Looking for answers to life's questions

What’s New?

I’m trying to figure out this New Year thing. Saturday turns into Sunday and everything is supposed to be different? My house looks like the same mess it was in yesterday. In other words, same stuff (putting it nicely), different day. My mind is as chaotic as my home is right now so forgive the fragmented writing, please.

packing boxes mixed in with Christmas decor.

packing boxes mixed in with Christmas decor.

I was awakened at midnight by the fireworks that sounded like gunshots going off in my neighborhood and it took a while to go back to sleep. I’m a very early riser. Why do we humans like to celebrate things? Maybe  to keep life from being mundane. Animals don’t do celebrations. Every day is good to them. I know there is a lesson in there.

I got time for Christmas. Something I really need.

I got time for Christmas. Something I really need.

Christmas is over. I love/hate Christmas, though this year was unlike any of them. I had a lot to do this year that just didn’t get done. I spent most of my time working on a quilt for my son. He is moving all his stuff to snow country. After expressing a fondness for a soft plain quilt he saw in a craft show, I made it my mission to get one made before Christmas so he would have it with him. I had no idea what I was doing and no pattern or measurements. He wanted “soft” so that’s what I made. Flannel on one side, Minky® on the other. Other than an embroidered fleece blanket for my niece to take to college next fall, the quilt is the only thing I finished this year.

Quilt for Tech Support.

Quilt for Tech Support.

Isabel Rose is her name.

Isabel Rose is her name.

When the truck pulls out with everything from his room and the storage unit, I will start my new year. Sorting and selling. We have already sold many things through a neighborhood website that just popped up. Yay!!! I still have a village to sell and all its inhabitants. There is nowhere to store them year to year anymore and nowhere to display them. Anyone need a collection of dust catchers?

Alpine Bakery

Alpine Bakery

New for me this year will be just one thing. Find ways to move more. Just my body, not my house.  None of what I do involves a lot of movement. I’m also planning to try new things this year. Maybe connecting with more blogs that ask us to write something specific, and possibly take some classes to meet new people. I tend to be a hermit. One of those extroverted introverts. People scare the dickens out of me but we need each other.

People sharing ideas and good fun

People sharing ideas and good fun

Also new this year, we’ve had an unusual amount of snow already and extra cold temps. Looks like more is on the way. I won’t mind once the kid has his rental truck safely where it’s going. I don’t wish driving in this crazy weather on anyone.

Handmade by a quilting friend, this snow-mama came home with me.

Handmade by a quilting friend, this snow-mama came home with me.

It already feels like a very different year. In my bones different. Let’s hope it brings more good than not. So are you really expecting anything NEW about this New Year?


From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself






Comments on: "What’s New?" (85)

  1. It is ironic how an arbitrary date can effect us so much.

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    • It’s one holiday I just don’t get. It’s one for the books, the financial books that is. I guess you would celebrate if you made a lot of money the previous year but other than that, what is it all about? 😛 Thanks for stopping by, Bernadette. Happy New Year! 🙂

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  2. I’m with you Marlene. I don’t get New Year, never have. It’s just the Gregorian calendar rolling over and a chance to hang a new set of pictorial months on the wall. Every day is a chance to start a new habit, a new thought pattern and a new outlook. The animals do have it right and i have been mightily helped by my own personal little Buddha who knows exactly how to enjoy every moment, grasp every opportunity and never miss a treat time! 🙂 I have to say that since I got my home back to myself and did the last clear out I have been so happy and motivated. I’ll never be a minimalist, but honing things down to those that are beautiful and/or useful (or beautiful and useful) has been entirely liberating! I’ve probably said this to you before 🙂 The snow sounds rather dire – keep warm and drive carefully when you must venture forth. xo

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    • I knew you would get it, Pauline. I am so looking forward to clearing out stuff that no longer serves me and only having around what does. I’m grateful for everyday and celebrate them. I love watching the snow, hate having to go out in it. My daughter can work from home if it gets bad. I am so looking forward to reclaiming my space too. I’m feeling rejuvenated. Hopefully that will spill over to reclaimed good health. Have a lovely play in your space, Pauline.

