Looking for answers to life's questions

My favorite month is half over in the blink of an eye. Two weeks gone but they were fully loaded. You remember the lonely Aster flower on September first?

This Aster has its own calendar

Well two weeks brought quite a change in the plant and in the weather. We are going from the upper 90-degree temps to mid-70’s and starting next week, we will get to the 60’s with a full week of rain. This is what I call race weather. I race to get everything outside done and buttoned up for whatever comes next. There is no second guessing the weather these days. You must be ready for anything.

Asters halfway through September

September is a busy month around here. It starts out with lots of birthdays. I get mine early and then many friends and family fall in line until the month is just one big celebration. My daughter and I had a simple Saturday together on my birthday. I felt a little giddy as I waved farewell to the last of my 60’s.

A special blogging friend knows me so well. I really wanted that book too.

First, we visited our favorite metaphysical bookstore downtown to see what was new. I spotted the pretty journals that I did not need but this one made it into my daughter’s shopping bag. I’m going to write my goals and dreams for the next year in it to start the 70’s out right. It was presented to me over a luscious lunch at a tiny Italian place within walking distance of the bookstore. They are known for their criminally delicious desserts of which we had to partake. There was a candle in the cake and Happy Birthday written on the plate.

My son gifted me with the laptop, refurbished with a hard drive that should not break if it was jostled. Now I can visit with everyone again.

Some of the cards that graced my day.

On the way to lunch, wait for it, we saw there was no line at the Salt and Straw!!! It was only 11 a.m. but I had never been able to get in to try their ice cream. It’s famous in Portland, Oregon for its locally sourced and organic ingredients. Lines usually going around the block all day. Dessert before lunch? Well it was my birthday and they were all but waiting for me. I had to try it once.

We did a lot of walking that day to work off the lovely lunch getting home as the 90 plus degree temps invaded our day and we settled in to sit and read.

The first and last part are most applicable to me.

September is my favorite month as the autumn descends upon us and cool things down. Remind me of this post when you see me lamenting the cold and gloomy months ahead. I love the cold over heat but will miss the fresh tomatoes from my garden that I munch on as I work outside.

The big ones had a hard time, The little tomatoes were prolific

I will miss the hard physical work of hauling mulch up the terrace steps and the weeds that always seem to grow better than the flowers. Mostly, I will miss the long daylight hours as days shorten into longer nights. This is the month of transition from summer to winter as autumn here, only gives us a brief wave and moves on.

Are you ready for the changing seasons? What is your favorite month?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself






Comments on: "September’s Celebration" (78)

  1. Happy belated birthday, Marlene! You look absolutely adorable eating your birthday day lunch and wearing your hat! It sounds like you had a special day….you deserve it!
    I love the change of seasons, but I’m not a fan of the cold. I do like the crisp, cool mornings and evenings in October. Right now, we’re heading back up toward the 90’s after some beautiful days in the 70’s. This time of year, it’s a roller coaster. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Jill. I always wear a hat anymore and forget it’s there. They can make a mess of my fly-away hair so it can often be best to leave well enough alone. 🙂 It was downright chilly today and I love it. Most of my friends my age love it warm, I can’t do warm. You could hang meat in my bedroom and it would stay fresh. You are right, this time of year it’s anyone’s guess what the weather will do next. I like to celebrate each birthday I’m privileged to have. Have a wonderfilled weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Organic ice cream? New books? Birthdays? Asters? What’s not to like? Looks like you’re having a wonderful month – a belated happy birthday from me – and I hope it only gets better. I love your posts x

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Jill. 🙂 I am having a wonderful month. I hope it gets better too. All in all, I’m in pretty good shape for the shape I’m in. 🙂 That was THE BEST ice cream ever! I could do a lot of that and I don’t usually do ice cream. 🙂 Have a great weekend.

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  3. Happy Birthday! We are both virgos from the same part of the month. No wonder we get along so well! This is a happy, visually lovely post!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Happy Birthday to you too, Cindy!!! Virgos rock. Did you just love the t-shirt? So Asters are your flower too. September is such a wonderful month and I can’t tell you how many people I know have early Sept birthdays. Mine is the second, so yours has to be after? 🙂 Thanks for the visit and have a wonderfilled weekend.


