Looking for answers to life's questions


I’ve signed up for a writing challenge through Daily Om as a gift to myself. Or maybe it’s another way to torture myself by adding one more thing to my to-do list.

My son’s Gracie loves Christmas too. Bring more paper.

The first prompt is about roadblocks. I’m aware enough to know that the only real roadblocks to anything are those that I place there. I have a closet full of them. I can take out whatever works that day.

We don’t want to take it down yet.

Usually, I get out the biggest obstacle. My lack of  formal education. I barely made it through high school partly due to another roadblock; my visual impairment. Textbooks and required reading were often printed so small that the letters would swim on the page after a short time.

A favorite ornament hand stitched by a friend. She never goes back in the box.

I made another roadblock of the fact that I spent my childhood caring for my siblings rather than on my schoolwork. I’m still trying to fill in all the gaps from a gypsy life and education.

Don’t go yet! The closet is still full of roadblocks. I like the one that says ‘my sister needs me’ as she is healing nicely after her lung transplant. She has a friend doing care giving and all that’s needed from me is telephone support while in isolation. Just so you know, that’s a sneaky way to slip in an update.

Zooming with my happy sister. She’s looking good.

I have more to-do’s than hours in a day and I can all but guarantee that most people have many similar roadblocks to getting done things they really want to do. Christmas was all over my cutting table to create a nifty roadblock to completing my quilts. I cleared it off before going to bed last night. Unplugging Facebook and the TV while I sit in the light of the Christmas tree writing has helped to eliminate another roadblock.

A very old and favorite that says it all.

I’m trying to be more mindful of those minefields buried deep on my path to any success. I was not groomed for success. It doesn’t come naturally. I was brought up to be hardworking, honest and ordinary. Big aspirations were considered “silly.” I think the parents were trying to shield us from disappointment. That has become a major roadblock I didn’t even realize was there.

I needed a FLOUR pot to transplant these little darlings. Bob’s Red Mill lines them with plastic and will do till I can go shopping this spring, maybe.

I think it could be helpful to look at all the areas in life where we set up these obstacles. Keeping cookies out on the table does not help my plan to drop extra fluff from my midsection. So, I got all dressed and ready to go for my walk when daylight finally shows itself. One roadblock averted. More to go. That’s what you do with roadblocks. Find a good way around them or eliminate them.


I have 52 weeks of prompts on this agenda. How many of them will I find roadblocks to navigate? How about you? Are you aware of your roadblocks?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Roadblocks" (64)

  1. sharynghathcock said:

    Greetings dearest Marlene,

    I think your gift is glorious. Indeed, self-care & self-aware are one in the same. Obstacles, ornaments, and ordinary are also related. My friend, you are far from ordinary as you have always been creatively imaginative. Your ingenuity of using of obstacles so cleverly is a case in point. Plus, ornaments like writing beautifully adorn our life.

    Keep writing!! You have already masterfully scribed yourself into the life you love!

    I love you,

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Sharyn! I didn’t expect this small post to resonate with so many but somehow it has. I’d been struggling to see any future for myself and have finally found that vision to move me forward. I miss you so much and think of you daily. You are such a light in the world and I miss basking in it. I think I’m finally pointed in the right direction. Thank you for visiting and your kind comment! Hugs and Love, M

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m the queen of roadblocks. I can’t do A until I do B,C,D…..etc. Like you, my parents said I was just ordinary and to never expect more from myself than just middle of the road. Sometimes I think I’ve lived my whole adult life by trying to prove them wrong when I’m not putting up those roadblocks. My ex told me I would never amount to anything without him. I’ve heard it all my life and I’ve fought it all my life. Not sure who was right. 😉 I hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Marlene, and may the New Year bring you fewer roadblocks and more of whatever you desire. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I knew you would resonate with this, Jackie. When I told my mom I wanted to be a teacher or a nurse, she told me I was being silly. Funny how we hold on to those kinds of comments and let the kind comments float off. We are our own roadblock and I’m going to get out of my way. This next year will be devoted to writing my memoir for my kids and whoever loves to read a good soap opera. 😉 I can’t afford to wait since there are no new lungs for this old girl. You are a good writer. Wish you were doing more of that. I’m going to do my best to catch up to you. Let’s kick some roadblock, girl. It’s going to be one heck of a NEW YEAR! :)Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I have actually started my memoir. I started it before my mom died (four years ago!). I wasn’t going to do anything with it until she passed. I may start it up again. As for writing stories. I do have that itch starting. 😉 I haven’t shut down the blog yet so who knows what I will do. The time is right, I’m starting to be in a good place with myself. Maybe it’s time for me to kick a few roadblocks out of the way too. Here’s to one heck of a NEW YEAR! Love and hugs!

