Looking for answers to life's questions

Silver Linings

A pandemic is nothing to sneeze at nor welcome. It’s been awful to watch the tragedy. The only thing we can do is help each other through it.

We need cozy now. Gracie has found my son’s quilt does the trick.

Even in this critical time where we are seeing the worst of the worst, people that are losing pretty much everything, lives of loved ones, even those in nursing care that were not afforded the luxury of holding a cherished hand while saying a final good bye. It’s heartbreaking.

It’s purple season

There are silver linings if you look for them.

My daughter-in-law owns a childcare business. There is no unemployment for those who own their own business but the safety of the children has to come first. The classrooms were empty for the first time in more than 39 years. She determinedly found a way to continue to pay her staff’s salaries while closed and get long overdue renovations made.

Bathrooms for the children were gutted by my son and rebuilt in way that could keep them cleaner. Kitchen dismantled and a complete paint job throughout. Floors have been leveled and foundations repaired. New durable, very cleanable floors are being put in so the children, if they do get to come back will have a fresh clean place to learn and play. The roof had been scheduled for repair by the insurance company after many storms took their toll was able to be replaced without children inside being bothered by noise. A new kitchen window is scheduled for replacement. It was the victim of a jointed ladder collapse as my son was getting on the roof.

Of course, there are no guarantees that things will get back to enough normal to not lose the whole shebang, but you have to seize the moment when it presents itself.

As for my daughter, she found she loves working from home and making sure I stay safe in all of this. Her company just figured out that this work from home thing is not so bad and they can save money down the road by having less office space. A work from home job is what she had been looking for (as do most hermits) and now it’s possible without changing jobs.

I am getting time to isolate enough to stop my sugar rush. I can’t tell you what a difference it’s making. I need a lot more rest, am sleeping better and getting more projects done because I’m more focused. Walks and all housework are harder when you pull the plug on carbs for a while so I’ve learned to be kinder to myself and just go with the slower flow. I also don’t have to worry about keeping my house company clean because no one is allowed to visit inside. I make messes when I’m creative.

Two bunnies in a neighbors yard. They are so rare to see around here.

The world needs economic stability. We all need to be able to keep that roof over our heads. There must be a way to do that without costing lives. In a time of horrendous stress, find your silver linings and breathe. They are there if you look for them.


Have you been able to find a few silver linings in your lockdown?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Silver Linings" (83)

  1. My cat and dog are thrilled with all the home time. I love working from home, but I do have to go in about twice a week. I’ve enjoyed getting all the garden projects done on time. Have you been quilting?

    Liked by 1 person

    • The fuzzy family is not going to be happy when you have to go back to full time at the office. Unless they come to the same conclusion my daughter’s company did. We’ve had so much rain it’s been hard to get outside much except to sneak in a walk, so yes, I’ve been busy finishing up the leftover quilt and now I have table runner ready to machine quilt. The next project is already cut out and there is a line behind it. 😉 Thanks for stopping by, Lou.

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  2. Oh my goodness, what blessed children they will be when they return and for the employees who are still being paid……….amazing of your daughter.
    The silver lining in all of this, at least for me, is that life slowed down even more………although I apprecitate getting out now and then, I have appreciated spending more time with my family……I am so blessed to be surrounded by people I love so deeply.
    AWESOME post! 🙂 Stay well, stay safe, stay precious! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for sharing your silver linings and prompting us to share ours.