  4. Belated Happy Birthday, Marlene! What a lovely day you had: books, journals, cake and ice cream – all the things I love as well 😄
    Don’t worry about forgetting to take off your hat, I think it looks lovely (and I forget to do it too 😉). The asters are a dream! And you won’t be surprised to hear that I bought ones today that look exactly the same just much smaller. I hope it will grow just as lovely as yours 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Sarah! It was a lovely day with all my favorite things included except of course my son who lives far away now. Got a card and my laptop repaired from him though so I can continue blogging.
      The asters I have were very small 5 years ago. Planted them in the ground last year and they are thriving. I may have to split them next spring. Impressive what a couple of weeks will do to a plant. They were in a pot 3 years so yours will do fine. Have a wonderfilled weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m happy to see you had a nice birthday Marlene – it does sound like just the right way to enter the 8th decade! September is also my favourite month – not because of my birthday, but because of the daffodils and watching the leaves bud on the trees and the temperature warm up. Through this month my favourite tree wakes up and slowly, one day at time puts on a little more green. I love to really observe her each day as I pass and see where I can note the changes. By the end of the month she will be in her full spring gown, the daffodil hill will be just past its best and we will have longer hours of daylight again. I love September!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I love spring too but it always brings summer behind it here. ;( I really wish the heat didn’t bother me so. I do love to see all the buds coming out and everything blooming. It was the way my daughter and I love to spend a day and she arranged for the cake to have a candle ahead of time. Now I’m working to get things ready for winter and you get to watch spring. Isn’t life wonderful! September has so much to celebrate. You and so many of my blogging friends have birthdays this month. Have a wonderfilled weekend and sending chin scratches to Siddy and Orlando. Hugs to you. 🙂

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  6. Those Asters went crazy! Happy late birthday Marlene, mine comes tomorrow (the 16th). Ice cream sounds like an excellent way to celebrate 😃

    Liked by 1 person

    • That was the best ice cream ever and I had no usual after affects that come with most ice cream. Happy birthday to you too, Deb. I know you will probably be working tomorrow but maybe you can celebrate some. Those Asters are just wonderful. They were in a big pot for 3 years and came back year after year. They obviously love their new home.

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  7. Sounds like your birthday was pretty darn great. 🙂 We Virgos deserve it! LOL Mine was quiet. As usual. I’m used to it. We’ve got much cooler weather here. It went from mid 90’s to mid 40’s with rain. Love this time of year! Never know what you will get when you wake up in the morning. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was great, Jackie. I’m very, very lucky and I know it. Maybe next year will be better for you.
      It dropped down into the low 50’s last night and I had the window open and the fan on. It was WONDERFUL! I can handle hot in the day as long as nights are cool. So many of my friends have birthdays this month. My cousin, named after me had one two days after mine. 😉
      I still love autumn the best. I know the cave is waiting. 🙂 Hugs,


  8. Salt and Straw does have the very best ice cream! I went only once and it was incredible. I’m glad you had such a wonderful celebration! The journal cover is great. I’ll send you an email this weekend and we can perhaps plan our combined Geburtstagsfeier! Have a great weekend Marlene! 😀


  9. Happy belated birthday Marlene!

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  10. Happy Belated BIrthday, Marlene!!! So glad you had a memorable clelbration. We’ve had a nice several days, a bit too cool for me (I love the heat) but sunny, which is always best. Nothing growing in the gravel and concrete except a couple low weeds which always struggle. Love the asters, I had them at the house, but mine were the wild kind, small, soft lavender and almost white flowers on tall, rangy plants. There are some in the alley below the building I’m living in which give something green and pretty to look at (even if the alley is filled with nothing but “weeds”). Enjoy the rest of the month and have a wonderful day.


    • Thank you for your good wishes, Aquila. Every birthday is memorable for me. They are best when spent with beloved family and friends. I do wish I could do heat as I love sunny days. Anything over 80 wipes me out. I started the asters out in a pot when I lived in an apartment with only a porch to put them on. I require dirt and plants being a Virgo in order for me to thrive. 🙂 Hope you have a wonderfilled September too and thanks for stopping by. It’s appreciated.

