’ve shared so much over the years, I feel like I’ve visited in person. I admire you for making this move and going forward with your plans, Marlene. I could learn a lot of you for sure! I’ll keep you in my prayers and look forward to your next post. Stay safe! xo


  8. You’re never really lost, if you make the little bit of space yourn. A cuppa and a deep breath with the thought of peace normally does it.


  9. What an adventure you are starting Marlene! May each day bring new horizons and friendly folks to help you along the way 💛🙏💛


  10. claire93 said:

    good luck with the new adventures. Are you planning on living a nomadic life for long? or is this just a break while you decide where you want to settle next?

    Liked by 1 person

    • You did make me laugh, Claire. I’m way too old for a nomadic life permanently. It’s time for these old bones to just chill and mellow. Still working on that final address but it’s getting closer to a resolution. This was my final trip to my birthplace and to give my daughter an idea of my growing up life. I think this will be the grand finale’ for me. Thanks for stopping by and I apologize for not catching your comment sooner.


  11. Happy Trails, my friend! I’m not surprised at the many unmasked people in the states. Seems like 2 years of this crap isn’t enough for them. SMH Hope you have safe travels and find what you are looking for this time around. I used to move as often (if not more so) as you! I’m content in my settledness now. I look forward to hearing from you and about all your adventures! Love and peace my friend. ❤


  12. Oh my!!!!!!!!!!! You have a brave heart, but so smart to do all this while you can!!! I will sending you some strong vibes to keep you healthy, my dear. I can’t wait to hear about your new life experiences!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Please try to rest whenever possible. The entire thing will be stressful no matter what you do, but not enough rest will make it worse. The other day I was contemplating the same sort of move in an undetermined future and had an anxiety attack. I pray that you’ll have a successful transition and that you will find a spot where you can be creative.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so very much, Lou. We are taking extra time this morning to just chill before moving forward. Only driving 5 hours today because the next stretch is longer. You are absolutely correct about needing to rest. I’m keeping that in mind as I want my chauffeur completely rested to get us to each destination safely. I get the panic attacks. Oddly, I feel very peaceful right now. We can talk about that again in a week or so. 🙂


  14. I will cap your quotation with the next part of the quote: “…the old that is strong does not wither”. Your will is indomitable, your humour still shines, your kindness still glows. You may have rendered yourself temporarily rootless, but this too will pass. Know that you are loved and valued and embraced by many, even if we can’t actually get up close for a hug. Tell us how it’s all going when you can. Love you ❤️

    Liked by 3 people

  15. lieb Zigeunerin a gehen-gehen, this all sound fabulous, nein, wunderbar 😀 Just a little help with your conversational German 😀
    Congratulations on the quick sale. It’s so much better than keeping the house show ready for months and months. That is not easy.
    You’re off to Alys’s house! Can you pass on a hug for me? Sounds like a lot of driving but having good company means it will seem short. Life is for the living, go ahead and live it up! 🧡💛🌸K

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Sweetie. We are staying at the same hotel you did and you were part of that conversation. It is a lot of driving but I don’t have to do any of it. My daughter loves to drive especially if her mother doesn’t help from the back seat. 🙂 This trip will be on a wing and a prayer as we have no idea what we are actually doing. Today is a slow moving day. I’ll touch base again soon. Hugs back.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Wonderful writing.
    Can’t wait for more insights on your journey.
    You made it sis. Keep on keeping on.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Had a good nights sleep in San Jose after our visit with Alys. More room in the car now. On to Bakersfield. Chat soon. Love you too and thanks for the help.


  17. Good luck on your travels and finding your next bedpost

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Wow, you are one bold woman! I’m excited for your adventures and happy you will get a visit with Alys! Safe travels. I look forward to reading more and hope you enjoy the road ahead.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Wishes for an exciting and happy adventure!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by and the good wishes. It’s been seriously hectic this week and hoping to keep up here somewhat. By Sunday we will be in one place for the next 10 days.


  20. I was thinking about the Entwomen the other day and now I realize that you have joined the clan (again). You still have your roots, but have pulled them up for the time being; you’ll plant them again somewhere when the time is right.