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  4. I’m so impressed by what is going on with your d-i-l and son. That is impressive and thoughtful and kind. Good to hear you are looking at dietary changes and feeling a little better – enough to get on with some crafting and quilting 🙂 I have thoroughly enjoyed our locked down period and am even a bit reluctant to join in the cheerful rush to get social again. You can’t rush a hermit 🙂 We have changed two levels in the past three weeks – all steps back to life as it used to be with some physical distancing rules and parameters still in place while the tests are continued and the numbers are counted. I miss the daily briefing from our PM which stopped a couple of days back when we went into level 2. The next level – one – is business as usual so that might be a while away yet. But this is pretty close. The fall out has been huge, but we have a government that looks after its people as much as possible and while things are tough for many, there is help and assistance and plans in process. All that is heartening. And our deaths from Covid19 hold steady at just 21. And the only ‘new’ case turned out to be an old case that is recovered and just got tested, so it does look hopeful down here at the bottom of the world. As you know I’ve been drawing and doodling and colouring and the last couple of days I’ve started working with my inks again to see what they want to do. I love the vibrancy of the colours and I guess that will keep me occupied for a while longer. Much love Marlene. Keep looking after yourself and enjoying what you are doing.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thank you, Pauline. The kids have been working long hours everyday on these projects. Virtually gutting the building and as my son says, doing it right this time. They work at it 6 days a week.
      I finally had to tell my daughter I had to just stop the fun and frolicking with the food. I knew in my gut the sugar and processed carbs were hurting me so I just stopped. I’m coughing less every day so I’m not going back to the other way.
      You guys are so fortunate to have the government you have. We essentially have no leadership at all. I think it will get worse again because people are rushing it though I know everyone needs to be working. Just finding the way to do it safely is important.
      I’m anxious to see what you have newly produced with those inks. My sister started playing with the yupo paper again and is loving it. Stay in and stay well. There is no rush to get out there. I love being ordered to stay here and sew. 😉 Sending big squishy hugs and love to you and all.


    • Oh Pauline, I just loved reading your update. It feels like a glimpse into a hopeful future. It looks like things have really settled down for you there. Sorry you don’t get to hear daily briefings from Jacinda any more. I know you love her! Thank you for the joy in your message.

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  5. Aspen said:

    You are a great woman. Your heart is so beautiful. Thank you for being you.

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  6. Marlene, you always see the good in things, not just now. Good for you. I’m so glad your DIL and Son have been able to make all those repairs and improvements without risk to the children. It’s coming together nicely. My son is also enjoying work from home and declared this pandemic “an introvert’s dream.” It sounds like your daughter feels the same way. Mike says he doesn’t care if he ever goes back to the office. He used to commute an hour and a half each day. No cafeteria food either. The tricky part though is finding a way to separate the two.

    Congrats on the sugar withdrawal. I’m working on that, too. I’ve dropped all but one pound of my post-surgery weight gain. Now on to the next ten pounds. Carbs really do make you fuzzy-headed. It’s amazing how they’ve become so integral to the western diet.

    What great news to have all that focused energy to get things done.

    My silver linings are having two of my three guys around all the time, and now that I’m more mobile, more time in the garden and in the craft room. I’m grateful to be back downtown serving women once again.

    Love and hugs to you, dear Marlene. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the visit. It is nice to have your family close again. I haven’t seen my sister in almost 6 weeks. Of course we talk everyday. So good to hear you are back up and running again. I hope you are extra careful.
      The kids have been working until they drop 6 days a week to get it all done. TS was scared when he fell off the ladder. He hates heights, but luckily no injuries except the window. They have no idea if or when they can get the business open again. But the are being optimistic.
      I think I have to be done with carbs permanently. Sugar for sure. It’s not a pretty thought but it’s helping too much. Love and big squishy hugs back at you, Alys.


      • I’m really sorry to hear about the ladder fall. Those often end tragically, so what a relief to hear otherwise. I fell once from a ladder, and also got very lucky. It’s sobering how things can turn on a dime. I wish them luck with all of it. There are so many unknowns ahead.

        I’m glad abstaining from sugar is improving your sense of well being. Good for you! xo

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  7. Wonderful to hear your family’s promising news, Marlene. My good news is that my family and close friends are still healthy, and so am I. During this lock down and social distancing, I’ve taken the time to find even more interesting online editing and writing gigs, so that’s something. It’s a difficult time to live alone, but I also have silver linings. Thanks for reminding me:)

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    • Thank you, Becky. The kids are making the best of a really bad situation and hopefully don’t lose it all but must grasp the opportunity when it appears.. It is hard to live alone though I usually prefer it. My daughter now lives with me permanently due to my medical condition and it’s nice to have someone making sure all is well. I try to get out and talk to neighbors from a distance. It helps. I’m so glad you’ve found some more interesting work during this time. It’s important to keep looking so we don’t get caught in a funk. Keep taking care of yourself.

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  8. I think a lot of businesses have been able to figure out cost saving measures. It has opened many eyes. Long overdue. We lose some things but gain others. We must look for the silver lining and you can spend time at home with your daughter – how wonderful. I like your strategies!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Amanda. It’s been quite the learning lesson here for all of us. Change is inevitable. If we don’t do it, Mother Nature will make us do it. My daughter is adamant to spend as much time as possible with me as she realizes how little is left. There is still much she wants to learn from me. You are quite wise already and realize all this has purpose. Some just forget.

