Looking for answers to life's questions

In two days, my daughter and I will be celebrating Thanksgiving Day at a local restaurant together. Neither of us have the stamina for cooking, cleaning or being polite company. I love to eat out, usually bringing home enough leftover food for another meal or two. Yes, I miss the big family gatherings, but life changes and we have to be adaptable. Isn’t that what the pilgrims did? Adapting to a new land and create new customs and traditions. I’m in a new land and just starting to make new friends.

Mrs Pilgrim is in hiding. She wants no part of the turkey cooking this year.

This week has been especially dizzy. Odd way to describe a week I know, but the events that add even the slightest stress, cause, for some unknown reason, extreme dizziness. Stress can be good. In this instance some of it is. My house in Arizona went into escrow! After two seasons on the market, a buyer appeared.

I’m going to share a little synchronicity with you. When we were trying to sell my mother’s manufactured home, someone suggested that I get this statue of St. Joseph and bury him in the yard with his feet up. That would help sell the house. “Don’t be ridiculous”, was my response. But I bought one anyway. We finally ended up selling to my son. So much for St. Joe.

Last week I found the flyer that came with the statue. The statue is long gone. So I stood the flyer on my dresser and said a prayer of sorts. I’m not Catholic or any other formal religion but I firmly believe in prayers that don’t involve “gimme”. It was just a “let someone that will enjoy the home have it now” kind of prayer. I kid you not, two days later, we had an offer. Not a great offer, but an offer none the less.

He’s done his job, now I must do mine.

Now for the bad part of the stress. My ex didn’t want to lower the asking price and negotiating with him has been part of the reason we are no longer together. I’ve had to work through this sale with him all week-long. Oddly, he has been more compliant than ever. Now we must see where the home inspection leaves us to see if we can both move on. The buyers are getting the house for what we paid for it 13 years ago.

So on Thanksgiving Day, I will be more than grateful to be in this new land with at least one family member, eating what I hope is a good meal. The sun will shine for the only day in several weeks. I’m fascinated that even the weather co-operates on Thanksgiving Day. I’m hoping to add the sale of our home to my list of things for which I am deeply grateful. I am regaining my health, slowly. I have a wonderful family and friends as well as a cozy place to live. I hope your Thanksgiving Day is rich with blessings no matter when or how you celebrate. I’m grateful you are all there.

Thanksgiving Day is a jewel, to set in the hearts of honest men; but be careful that you do not take the day, and leave out the gratitude. ~ E. P. Powell

From my heart to yours,

Comments on: "In Search of Giving Thanks" (10)

  1. Congratulations on the offer on the home. I hope every thing goes well and you can have closure to this part of your life. Enjoy your Thanksgiving dinner with your daughter.


  2. Selling a home is stressful, congratulations, you’re more than 1/2 way there. Enjoy the Holiday!


  3. LaMoyne said:

    I am very happy your house sold and pray it all goes well. This is a big load off of you and hopefully you can get rid of some of the stresses. I have really been stressed lately, which makes my RA act up. I left the house today for 3 hours and went shopping, but tonight I am feeling it. It did help to get away for awhile.


  4. “life changes and we have to be adaptable. Isn’t that what the pilgrims did?”

    Yes . . YES! I love that, and good to remember. I made a very simple meal on T-Day for just Bubba and I — Right down to the Stovetop Stuffing. It was still all I could handle on that day. Sometimes you just have to do what you can do and call it enough.


    • Incidentally, I quoted you and linked to your post/blog. This post inspired my most recent post, Life Changes. Thank you for this!


  5. […] This morning, Monday, I am back in the center of Somewhere.  I have taken the day off from work.  The coffee shop looks toastier than it is.  My vanilla soy latte has cooled, no longer warming me from the inside.  It took three tries to get their wireless password right.  Checking out my notifications led me to a new blogger I had not seen before.  I liked her blog name insearchofitall.  It reminded me of my tagline Seeking all things . . . .  I started reading her current post, In Search of Giving Thanks. […]


  6. Congratulations on the (hoped for) sale of your home. It’s nice to be able to move on. I hope the rest of the process is as stress free as possible. Keep us posted.


  7. whiteladyinthehood said:

    I promise, I’m not joking – my best friend is going through a divorce and trying to sell her house, she showed up at my house a few weeks backs and said, ” I need a statue of St. Joseph so I can bury him in the yard with his feet up…this is supposed to help me sell my house!” (I’m not trying to be offensive, but I asked her if she was crazy!) I don’t think she ever did this…maybe she should! 🙂


    • Yes, we humans are a superstitious lot. It was never about the statue, but about the sincere prayer of letting go and having faith. I’m not a (religious) person, but I believe heaven and earth will conspire to bring you your greatest good. I asked for someone to love the home since I could no longer care for it. In the end, it’s for everyone’s greatest good. It’s more of a mystical experience and that’s how my life has been. I wish your friend the best of everything. Been there, done that. Thanks for commenting and reading. Synchonicity at it’s best



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