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  3. We’ve had more snow and cold temps than usual also. I have shoveled way too many times this winter! Good exercise, so I won’t whine too much. 😉
    As for the New Year, I take it like Christmas. The ‘spirit’ of the day, not the day itself so much. I’m just glad to be alive to see another year roll into a new one. Through the years I have honed down many things in my life. Some by choice, others not so much. It’s all turned out for the best. Much less to dust, move around, and clean. I like that.
    I too need to move my body more this year. Even though it hurts I am determined to move it, move it! LOL

    Liked by 2 people

    • There are many of us that want to be moving more. I’m always happy for another day to do better and be better. I’m ready for a life that is honed down and simpler. I think I’ve been waiting for it since 1985. Long wait. Worth it though I hope. Hang in there with me.


  4. The quilt you made for your son looks like an impressive achievement to me especially since you were winging it. As for resolutions and new beginnings, I like to think of humans in knitting terms: We are all works-in-progress.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Emily Moss said:

    I know you will do better in 2017 because I’m going to be here to help my friend. Let’s try to do more things together this year. You are a very special friend. Love Emily

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Emily. I’m counting on you to help me learn all I missed so far. I’ll call as soon as I can find the floor again. Tomorrow and Wed are moving day and it’s going to be soooo cold. Thanks for reading. Hugs.


  6. Landmarks of some sort appear to be important to the human psyche. Before commercialism was a ‘thing’, we celebrated the turn of the year at midsummer and midwinter, and births were a source of happiness worth celebrating. But I agree that it’s gone a bit crazy these days. As for moving: I live in a house with stairs, and I make a point of going up and down them multiple times a day, now that I *can* move. It can get painful, but it truly does make a difference!

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    • I so agree. Things used to be simpler so I just make new year like any other day. Christmas is one I’d like to do everyday instead of being rushed to do so much at once. I love gifting people but on my own timeline. And mostly with things made from the heart. I’m ready to do more moving too. Thanks for stopping by. I’m glad you can move again too. I was pretty concerned for you. You have so much to do and give, it would be a shame for all that to no longer be possible.

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  7. Hey Marlene! Upheaval does make us wonder and question, and a New Year or new beginning of any kind is a good time to start seeking answers. The one thing that I’m looking forward to working on is relationships; specifically connecting with old friends. In fact I’m hoping to do that with you, Sabine and Misty! Happy new beginning!

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  8. Happy New Year Marlene! I hope to get to read more, blogg more, walk more and chat my friends more often.


  9. Ringing in a new year has always brought mixed feelings. On one hand, I feel I have a blank canvas and it’s my responsibility to make the most out of it. On the other hand, I feel a bit melancholy about the passage of time…it goes so fast. Speaking of time, what a great clock! I love it, Marlene! Happy New Year, my friend.

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    • I’m with you on the mixed feelings, Jill. It’s been one hectic year and hoping that the pace balances out a bit. Blogging helps me see what I’ve done with my time. Don’t you just love that clock! I bought a beautiful one similar in size for my sister many years ago and when I move into my home, she move in with me for a time hanging her clock on my wall. When she finally relocated somewhere she could put it up, I missed it terribly. So my son and his ex-wife found this one online. She stayed up till midnight to get a deal on it. Right now it’s playing Christmas music each hour but it has many selections to choose from. Also a light sensor so when it’s dark, it’s a quiet clock! I’m always saying I need more time. 🙂 Happy New Year to you as well, Jill. Lets hope for all things wonderfilled. 🙂

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  10. You’re funny–you say you don’t get the idea of New Year’s but you are sounding very upbeat and energized by the new year! I know exactly what you mean about needing to go out and be more social. I have to force myself to do it, too. I joined a quilt guild a few years ago and that led to a small weekly sewing group. Sometimes I have to force myself out the door, to attend, but I’m always glad I did. Good luck with all your plans!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know you fully understand me now, Kerry. Since I am always the new kid on the block, my social anxiety looms large. But like you, I’m always glad I put myself out there. For me, the new year always comes in with a whimper where for so many, like my noisy neighbors, it comes in with a bang. 🙂 You know what they say about plans. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by.