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  11. Hey Marlene! I don’t have a favorite month, but my favorite season is Fall. I love how it’s still warm enough, but not scorching hot; the colors, the change in food, putting on a sweater and walking in crunchy, fallen leaves. Sounds poetic, right? In our new home we have a maple tree that I can watch while writing. I’m anxious to see it do it’s changing thing from green to brilliance. Happy belated birthday, my friend! Here’s to the 70’s!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Missy. I like most months too. There is good in all of them. But autumn is a favorite and September is the transition. I like the crunching sound of leaves and of snow. We have so much smoke again today we can’t go out for any reason. Come on rain! I’d be sitting out there too if I could. Maybe Monday. It’s hard to believe I’m approaching 70. I don’t feel that old…most of the time. 🙂 Hugs my friend, hugs.

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  12. Marlene, what a lovely joyous post! I’m sorry I missed the chance to wish you Happy Birthday on the day, but may you have many happy and healthy returns of the day. If I had to choose a month Down Under it’d be November: everything is bursting into flower, the big Wet hasn’t started yet but we’ve had a little rain, it’s not as hot and humid as it’ll be in December and January, and the appalling Christmas craziness hasn’t started yet. In the northern hemisphere, I’d have to choose May. For me, it was always the perfect month…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m pretty happy to have any month but those without extreme heat are still my favorites. We started Sept with 90 degrees and are going down to the 60’s soon. It’s a month of complete contrast. School starts here and I always loved school. I like May too. Spring is beautiful. I guess I’m just grateful to have another birthday. I don’t take them for granted. Thanks for stopping by and have a wonderfilled week ahead.


  13. Happy Birthday, Marlene! I absolutely loved this post, full of gardening and September, and full of you. It was a great read. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

  14. J & D > Happy Birthday – and a feast of delights!

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  15. Happy Birthday, sounds a perfect day, bookshop, icecream and a child with you to celebrate! Have a great weekend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Cathy. It doesn’t get any better unless you have both your children together on your birthday. Maybe next year. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled weekend too. I’m sure you have lots of wonderful plans.


  16. My goodness, what a great birthday you had–you and yours know how to celebrate! I love autumn, too, though I think I’d take October over September–that’s when the maple leaves turn bright and the Canada geese make their big noisy move.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m looking forward to October as well. I think I love most months but for me, Sept marks the end of the oppressive heat. I just don’t do heat well. I know the plants need it but I tend to wilt and wither. 😦 I am always happy to see the geese come through here as well. They have stopped traffic in our area so often as everyone is cautious for them. Thanks for stopping by, Kerry and have a wonderfilled weekend.


  17. Oh, I so loved this post! No wonder September is your favorite month! Happy belated birthday. And you said good-bye to your sixth decade? Hon, you live like you’re in your 20s with all the amazing things you do! Keep your heart young, my friend, and you will continue to lead a full life. Reading about your visit to the bookstore, and all the flowers…I have been at the computer way too much lately. I WILL get out and about on Sunday and just be carefree for the afternoon and enjoy life. 🙂
    Sending you hugs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s the hard physical work outside that keeps one young. I can work circles around my daughter, daughter in law and most other women I know. Yoga more in winter but in between in the spring and summer. Keeps us flexible. My son was lamenting that the DIL could barely get out of a chair. She works very hard but not the kind of work that keeps the body pliable. I plan to be around long enough to read all my books, sew all my fabric and finish all my crafts as well and make this house better. Thank you so much for the birthday wishes and the visit. I hope you find some time to play and get physical. Have a wonderfilled weekend.


  18. What a lovely post! I can almost feel your well deserved happiness and contentment.
    Happiest of Birthdays, Marlene!
    Enjoy these last days of September ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Laurie. It was a wonderfilled day. Sept is a month of transition. We just got RAIN!!!! We are so excited that it may help put out our fires here. Needed that rain and now we have a bit of cool too. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled week too.

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  19. I’ll miss those garden-fresh veggies too!

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  20. Marlene, there is so much to celebrate in this post. Your birthday, cooler temperatures, and the magnificent Asters to name a few. I didn’t realize you were celebrating what my friend Laura calls “zero birthdays”, the changing of a decade. I love that you had ice cream before lunch. They must have known you were coming. It’s nice to see both your son and daughter celebrating you with style. You deserve it! Wishing you many happy days ahead. I’ll miss my yummy tomatoes too (they came late this year). I’ve already had a handful of Sun Gold this morning and my are they tasty.

    I’m so glad to know you, Marlene.


