Looking for answers to life's questions

I had some down time today. Since my birthday I was feeling rather odd and worn, so after all the well-wishing had been completed, I put myself to bed early as I rarely feel under the weather. Why now? I guess getting older required a bit more contemplative time than doing time. I was ready. So I took a box of tissue and several (dozen) large hardy paper towels to my bed and read, sneezed and sleep. I think it’s a great way to spend the Labor Day weekend.

My son had just left with the car loaded inside and out with tools he needed for the work he’s doing in Arizona. Before leaving this time, he completed a few more little projects here. We thought the pump had gone out on the fountain he had just wired up. Turned out the outlet was bad and needed to be replaced. He put up two more rods in the front bedrooms because I had acquired some free curtains from my daughter.

He also helped me put the completed china cabinet back together. I was racing to get it done before he arrived just for that reason. We also retrieved my boxes of tea cups from storage so they could finally be home again. I have wanted to redo this piece of furniture since my sister decided it wasn’t a piece she wanted. Our parents bought it for their first home in 1966 and only our dad really liked the style. But good furniture is hard to find. Solid wood is now rare. I’ve never been a fan of painting wood but this piece was so heavy-looking that I just felt like lightning it up. I have a lot of white in my home now as my vision needs things that reflect light rather than diminish it.

I also seriously underestimated the amount of work this would take. The back had to come off to get to the inside. It took a while to get it off alone without toppling the cabinet off the cutting table that was on wheels. I also found out that I could not clear the back door frame, so it had to be painted in the kitchen. The bottom part of the cabinet I put on a towel and pulled it outside. Only needing to lift over the threshold. Later, I will show you the other projects that have been completed but this one deserves its own post. Some liked the end result, some didn’t. I’m quite happy with it and until I’m not, it shall remain as is.

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Note the bright red hardware my daughter thought would be a nice choice in the dining room. Good Feng Shui says that since it’s in the fame area of my home, pops of red are recommended. I want to be known for my hospitality. You are always welcome to tea.

Some rearranging still needs to be done but they are back where they belong.

Some rearranging still needs to be done but they are back where they belong.

You can cast your vote either way. I’m always open to new ideas. Please share your thoughts as well as projects you’ve been working on.

From my heart to yours,
Marlene Herself

Comments on: "A Case of the Snizzles" (74)

  1. I didn’t know it was your birthday! I knew it was close to mine (12th) but I wasn’t sure the exact date. So Happy Birthday!

    I’m not fond of the pickled look myself. I do know lots of people like it. Your cabinet turned out nice though. Lots of work. 🙂 Good job!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Jackie. I thought it was better than solid white and couldn’t figure out how to make it into shabby chic since it doesn’t have the right lines. I knew your birthday was the 12th. I try to keep a record of my friends birthdays.

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  2. Hey Marlene! That turned out nice! Can’t wait to see it in person. I am constantly amazed at all you accomplish! Hope you have scheduled some R&R as well! Have a good week, snizzles and all! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m glad to hear you looked after yourself first Marlene! It never hurts to have a long weekend resting up as required 🙂 I love the look of your cabinet! I am not a fan of heavy wooden furniture – I love wooden floors, but otherwise prefer that wood should stay outside, preferably on the trees……… But it would be a very dull world if we were all the same! I am glad you had some family celebrations around your birthday – it’s lovely when the kids pop in isn’t it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Pauline. I am getting so much better at looking after myself. I do like solid wood rather than the layered stuff they make now or even plastic. But when you have it, you have to appreciate it and not just toss it in the trash. I like everything lighter these days. It is good we are all different. It is lovely when the kids pop in. 🙂 Hope your day was as lovely.

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  4. I think your china cabinet turned out great–but what a lot of work! I agree on all counts–I hate to paint wood but sometimes it is simply the right choice, and this was one of those times. Your teacups glow!


    • Thank you so much Kerry. It was a scary piece to tackle. I streaked red, blue and green through the white and went over it with more white while the paint was wet. i just didn’t want it to be stark white like my walls. The tea cups were my mother-in-laws and I miss her. She was quite the character. Most things in my home have sentimental meaning. Thanks for stopping by.