  11. The new year to me is now what the new school year was. A chance to start again with a fresh slate. Oh I know that therotically I could do this every day but I don’t and the chance to start afresh on 1 Jan is a good feeling. Amazing the amount of stuff we hang onto. I have started to read a blog called The Minamalists. I shall never be or even wish to be minalist but it does have some good ideas. Including using the word must instaed of should. So fa this year I have been through my summer and spring wardrobe and have a bag to take the charity shop now, I shall never miss the clothes I ma giving away, they belong to my worklife which is over and done with. Know what you mean about getting out and meeting people, it is one of my musts and not a should! Good luck.xx

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    • There is an old 12 step phrase the says “you must never should on yourself” Rephrasing is a wonderful tool. I will never be a minimalist either as all crafters and creators well know. But clearing out things that no longer serve is something I have been working on for quite some time. With the rest of my things finally coming out of storage, I’m happy to part with much more and use what I have. Getting my guest room closet and the minimal storage space available in my small home back again is a huge bonus. My New Year will start on Thursday, I hope. We start loading his truck today. It’s freezing out there and I’m not looking forward to it. But it must be done. It does kind of feel like a new school year. I like that way of looking at it. Have a wonderful purging of unwanted stuff. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by and sharing some luck.


  12. New Years means to me, shake off the bad and a time to bring more good in my life Love the quilt.

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    • Thank you. Every year is a mixed bag for me. I guess it depends on where I want to focus my energies each year. This one will definitely be different. Happy New to you. May you complete projects to your hearts desire.

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  13. Completing a quilt is a massive thing. Congrats! I bought the quilting book and got the material and was too scared to start. This was some years ago. So your achievement is most impressive to me.


    • Don’t laugh, Cynthia, but I still have a bag with my first quilt I started in 1998. That was the last time I worked on it. Found out when I moved to a small town with a local quilt store that the best way to start on one was in a class. That’s how I completed the first four. You learn something from each class that helps you do your own things. Then I joined a quilt group and had so much fun with such nice people that I just can’t give up the quilting. I’ve even gone when I couldn’t sew. That lasted over 4 years. Just getting back into it slowly. Being part of a group really helps. We have lots of professional women who quilt to “relax”. Doesn’t relax me one bit…yet. But I love giving a gift from the heart. Find a quilt you would love to make or take a beginners class. I had lots of fun in them. Thanks for stopping by and your kind words of encouragement.

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  14. January 1st is a rather special day for me, for you see, it is/was my Daddy’s birthday. I grew up with Jan 1st having a wonderful celebration because we had a wonderful Dad. Momma made the day very special. I miss both of them very much.

    I, too, want to clean up and clean up lots of stuff around here. I need to sell it (as retirement money is always tight) So that is my goal for this year.

    Your quilts are amazing!

    Happy January!


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    • I’m with you on celebrating birthdays big. I still celebrate my parents birthdays though they have been gone many years too. That would make Jan 1 special. I use the month of January as a time of reflection since you can’t be outside working as much. I love those quiet months. I wish this was one of them. 🙂 So far it’s been quite busy. I know what you mean about retired income. Happy January, Linda. Thanks for stopping by.

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  15. Good morning Marlene! I’ve never been crazy about New Years, but do like the idea of starting a fresh year. As for me, I will continue to go through all my belongings and reduce them to what I actually need and use.
    I’ve come to realize that it is very liberating to not be attached to stuff. Whenever I travel, I get by with a tiny piece of luggage, my iPad and camera. I want more of that in my home life, just not quite as extreme.
    The quilt turned out beautiful, and the clock looks intriguing.
    Some of the things I want to do this year is use the time I have more wisely, do more of what I enjoy doing and less of what I don’t.
    Hope the packing goes well and you can relax soon. Hugs! 😘

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    • We froze out there yesterday and will again today. Tomorrow will be the leaving day. You and Misty are welcome to come by and see the aftermath of hurricane TS. I had a small brandy last night to warm up and then a hot shower. Ready to do it all again today but we are getting it done. I have a lot of stuff. But it will find its home here or elsewhere. Hugs, M

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      • Freezing cold here too! I am glad there is an end to the hurricane inside your home! 😉 I’ve got some boxes and giant bags filled with things I’m ready to let go off. Once I drop it off at Goodwill, it will feel even better! 😀 Stay warm and best wishes for your son on his next adventure.