    • Sorry to confuse, Alys. I’m 69 this year and next one is 70. This is the last of my 60’s. My son is still in AZ but here in spirit. He made sure I had my laptop fixed in time. He will be here for his 50th though this Thanksgiving time. My sister came by a few days ago and filled a bag of little tomatoes. I’ve been slicing them up with cukes and putting olive oil, salt and pepper, thyme and oregano from the garden Add some pickled garlic and I’m going to be immune to anything that passes by this fall. 🙂 September and October are just beautiful months. Thank you again for the birthday wishes. I’m at chapter 4 so far. 🙂 You are just the best person I know.


      • Ah, now I get it. Thanks for clarifying, Marlene. I’m so glad your computer is in working order, perhaps the best gift of all. We’re all lost these days without our wonderful connection to our own personal world wide web. What an amazing thing. It’s astounding to me that iphones are just now ten years old. My boys, at 17 and 20, are essentially the igeneration! I’m glad your son will visit for his birthday celebration. I love the yummy salad you’ve described. Thanks to, for the reminder about the pickled garlic, too. As soon as school starts, all the seasonal crud gets passed around. Mike gets sick every time he flies, too. Too much air time in close quarters and with poor circulation. I’m sitting on the garden swing as I type this. It’s warmed to about 72, but it was only 59 this morning when I walked at Almaden Lake. Thank you for always saying such nice things about me, Marlene. You are so dear.

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  21. Those Asters are beautiful.. Sorry I missed your birthday Marlene… I can see you had a great one.. and a new laptop too.. Wonderful that you can now enjoy your browsing time again.. That is when all your other wonderful activities allow..
    Those tomatoes look brilliant.. Ours have all about finished now. But I have made lots of tomato soup with the excess and if you should ever want a good recipe there is one on my recipe page . 🙂
    I got out my knitting again.. and have been busy with that.. Autumn here has turned chilly and the nights are now drawing dark here as early about 7 -15pm.. each year seems to get darker earlier.. Much earlier than I remember in my youth..

    So loved all your delightful photos Marlene..
    Thank you for sharing them.. You are a bundle of energy in what you achieve..
    Love and Hugs my friend
    Sue xxx

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    • Thank you so much, Sue. I am always happy to see another birthday. Never take them for granted. I still had tomatoes on my vines but not sure how they are after the rain storms that have gone through the last 3 days. We so needed the rain to put out the forest fires so I am grateful for the rain. It is chilly again here too but a warming spell coming for a week or so then on to winter. I wish I were as energetic as I appear. My son putting in a new hard drive helped so much. Lets hope this is the last of that problem. 🙂 Have a wonderfilled week and weekend. I’m still catching up too. Hugs and love to you as well.

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      • Yes I forgot about the forest fires still raging.. Here the weather is also wet and chilly. So composing a garden post.. For my gardening blog today.. I have been neglecting that blog recently.
        Take care of you and no worries about catching up, Just so long as you are well and happy, that is the main thing.. Lots of Love your way and happy crafting xxx

        Liked by 1 person

  22. Well, happy belated birthday Marlene! It sounds like you had a lovely day. September is usually too hot here but when we get to November, that is my favorite month!! Glad you had success with your tomatoes. Unfortunately this year we did not do very well. We had a small season with enough to meet our needs but not really enough to share or freeze as I usually do. This year we grew onions and carrots! Odd combo perhaps but pretty successful with that. Didn’t know that if you left carrots in the ground too long they became ‘bearded’. A little clean up however and they taste quite delicious… what a treat to be able to run out to the garden for them. Love your asters! I’m not really much of a gardener but interesting to know that they are fall bloomers. Definitely going to look into some for next year. The most exciting thing in our yard right now is our bottlebrush tree which is blooming and full of bees. I know they are messy but I just love this tree. It’s it’s right outside my sewing room window and I so enjoy watching the bees and hummingbirds hard at work. I’m hoping to get a post up one of these days! Feels good to touch base with you.💕💥

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    • Thank you so much for the good wishes, Jan. Good to see you pop by again. I loved bottle brush trees too. We had them in Burbank. I love watching the bees but a nest of yellow jackets has run them off and me as well. Have to do something about them because I’ve already been stung once and it was quite painful for 2 weeks. I’ve never grown carrots and have very little growing room actually. I won’t grow onions because I can’t eat them but I’m going to try garlic this year. Maybe even asparagus. 🙂 We have 2 days this week in the mid 80’s and then it looks like fall might really be here! Yay! I have so much inside work to do. The sewing machine keeps taunting me. Looking forward to your photos of the bottle brush tree. 😉 Hugs, M


