Looking for answers to life's questions

I never thought about writing a blog long-term when I started this two and a half years ago. On occasion I think I may throw in the towel and give it up because I’m not sure I have anything relevant left to say. I’m also not writing about what I really want to talk about and that is my search for wholeness, even more than health. I think health will follow. And so it seems I’ve run out of creative titles as well. I’m trying to figure out what direction to go with this because I really don’t want to give up the wonderful connections I’ve made online.

How do you title a blog that says “I’ve been busier than a one-armed paper hanger?” For someone with limited energy, I’ve tried to get a fair amount accomplished. I dug out boxes of craft supplies as you saw last time and I found my old friend here. I painted this sweet lady 25 years ago. Since I have no little ones to indulge on Easter, I filled her full of chocolates and took her to my quilt group, and both writing groups last week. Daisy enjoyed the outing and being passed from one person to another.

Hardy old hare, Miss Daisy herself

Hardy old hare, Miss Daisy herself

Miss Daisy from behind

Miss Daisy from behind

She has room to hold a lot of candy and this summer maybe even some flowers. Hmmm

She has room to hold a lot of candy and this summer maybe even some flowers. Hmmm

I had two machine embroidery classes in one month due to schedule changes by the instructor. So here are the completed projects. The apron was the most challenging for me as it was made from a man’s shirt and if you have them handy it’s a good upcycling project. I had to go to the thrift store for this. No men in my house. The other was not something I think I will make again. It’s pretty for a lavender sachet but I think it will be harder to replace the lavender when it loses potency. Both sides are exactly alike but the design is flipped to do the back and stitched on organza to contain the lavender.

The back of the shirt was used to make the ties

The back of the shirt was used to make the ties

Pocket was from the sleeve and cuff.

Pocket was from the sleeve and cuff.

machine embroidered lace on organza

machine embroidered lace on organza

I finished a couple of strip quilt tops for our group and have almost finished sewing the binding on another. Easter was quiet here.

I don't pick the fabric, just sew it together.

I don’t pick the fabric, just sew it together.

All done from left overs donated

All done from left overs donated

My daughter wanted to take me to breakfast so we got up and out early to beat the after church crowd and then did our grocery shopping for the week before spending a few lovely minutes in the bookstore. Everything else was closed to the dismay of many, including this confused goose. Goose was standing looking in the door at Kohl’s for over 10 minutes. I guess Goose was looking for a sale. My daughter walked within a few feet of him/her without being charged. We had a quiet evening at home where I cooked on the grill and she did her weeks laundry. Real exciting stuff.

Where is everybody?

Where is everybody?

Open up. I came for the Easter sale.

Open up. I came for the Easter sale.

What’s next? I have several quilts to finish and more organizing to do. I found a several small projects to do by hand with ribbon embroidery. A nice walk in the sunshine brought a writing assignment into clarity so I stopped for a glass of tea at the market and jotted it in the notebook that is always with me. Maybe next time I’ll get clarity on titles.

Are you clear on your direction or do you meander around looking for the best path to follow?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of a Title" (24)

  1. Spashionista said:

    I’m a double-Taurus, clarity of direction is my specialty LOL. Unfortunately, like you, my body can’t quite keep up with my plans for world domination. It’s becoming difficult for me to type all day long, but I’m in search of a great dictation program to see if I can get more accomplished that way.



    • I hope you find a good program Alicia. I’ll probably be needing one soon as well. The eyes have a hard time with small print. I pulled one of my daughter’s goddess cards yesterday that suggested getting focused. Like it’s an easy thing for this flitter to do. Going to work on it though. Thanks for reading and I’ll keep hunting you down now that I’ve figured out how to leave a comment.


  2. Sometimes when I get overloaded I make myself a schedule, so much time for this, so much time for that. It helps me stay focused on whatever I was doing at the time. No chance for flittering.


    • I think I need more practice with focus. Managed to forget some pictures that had to go in. Had to go back and take care of it before I could fall asleep. Going to back off on commitments.