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  9. Marlene, it’s so good to read that you and your family are doing well and finding silver linings. Like Pauline, I was happy in lockdown and loved the peace and quiet in the neighborhood. I was mildly depressed when I found the traffic was back to pre-Covid volumes today. May your good health and well being continue to flourish.

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    • Thanks so much for stopping by. It’s good to hear you are doing well. Pauline and I are usually on the same page about most things. I love the slower pace of life but of course, I’m a senior, The kids are still racing to the finish line and we are backpedaling. 😉 This slowdown has done so much for the air quality that I wish we figure out how to maintain it. Sending big squishy hugs and stay well too.

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      • Thank you, Marlene. And, I agree, it would be so lovely if we could keep the better air quality. Sadly when I was out yesterday I noticed that the traffic is back in full force. 😦

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      • 😦 Yes, bad air quality worries me. I have to wear a mask when it gets to moderate and can’t go out if worse than that. When will they wake up/

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  10. You know, our restrictions are slowly being lifted, but I’m finding myself resistant to the idea of returning to ‘normal’. This illness isn’t going away, and it’s only the isolation and care we’ve all shown that has held it at bay. I’m worried that freedom to move around = freedom to be careless. Never mind… I do have silver linings. I know my neighbours better, at arm’s length and over the fence, doggo has been delighted by all the extra attention and lets me know he’s happy, I have the perfect excuse to spend maximum time sewing and making without having to rush, and (fingers crossed) it looks as if we may be allowed to travel far enough to actually take the trip we have planned for the end of July 🙂

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    • I agree with you 100%, Kate. I think we can get back to business…carefully and safely. I do not want a resurgence. Once they started talking about it and so many are not even concerned here, our numbers started going up. So many are blase’ about it enough to take children into shopping areas sans masks. I’m stunned. Yes, having all the neighbors home to meet and greet is good. A happy Mouse is a happy house. Extra time to sew is BIG! I do hope you get to take your trip.


      • We’ll have to wait a couple of weeks to see if the eased restrictions have resulted in an increase of cases. Meanwhile, I’m playing it safe – and sewing! Hugs…

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  11. It is wonderful your daughter in law is able to keep things going and get renovations done while the children are away.. I so feel for the self employed.. And a neighbour had just started her own cafe when all this started.. Her husband is renovating, and she had painted the chairs and made all new things while being shut down… But as you say, they are still unsure what lies ahead, as they have a large financial burden that still needs addressing..

    Here they are gradually allowing people back to work, and some school children will be allowed back in June.. But it depends upon how the infection rate progresses, if it spikes it will all change again..

    I am delighted so many silver linings are emerging… 🙂 Here our community is closer as a result.. everyone is more friendly.. I share some surplus veggies from the plot and books that I have read that are just standing on my bookshelves..
    In return we have had plants and magazines.. I hope this new found community spirit doesn’t disappear….

    Nature also seems to be benefiting around the world with clearer skies, smog lifted in cities and the birds and nature seem to be singing louder and returning.. Much like those rabbits on your neighbours garden…
    This is very heartening… Also I read the emissions were down by 8% a record… And I heard that they are saying the hole in the ozone is closing..

    So Lots of Silver Linings when we Look for them Marlene..

    Sending LOVE and well wishes.. Take care and yes… as in your last post said in the picture, I meant to say when commented there, that Yes.. Live in the Moment… It is all there is… 🙂

    Much love your way Marlene..
    Sue ❤

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    • Those are all good silver linings, Sue. I’m not ready to see children back to school or anywhere public yet. Keeping those emissions down should be our goal. Mother Nature is very pleased. My daughter is hoping not to have to go back to her office with it’s long commute for quite some time.

      The kids might well lose the business but they are trying to stay hopeful. This is an eye opener for everyone with open eyes. 😉

      I wish I had more friendly neighbors but many who buy here and at just above poverty level and keep to themselves. So many poorly educated and closed minds. It’s hard to find someone to have an intelligent conversation with here. I’m at their income level and probably as poorly educated but I keep and open mind and learn daily. Hopefully we will get this under control soon. Love and hugs, Sue.