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      • You just made my day, Jackie!!! I’m thrilled! It’s time to come back to us. We need you!!!

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  3. Hi Marlene. Good to see you writing. Certainly good food for thought. After the quiet hustle bustle of this particular Christmas, I would really have to give thought to my roadblocks… I do know that I create my own! So glad to get an update on your sister. I’m with you, I’m going to keep my tree up. It will probably see 2021 and perhaps a few days beyond. Look forward to hearing more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope my card made it to you, Jan and thanks for stopping by. My daughter is keeping the tree up until January 21. Sis is doing absolutely remarkable. It’s just incredible. Our Christmas was the quietest it’s ever been. That will make the next one extra special. Let’s hope we can celebrate then, fully. Hugs.

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      • Yes I did get your card the day after Christmas and it was very sweet. Thank you so much. I was so late in mailing my card I hope it arrived. Looking forward to saying goodbye to 2020 but I suspect it will be a while before 2021 looks much brighter! Attitude is everything and we will keep it going. Happy New Year, Marlene.

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      • I did get your card and it’s up on the door so I can see it. I hope things get better sooner than later. Hang in there.


  4. I see you flying above all those roadblocks Marlene and laughing that they think they can contain you. I hope we spend a Happy & Healthy 2021 together my friend and I hope your sister continues to heal.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you so much, Cindy. I see good things coming next year. When you consider how bad this year was for so many, I’m grateful for the good that we had in it. Sis has a new lease on life. What more could I ask for? Hope you are all safe down there. I saw fire news again and was hoping you were not affected. Have a very happy new year.


  5. This is beautifully written, Marlene, and so honest and true. Thank you for inspiring me. I should enroll in a writing course, too. It’s been a long time and there is always a lot to learn.

    We are indeed our own worst enemy. I’m raising my hand high over my head in case you’re wondering.

    I stopped drinking Diet Pepsi two weeks ago. It’s been a terrible habit and it needed to go. Now on to the sugar which is everywhere.

    I’m really pleased to hear your sister is doing well. You look so much alike in that side-by-side pic.

    Love and a hug, MH. xo

    Liked by 1 person

    • Daily Om is very inexpensive and simple. I want to write more this year so thought it would help push me along. I think we were all programed with roadblocks. I lament about them but never actually took a look and worked on them. This hit me like a ton of bricks too.
      I am so glad to hear you gave up soda! It sucks the calcium right out of your bones. I hate to see children who are trying to grow bones drinking it. I cannot drink even a few sips of anything with carbonation in it. My leg muscles contract immediately. It takes a while to stop craving it and the sugar. I’m coming off of the sugar slowly but surely.
      Sis is so bored but happy to be alive and breathing on her own. Thanks for stopping by. Love and hugs to you AM 😉

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  6. PS Gracie is adorable.


  7. We all make roadblocks until we realize we can go over, around and through them. That’s letting go of the fear and climbing over your fence. You know what I mean sis.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I do know what you mean. I wasn’t even aware until I started writing that I had them in place. The writing has given me direction that was lacking. Hope you had a good walk today. Lots of love, Sis