  3. I like your Easter Bunny very much Marlene – how lovely that you brought her out for more celebrations and joy spreading! I also like that apron you have made – this has given me quite an idea for myself as I very much need some kind of apron or cover-all for when I am painting – it seems as if my entire wardrobe has splotches of paint or glue or glitter on it because I just couldn’t help doing a little something when I shouldn’t have been……

    I am a big believer in artistic activity for healing and community for healing and positive thoughts for healing. All these things are important – but the most important three are balance in life, the food we eat and what we believe. The balance is found somewhere between inner and outer activity. Our diets are very personal as each body has different requirements and different intolerances. We have to discover what our poisons are and eliminate them. This takes time but is very effective – as you read in a post I made recently on this very subject. 😉 Beliefs are more difficult – but clues are found in what we say and how we say it. Once unearthed there is a simple but effective process to change our beliefs and thus speed our path to healing.

    I hope you will keep blogging as it is always good to share and your honesty is refreshing and I find that endearing! xoxo


    • Thanks for reading Pauline and for your thoughtful comment. I totally agree with you. Balance is the operative word here. I read a great deal of spiritual and uplifting materials to keep me going, eat carefully 90 % of the time and get some form of exercise most days. I have to push myself to go out and meet with people. I’ve had some feedback on the title ideas so I’ll give it a whirl. I’m still looking for my paints and when I find them, I can spill some more on myself too. It got me in a lot of trouble as a child. I had as much paint on me as what I worked on. 🙂 I have a painting apron that I put splotches on to start with. Healing is coming slow but it’s coming though the docs said it wouldn’t. HA HA on them. Bells Palsy is an illness of the nerves. I make sure now, no one else gets on them. :). Thanks for the input. It helps.


      • Oh, I love that idea – I shall put splotches onto my shirt-apron before I start! And I love what you said “Bells Palsy is an illness of the nerves. I make sure now, no one gets on them.” There is wisdom!! 🙂


  4. Marlene, I have been amazed at how you can come up with titles that begin with the same two words. Like you I feel my blog is constrained by the name I choose and my growth feels constrained with it. I hope you keep blogging. Others have kept the blog address but changed the title maybe that would help you refocus on what matters most to you now.

    I like your projects the man’s shirt/apron is cute and like you if I were to make a sachet I would want an easy way to replace the lavender, although I love the pattern.

    The goose at the door cracks me up! Glad you enjoyed your Easter with your daughter.


    • Thanks Lois. Your comment was most helpful. Glad to know I’m not the only one struggling with this. My sister-in-law liked the lavender sachets and thought I should make some for her daughter’s salon to sell. My niece grows lavender so I’ll give that some thought. Still looking for other ways to do that. She was also going to make lots of the aprons out of her late husbands shirts that she couldn’t part with. It was a fun experiment. That goose was fun to watch. We usually see them in grassy spots along the road but never in front of a store. Hope you had a good Easter too. Hmm. You’ve given me another title here while I’m typing this. Thanks and thanks for reading. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m way behind. Bit off more than I can chew and now I’m backing out to get some breathing room. Hugs.


      • No, you aren’t the only one, sadly. For me, I thought my blog would be about small space living as I had always hidden my environmental passions from those outside my family, not wanting the added negative attention. But blogging helped me to open up that side of me.

        How nice that you have a possible outlet to sell some of your sewing projects. I think your sister-in-law would enjoy wearing her late husbands shirts more than storing them.

        We have so many geese and ducks here we see them every where but they do usually avoid the stores too.


  5. Marlene, I’ve felt the same thing about my blog from time to time. As the years roll by and I’m trying to come up with something fresh and relevant, I worry that no one will want to read it anymore. Earlier this year I changed my about page to encompass a broader scope of subjects. I think Lois is spot on with her comments. I would miss your presence here very much. I’m always interested in what you have to say, and find that your blogs often require me to think about things, and take time to reply. That’s a good thing!

    I definitely think you should write what *you* want to write. In fact, I think it’s key.

    As to the rest of this post, I love that apron. What a clever idea. Was the embroidered trim already on the shirt or did you add it?