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      • You know Gaia works in mysterious ways.. And often it takes the Dark to come to the surface and be exposed before the New Light can come in and get to work on repairing the outdated old systems…. Yes lots of suffering on many levels will come out of this.. But we both know deeper levels of intention on what needs to happen…
        Sending Love and Hugs your way Marlene.. So happy to know alls well and really enjoyed my visit catch up with you ❤

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      • Hope you got my reply to your email. Took longer than expected.

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      • Dear Marlene… Just to let you know I got your email THANK YOU!… Loved it.. And one has already winged its way back to you just minutes ago.. Night nite my friend.. Sleep tight… ❤

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  12. What a wonderful heart your daughter-in-law has, Marlene. I’m thankful my family and friends have stayed healthy during this time. It’s been an eye opening experience indeed. Stay well! ❤

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    • Eye opening to say the very least, Jill. So true. So far we are all holding out own in this as well. So far I know of no one who has the virus, Hoping for the best. I’ve pre-ordered your book already. 🙂 Hugs.


      • Sadly, two friends lost their mother to the virus. They were both in nursing homes. You’re so sweet, Marlene. Thank you for your continued support. I don’t know if you’re still having issues with your eyes, but when my publisher sends my author copies, they typically include 5 large print books. If you’d like, I’d be happy to mail you a copy. Let me know! Say well! ❤


  13. I love that your DIL and son have put the lockdown to such good use. I have seen a few shops that can’t open here are painting and decorating. I had so much to do at the start of lockdown with the stalled house move, that it took a while to have an effect. The first thing I did was the garden, and time no longer mattered, I did a very thorough job because I was relaxed, and what’s more the weeds have not come back. The other thing was learning to make the most of what I had rather than fretting about what I didn’t have. My son and his cousin organised family quizes, and it was lovely to enjoy them without being the prime mover, and seeing how they have taken up the mantle of being the organising generation and letting us oldies take a break. Super post, take care.

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    • Thank you so much, Cathy. Your kind words warm my heart. It’s always hard in the beginning to see the good in a bad situation. I’ve been there, done that. Took me awhile to finally get there. I hate lockdown and many of the changes. Especially the fact that many of the places we frequent will probably not survive. A move in all of this is a crushing process. We all get knocked down by things, it’s that we get back up and keep moving forward after catching our breath that matters most. Thanks for visiting and keep plugging along. I have my fingers crossed that you won’t be having time to post because you are in the middle of a successful move. Good thoughts for you. Hugs.


  14. So well said, Marlene. We all need to see the silver lining in what is currently happening in our world. Be well and stay safe.

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    • Thank you so much for stopping by. Finding the silver linings is what I’ve been doing for the last three years after being told life is no longer guaranteed. I’m not too worried about all of this since my ticket has already been punched. I do take precautions because I don’t want anyone to become ill and my daughter is keeping a close eye on me. Life is about change and we have to flow with it. There is a gift in this if we are willing to look for it. I hope you are well and coping with the changes. Hugs, M


  15. I love your silver lining and the prompt for everyone to share theirs. As for us…well, farming keeps on keeping on…the soil doesn’t wait.

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    • Mother Nature has always taught you to look for the silver linings so long they seem common to you. The rainbows you love so much after a storm and that flowers come up even in a pandemic. You always see the silver lining in things, Linda. Thanks for stopping by.

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  16. So glad you are finding silver linings. I’m enjoying more time in the garden, but the cost of it all is tragic. Also lovely that you have your daughter with you, that’s good for both of you. Take care, lots of love xxx

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    • I do understand the loses you and so many are suffering. My kids are fixing up a business they may very well lose which includes their home. We are trying hard not to look at that possibility. Are you seeing any glimmers of hope in earning an income again and how are you managing in the meantime? I was concerned and do not want to seem trite about other’s suffering. Time in the garden is a good place for meditation. I am truly blessed to have my daughter with me as I travel through my last journey of life. She is very protective and I shake my head often. She says she still has a lot to learn from me so I have to stay well and safe. 😉 We are grateful her company allows her to work from home. Sending back lots of love and big squishy hugs.

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      • Your daughter sounds just as caring and thoughtful as you do, Marlene. I won’t lose my house but must find another way to generate sales. Having my website revamped as I write, and working on a couple of new designs. Just hanging in 🙂

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      • I’ll keep good thoughts for you, Jill. Wish I could do something to help. My daughter living here and sharing rent has been a blessing.