  8. I have several/many, but they all boil down to the same thing. Fear. Of failure, being laughed at, being not good enough, being lazy, of pain and sickness. All the old bugbears. My only solution is to send out love. I’m still afraid, but I get a lot of positive reaction back, which helps a lot. If other people can love me, I can learn to love myself enough to not mind the fear. Lord, that was a bit too candid, sorry about the over-sharing, but you did ask!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. You are anything but ordinary, my friend. “The only real roadblocks to anything are those that I place there.” This is great stuff, Marlene. Recognizing those roadblocks is half the battle. Our attitude plays a big role in how far we go in life, and yours is certainly set in the right direction. You keep plugging along and that’s inspiring to so many of us. I’m happy you were able to Zoom with your sister. You both look great! Wishing you and your family a healthy and happy year ahead. Thank you for the beautiful Christmas card! xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • So glad you got the card, Jill and thank you for stopping by and the kind words. I have intermittent internet here so Zoom often just drops like the phone calls down in this Sleepy Hollow. 😉 But it does help and we try it whenever possible. I hope you had a great Christmas. Ours was exceedingly quiet without my sister. She is so good at the party atmosphere. I guess the contrast will make us appreciate her even more. 😉 I had never realized there were roadblocks until I started writing on the prompt. It seems to resonate with a few others. Hugs and Happy New Year, Jill

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  10. I’m with you about keeping the Christmas tree up for longer 🙂 We used to keep it at least until the 6th of January.
    I agree that we can create the most roadblocks ourselves – important is to recognise this and what the main obstacles are, then we have a chance to act on them.
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the updates.
    Safe and happy 2021!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for joining the conversation. This prompt opened a long closed door. One year we left the tree up until March when the snow melted. We couldn’t get to the shed that year to put anything away. 😉 Wishing you a Happy and Healthy 2021 too. Lets hope this turns around soon.

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  11. Dear Marlene, your post has had quite an effect on me. I read it this morning and have been rolling it around in my head all day since; I’ve just reread it, and read the comments. It strikes me how much we all (okay not all, but most) have in common, and it’s forced me to really look at my own roadblocks. Figuring out a work-around isn’t going to cut it for me, with the ones that are really holding me back. I’m going to need to face them head-on and ELIMINATE them for once and for all. And since I’m the one who erected them, or allowed them to develop and fester, I must own them and deal with them.
    And I agree totaly with what your friend Jill Weatherbolt said above — you are the opposite of ordinary. You have a way with words that, I believe, cannot be learned. It is a gift, an innate talent. Writers can practice and improve, of course, but there has to be a nugget of talent to get busy practicing with!
    A lung transplant sounds extraordinary, and I’m truly glad your sister is recovering. That is just a miracle.
    Thinking of you, xxx

    Liked by 3 people

    • Jill, your comment changed my day dramatically. It was the first one I read this morning and had my daughter read it as well. I’ve saved it to answer because I wanted to bask in it. I’m so glad this resonated with you as well. Doing the original writing has started me down a new path and you just gave it a good push. Thank you so much. The roadblocks are always set there unconsciously by us, no one else. It will be interesting to see where this leads us both in the next year. Mine are crystalizing as I continue this yearly journey.
      My sister is a walking, talking miracle. She has some really big and powerful Angels around her. I can stop worrying about her now. Putting that energy elsewhere. Thanks for stopping by. You made my day.

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      • Well, I’m very pleased to hear this. I meant every word. And, by the way, if your sister ever feels she has too many angels hovering around her, she can send a couple of extras over here. Maybe there’s an angel who’d like a little vacation in a warmer place for the new year?…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Everyone has Angels but they are not allowed to help unless your life is threatened or you personally ask. Mine have crossed continents with me so they get all kinds of weather. Right now, it’s cold and wet here. Hers are at the beach in San Francisco. Playing on the sand. She sent a photo taken by her caregiver that warmed my heart. So happy and healthy.
        Focus and ask for what you need. Watch for synchronicity. I’ll be here doing the same for you.