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  16. I agree about the new year thing, it’s an arbitrary date. The spring equinox makes far more sense as a “New Year” but I can’t say I’m sorry to see an end of 2016 even if it is just a new calendar date.
    I hear you about the going through and sending off to somewhere else the things you no longer need, use or want. I had hoped to be doing that before now. I suspect it’s going to have to wait until I can secure a permanent residence (if I can manage to keep the rent paid on the storage units). I wouldn’t mind bringing a box here and going through it, however all the boxes are jammed behind the furinture which was put in the front of the unit instead of the back. My instructions and requests were totally ignored, I do have my stuff, I just can’t get at any of it which is very frustrating. I had thought to embark on using up a lot of the yarn I have by making items to donate, the yarn is buried somewhere in the storage unit, same with my sewing machine and fabric, the beads, calligraphy supplies, etc. I have lots to get scanned for my genealogy research and preservation, yep, buried. It would be wonderful to get some of the work done, have things properly archived or sent on.
    Hope your moving goes well, I know how much work it is. Do be careful with the driving. We finally had the sheets of ice melt and can get the car out, at least until the next snow.
    Love the quilt, looks nice and warm and good colors, I like the earthy ones. I’ve never seen a clock like that, I’ve got my own odd one, an old 24 hour clock which has confused everyone who’s seen it. I function on 24 not 12/12, far less confusing.

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    • I understand about not having a permanent residence. I was without for 2 years, sleeping on family members sofa’s and futons. Now I have my own manufactured home and have been working on it for 2 years. More work to be done but that will be later. First, order must be restored. I hope things work out for you soon. I would hate to see you lose all your things to auction. Thank you for stopping by.

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  17. Messy? Naw, it looks all doable Marlene-a-go-go ! Happy New Year !

    Numerically speaking 2-0-1-7 adds up to 10, 10 is an even number so this year will be even-steven…well balanced. LOL, I just made that all up but sounds good to me.

    I don’t make resolutions at any specific time of year, I like to review, re-evaluate, repent, recoil, re-organize, resist…ha, whenever I feel up to it. That being said, it’s nice to have something to look forward too. Like, “when I’m finished organizing here, I’m going to paint a canvas (or sit down and read a book, write a short story I’ve been thinking about, or whatever). If I focus on the reward rather than the task, it seems less daunting and more fun.

    This has been your free (and unsolicited) New Years advice from Dr (of love) Boomdee-kins xoxoxox

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    • Thank you so much for the advice Dr. Boomdee-kins. Are you sure there is no fee for all this wonderment? Quite valuable indeed. I had to try and answer this early today as we will be out there in the cold again today packing up Tech Support. I don’t know how you function in the cold. Then I will get to the reflecting part of this month. Sitting and reevaluating, reorganizing and in general having a new beginning which is what a 1 year is all about. New beginnings. The 9 year just finished is just that, completion. I’ll be by to see what new creation you have come up with soon. I’m just so excited to get things cleaned up and organized so I can play with my long lost toys. 🙂 Giant squishy hugs. M

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      • Gah! I don’t do cold well at all….nine! Bundle up and take breaks if you can (( Marlene )). The only thing I do outside these days is replenish the bunny and birdie food then go to and from work. Winter is a real pill but we need some moisture for summer gardens…..so I suck it up. xo

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      • Yes, we need the moisture. I am bundled up but still have to move. It’s the darned wind that makes it hard. It will be hot again before we know it. 🙂 And complaining about it. 🙂

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  18. Marlene…Oh I so love that quilt you made your Son.. Just beautiful and I can see how soft that fabric is.. Very Cosy and warm…
    Love that upside down clock. too.. 🙂 One thing that I have not missed since retirement is wearing a watch.. So good not to clock watch anymore.. 🙂

    I put the decorations away today.. dusted and cleaned and its great to have the tree up, but so nice to be straight again.. You will get straight.. Do not worry about it..

    Have a great New Week.. And sending again my New Years wishes… Hugs Sue xxx

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    • The clock does a musical dance before going back right. It’s fun to watch. My tree won’t come down till this weekend after my son goes on his journey to deep snow country with all his belongings. One more day of packing the truck and then I get to start the cleaning and organizing here. Yay! I’m so excited to start a new chapter. I am still never without a watch. Even at night. If I wake at 2 a.m. I need to know that I have to try to get more sleep. I’m glad you liked the quilt. My son seems to like it as well. Keeping him toasty warm since I keep the heat low. Giant hugs, Sue. Have a great week. See you soon. 🙂