  17. I’m so glad that you’re seeing some silver linings in the pandemic. It’s hard with all the suffering, but there are opportunities that weren’t here before to catch up on projects, be kind to others, and to be grateful for the moment and all the beauty around us. Your daughter sounds like a lovely person and I love your irises! Take care.

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    • It is hard to see those silver lining during something as awful as this pandemic which is why I started looking for them. It’s what I’ve done since they diagnosed me with a terminal lung disease the year after my sister. I gave myself 10 minutes on the pity pot and them started to look for the good in it all.
      I was surprised the kids took on the loan and the work knowing they could easily lose everything but it made sense to be hopeful.
      Yes, thank you, my daughter has a very good heart and is taking care I don’t make my exit earlier than necessary. If the virus hit my lungs, I have no chance since they can not do lifesaving treatments as per my advanced directive. I do wish those were my iris’ but I saw them on my walk and had to share their beauty. You keep being careful out there and look for the good in this awful mess. The air quality and ozone are in much better shape so that’s a plus.

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  18. So true. We can find many silver linings, even during this time!!

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  19. I agree, Marlene. Silver linings are everywhere if we have eyes to see them.

    A few for us are: quiet, reflective time; seeing our kids and grandkids slow down; getting our yard work done, including new sod; actually calling friends and family instead of the quick text; realizing the value of touch and connection…my list could go on.

    Of course, I have the days of sadness over losses and economic realities for people. But, I have to ask myself, where should I focus? Take care, my friend 😊


    • I so agree, Missy. It’s a very tough time but we will prevail. I’m writing lots of letters and keep contact with a social distance. The best place to focus now is on your own joy. It’s contagious too. We can’t fix out there, but we can shine our light. It might light someone else’s way. Hang in the and take care of yourself.

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  20. patricia puckett said:

    It’s always so fun to read your blogs. But my, your son took on such a project! I need to ask you if you went to the Milwaukie market yesterday? If not you that I saw, maybe your twin? I couldn’t reach out to you because I was in my car stopped at a light when you crossed in front to me. I had my auntie with me. Twelve days straight, I have taken my auntie to the Providence Milw hospital to sit with her handicapped daughter while I sit in my car doing some stitching. I just feel so bad that she has been there so long and yesterday we learn she’ll probably be there another week. It all started with a burst appendix! My sister-in-law is taking a turn today! We will all have stories sad and happy to share when we all get back together. I so miss all my quilting buddies! Love you Marlene. 😘

    Sent from my iPad

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    • No, you did not see me in Milwaukie anywhere. I have a twin! 🙂 It’s good to hear from you and know you are enjoying the few scribbling’s I post. Not so many these days. I’m ready for a little socializing and storytelling too. I’ll bet you have several. Miss you much.


  21. Lancelot moved in with me right as all of this was starting so my silver linings tend to focus on that. And though I gripe about not having much social interaction because of working from home I do love being around L more since we’re both at the house more. 🙂

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    • So happy it’s working out for you both. I too miss seeing my friends and saw my sister today for the first time in six weeks. A lot of people are having quarantine fatigue but I just walk outside for awhile and it’s better. Just imagine being imprisoned for YEARS! This is a piece of cake. We can order in what we need at least. I’m so busy, I’m still behind.. Think my backside is draggin. 😉

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  22. You are the master at seeing the silver lining, Marlene. And now, you are reporting it – from your daughter-in-law to your daughter. These are great stories! They should be a beacon of light for everyone. The children who return to the daycare will be lucky. When adversity strikes, there is always a silver lining. I love hearing your stories. Thank you, because sharing those stories passes on smiles and goodness and hope. It’s all about how we see what we see… and what we do. 🙂

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    • Thank you, Jennie. You will make me blush. Looking for the good is so hard for many but seems to have awakened in a big way in me. I’m glad you enjoyed these stories. They plan to reopen in the beginning of June. All precautions are in place. You should hear my daughter giggle every morning on getting up and not having an hour commute ahead of her. You are so right. It’s all perspective. 🙂

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      • You are welcome, Marlene. And, you’re spot on. It is hard to look for the good, for many people, yet when we feel good ourselves that is a great awakening. It’s all about perspective and also how we feel. Good news on reopening in early June! And, hearing our children giggle as adults is really wonderful. Happy kids = Mom without worry and full of joy.