  5. Happy Belated Birthday, Marlene. I hope you had a nice one! They come quick, don’t they?
    The china cabinet looks beautiful! You’re so right about it being difficult to find good furniture.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the birthday wishes, Jill. I’m just delighted to have another birthday. Most furniture these days is made of pressed wood or plastic. I prefer making use of what’s already there. Glad you liked how it turned out.

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  6. Good Morning Wonderfrau! and belated Birthday Wishes for a happy and healthy year. I’ve been missing you. I seem to be trolling the net and FB very late at night or early morning just to feel connected to you all. How fun to find you here this AM.

    Fantastic fountain you have there, awesome that tech support was able to fix the outlet. I love listening to my fountain when we’re outside. The flock of sparrows hanging round love it too. These guys are eating a ton of food and have picked all the leaves off of a tree. I’m torn now. I don’t want to continue to clean up their droppings but now it’s cooler and I don’t want to leave the feeder empty. I guess I need to find a new spot.

    Hey!! I’m very impressed with you furniture redo my dear. That must have been a giant project. It looks wonderbar! I’m actually a big fan of painted furniture. My new dining room set is wood on top but a sage green everywhere else. I think your cabinet is now ‘one-of-a-kind’ and no one has one like it. It absolutely brightens up the space! I find painted furniture very European and lends an air of sophisticated casual to a space. I can see all your special things and noticed the t-cups right away. Maybe we should do a T-cup Tuesday on FB? LOL….I wonder if it would catch on? Enjoy the day dearest xox, I’m off to work soon.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you for the birthday wishes. Every birthday is a good one. I like the colors of your table and am thinking of doing that to the one I have here. LATER! 🙂 The fountain was a yard sale find and Tech Support built a pedestal so we could see it but keep it off the deck space. I’m glad you liked what I did with the china cabinet. You are right, there isn’t another one like it. It was a giant experiment. 🙂 You are going to have to explain teacup Tuesdays to me. How would that go exactly? 🙂 Sounds like it could be fun. Glad you had a few minutes to stop by. Have a wonderfilled week. Giant squishy hugs to you.


  7. Why HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I love all that you are doing with your house!


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  8. Happy belated birthday, Marlene! I think your cabinet turned out absolutely marvelous. What a fab present to you. Take care and I hope you get over your cold and sniffles soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s more of an allergy snizzle. Doesn’t feel like a cold. Much better already. Sinuses just didn’t like something and it was a crazy busy week with lots of time digging through the storage unit. Think I got too tired. Glad you liked the cabinet. It was a scary thing to undertake.

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  9. Happy belated Birthday, Marlene!
    I swear, every time I visit, you are hip deep in a huge project! I’m glad you took to your bed and got some much needed rest. I’m also glad that your son is so devoted to helping you out.
    The cabinet looks great, by the way. I do like that there are subtle pops of color.
    I’d love to take a video tour of your home (hint, hint) as you’ve done so much work to it.
    Just thought I’d give you one more task to take care of 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. I am finally feeling quite well. Sometimes you just have to stop and read a good book with a box of tissue. I do have 2 of the best kids on the planet. Each wonderful in their own way. As for the video, it would have to have lots of pauses while I moved the junk I hide from one spot to another. STILL clutter clearing. Something to think about though. 🙂

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  10. oh-my-gosh! Marlene, what a lot of work. And you’ve done it so professionally, too, removing all the hardware and the backing, mixing your own special (pickled) paint and then restoring it all. I like it. It’s really beautiful with your MIL’s china cups. What a nice way to honor her memory. My nosy self wonders what you’re keeping in those drawers. I love drawers. There so practical and useful. Is this piece in your dining room? Maybe you said and I missed it. I hope you’ll do a “grand reveal” one day of your whole place. You’ve worked tirelessly and it shows.