    That goose is hilarious. I wonder if they feed him? Perhaps he’s just admiring his own reflection. Or as you say, he’s just waiting for the sale.

    I’m looking forward to your next installment. xox


    • Oh Alys, thank you so much for your kind words. They mean so much to me. I like your suggestion too. I’ll do that. I added the embroidery. The cuff on my shirt was smaller than the one our instructor used so it was a bit funky. It was just a day to play and practice on something. I sent my ex-sister-in-law the pattern so she could make as many as she wants. I’d just wear the shirt without the fuss.”) I think the goose may have been enamored with himself too. That’s what I suggested to my daughter. She thought he may have thought it was a friend. When we drove back by later, he was gone. I so appreciate all your kind thoughts and ideas.


      • Hurray, MH. I’m so glad!

        The embroidery is beautiful. I love all the colors. I saw a class offered here in San Jose using four men’s shirts to make a dress. It was adorable, but something I would have worn at 20, not mid-fifties. I really appreciated the styling though and the cleverness.

        I guess the goose was tired of waiting? You’ll have to let us know if you see him at Kohl’s again.


  6. Comcast said:

    Marlene, I think you should title it, “I’ve been busier…” That’s a great title/opening sentence! Thanks for writing and sharing from your heart.

    Sent from my iPhone



  7. You got a lot more projects than me done this week. Bravo! I don’t know if you read ‘Defeat Despair’? Julia has an image there today of a calendar that looks a lot like mine (if I kept one). Get this, I’m so ‘UNORGANIZED’ this week, I got up early for a Dr’s appointment yesterday, caught a train over there and was told, “Oh, you’re a day early”….LOL! Dah, what a goof. Luckily they made time for me so I didn’t have a do-over this morning. I’m flying by the seat of my pants and sometimes it just works out.

    I’m seeing a whole lot of projects with mens dress shirts. Even little skirts. Yours turned out really nice. The generous pockets are handy. We don’t do too much for Easter either but it’s nice to just relax too.

    Interesting that the Canadian visitor is confused enough to just stand around at the market. Poor thing, I wonder why it hasn’t found a pond to swim in. Probably still having a ‘winter hangover’..LOL Have a great weekend my dear! xox


    • Thanks so much and I do understand the disorganized thing. I keep track of everything in my phone calendar, With reminders in time to get me where I’m going. Relax?? What’s that? I found paint brushes and some of my paint in the garage. Almost didn’t make it to my appointment for looking into boxes. You’ll be packing yours soon, I hope. Right???


    • I’m trying to find “Defeat Despair” Do you have a link to it on your blog somewhere?


    • Never mind. I found it. 🙂 :):)


  8. Ha, I too can get side tracked pretty darn easily. I’m like that dog in the cartoon movie ‘Up’ when mid conversation he looks right quickly and says, “SQUIRREL”. I need to apply myself to just one thing at a time but I don’t know if I ever could or will. Admittedly, I’m not trying to hard to change. 😉

    I haven’t started packing yet. Luckily we’ve kept all our boxes and most of our stuff is still packed from the first move. It really will not take long at all. We’ve given ourselves two weeks of possession of the new house before the movers arrive. I can move my craft room myself and get it all set up before any other furniture stuff comes. Also, I need to be there for some work we’re planning. New backsplash and maybe refinishing floors. So exciting though. Any progress with your search Marlene?


  9. I’m randomly flicking through some old posts on your blog and reading this, I must say I’m very happy you haven’t decided to quit blogging! I look at all your crafty projects and I am constantly amazed by your skill and creativity (and a little envious).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh, thank you so very much. You are so sweet to say that. I have very little skill or creativity at your age. I was busy raising babies and working meaningless jobs. I had no viable education either. So as time passes, you meet people who introduce you to possibilities of expression. I taught myself most things with a lot of help from people that passed through my life. I’m still trying to teach myself to write. :)) I’ve decided I must live at least another 20 years to get it all done. You are so young yet with all that ahead of you. Enjoy the journey. You’ve made my morning.

      Liked by 1 person

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