  12. A busy person can always find room to travel down another road finding a new route 🙂 Loved your post Marlene.. Your sister is looking great, so happy to see her looking so well and happy..
    And your ornaments, and plants… All beautiful gifts… And yes funny how cats love wrapping paper and cardboard boxes mine is the same..
    So happy you have had a lovely Christmas and are rising to a new challenge…
    And even more happier I am catching up with you today..
    Lots of love your way my special friend… Have a happy Healthy New year Marlene. ❤

    Much love Sue ❤

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    • Old ornaments and those that have been hand made by friends are the most treasured of my collection. It was a quiet holiday with just my daughter and I but we found ways to make it festive anyway. I’m starting to catch up as well. So much stuff trying to tug at my attention. I’m not giving in this time. Love and hugs, m

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      • My own tree too is decorated with memories. My angel is a tiny little doll my grandmother gave me when I was a baby I’ve made it new lace dresses often. It was a fairy once upon a time. And is my treasured piece. 🤗💙💜

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  13. Good news about your sister- she’s a big girl now, so time you cared for you.
    Roadblocks- brilliant post, the others have said it all.
    My biggest road block goes something like “It’s too difficult, stop before it’s too late”. I can’t go round it, I can’t go over it, I can’t go under it, I have to go through it! It’s something that I have become aware of only in the last few days, step by step I can do it, and surprise myself along the way, as I posted just before I read this.

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    • Thank you so much, Cathy. Seems this subject has resonated with many. They lurk in the background until we try to push forward. I’ve learned a lot from this prompt that I was not aware of either. It’s moving me in a whole new direction as well. I’ll come by shortly for a visit of my own. You are correct. My sister can now take excellent care of herself and I get to focus on what’s important to me. Finally. Till later. 🙂

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  14. You sure did hit a chord with this post, Marlene. It seems we all build roadblocks that keep us from getting around ourselves or over ourselves. The lines that stuck with me are these: “I was not groomed for success. It doesn’t come naturally. I was brought up to be hardworking, honest and ordinary. Big aspirations were considered “silly.”” I think this is true of many of us. Add to that a group of friends or extended family who think you are full of yourself for aspiring to something different than what they have/are and it becomes a mountain of a roadblock. You don’t want to risk the loss of their love for blazing a new path. I have to agree with Jill’s comment, too. You are anything but ordinary! Just look at what you woke in all your readers!

    Liked by 4 people

    • Thanks so much for joining the conversation, Susanne. Your sentence “Add to that a group of friends or extended family who think you are full of yourself for aspiring to something different than what they have/are and it becomes a mountain of a roadblock also hits home.”
      Just writing this all out from the prompt and questions unleashed a river of understanding for me. I am always hoping to help do that for others as well. I was quite surprised at the feedback on this post. Fully expected it to languish in the ether. Just had to write it anyway I somehow feel like I just woke up. Happy New year, Susanne.

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  15. I was so glad to read that you gave yourself the gift of writing this year! And now you’ve regifted it to us. I just loved the wry humor you used to write about self-imposed road blocks. I expect the closet they’re in is the same closet where I lock the Editor in My Head when I’m trying to draft something new.

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    • Ah, yes! The troll editor is definitely in the roadblock closet. Mine growls loudly every time I want to put a post out. I don’t know what made me click on the pay button but somehow, it had to be done. 51 more weeks. 😉 Thanks for joining the conversation and the kind words, Liz.

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  16. Marlene, you have a way with words (in spite of what your parents said about aspirations being silly.). Your posts are my absolute favorites because they make me laugh, think, and they linger with me long after I’ve read them. Really. This post is one of your best. I knew when I read ‘the torture of adding one more thing…’ your humor opened the door. And of course you then opened up about you.

    Did your parents have your eyesight checked? And do you know how many people have never had a decent formal education and did just fine? It’s a very long list, from Abraham Lincoln to Maya Angelou, and thousands of others.

    Taking care of Suzy Q probably gave you the gift of giving. There are millions of people who need to walk in your shoes.

    That was so wonderful to read. I know these are roadblocks for you. Please know they are also hope to your readers. Really.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Oh, Jennie! You are making me cry with your sweet words and kindness. You inspire me to keep trying to write. I think I need to write about the journey of my vision. I promise my parents did all that was humanly possible to help. It was a different world then. Since Suzy Q was my first child in my heart, I will always be there to care for her like my other adult children. You know what I’m talking about.
      Have a very Happy New Year and thank you for your encouragement. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m so glad my words inspire you to keep writing. Your stories are wonderful, and your thoughts on life are even better. Really! I know your parents did everything they could. We are both from the same generation, and it was a different world back then. Yes, I certainly know what you’re talking about with Suzy Q. She’s your angel and you’re her rock. God Bless you, Marlene. You’re one in a million.