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  23. Those two little bunnies made my day, Marlene! So that’s a silver lining for me. 😊 Another one has been that my mum and I went to the zoo on Monday! What joy! It has been opened for a few weeks now, and you need to make online reservations but otherwise it was a wonderful step back to normal. Also yesterday I went to pay my local library a visit again – even more joy! 😄 My haul of books and films was enormous as you can imagine. 😉
    I think it’s great that your son and daughter in-law got to get so many renovations done. The kids are going to love it all! And yay to your daughter’s ‘new’ job and that her company is seeing how much sense it makes if she can do her work from her home office.

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    • Thank you, Sarah. I’m so happy for you to be able to get out again. I love watching those bunnies and have to be very careful not to spook them. We are not yet out of lockdown yet. I will be taking it slower than most just in case. My daughter LOVES working from home. I’m happy she gets to continue.

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      • My mum and I are taking it slower as well, better to be cautious I feel. Also, if numbers are getting higher again, there’s another lockdown headed our way. But in the meantime it’s very nice to enjoy what little freedom I can get. 😉

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      • Agreed. I’m excited to go to the grocery in mask and gloves these days. 😉

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  24. Hey Marlene-a-go-go! Long time no drive by 😀 but be sure that I do think of you often. Sounds like you and your family are keeping busy during the pandemic isolation, that’s wonderful. I see you’ve got yourself a kitty-cat ! Awesome sauce my dear. How old is Gracie? Looks like she’s got the nap bug too, but honestly, it’s what they do well, ha! Your Iris are blooming so pretty! Mine are coming along, maybe 3 weeks from now they’ll bloom too.
    I’m actually finding I love being at home. Jim’s here all day too, working from a new home office in what was the old sewing area. Spirits are bright and loving that we’re into spring. Hooray for green trees, I’ve missed them xK

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    • Good to see you, Kelly. It’s been awhile. I don’t get out much either. Gracie belongs to my son’s ex-wife and I made that quilt for my son 3 Christmas’ ago. Anytime she can get to it, she lays on it. I’ve made her flannel window sill blankets for her as well. I don’t know how old she is but still relatively young. She loves my son because he sits still longer than Gracie’s mom. I only would get to see her if I visit but they are too high in altitude for me now. The purple iris’s were a neighbors I walk by ever day. I’m so happy Jim gets to work from home and you get more time together. A good silver lining. 🙂 I’m not gardening much this year. Spending lots of time sewing etc. during this lockdown and am happy to see trees green again too. So happy you are not finding the lockdown hard to take. I’m afraid we well rush to normal again and it won’t be pretty. At least I have my daughter with me and she keeps a close eye on the wandering mom. 🙂 Love and hugs to you both. M

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  25. The deep, rich, purple irises are to die for. What I wouldn’t give to have a whole field of irises here. You know there are iris fields along I-5 that I pass on my way to visit Tara. They are an extravagant flower, like orchids, and I love them.

    What great, great news about the childcare place in AZ. Bless her heart for finding a way to keep paying salaries. It’s wonderful that TS was able to do so much work (and what project can’t he do – seriously). I worry about the expense though. Paying salaries, no kids, AND renovations. On the other side of this I hope they come out with their heads above water. And I completely agree with what you said about taking the opportunities you are given. I think all the improvements there were the perfect response to being closed for kids. It’s definitely a way to focus on a hopeful future. So scary about the fall though. I assume TS is ok?

    I knew that H was enjoying working from home, but so extra wonderful that her employer may have her continue working from home. Getting more of what you want out of the job you already have is the best kind of news.

    You have made big changes in your diet. I didn’t know you were avoiding carbs. I’ll bet it makes a noticeable impact on your energy levels, especially to one so in tune, as you are. It’s good that you’re finding a way to work with the changes. Our bodies are amazing little factories, aren’t they? Every time we change the fuel, they just shift into a new gear, add some different additives, and then start chugging along.

    I’m glad you finally got to see your sister. I hope she is well as possible.

    I agree with you that when I go outside for a walk it seems like everything is normal again. It’s the most normal thing I can do, to go for a walk. I see people out here, all working on their farms, and we wave and smile and call hello – and it’s all safely distant…but the thing is, we did the exact same thing four months ago. So it’s lovely.