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  19. I don’t make resolutions either. Since I’ve never been able to keep one, I don’t see the point. I love reclaiming my space, and as you know, have been doing this for the past several months. Our son flies in tomorrow and he’s in for a surprise. I can never stay up until midnight–nor do I have a desire to–and fall asleep long before the fireworks begin. We had actual fireworks here at midnight and they woke me up! The nerve! 😉 Your projects look great and I love the quilt. Has he received it yet? Enjoy your newly cleaned out spaces! 🙂


    • Thanks Karenlee. Yes, he got the quilt on Christmas morning. My daughter said he almost started to cry. I worked hard to get it done and rushed a bit more than I would have liked. I could have designed the blocks better but finished is always better than perfect. Same amount of warm and cozy. 🙂 So may people don’t care if they disturb others with their revelry. I’m sure you are looking forward to seeing your son and I’m anxious to hear what he thinks when he sees what you have done to his room. 🙂 My son is going to the airport tonight to pick up his ex as she will be riding back with him and navigating. It will take them 3 days to get there with the weather. I’ll be busy saying lots of prayers. And cleaning and organizing. 🙂 Have a good visit with your son.

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      • Thanks, Marlene. I’ll be thinking of your son as he travels as well. Heck, maybe we’ll bump shoulders and not know it…we’re gonna be there later as well. I am so glad he reacted the way he did when he opened your quilt. ❤

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  20. Aprille said:

    This is my first visit to your site and I have to say your warm writing style is wonderful. Also that quilt! Love how cozy it sounds and looks.
    I to am into moving more this year. We physically moved half way across the country (Ontario to Nova Scotia) and I hadn’t connected that urge to walk more to the house move. Maybe there’s some thing there…
    Enjoyed your post and will be stopping by again!

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    • Thank you for the visit Aprille. You are always welcome. Winter is a hard time to do a lot of moving. Especially where you are. We usually have mild winters in the Portland, Oregon area. This winter is an exception. So my movement will be more confined to indoors. Thank you so much for your kind words. I just write like I speak. Plain and simple. I’ll come by for a visit too shortly. It’s been kind of hectic this week but that will change quite soon. 🙂

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  21. Quilting – used to do a lot of it until Storm Sandy took out my sewing room – never did replace my sewing machine. Getting more into crocheting – at least I bought the yarn, that’s as far as I got. I love to read and it keeps me on the couch or bed – so moving is not my forte either, plus doc said I need knee replacement surgery. But somehow I do get to meet new people (you lol) and a lot of customers from my part time business. And as for your house – well, my grandma used to tell me that a messy house is a happy house – guess we have happy houses! Happy New Year! (Out of my 5 children one went away to college – in Buffalo NY – talk about snow!)

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    • Thanks for stopping by. Buffalo does get massive amounts of snow. We rarely get snow here but this year is so unusual. We are colder than we have been in years too. I need to move because it’s connected to the restored health I’m hoping for. I’m sorry you lost your sewing room. If I lost mine, I might not replace it either. I read so much that I couldn’t live without my books. I know many that have had knee replacement. it’s not easy but usually worth it. Best of luck in that area. I passed on my crochet to my nieces since I started trying out quilting. It’s the quilters that keep me going there. We just keep trying different things at different times of life. As for a messy house, mine is usually much more tidy and I require a fair amount order. This kind of clutter makes me crazy. A little mess is natural for a creative person but order helps my creative juices flow more easily. Have a happy new year too.

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  22. Oh boy you do have a job ahead of you. How wonderful you found a local group to join to get rid of some of the stuff you don’t want to keep. I love the blanket you made your son, I like simple – and warm.

    We didn’t have fireworks or firecrackers here on New Year’s because it was pouring out but one neighbor found a way to drive me crazy, he beat on the metal chain link fence around his yard which suddenly seemed way too close to my home. I couldn’t wait until he finally stopped. I get people wanting a reason to celebrate but couldn’t they keep the noise inside their home. Why is it that the noise ordnances go out the window on holidays?

