Looking for answers to life's questions

It’s been an odd couple of weeks for me. It was raining babies the end of April. That has kept me so busy I haven’t had time to start on my homework for writing class or get this blog written on time. If I didn’t hurry, the babies will be in kindergarten before I had the gifts finished. There is nothing like adding a little pressure to an already self-created overload.

Here is a picture of the blanket I made with two pieces of high quality flannel and I embroidered the name and birthdate. The last name is edited as a protective measure. I’ve made many of them. These last two are different as they started with a printed panel.

A front panel that was in my stash

A front panel that was in my stash

I've edited out the last name that is in the blank space in the middle.

I’ve edited out the last name that is in the blank space in the middle.

One of the babies was the great-grandson of my ex-husband. His granddaughter lives in the area but I have not heard from her since we divorced. He called to say they were all coming to see me after the baby arrived. My ex’s oldest daughter was his driver. We are civil but there is obviously underlying hostility on her part. My dizziness from the stress of an encounter magnified but I didn’t want to create a problem if there was none. So I prepared for the visit and waited. The baby didn’t arrive until the day before he and his daughter had to leave and there was no time to come to my house. That resulted in instant stress relief. I did have my daughter drive us to the hospital to pay a visit to his granddaughter and the new baby.

I glued a flannel print from the panel to the card

I glued a flannel print from the panel to the card

I’m hoping that soon, things like this no longer create tension for me. It’s a process to learn how to let fear go. Now I still have my assignments for writing class to do and packages to get in the mail tomorrow but I know I can accomplish those tasks. My family wonders why I would make all the effort of creating these blankets along with a hand crafted card when they most likely will never be appreciated. My only answer is that it’s the right thing to do and even though it takes more time and energy than before I became ill, I enjoy doing it and do it for my own satisfaction.

Editing didn't work as well but the embroidery on such a small piece worked well

Editing didn’t work as well but the embroidery on such a small piece worked well

My daughter and I found another way to reduce a little stress. We were making a trip to see my niece this weekend. One of her daughters was having a birthday so we stopped in for a couple of hours then headed back to the city. It’s an hour drive on the interstate which is usually bumper to bumper. We took a chance and found an old highway that would avoid most of the interstate. It took us a bit longer but it was so worth it. We saw places we would otherwise never see and it was so green and peaceful.

I could go on and on about what stress does to the body. Most of us already know all about that. What most of us have a hard time with, is finding ways to reduce it while continuing to do our daily life. What do you do to relieve stress?

The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.
~ William James

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of Less Stress" (3)

  1. To relieve stress? Hmmmm — I just roll with the punches. Nothing is THAT important. Beautiful quilts, though. I just hope the recipients will understand and appreciate your love.


  2. Admittedly there’s not much stress in my day to day life. Most of it I cause myself. Like spilling Red Wine in our room here…ugh it was really terrible, I was totally sick about it. Otherwise, I enjoy talking to all of you when I’m stressed or crafting with Hawaiian music playing or walking with my iPod. I guess neither of those things are easy for you. Alys gave me some breathing tips so that I could try to be more relaxed, very zen. I fear I’m not the best one to give advice on this subject. Cute blanket and I’m sure the mom appreciated it. Kids are very savvy these days and I doubt that the fact that you’re the Ex matters much to her at all. You can only be yourself Marlene and not someone you ‘THINK’ they see.


    • Thanks, Kelly. I don’t get stressed about much either since my release, I mean divorce, so I was surprised to note the ex could still do it. Mostly the step daughter. My son insists I not speak to her directly but through him. She works at being hurtful. I was glad to avoid her. The ex, not a problem. I like the breathing exercises. Funny how you forget to breathe when there is a challenge. My ex-sister-in-law LOVED the blanket I made for her grandson. She will deliver it tomorrow. I sure hope you found something to get the wine stain out.



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