    One silver lining for me: I’m still trying to date online, and I’m one of those that prefers to move really slow. Now, instead of meeting people before I’m ready, I have told them with confidence that I’d like to wait a liiiiitttle bit longer before we meet. You know, for safety reasons. And instead of overly skittish, that makes me RESPONSIBLE.

    Eeek. I guess I had a lot to say. Apparently we are overdue for a visit. Love you, Crystal

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    • I have a few iris’s a friend gave me a couple years ago and I do wish I had some of those deep purple iris’. I’ll just have to enjoy the neighbors. I don’t have to posses them myself.
      TS can’t work on his knees very long. So they hired out the floors. When you are preparing a place to eventually sell, this may have been quite wise.
      So far the changes haven’t helped my energy level. It will take time. But I’m staying with it because it’s absolutely necessary. My body has spoken. My taste buds are not thrilled but my 2 year old self is getting a time out. 🙂
      You keep staying safe for awhile longer. Most are rushing things. Not me either. Hugs.

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  26. Thank you sending out your good energy and uplifting news. These are crazy times we’re living in. 🙏 Best to you and your family.

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  27. Marlene, I love the bunnies! I’m sorry you don’t have more of them! Maybe you will get more now with the pandemic–that would be a silver lining! I’m glad your DIL has come up with a good thing to do while the kids are not in school. Once people get back to work I’m sure her business will open back up and be busy. Even if more stay at home working permanently, they still can’t keep their kids at home while they work forever. Or we’ll need some asylums. Haha, gallows humor. It’s fun to work from home, especially if you have cats :). Stay safe!! xo

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Luanne. I love gallows humor and I agree. Sending my daughter to school was what saved her life. 🙂 I’m going to need an asylum if she keeps working from home. We have no cats. 😦 More bunnies has certainly been another silver lining. The floor is almost done at the preschool. Turned out to be a bigger job than the contractor thought. They are hoping to reopen June first. Their community is very small until the snowbirds come up from Phoenix. Then it’s anyone’s guess as to how that will affect the whole.

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  28. I was going through my favorites, and realized that you hadn’t posted for a while. I hope everything is well with you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for your concern, Lou. It’s appreciated. I will be posting less and less during the coming months. There are things that need my attention and my energy goes only so far. I’m in the process of beating the odds. 😉 Keeping up here has been difficult but I keep trying. I’ll be by to see you soon. Thanks so much, Lou.


  29. Bravo for you Marlene! While you are cutting carbs I seem to have been increasing them. As I sit to write this I am smelling a pie in the oven. My neighbor was kind enough to share apples and pears with me so this is an apple and pear pie. I have been baking bread and cooking constantly it seems! We have been walking for 30 minutes in the morning and another short walk or two later in the day. Silver Linings are keeping in touch with people that I may have neglected, making phone calls, taking a nap if I feel like it, sleeping better, more time with hubby, planting a vegetable garden, appreciating the simple things in life. The days are flying by. Certainly I have had time to think and reflect. I try not to ask when will this all be over realizing that our world is forever changed. Trying to embrace change. Sounds like you are doing well and I’m glad. Was very nice to read your post today. Take care.

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    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Jan. Good to hear you are doing well with all this and have the understanding to know everything has a reason. Mother nature is unhappy with us and sent us all to ours rooms to have a time out and think about what we are doing. We also need unrest for real change to happen as we can’t seem to get there without it. The pie smells lovely. How fun to put pears and apples together. Yum. I had to make changes as the weight was getting quite painful. We all seem to need pain to change. I’m not posting much this summer. Just don’t have the energy with garden work, sewing and trying to get enough exercise to make a difference. I have a post written but it’s not singing to me so it languishes in my files. Going to try to get a walk to the mailbox between showers today. They sneak up on us. 😉 Keep doing what you are doing. I am certain good will come out of all of this insanity.


  30. Marlene, you are so good at finding the silver linings! Thank you for reminding us. I hope things go well for the child care business and the children who go there and their families. So it looks like your daughter will be working from home for a long time haha–enjoy. I agree that us hermits like to work from home best. I am looking for a silver lining. Hmm. Staying home with my cats more, I guess. SO glad to hear you are taking care of your health! xo


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