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    • I got notice of the neighborhood website the day before he was ready to start listing things on Craigslist. No calls from Craigslist but several things sold on the neighborhood site. I’m going to keep trying. Really ready to shed a lot. I don’t know why they have to make so much noise. I hear that kind of noise way more often than a few holidays. They can’t enforce the ordinances if they can’t catch them. 🙂 I’ll sleep good tonight. A shower and deep sleep coming up. More hard work packing tomorrow. 🙂


      • I hope you got a good nights sleep and don’t over do things. I know you want your home back but don’t push too hard. Although you know I would as I can’t stand slowing my pace. 🙂

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  23. Marlene, it’s always good to hear your voice and your musings on life. I so enjoyed this post. I love all the comments as well. I’ve only made resolutions once or twice over the years. They never stuck (and further reading bears that out). It’s a funny thing. I have adopted a word of the year over the past two or three years, but I’ve not been able to boil that down to one word this year. (Maybe I should go with “muddled”). Not terribly inspiring, is it?

    I know your son will have many happy years under that lovely, soft quilt. What a special gift. I’m really happy that you’ll finally be able to reclaim your space for yourself. I hope packing up the truck in the cold isn’t too daunting. I’m writing on Tuesday evening, so tomorrow is the big day. Wishing him safe travels and good luck getting settled. I know you’ll feel better having the tidy space you enjoy and crave. Selling and donating your excess possessions will be cleansing as well. I can’t think of a better goal that moving more. I always feel better when I move. I find that a variety of activities keeps things interesting, so I attend a Pilates class two days a week, walk with Mike in the evening and take longer walks with friends one to three days a week, depending on schedules. Moving is good for your heart and lungs, it helps with depression, it increases bone density and of course, all the eye candy that nature provides.

    I know this will be a banner year for you. Much love and hugs, Alys

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    • I’ve been basically brain dead for the last 2 months. I will recover soon. It was bone chilling cold today (29) as we packed out the house of his stuff and then started on the storage unit. It was an 8 hour day with a short lunch break in the car. Had a very short brandy tonight to warm me before my shower. Repeat again tomorrow but the hardest stuff seems to be behind us. We hired a neighbor kid to do some of the heavy lifting as my sister and I can only do so much. He does seem to like his quilt. His stuff is all going into the shipping container he bought and I think this is a long term. I’m so looking forward to getting things cleared out and filling the back of the suburban with more of the boxes of things I’ve collected to go to the thrift store. We are fluffing the Chi as my daughter says. It makes me so happy. Thanks for stopping by and cheering me on. I can’t tell you how tired I am tonight but it’s a work hard tired not a sitting around doing nothing tired.:) I’ll be checking in again soon. 🙂 Giant hugs. M


      • “Fluffy the chi” I love that, Marlene.

        I’m glad you warmed yourself with a brandy and a hot shower. That sounds lovely (and wonderful self care, too). 29 is cold! And I know, too, that the longer you are outside, the easier it is to fatigue. You’ve worked so hard getting all this done. The reward will pay out in dividends, too, with privacy, fewer things to take care of and more time to read, write, garden, sew, quilt and just be. xo

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      • Oh Alys, if that was the whole of the story. It’s a lot longer story than even I could have imagined. The cold the second day was worse and today I finally gave up and let them handle it even more. Now I’m praying hard for a safe trip. We arrived at the term Fluffing the Chi while my daughter and I were studying Feng Shui. I’m learning self care a little late in life, but I’m learning. Also not to worry about things I have no control over.


      • Oh fluffing…not fluffy. ;_) Marlene I’m sorry to hear things are even more complex. What a slog, eh? Also, it seems that it’s dragged on into three days. That’s crazy. I know you’ll share what you can, when you can, but in the meantime, arms around you. I worry that you’ll get sick with all that added stress. Please take good care. Hugs.

        PS I’m a worrier too. I try to let things go, but it takes practice


      • Oddly, Alys, the more I let go the better things began to flow. They had to come back and offload 6000 pounds of steel shelving and plywood because the truck was too heavy. It’s all here and for sale. I don’t know how long it will take to get rid of it but he could not safely drive that truck with it all in there. The gate to the storage unit froze shut and we had to open it manually. I’m talking about the one at the entrance so he could get the truck out in the morning. I’m going back in a warmer part of today to clean out the unit. It has been cold like we have not had in years. 18 right now. I have boxes to run to the thrift store and will load up cardboard after for the recycling center. Christmas is still up. May be for a while yet. 🙂 They did find a perfect motel while gassing up earlier than planned and it made mom very happy they were off the road for the night by 9:30. They didn’t leave till 3. What a mess. 2 more days of driving if all goes well. I will be in fervent prayer until they pull in and unload. But it will be relaxed prayer. I’m not in charge here. Starting to clean up my food today and get more house organizing and cleaning done. :)))) Don’t worry about me. I managed to say I could do no more. 🙂