    I haven’t painted much furniture over the years, but I’ve been tempted to repaint my garden “sideboard”, formerly a potting table. I never used it that way, so it morphed into a side table. The legs have a bit of dry rot from it’s time in the dirt several years ago, so I’m trying to figure out a way to cap them in something like copper sheeting, but I don’t have a clue how.

    You’ve given me food for thought.

    I’m so glad you have more of the curtain rods up. You’ve got all sorts of projects for the rainy days ahead.

    I loved your post, and loved seeing you pop up in my feed.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Alys! I’m so glad you liked the cabinet. I still have more old pieces to redo but they will wait a while. As for the drawers, I’m just starting to fill them again. MIL silver goes in one, tiny spoons, napkins etc. for tea in another and tablecloths and placemats in the third. I’ll probably put vases in the lover cupboards. There is on that is too tall so it’s laying on its side. Yes, I’ll be busy all winter.I like the idea of copper on the feet of the cabinet. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I’ll have more shortly. 🙂


      • You really are settling in. That’s my favorite part of nesting: putting things in there place, or rearranging to make the perfect place. It changes depending on my mood. Do you like to rearrange too, or do you prefer to let things be? I’m looking forward to seeing what else you have in store.

        Are you feeling better today?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I could never build furniture in. Except for bookcases. 🙂 I have furniture moving down to an art, knowing just how to do it by myself so I don’t have to beg some poor soul to do it for me. Nothing is sacred. 🙂 Somewhat better but the body still wants to rest. Time for a nap. 🙂


    • Yes, it’s in the dining room. 🙂


  11. PS I love your daughter’s beautiful wrapping and I love your fountain!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’d like my daughter to wrap professionally. She is just wonderful at it. I even give her packages that are for her to finish dressing up without telling her. 🙂 Who would think of fresh flowers as a bow??? The fountain was a yard sale find. Now that it’s working, I might hit it with some paint next year. 🙂


      • She has a gift for sure, bad pun and all. That package is stunning. How cute that you let her finish wrapping her own gift on the sly.

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m a bad mama. 😦 We take photos of her gift wrapping. I even made her a special apron.


      • What a find! I love our water fountain and so do the birds and the squirrels. Are you seeing any activity yet? They say it sometimes takes them awhile to find it. We saw a small bird in the tree last week drinking from the small water reservoir on top of one of the hummingbird feeders. The fountain is just below, but she preferred drinking from the tiny opening. It’s there to keep ants out of the sticky water.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Haven’t had time to look yet. Maybe later today.


  12. What a delightful post Marlene and happy belated birthday!!! Good for you to just snuggle up in bed and take time and care and rest! The fountain is so gorgeous!! Love the cabinet, looks bright and fresh. Your son and daughter sure know how to look after mom…and she is worth it! xo Johanna

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Nice job Marlene! I hope you are feeling better now and have been able to celebrate in style 😊

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  14. Happy birthday month! Hope you’re feeling better now. I love the red hardware your daughter chose for the china cabinet and all your son’s hard work. I was really interested in Feng Shui at one time, I’d like to revisit it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and for stopping by. I repainted the existing hardware red so there was only the expense of paint. She has a good eye and a definite head for Feng Shui. I had a good friend that taught us a lot. My daughter studies on her own but is not yet certified. Maybe one day.

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  15. First Marlene.. a belated Happy Birthday.. Second I hope you are feeling brighter and better from your cold.. You did the right thing in resting.. I went to bed this afternoon as I did 4 hours in the allotments this morning without hubby.. He was under the weather too.. He did too much I think yesterday digging all the potatoes up.. So I thought I would be wonder woman and try and finish a spot of weeding and hoeing.. Time flew and hubby came to fetch me.. 🙂 lol.. But it has saved him doing the bending.. But I paid for it as I crashed out after lunch.. 🙂

    Thirdly WOW to your painted cabinet .. Its a wonderful piece and I think you have really given it a modern touch.. It looks better than the original in my own opinion.. And looks fabulous with your tea services.
    I have an old china cabinet of my Dads .. and in it a tea service from my Gran.. they are also treasured..

