Looking for answers to life's questions

Two other posts have gone on the shelf and I couldn’t hit the publish button. I just can’t think these days. I made the mistake of signing up for Blogging 101 and have an inkling that once again, I’ve bitten off more than I can chew at this moment. The clue came after day three and I was already behind and couldn’t figure out the technology parts.

My intentions were good

My intentions were good

I got a call today to find out if I was planning on joining the embroidery club group this afternoon. Since the date had changed due to instructors circumstances, I opted out. Portland had a nice day with perfect temperatures to paint, pressure wash and plant. That was all I could handle. I answered the call with a paintbrush in one hand, the roller in the other and had fortunately just stepped off the ladder. Don’t tell my kids. I’m not supposed to be on ladders.

Side two almost sealed. It will be yellow soon

Side two almost sealed. It will be yellow soon

I managed to get a coat of sealer on three sides of the storage building, (one side is against the fence which was poor planning in my opinion) plant two Black Eyed Susan vines and pressure wash part of the fence. Had to stop because the lady next door came home sick and she needed to rest. The machine is loud.

I didn't know Black Eyed Susan's could be a vine. They will need a trellis I think.

I didn’t know Black Eyed Susan’s could be a vine. They will need a trellis I think.

These flowers won my heart. I love the color

These flowers won my heart. I love the color

Last Wednesday we had a pot luck for the writing class that only 4 of us showed up for so I decided that was a sign and unregistered. That was the subject of one of the unpublished posts. My intent is to keep things upbeat here. Tuesday was quilt group all day and they helped me learn something new. It was so much fun. I want to get back to it but I’m racing the rain to get the work outside done.
For an old woman, I have a lot going on and right now it looks like this house is at the top of the to-do list. Once the rains come, I will no longer be able to get outside work done and can concentrate on the indoor creativity. Pictures have been hung, Books are on their shelves and the piles of stuff on the tables has mostly found a home.

Just the beginning of what I hope will be a wonderful quilt

Just the beginning of what I hope will be a wonderful quilt

old green mold going away with pressure washing. Lots of fence to cover.

old green mold going away with pressure washing. Lots of fence to cover.

The interior is completely painted. Finished the kitchen and guest bath after my birthday. I have two squares to make for quilt group by mid-October; come on rain! Wait a minute, did I just say come on, when I’m trying to get ahead of it? No wonder I’m in trouble!

I loved the yellow but even with washing, it still smelled and looked dingy.  Fresh and clean now.

I loved the yellow but even with washing, it still smelled and looked dingy. Fresh and clean now.

My daughter loved the lavender. The room was just too small for it. More white.

My daughter loved the lavender. The room was just too small for it. More white.

Something has to give. I’m enjoying every moment of the work and the learning but I have a lunch date next week with a new neighbor and a quilt show to go to so what’s a gal to do? I’m thinking it’s time for one less thing to do and just enjoy a bit more. There are stacks of things I want to read along with blogs to catch up on.

Finally, one red tomato before season's end.

Finally, one red tomato before seasons end.

So what do I put aside for now? Bet you’ve NEVER had this dilemma. How did you handle it?

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "In Search of One Less Thing." (16)

  1. Marlene – you are very busy! I tend to concentrate on one thing at a time and nowadays when I have to multi-task I find myself spun out pretty rapidly! I thought it was a result of a life time of being a master multi-tasker and problem-solver and go-to-person and I was simply depleted…………. Now I’m wondering if it is just age!

    When I did my home make-over earlier this year that was all I did – except for seeing clients and I didn’t take on any new ones at that time – I just can’t seem to have more than one project going at a time! When puppy arrived, everything else came to a crashing halt as well.

    I think you are right when you say your house is at the top of the to do list. If your nest isn’t cosy, you won’t feel right. It’s a Virgo thing 🙂 Once that is done you will have energy to put out into the world again. Also you don’t have to do everything right now! Get your garden ready for winter and leave the rest til spring, when you will want to be out there making it beautiful.

    I think you made a good decision to let go of the group events that weren’t working for you. Sometimes things just come to a natural end in order for something new to arise.

    It seems to me you are doing a pretty impressive job of turning that place into a warm and comfortable home. I love your Black Eyed Susan – I didn’t know they were vines either. The thought of one of those scrambling up a trellis is just lovely!

    Enjoy the journey – this is you creating your last home, everything you have ever learned and all you are will blossom here if you let it. Slow down, enjoy each day and every task do with mindful appreciation and love yourself in this place – that is all that is required. ❤ ❤ ❤


    • Thank you Pauline. I am enjoying the journey and the work. It feels good to see things looking loved. Painted the storage bldg on 2 sides this morning a soft yellow and it looks so fresh. Third side can bed done later as it’s covered. Then my sister and I went to see a lovely movie. I’ll work on the computer until it cools enough to go water the yard and enjoy the rest of the evening quietly. Finding my balance. Loving my cozy home.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. You must choose your leisure battles. Fixing up a house may not feel like leisure, but how we spend our free time is OUR CHOICE. Leisure is a choice, un-obligated time (there is no one definition of leisure), and represents the freedom to do or the freedom from something! Sounds like you have a lovely, full life. But PLEASE KEEP BLOGGING! 🙂


    • Thank you Terri. Fixing up this place is a labor of love. I painted some more this morning before joining my sister for a lovely movie. We only have two more dry days before our rainy season starts and there will be no more outside painting being done. I sit quietly in the morning and see which way I’m moved for the day, then I journal to get clear. Which is why the writing class lost all possibility of happening. I’ve decided to only do what brings me real joy. My own home for the first time in my life is extreme joy along with the work which I seem to thrive on. I said in an earlier post, the house and I are breathing new life into each other. Thank you for reading.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I so admire your energy Marlene! Wish I had some of that. Once my knee heals completely maybe I will. I too have a lavender room! It came that way when we moved in and I just haven’t had time to paint. Maybe this winter. I had heard of black eyed susan vines, but it’s too cold here in winter for them. They like a milder climate since they originate from S. Africa. I know you are enjoying your new cosy home and I have to admit I enjoy watching it come together for you on here. Big hugs!