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      • Thanks, Jennie. Happy, Happy New Year. Sending love and hugs.

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      • You’re welcome, Marlene. Much love and happiness and lots of hugs to you.❤️

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  17. Hey Marlene! I hope you had a great Christmas and are looking forward to the New Year. I’m glad to hear your sis is doing well. A lung transplant is a serious matter. 🙏🏻

    I, too, have many roadblocks. It’s easy to construct them, more difficult to take them down. Maybe that should be one of my intentions for 2021. 😉 Anyway, I wanted you to know that you are anything but ordinary! You’re kind and you have a great sense of humor. Keep being you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Missy. I appreciate your kind words and for joining the conversation. Making that an ‘intention’ for the new year sounds like a better plan than a resolution. I’m also going to continue digging through that pile to see what I can clear out. Lets see how we do in a year..
      Christmas was quiet without my sister around but we were all so grateful that nothing else mattered. The new year looks bright in all directions. Without a sense of humor, life would be so dark. I seek out those that can see things in a humorous way and still act responsibly. I think my favorite writers are those that write funny. Keep driving past those roadblocks and have a wonderfilled New Year.

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  18. Good to hear your sister is doing well, Marlene! I certainly have roadblocks…some recognized and others still waiting to surprise me, I’m sure:)

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  19. Hi Marlene,
    Such an interesting post… Yes we all have our personal roadblocks and obstacles. Things that stand in our way and that seem to keep coming back. My mind often races with all the things I would like to do in a day and all the places I would like to go. The way I deal with it is by writing things down either as a reminder or just so I can stop thinking about them.
    Funny because we are on a road trip and just did a very long mountain drive for about five hours and had been warned about all the roadblocks, my mind was thinking literal roadblocks! Love the shot of the Bobs red mill seedling.. its a very whimsical plant holder.


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    • Thanks so much for stopping by and joining the conversation, Peta. I do the same list making daily. Today’s list is to relax a bit and write. Accomplished! 😉
      You are right that it can help you focus.

      You are the only one that noticed the FLOUR pot! That just tickled me to no end. It was raining outside and I had no pots within reach when I noticed the bag was lined in a light coating of what felt like plastic. It’s serving well and kept the bag out of the landfill.
      Thinking of roadblocks while traveling and then this post popping up is a bit of synchronicity. Very interesting. 😉 Safe travels and Happy New Year.


  20. By my account, you’ve dodged your roadblocks well enough Marlene. There’s no shame in hardworking, honest or ordinary. ‘Just ordinary people with extraordinary jobs’, that’s how I view the few that I quite admire. Lets not forget, those positions often come with costs too. Maybe a lack of privacy, which is important to me. Could be a lack of free time, also important to me. So while your roadblocks might not be the same as some, no one person is completely free of them. It’s a bit of a balancing act then isn’t it? Hope you had a fab Christmas lovely ! Happy New Year xK

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    • Excellent input, Kelly. I have no qualms with ordinary. Those my aspiration to be a teacher or a nurse, both of which were part of my actual existence, was met with laughter as folly. To want more from myself has always been met with resistance even in 2 marriages. I’ve found ways to be of service anyway so I assume the desire to do more was not meant to be. I’m grateful for what is and proceed on. Christmas was very quiet this year without my sister and her family but we are so grateful for the gift of her health. New Year will be quiet as well. We will do our celebrating Jan. 20th. 😉 Hugs and Happy New Year to you as well.

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      • Well nerds to those that scoffed at your ambition. That’s just plain wrong. Why anyone wouldn’t encourage a young, smart woman is beyond comprehension. I suppose they wanted you all to themselves. A real shame my dear, but as you say, you found a way to be of service regardless. Wishing you good health, comfort and happy days in 2021 xK

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      • Happy New Year, Sweetie. This next one has to be better.


  21. Hi Marlene! Wow, this really got me thinking. My biggest roadblock is definitely self-doubt. I have been working through that for years, and it will probably be something I am working on for most of my life.