    Love your water feature and so pleased you got those extra jobs done before your Son goes away..
    Keep looking after yourself Marlene.. Love and Best wishes your way.. And I hope this weekend you feel much brighter and have more energy..

    Love and Hugs Sue xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Sue, for the wishes and the good advice about resting. I keep thinking I’m ready to get moving again and next thing I know, here I sit. 🙂 Glad you liked what I did with the cabinet. I like it so much better. It no longer feels like a weight in the room. More to go and get lightened up. I’ll never run out of projects, just steam. 🙂 Son only had a week to get all his tools rounded up and packed in the tiny car and fix my last things. He will probably fly back for Christmas but I doubt the work will be done where he is by then. I will have to empty and put away the fountain for the winter I think. No way to keep it clean with all the rain and winds we get. It will be ready though for next spring. At least it was the outlet and not the pump. Sounds like you are working too hard too. That’s why I love winter. Only one job then. Inside. 🙂 Giant squishy hugs to you. MH

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  16. I hope you are feeling better by now, Marlene. I was thinking about you and decided to see if you had a new post as I did not get a notification for some reason. I was so happy to see you back on the blog trail! ♡ Anyway, I love what you have done with this! I have a friend who is thinking of dumping her antiquated china cabinet but I’m going to link this for her to check out and perhaps save her beloved piece furniture with a new modern and updated look. Yours looks so fabulous. I’m certain it was a big project but well worth it. Lastly, belated happy birthday to you!♡♡ Big hugs♡♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Jan. Getting older is a blessing not everyone gets so I’m grateful for every birthday. I’m glad you liked the cabinet. I have looked a long time for a better replacement and finally decided I had nothing left to lose. I streaked blue, green and red through wet white paint and in some places it made lavender. I like it so much better and no one else will have one just like it. My son took care of the hardest part, getting the top onto my rolling table and putting it back on. My daughter and I did it when I moved in here and barely managed it. But we did! I like the cabinet so much better now. Thanks for stopping by. Hugs, mh

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  17. Happy Belated Birthday! Something has been going around, here it was strep throat which the little ones so nicely shared with me. Glad to hear you are feeling better and it didn’t keep you down long.

    I absolutely love your cabinet! You made a great choice choosing not to give it a solid white paint job and the red, goes nicely with your china. Having done my share of furniture painting I know how much work that cabinet must have been. Now wonder you were exhausted.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Lois on all counts. I am feeling a bit better and that cabinet was a LOT of work. I streaked red, green and blue through the paint. Where it ran together, it made a little lilac. So many colors but the hardware had to be red. Still more pieces to do but later and smaller. I still have a very old, cheap chest of drawers to lighten up and I want to do the round dining room table and chairs. The table and chairs will be a big project. There is also a bookcase I’m offloading to put outside so it will need to be finished accordingly. The work was less exhausting than the fear that went with it. 🙂 Hugs. M


      • I am going to have to give streaking paint colors through a piece one day because your cabinet is gorgeous!

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      • Thank you Lois! It was scary fun. I started with wet white paint. Popped on bits of red, green, and blue and went over it with more white paint. Have to work fast and do small sections. Try it with something small first. You’ll love it.


      • Definitely have to and I have an idea what I might experiment on. 🙂

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  18. Happy belated birthday, Marlene! Hope you had a great day. Your cabinet turned out wonderful. I have never taken on a project like that, only worked on a chest of drawers many years ago that was difficult due to many coats of paint. We eventually took it to a dunk place where that was enormously helpful to get rid of old paint. I can imagine the joy you feel each time you look at the finished product. Well done! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much for the birthday wishes. It’s going to be a great year. Glad you liked the cabinet. I’ve tried stripping paint off furniture and it’s no fun. This was easy as it had no paint, just stain. I do love looking at it and now am ready to take on more. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. All my e-mail went to spam and I just found it. 😦

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      • I like having a mix, especially of the older stuff. I don’t care if it matches. Adds to the charm.;) When mom moved, she was going to get rid of grandma’s china cabinet, my sister has the matching buffet, and at the time I said no. I must have had a fever. I changed my mind after I decided it would look pretty good in the corner of my dining room. It does. I see it every time I come down the front stairs. It’s just lovely. Reminds me of my grandma every day. It was just a matter of finding the perfect spot. Seems like your cabinet has found just a place. ❤

