Looking for answers to life's questions

It’s here, it’s here and as usual, I’m not ready. Where did the time go? I realize I’m a good time waster. I love to just sit and read or write or even watch a good sappy holiday movie on television. I know, I know. Some of you are telling me to get rid of the TV so I can get more done. Have given that great thought but in the healing process, sometimes you have to just sit there and do nothing.

My kitchen helpers are busy too

My kitchen helpers are busy too

I made my lists, checked them twice but unfortunately, timing is everything and nothing ever goes according to plan. I forgot to make a shirt my son had envisioned for someone on his list because I couldn’t find the right shirt in a good color. So once he was here, I let him pick out the shirt and I worked at doing the embroidery, praying (really hard) that it came out straight. Very small shirt on very large hoop made me break into a tiny sweat.

It's a play on her name and it came out straight

It’s a play on her name and it came out straight

I managed to finish another batch of snowflakes with each taking 45 minutes to stitch out. I did get some reading done while keeping an eye on the machine and replacing bobbins as they ran out. Hard work? Not really.

The bakery is open and the fat friars are working hard.

The bakery is open and the fat friars are working hard.

Groceries were bought in the early morning hours when others were having their first cup of coffee so that’s done. But somehow, with company in and out and stuff being moved from one room to another to accommodate and visit, I let myself get too relaxed, falling a tiny bit behind, as usual. I no longer stress about the holidays but I always want to do one more thing. I just need a bit more time.

I’m not signing up for the winter semester of writing class to spend more time getting sewing and embroidery projects done. I don’t have the stamina for all of it but I will miss seeing everyone. We had a grand time at potluck in mid-December. Santa even showed up and had brunch with us.

Even Santa had a story to read. It was quite moving.

Even Santa had a story to read. It was quite moving.

Today we go see family and deliver our gifts to the youngsters. None is all that little anymore. My daughter has done her usual magic and made our tiny purchases look like they came from Saks Fifth Ave. I’m always happy to have someone to feed and spoil a bit so having company is a bit of heaven for me. Cooking for an army is easy, for one, not so easy.

May your day be filled with all the good we received. Yummy!

May your day be filled with all the good we received. Yummy!

So as you can see, I’ve run out of time and space and I know you have so little time left you probably won’t get to read this till next week, but that’s ok. Cut yourself some slack and if you find a tiny bit more time, ENJOY it! That’s what I’m going to with mine…if it shows up. Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday to you and yours.

Just one question. Are you ready for it to be over or are you already planning for next year’s Christmas?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of a Bit More Time" (10)

  1. Merry Christmas Marlene! Truth? I’m ready for it to be over. It’s been a really hard year for me and husband, so I’m tired and worn out. I don’t ever plan to far ahead, I’m more of a ‘we’ll do what we do when the time comes’ sort of person. I’m very adaptable that way. Hope your Christmas is wonderful and all that food is making me hungry! Big hugs!


    • Thanks Jackie. I’m with you in lots of ways. Being ill has brought a good deal of exhaustion so I’ve had little energy for holidays but I try. for my kids. Each year I get a bit better. I think it’s been a hard year for everyone I know. My daughter is looking for work again. She can’t pay next months rent. My sister is at a job that is physically painful to pay the rent. And the list goes on. I’m banking on 2014 being better. Please don’t let it be worse. I’m a strategist but then go with the flow. I’m going back on my diet after the holiday and company is gone. 😦 Merry Christmas. I’ll be reading till I go to bed. Was up at 4:30 am and it’s 7:30. I can go at 9 to read a bit then off to la la land.


      • Some years are good, some not so good. I guess that’s just part of living. This year is not too bad really, so I shouldn’t complain. I’ve had much worse. Yes, after the New Year I am going on a diet too. I really have to. Ugh. Have a wonderful day tomorrow if I don’t hear from you. 🙂


  2. Marlene, I am looking forward to Christmas being over. I can finally get the larger gifts out of my apartment opening it up a bit more. I have things I wanted to get done for myself this year but with making so many gifts I haven’t had the time for my own projects. So come New Year’s I will be slowing down to work on new projects. I am so far behind right now. I thought I had the apartment ready for tomorrow, then had a surprise overnight visitor who wanted to craft all night and morning. Time to clean things back up. 🙂 But it was worth it as we had a lovely time.

    May you have a lovely Christmas with your loved ones, Marlene and will see you again when it’s over.


    • Thanks Lois, I so understand the wanting to get the stuff out of the way and get back to work on projects. That’s where I’m headed. I’ve had several company surprises since the middle of Dec. Just had to let go of my plans and roll with it. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas too.


  3. How does time slip away? Oh there are a million distractions, but I don’t mind much, they’re all fun things too. Your little snow filled bakery is really cute 😀 I like how you have little lights under the snow. I did manage to bake my banana bread recipe on December 24th at 8pm..LOL way to sneak it in there hey? I always marvel at your embroidery, it’s just so pretty and would take me a million years by hand (I’m not even exaggerating).

    We went away for Christmas day and boxing day so I’m being a real bum this morning. (oops 12:08pm) I best giddy up I suppose. I’m adopting the holiday mode for a couple more days.


    • I managed to bake pumpkin bread but not the banana bread. Going to take some tonight as a hostess gift. I love my little Fat Friars too. Didn’t get them out last year. So much still in storage but on room in this place. I’ve had them almost 20 years now. Enjoy the relaxing. I am ready for some. Jan 5 I may sleep till 6 a.m. 🙂


  4. It looks wonderful, Marlene. I’m glad you’ve had time with family and friends.

    Your kitchen cooks are adorable! I bet that was fun to set up. Your table is also lovely and my oh my, what a clever embroidery iAm Erica. Love it!!!

    We enjoyed a quiet day at home, just the four of us, but saw plenty of friends before and after and throughout the season. I’m ready to have our routine back, though I have really enjoyed having my husband and boys home for several days without an agenda. That’s been really nice.

    Wishing you continued improvement in your health as the new year dawns.


    • Thank you so much Alys. The shirt was a tough one and I prayed a lot over it. I had no idea if I had it on there straight. The shirt could have been darker but we couldn’t find one. My great-niece, named after my son and his dad seemed to appreciate it as much as a 16 yr old can. Christmas day was quiet, with visits for the next 3. I’m so ready for my routine again but have enjoyed spending time with everyone. My Fat Friars are from Dept 56 20 years ago. No longer available but didn’t get them out last year. At my age, I’m almost ready to pass the torch, but no one wants it. At least my daughter is doing the baking and wrapping. Looking forward to the new year too. Hope yours brings you many more good things. Health is just around the corner, just a very long corner.:)


      • “As much as a 16 year old can.” Boy, does that speak volumes. I had to chuckle at that as I my boys are currently 13 and 16. I get it!

        Good luck passing the torch next year. You do it so well and make others feel happy, cozy and comfy it is no wonder they don’t want you to give it up.

        Onward into 2014. “See” you next year. xox


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