    BTW, so glad your sister is doing well! I have been following her story through the updates I am still getting in my email. 🙂

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Bethany. I was writing about self doubt myself this morning. It’s a huge roadblock. Thanks for your kind words for my sister. She is continuing tor recover and now the real work begins. The nerve block is wearing off and the pain is now more realistic. Some tough days ahead with lots more testing. Hopefully she can come home in a couple of months. Keep taking care of yourself and Happy New Year.

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  22. Thanks for a great post, Marlene! For some reason, I felt strongly impelled to sign up, too, and I did. Then I couldn’t find the ‘Roadblocks’ prompt at first and thought I’d signed up for the wrong course. (I often jump first and look later) But it’s the right one. Writing about my own ‘roadblocks’ has felt very freeing and suddenly I am busy again, not just sitting and waiting (for what . . . ??). So thank you very much for that!

    I have come to believe that when we come here, into this earth plane, we bring three things: gifts and talents, tools, and challenges. Roadblocks may be among the challenges, but I think we also add some of those as we go along.

    One of my favourite quotes suggests that we “turn your stumbling-blocks into stepping-stones” and that has helped me all through my life. Takes work, though, and before that, honesty. So often I’ve not looked at my roadblocks and then, of course, couldn’t transform them. It’s a bit easier now, though. One of the perks of growing older, I hope.

    I think most, if not all, of my roadblocks come down to fear of various sorts. I’ve learned to live with some levels of fear/anxiety and I’ve also faced up to some and decided, for instance, that being approved of and accepted by some people just isn’t worth the price I would pay, as I’d have to give up being me or at least mask it better than I think I’m capable of.

    Anyway, I didn’t mean to go on so long. Thanks again for this post. The writing is being most helpful . . . Warm hugs to you, Marlene. And I’m so glad to hear that Suzy Q is doing so well. It will take time, of course, but lovely to hear that she’s well on her way!

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    • Thanks for catching up with me, Linne. Suzy is working her way through all that has to happen on her journey. I am so happy you decided to join the writing class. I still have to write #2 on work. Harder to do when you don’t have a chance in heck of working again. I’ll try to get to it tonight. After I catch up a bit. Easily distracted here. 😉 Hugs.

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  23. Marlene, wow! What a prompt and an incredible response from you as you searched your soul and with eloquence and clarity described the roadblocks in your life. This will resonate with many, myself included and it took many years before I realised that the biggest roadblocks in my life were not the events themselves but the thoughts in my head around various situations. Thank you for this timely reminder to watch out for those roadblocks, and yes, skirt around them or totally eliminate them! I’m in awe of your honesty and openness here, it can’t be easy and if every prompt achieves such a depth in reply that is amazing. By the way, I’m so pleased your sister is doing well!! xx

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    • Thank you Annika for joining the conversation. It was quite the eye opener of a prompt. I’m trying to get the second prompt done but the political events of this week here have left me drained. I can’t seem to focus. I’m hoping I can live up to your kind words. Thank you so much for them.

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  24. Keep writing Marlene. 💝 I love to hear your voice and perspective in things! Your sis looks awesome. May she continue to heal well! I’m hoping some of those roadblocks you took out from your closet are now in the garbage. That closet needs a clean out 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Val. Yes when they come out in the open you can dispose of them. We are definitely fluffing the emotional chi around here. The next prompt was just as hard so I asked for a little help. 😉 Sis is doing everything they tell her to get better quicker. We appreciate your good thoughts.

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  25. I’m catching up after missing your posts for awhile. “Big aspirations were considered “silly.” I think the parents were trying to shield us from disappointment.” This is profound, Marlene. Many of us were not groomed for success and that is such a waste because everyone should be groomed to plan for, and to expect, success. Just think of where we would have gone if everyone assumed it was going to work out in the end? Good for you, taking on this writing challenge! You do a great job at setting goals and reaching for them. Who cares if there are obstacles because I love that you just keep at it anyway. You are an inspiration.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I think we all have challenges and some of them are to tell us this isn’t the direction we should be heading. Others are to find out if that’s what we really want and and how much do we really want it. You’ve had plenty of your own roadblocks but you just keep trucking along too. Thanks for the visit, Crystal. Hugs.

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