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      • I wasn’t fond of this cabinet either at first. My sister wanted it and the dishes that were in it. She kept neither. I asked for the cabinet back and have moved it in and out of storage for the last 6 years until I’ve finally found what I hope is my forever home. I like shabby chic but this went way beyond shabby. 😦 It seems happy with it’s face lift and it’s encouraging me to do more. :))) Being reminded of a loved one daily is a good thing, I think.


  19. I am so amazed at how much work you do around your house!! Very impressive. And belated birthday wishes to you. Sometimes we just need to rest. Namaste.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for the good wishes. I just found all my blogs and comments in my spam folder. 😦 Good thing I checked. Couldn’t figure out why I had so little e-mail. I’ll keep a better eye on it now. Catch up with you soon. Lots more work coming. A labor of love. 🙂

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  20. You are doing some wonderful things with your place! I wish I was as talented at renewing furniture. I have mostly hand-me-down furntiure in my entire house. I don’t believe we ever had new pieces. Maybe a couch and one table our entire marriage ( 36 yrs) which is a few years-LOL. I love the old stuff it is made of real wood and craftmanship.
    Sure hope you feel better! I like your fountain-really calming:-)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Robbie. I’m glad you like the cabinet. Yes, the old stuff is made of good wood. Most of my stuff is called early divorce. I left with my bedroom furniture since I had my own room, my book and craft stuff. Everything else was left behind. This cabinet was in my sister’s possession until I moved up here. She didn’t want it anymore so I asked for it. Everything else are either pieces from my parents, children or the thrift store. I did by a sofa and chairs and the dining room furniture was purchased from the previous owner of this house for a small sum. I know how to make do as well. I left all the good furniture with the last husband. I’m good with that. At least I’m happy. I’ve learned a lot about doing things from U-tube and watching DIY shows. It was a big undertaking though. I bought a desk from the previous owner that I will soon redo along with a bookcase that was picked up at a tag sale. It will all get as new a life as I have. I am feeling much better, thank you. Something blowing in the autumn wind or too much paint fumes. 😦 All better now so I can get to work again. Think the idea of being 68 sent me into shock. How did I get so old. 🙂 Take care, M


  21. I LOVE it!!! You touch me with the way you dive right into a task and stick with it until all the possibility of it has been brought forward!! It truly is stunning and I agree that the old furniture was well made…nowadays even the high end stuff is not comparable. I love to refinish old furniture and make it new 🙂
    Hope that you are well…and thank you for always being such a wonderful source of support and inspiration!! Much love to you ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • THANK YOU, Lorrie. Appreciate you stopping by and the compliment. I have a few more pieces to do but they have to wait till next summer. This one got away from me. 😦 Hugs to you.


      • Marlene, it went so fast my head is spinning! When I look at what I got done it seems like nothing! Be proud of your beautiful piece…it is stunning!!! I have to sit back…take a deep breath…and not feel like this is a race! There’s so much I want to do and I don’t get to nearly half of it!!! As a friend would say, “That’s a high class problem!” 😉 ♡♡♡

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      • I like your friends take on the high class problem. I’d rather have more to do than time for, than time and nothing interesting to do. 🙂 I plod along and am happy to accomplish one thing a day even if it’s just a note to a friend. It’s not a race. My daughter always says, “everything is as it should be”. I’ll go with it. 🙂 I’m old and retired so I just get done what I can and let the rest wait.

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      • 😉 Here’s to life…just as it is!!

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  22. I didn’t say it when I was visiting, but that piece reminds me of a shrunk. I should have said so, since you are someone who would know what I mean. I had one with my first husband, who brought it back from Germany when he was stationed there.

    Your white stain really changes it and oh, what a difference in the room! It’s light and bright and I’m sure it’s just what you were hoping for. With your beautiful place settings inside, it’s just perfect.

    Liked by 1 person

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