  23. Happy belated Birthday dearest! Or should I say, “Happy Birthday Month!” ? Gah!! I’m glad to have made it here before the month ends. I can’t beleive you’re 69 ! Good heavens Marlenesky (today we’re Polish, ha) !! You get more done around your home than anyone I know and that includes me. I best pull up my socks and attempt to act 69, ha! I think your sinful desert should be called, ‘sinful deserved’ ! 😀 How nice that your family and you got out together!
    Now look at those Asters! So pretty to have in the garden this late in the year. I guess I always think of Portland as having a pretty mild climate, but it sounds like you definitely have seasons too. I’m quite fond of fall too. Summers can be great if it stays in the 70’s. I just like coolish, sunny days any time of year. This summer, there were a number of hotter days but luckily we have air-conditioning at home. Otherwise, I’d be sunk. This September has been weird. We had the hottest day of the year at 32.2 on September 7th, breaking a 108 year old record. Guess what 45, it’s not a hoax !!
    Well off I go Vonderfrau, hope you’re relishing in the day xo K

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    • Thank you so much for the good wishes, dear heart. You have to remember, I might be old but I don’t have a job or a husband that require my time and attention. You get a whole lot done, it just looks different than what I do. I’m praying daily that they find something to remove 45 on. He must still believe the world is flat too even though science has proven that incorrect as well. We do have seasons. This year has had some extremes though. I’m with you on wanting it coolish. Do NOT do heat at all. Fall weather starting tomorrow!! Yay!! Have a wonderfilled week. Giant hugs.

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  24. Happy Belated birthday, Marlene. WP and I are not getting along well lately as I’m not getting updates when many of my favorite bloggers have new content, including you.

    What a lovely day for your birthday outing and love that journal your daughter bought for you.

    My favorite month…Pick any time between June and early September as I love the heat and there is always plenty to do in the gardens and around the property.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was having trouble with notifications for a while too when going from the crashed computer to the new one. Turns out I had turned off notifications accidentally. I sent them a note and they helped me through it.
      It was a way too hot day for me. I wound up almost ill from the heat that day and really left most of that food for my daughter to take home. I gave it a good hearty try, but by 90 degrees, we start checking out where hospitals are. We were headed home by 1: 30 and I was ill the rest of the day. Just between us though. My daughter wanted me to have a good day and we gave it a hearty go. I’ll take anything from October to April. It’s 57 out now and there will be no heat in my house until it drops to 55 inside. I love the light of summer and playing in the yard more than anything but the heat just makes me too ill so I have to go out at 5-6 am and be back inside before it gets to the mid 70’s. I am so glad you can do the heat. I know winter is hard on you. Heat is expensive and if your place is not well insulated, it’s more expensive. The fact that you can’t do a lot of physical movement to warm up makes it even harder for you. I can move around a while and get warm. We are all so different. Have a good week, Lois. I’m even further behind now. 😦


      • I’m horribly behind too, what else is new.

        I’m sorry you were sick for your birthday celebration but not surprised you tried to hide if from your daughter. 🙂

        It’s downright cold today. Tonight we are expecting a low of 38, I’m not ready for this but that won’t stop winter arriving so I’ll just push on through. 😦

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      • Our weather is normally so much milder than yours. I feel guilty about that. We had nice rain and that makes me happy. Only 49 tonight.. Time to call it a day and read myself to sleep. Have a lovely Sunday and a warmer week.

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      • You too, Marlene, and yes it is supposed to warm up slightly here this week.

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  25. Well! You were born days before my second birthday! I’m amazed by how many of your readers have Sept birthdays. Sorry this is so late, but we’ve been very busy here with harvest, preserving, etc. Glad your birthday was mostly wonderful and sorry the heat was so high that day. I have a pretty good tolerance for heat and cold, but I also have a good imagination and I can imagine . . .

    Do you remember what flavour that ice cream was? It looked scrumptious. If i’s all the artificial ingredients in ice cream that bother you, Breyer’s (black labelled cartons) is made withal natural ingredients. As is Chapman’s, but you may not get it in the States.

    I’m not sure I have a favourite month, really. Each one that comes, I think that is it, and then another comes . . .