    Don’t think about this adventurousness and age in the same thought . . . I was three months and three weeks short of 72 when I decamped to the UK on a gossamer thread of a budget and no plans except invitations/tickets to various events. I was three weeks short of 72 when I camped in a (slightly damp haha) sheepfield at my first rock concert! I have no plans to quit living while I still draw breath! I can tell you are in the same camp . . .

    I am so looking forward to living vicariously through your adventures, my friend.

    That quote is one of my all-time favourites. Thank you!

    I think, too, that (to quote Pauline) you are one of those who “Choose Joy” as often as possible. So I wish you lots of joy, adventure and love as you travel on . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Linne. At 73 with my clock ticking, I’m both energized and terrified but letting the Universe decide the next direction. Part of me wants the safe route, the other part wants to just go for it and hope for the best. Keep your fingers crossed that Germany doesn’t close us out.

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  21. When we sold our home of 35 years, I didn’t shed a tear at all. I was surprised at this lack of sadness. Rather I felt like I had released the albatross from around my neck. The time was and is right, Marlene. You are free to roam and the winds will carry you to start a new chapter. Embrace the excitement and leave the worries behind at the old house!


    • Bless you for saying that, Amanda. It was such a funny feeling to walk away from there and not be sad. I miss the idea of home and still trying to find that. Maybe it will find me. Whatever happens next is never up to me anyway. The whole thing feels guided and I’m following the breadcrumbs. I’ll catch up here soon. First day with real internet. It’s been a roller coaster ride so far.

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  22. Safe onward journey, have a lovely time with your son, and in Germany, a beautiful country for sure. And should you happen to fetch up in England, be sure to let me know.


    • Thank you on all counts, Cathy. Let’s just hope Germany doesn’t shut us out now that our tickets are paid for. We had hoped to get to lots of places but we shall see. I can make all the plans I want but you never know what plans God is making in the meantime. I’m even further behind now.


  23. take care – it sounds as though – the adventure is really starting – that your family are supporting you – and if and when you can share, we would love to read about it (even if I’m way behind as per usual with blog reading) Cheers Catherine in NZ

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Catherine. I don’t know how it’s all going to go. You know what happens to plans sometimes. But I’m finally getting to spend my son’s birthday and Thanksgiving with them and we will see how the rest comes together. I’ll post as I have internet. Very sporadic. I’m WAY behind on my reading too. Let’s hope I almost catch up soon.

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  24. Marlene, I think what you are doing is absolutely wonderful! Most people aren’t brave enough to take on life the way you are doing. You are my hero! Here’s to visiting family and friends, and a long overdue trip to Germany. Happy Thanksgiving, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much Jennie. Let’s hope all goes according to plan. Germany is talking again about shutting it’s borders again. I hope they don’t. If that’s all we get to see, it will be enough. Thanksgiving with my son is a rare treat this year and his birthday so I’m counting on timing being right. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving yourself, Jennie. I’ll be thinking of you.

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  25. Take good care of yourself and your daughter, Marlene. You are an inspiration to all even those younger than you. Please journey safely!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Paul. Safety is at the top of the list. We are both vaccinated and still mask up. Happy Thanksgiving, Paul. Hope you and your wife are doing well.

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    • I thought I responded to your comment, Paul but obviously I missed it. Thank you so much for your kind words. We are currently in Cologne, Germany this week and have been having an interesting time. My daughter is continuing to work from here in the evenings. We go tourist in the mornings and then I’m worn out so she can work into the night. Very happy with the whole arrangement. You both take care too. I’m working on getting caught up now.

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  26. This is a good post. I have been wanting to see a glimpse of your new life. I think you are right about the mountain; that was my first guess: Shasta. I think it’s a great surprise that you were not sad to leave the house. Of course there will be things you miss about your life there, but being relieved is the perfect sign that you did the exact right thing.

    What makes me happiest about this post is the supportive comments from people who love you. You are certainly not crazy! You are being true to yourself, and you are skilled at that. I’m glad your visit with Alys was a good one, and that you managed to unload a little bit and make more room in the car. What a huge, huge adventure you have begun. I have fingers crossed that you don’t have to spend the first two weeks in Deutschland quarantining! But so far it looks unlikely and I’m sure you will be free to head right into the countryside and into your memories and discoveries. First though, enjoy the holiday with your son. Hugs to you all.


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