      • Marlene, I seem to have missed this comment on the first go around. I’m not sure why. I know now the full story, and I’m grateful it’s drawn to an end. No has magic properties. It’s easy to forget that, isn’t it? I’ve fallen off the food wagon. Not sure why. Sigh

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      • I had a regular lunch with sewing group today as it was our late Christmas gathering. MY stomach was unhappy with it so I will be sticking to it once again for the next 30 days. It’s hard to do when you are social. Everyone says one time won’t hurt you but it does. I won’t go off it again. Stress always sets me off. Even good stress. Let it go and start again.


      • Good for you for starting again. I’m starting again today. Social events are tricky. We want to enjoy what’s offered, and very often it’s the very foods that hurt us. I support you, Marlene, and I fully understand, too.

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      • We will both get there. I’m sitting here typing because I want something to munch on so bad but my hands are busy. 🙂

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      • Good for you!


  24. What a beautiful, warm, cozy quilt, Marlene! It will always feel like a warm hug from Mom to your son. 🙂 By now, you are halfway through the moving days. Wishing your son safe travels and a good start in his new home. I know you are very excited to set up your new, creative space, Marlene! I’m so excited for you! I am grateful every day to have a space downstairs where I can be messy and leave projects in progress. 🙂 Good luck with all of your downsizing. Be gentle with yourself and take it slowly. Winter days are just right for organizing inside. Wishing you healthy, happy, creative days in 2017, Marlene! ♡

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Dawn. We are slightly more than halfway through the moving process. It was so cold yesterday it was hard to move. Even colder today but we will get it done. Then I get to play inside. 🙂 Thank you for the good wishes too. Stay warm and cozy.

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  25. Had to google Minky! It sounds/looks incredible, I wonder what we can get over here that is similar.
    I love reading your posts. So much of how you think and see things resonates with me. Sometimes I think we could be twins, or at least sisters.
    I’m still trying to sort out boxes and stuff, like you. I’m so overwhelmed by the huge mess I’ve created that I’ve been reduced to leaving things in the passage (lampshades, shelves, mirrors, frames, vases….) and then foisting it off on the next visitor. Yesterday I forced our handyman and his wife to TAKE IT ALL. They seemed pleased, and now I can walk down the passage without tripping. For the moment, at least.

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    • You make me laugh.:) We have given away the things my son was trying to sell as payment for helping him. A friend to his table saw home after putting in a full day loading his truck with him. My carport, covered from rain is littered and will be cleaned up starting today if all works out well. First thing I will do after cleaning out his storage unit and letting them know it’s vacant, is start laundry and clean my kitchen. Then I will slowly start finding homes for things. I don’t get enough visitors right now to foist anything off on. My sister carries off her fair share. Minky is a polyester made soft fabric. Most people don’t like working with it but it behaved very nicely for me. It comes in many colors. I am so glad to know there is someone else out there that thinks like me. I am usually feeling quite odd in the world. 🙂 Good luck with your purging. Keep me posted.


  26. Love the clock. Very unusual. Reminds me of something Doctor Who would love to own.
    Happy New Year to you.

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  27. Hi Marlene! Oh boy, one of the things that stood out for me reading your post is when you said the quilt and the blanket were the only things you finished this year! I have come to the conclusion that I am a fantastic planner & starter…but I severely lack the skill of ‘finishing!’ I used to make ‘resolutions’ and they never amounted to much. Now, I just hope to have ‘awareness’ in all the little moments that flash by…and LOVE LOVE LOVE your gift of time (is it one of those clocks that open and move?)
    Last year was a year that I ‘cleaned and cleared’ a lot that I no longer have room for. This year I hope to replace those spaces with things that make my heart sing.
    Do I buy into the “New Year”…”New You” mentality…nope…not really. I think every single day that we wake in the morning and we are still ‘here’ is a day to celebrate and enjoy life. This year is already shaping up to have many changes in lifestyle for me. Some of it is by choice and other things are just necessary. I hope that I continue to grow and learn through all the changes and if next year comes around I will do what I normally do at this time of year…just think about the year that passed and be grateful for it all.
    Sending you lots of love and light. If we lived closer I would help you 😉 Blessings, Marlene ❤

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    • I so appreciate the offer of help, Lorrie. As it was, another blogging friend who lives an hour away, saved our bacon and spent the day helping. It was way too cold out there for me but I lasted till the sun started to drop low. The clock is one the everything dances around each hour but only if there is light. During dark hours, it’s nice and quiet. Those were the only gifts made for Christmas this year but not for the whole year. I had not planned to work so hard on other things prior to the holidays or after for that matter. Just learn to roll with it. Looking forward to hearing about your lifestyle changes. I need to make a few myself. Hugs and thanks, Lorrie.