    Here in BC we had the worst forest fire season on record. Over 155 fires burning at once. And then we got the smoke from Oregon. It’s hard to imagine how bad that must have been for you; here it completely obscured the sun for several days. Eerie, really. But all summer we spent much less time outdoors than we might have done. I have probably hundreds of photos of the hillsides on our shopping trips to Vernon or Salmon Arm. Lucky for us, my cousins bought a closed air conditioning system some years ago, so we were cool and also could breathe.

    I am looking forward to winter, mostly for days indoors, as I have tonnes of projects either begun or planned. We have already had frost and some plants have given up the ghost. But others continue to feed us . . .

    Have to go now. So much more I could say. Of course. 🙂

    Love and hugs to you, and a very belated ‘Happy Birthday!’ ~ Linne


  26. I love your blog, Marlene. When I read it, I feel like I am walking along with you, having a friendly talk. 🙂 I wish I was, too, because then maybe I could have tried that ice cream. Or the tomatoes. (Our tomatoes were awful this year, what a disappointment). What a great birthday you had! Thanks for sharing. Have a great weekend!

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  27. Well hello Mr. Marlene, herself, and best wishes for this new decade you are entering…and the happiest of belated birthdays!! Now here we are with almost another month half gone and I can’t help feel that somebody made time move faster!!
    Hope you are well…hope that light is shining from your soul always!!
    I can’t seem to keep my consistency going with my blog. Life has a way of getting in the way of all the things I want/need to do. Sending very special blessings 💜

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Lorrie. I’m having trouble with consistency as well. Lots of things going on that are leaving me in deep thought these days. Time is moving faster. It goes really fast when you find out there isn’t much of it left. Then you start paying attention to moments. Have a wonderfilled weekend. Sending lots of light and love your way.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, Marlene…the moments seem to have gained in importance of late.
        I have so many things that I want to do…and I barely get to visit one of them each day. I’m not complaining…I would so much rather have too much to do than too little and I know that helping my mom is of utmost importance.
        Many blessings to you my friend. I hope that you are seeing your way through whatever life is delivering to you. 💜

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’m with you. I’d rather have too much to do than be idle. It is a matter of deciding where your priorities lie that is most vital. That’s where I’m at too. Keeping good thoughts and many prayers for you.

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  28. September is also my favourite month but for different reasons. It is not too hot, and the weather is sunny and stable. Lots of fetes and festivals abound, but this year, I was really sick with the flu, so I could not enjoy it. It sounds like you had a great time. Glad you have the new laptop.

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    • I’m sorry to hear you had the flu, Amanda. We started out with very hot temps then finally cooled down. My son was able to put in a new hard drive and fix mine. Just took awhile. Since we are going into winter, Sept usually means the heat will end soon. and I get to celebrate the beginning of another year with my favorite daughter. 🙂


      • I am on the mend now Marlene, although couldn’t paint last week asI feel of a ladder and needs stitches in my hand. Thanks for your kind comment.


      • Oh my goodness. That sounds quite painful. No ladders for a while I guess. Someone is telling you to take some downtime. 😦 Hope you mend quickly.


  29. Happy Belated Blessed Birthday Marlene! May your next decade be heralded in on white glossimer wings filled with blessings, good tidings, health, joy, peace and plenty of love! ♥

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  30. Happy birthday! Love the aster — you know it’s my birthday flower too… I’d love to get out to Portland someday.


  31. There is a beautiful flower in my garden leftover from a previous owner that I hadn’t identified until this post. It’s an aster! Also, apparently asters get bigger instead of smaller. That means I need to move it, or vitamize it or something. At least it’s still alive and I have time!

    I have only been to Salt & Straw one time for that very reason: never willing to stand in lines that wrap around the block. But oh, the ice cream was amazing. I had lavender and honey ice cream. Mmmmm.

    It’s nice to see that your birthday was such a special day. And nice to see how your blogger family adores you, with all these birthday wishes. Of course, I adore you too. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was a special birthday and it only took the two of us to make it a great day. I’m thinking of the lavender honey ice cream now that you mention it again. It was heavenly. The Asters can spread quite a bit. I put mine in the ground 2 summers ago and it’s doing so much better. Have a wonderfilled weekend.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I woke early this morning and have been a burst of activity already today. I even cleaned part of the house and vacuumed – that’s a good day. 🙂 Later today I am going to see a Trailblazers basketball game. I haven’t seen the Blazers in the ten years I’ve lived in the Portland area, so I imagine it’s about time.

        Liked by 1 person

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