    • Thanks Jackie. I was assured that the vines are perennial and would come back next year even though we get some snow and lots of freezing cold. The winter months will give way to other things and what didn’t get done this year will have to wait. I’m only one person. I’m hoping you heal soon but sometimes those things happen to make you sit a spell and think about things. Hmmm. That’s what the Bells has done. Turned my life completely upside down. Oddly, I’m quite content as long as I have something to hold onto. I’m still out of balance. Hugs, and healing hugs.


  4. grevilleacorner said:

    in my work before my retirement, we used to use a prioritisation matrix that had importance and urgency as the two factors. I find this useful still. The first priority are those that are both important and urgent. How you gauge importance is up to you….enjoyment could be a part of it! 🙂


    • You are absolutely correct. I’m finding enjoyment creeping to the top of the list these days. I was not enjoying my writing class though I will miss some of my fellow students but if you don’t love it, lose it is becoming my motto. Oddly, I find painting very meditative and would enjoy it more if the rains weren’t pushing me. It is what it is and I’m taking a more contemplative view on everything these days. I’ve decided to do what feels good on blogging 101 and let the rest go. Thank you so much for reading. I’ve missed seeing your posts. They are not appearing as they once did in my notifications. I’ll have to check out why that’s happening.


      • grevilleacorner said:

        Sounds like you are in a good place – just letting things flow…not seeking and striving all the time :). Yes, I’m still posting most days…..I get tempted to stop but there is something that drives me to write and share and I let this flow too. Cheers Steph xx


  5. You sure have accomplished a lot already. I agree with what has already been said. Our homes are first priority because they must feel comfortable and reflect our personalities or we cannot properly relax and enjoy our time in them stressing us out for those other things we want to do.

    I too have a lavender room that will need to be changed mines the bathroom. I want to jump right in and ignore everything else until the home becomes what I envision it to be.

    I think leaving your writing group was a good idea. A group that starts to lose members leaves us with less input which can benefit our growth.


    • Thanks Lois. I’m anxious to see how you new place turns out. I think yours will be more work than this one. I will put my purple towels in the bathroom once my sister is on her own and I finally have guests. I love color, just not on interior walls. I prefer to accent with color. I’m thinking of you with big hugs.


  6. Marlene, it’s wonderful to see the transformations as you make this house your home. I’m really impressed that a power-washer can remove so much. That is really something. We are currently banned from using them due to the drought, but I hope to one day rent one to clean the driveway of our 50 plus year old house.

    All the paint is so fresh and light. I like lots of light and open space in my home where possible. I sense you’re the same way.

    Seeing your solitary tomato made me smile. I remember our first strawberry several years ago. We brought it in and cut it into small pieces to share. It was delicious.


    • The plants were a gift from my young friend and since I haven’t built raised beds yet, the tomatoes went safely in pots quite late in the season. There are a couple more still green. Wonder if they will make it before the frost. We have rain coming in tomorrow. P. S. The pressure washer doesn’t use as much water as one thinks. It just puts it under so much pressure that a little will do a lot of work. They are hard on the arms to control. Getting big muscles in arms and hands too. Have 2 sides of the storage bldg that get the most direct weather painted with a good soft yellow paint. Next summer, I’ll get the house done. I can do the last side of the storage later as it’s covered. Thanks for reading and your always sweet comments. They mean a lot.


      • Rain! Ah, rain. I know you’ll be fed up in no time, but what I wouldn’t give for a good, long soak.

        Good to know on the pressure washer.

        Soft yellow sounds perfect. It’s one of my favorites.


  7. Good Morning Wonderfrau, it’s almost 10am but I’m still in my jammies drinking coffee because it’s my day off. Repeat after me, “day off”. LOL. It’s a foreign concept but you might like it 😉 I have a long list of things I want to get to today too, but I love visiting here, so those things will wait. It’s probably why projects get done rather hairy-carry around here. Balls in the air, keep juggling, nobody moves, nobody gets hurt type of thing. I really admire all your achievements this summer, gads woman, you are doing circles around me and while I hate to point this out, “I’m much younger”, LOL I read Pauline and Alys’s messages and they’ve conveyed my thoughts so well. Pauline is so well centred don’t you think? Yep, “love yourself in this place”. I like that, so it was worth repeating. Wishing you the kind of day you long for. Maybe a cup of hot tea in your freshly painted room with a good book. Not all day, just a wee while. If times gets away on you, so be it. Take care my dear. xoxox K


    • Believe it or not, I do take a lot of down time. I read something everyday and visit with neighbors. Going to lunch with one today and tomorrow I go to the quilt show and walk all day. Miles of beautiful fabrics and quilts to see. Yesterday I tried out a new writing group (all women) all ages. I’ll keep going till they throw me out. Once a week for two hours. Then the quilt group and another for hand sewing where we bring a lunch and kabitz, you know, gabfest. Sew a little, talk a lot. I have such a wonderful life that even the work is fun. I’ve been sitting here all morning deciding on an embroidery design for my quilt squares then I have a baby blanket to do as soon as the little guy gets here. Yes, it makes me breathless too. So much more interesting that sitting in front of the television watching soaps all day. I think I’d shoot myself if that’s all I had to look forward too. This is all self inflicted so what’s to complain about.:) Enjoy your “Day Off”. You deserve it. I showered and dresses at 10:30 so you are in good company. 🙂


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