      • I’m so happy you had help, Marlene! I should have known that you made more than those two creations all year!! Life certainly seems to have sped up…the time seems to be flying so fast. I have so many projects that get me excited, Marlene, that it feels like there isn’t enough time in the day!! My big change is that we have set it up so that my Mother will move into the condo right next door to me!! It has been a difficult time trying to decide what to do and through much introspection, evaluation, AND PRAYER…this plan just fell into place!! It won’t happen until May and we have many things to get into place…MANY THINGS! But I am looking forward to spending more time with her and honoring her golden years and sharing life with her!! I have been saying, “I know it will be hard,” but I stopped that as soon as I realized what I putting into the universe! Now I think just that life will be “different” and I truly look forward to it!! If I’m honest I freak out a little when I look at the lists I have made!! But this feels right in my heart and I know it will all work out!!
        Much love to you my friend…thank you for your caring soul ♡♡

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      • I am so delighted that a good option has placed itself in front of you for your mother. I’ve learned to ask for what I need and be open to the solution. My own mother spent her last year right next door where we could be of help but she had her autonomy. So important. Life is so much easier if you let “The In Charge” do the job and just follow the plan. It’s been an interesting journey so far. 🙂 Hugs.


      • Ah! Marlene, I’m so grateful I shared this with you as I have not talked about it on my blog at all. But to hear you were able to be “next door” for your Mom just solidifies the decision we have made. She is very independent but needs help with certain things. I feel so blessed to be able to be there for her. The autonomy part is huge..for both of us as I have no interest in being “the police.” I just want to be her loving daughter who helps when she needs it 😉
        Thank you ♡♡ Here’s to “The In Charge!” 😉

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  28. What a treat this post is. The clock, the quilt, and the plans to be a more extroverted introvert! I’ll look forward to hearing about your adventures, Marlene.
    And i really like the comment about animals seeing good in every day.
    We need to be more like animals, don’t we/
    Here’s to happiness, contentment, and good health in 2017!

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    • Thank you for the kind words, Laurie. They mean a lot. Animals are our best teachers. This year of 2017 is going to be a new beginning. Wishing you a wonderful year as well.


  29. May 2017 be a lovely year for you, filled with love, laughter, health, prosperity and happiness! Learn something new, teach someone something special and just enjoy this precious life we have been gifted! I know you practice and know all of this…just reminding myself as well xoxo

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    • Everything about this year is already different. I’m enjoying all the hard work and the chance to change directions in many areas. At my age, not one day is taken for granted nor one moment. Thanks for stopping by to visit and the good wishes.


  30. Okay, I must be in 2017 funk cuz I just realized I’ve been missing out on some of your posts so now I am back tracking. I love the blanket that you made for your son but had no idea he had moved out. I’m too should be taking advantage of clearing out stuff well it’s pouring outside. At least then I would feel that I had something accomplished. Quite impressive that you were able to accomplish this yourself. I am also looking to expand my horizons so to speak this year and considering an organization through our church and which I can so items. I won’t say anything else about it yet until I make a commitment.

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    • I very often read backward as time is often fluid. My son had other work to do elsewhere and I need time to do some soul work. I really accomplish nothing alone. There is always a helping hand when I need it and encouragement when I’m losing heart. This community is my strongest ally. We are all supposed to work at different paces and there are many that outpace me. Stop being so hard on yourself. You are doing exactly what you should be doing.:) Reading my blog.:))))

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      • I woke up this morning and inspired by your post and I am preparing to start cleaning out some drawers and cupboards today. You are so correct about the support of the blogging community! Big hugs and thanks for the inspiration!

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      • You are welcome. Going to try to get e-mail out this morning. Another long night. 😦 Then I’m heading back to the sewing room. 🙂 You are inspiring me as well.

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