Looking for answers to life's questions

Home Again

I’ve been a bit frazzled and all over the map with my thoughts. They would not be nailed down long enough to get them on paper. Even my journals are suffering serious blanks.

The only journal that is not suffering is my gratitude journal. I am so grateful that no one here in the park was hurt by falling tree limbs. My home was unharmed as well. My sister is home as of Saturday evening with her new lungs and will be staying with me occasionally as needs arise for Doctors appointments, etc. She is doing well and out-walking me. Doctors will keep checking her the next year at least.

Happy Sis home with her family

We were able to come home to electricity and heat after five days and didn’t lose very much in the fridge or freezer. My daughter did have to go back to the downtown office to work one last day as internet had not been restored until the next day.

The only real damage I saw to a neighbors shed. That was no small tree

Our park maintenance crew has been working hard to get debris cleaned up. There are a LOT of tree branches and logs lining our streets waiting for mulching. Over 1,100 are earmarked to be taken down due to damage. Many already have so no one would get hurt. We drove around the whole area with mouths gaping. I’ve seen tornado damage; this was more widespread though not as destructive.

Marked to be mulch

I’ve filled my green waste can three times now, have rearranged the den again for a bed for my sister and squeezed everything back into my tiny sewing room. Very little sewing has transpired.

I’ve cut back the butterfly bushes to the nub as I may have to replace the board on the planter. It’s broken through. There are so many little things clamoring for attention now that I start out with a well-planned morning and watch the plan disintegrate with each sip of coffee. No, I’m not giving up my coffee

Butterfly bush cut to the nub. Hoping for the best

I also noticed recent cracks in my kitchen ceiling so I’ve called the park office for a recommendation for someone to come look and determine if it’s a re-leveling issue or a roofing issue. I have one section of gutter that I’ve tried twice to have repaired and it is still leaking huge amounts of water in the copious rain we’ve had. It can all be fixed, I just need to throw lots of money at it since I’m a single woman of a certain age with limited skills. And here I thought I could do anything.

Daffodils First sign of spring.

Years ago when my recently widowed mother bought her manufactured home and put it on our next-door lot, my husband was there taking care of all the details. When my son is here on his yearly visits, he will get many things taken care of for me. The rest of the time, my daughter and I are on our own to figure things out and there is always something that needs attention. I think an apartment sounds good in times like this but second thoughts always show me an apartment’s down side as well. I guess the thing for which I’m most grateful, is the idea that somehow, I’ll figure it all out and hang onto my wonderful cluttered home a bit longer since it’s still here.

How do you manage when things seem overwhelming?

“When we long for life without difficulties, remind us that oaks grow strong in contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure.~Peter Marshall

From my heart to yours,

Marlene herself

Comments on: "Home Again" (74)

  1. Hello my friend! “Things” seem to have piled up this past year for many of us. I think you hit the nail on the head when you said your gratitude journal is not lacking. As the saying goes, we always have something to be grateful for. If we can seek it and find it, true peace and contentment will result. You’re an inspiration, Marlene. I’m glad you’re my long distance friend. Take care and enjoy the daffodils 💐

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    • Spring is trying hard to show up, Missy. Every time life hands me a challenge, I turn and look at what it’s telling me to be grateful about. The fact that I have a home in need of work is a big deal. True peace and contentment is an inside job. If I watch my thinking, I’m always in a happy place. Hang in there and thanks for visiting.

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  2. Glad you’re home and safe and your sister is doing well. Just remember in your home you are in charge and in an apartment you are relying on someone else to do things on their time line. And no flowers to watch over. Good luck

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  3. Thank you, Marlene, for another wonderful and thought-provoking post. The storm damage must have been devastating, I’m so glad that your own home didn’t suffer anything major. And also that’s great news about your sister, I bet you enjoy having her to stay when she needs to be closer to the doctor 🙂 She’s lucky to have you.

    Never give up coffee. Life’s too short not to drink coffee, and I most certainly enjoy mine. I know I drink too much of it (have been told by various sensible people and doctors, hahaha) but what’s life without it’s simple pleasures?

    Yes, my brain is also all over the place right now. As I get older I seem to be losing my multitasking skills (although I’m not sure they were ever exactly world-class), and I try to work on various techniques to keep myself focused on one thing at a time.

    Lots of love to you xxx

    Liked by 2 people

    • I have to admit, Jill that I’m down to half regular coffee, half decaf and I make it weaker by the year. Straight regular gives me the shakes immediately. At 72, I have to give a little. My sister likes to stay here because my house is quiet and calm. No drama zone. I think multi-tasking is overrated. I was having a cookie while I read comments and decided the cookie was too good to waste so I gave it my full attention while eating. Tasted all the lemon in it. Wow! I’ve been multi-tasking for years so I have no memory of most of what I’ve done. Our society seems to demand we be productive at every turn. I think we should mellow more. Thanks for stopping by, Jill.

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  4. TJ Christenson said:

    Marlene. Your sister looks so joyful and happy. I’m thrilled she’s made it through her big surgery so well and is back home in Oregon.
    I’m glad your house didn’t get damaged by the storm. Another “unprecedented event” we experienced this year. I no longer like the word “unprecedented “. It’s hurt so many people.

    I am increasingly in charge of my house as my husband’s ability to do things decreases and my son is focused on his own life, wife, toddler and another on the way. I, too, wonder if a move would be the smart thing to do at this juncture however I know I’d hate having a landlord and living so close to other people. I worked hard to afford and keep my own home and I won’t give it up easily.
    So in the meantime, I found someone to take care of the lawn which neither of us can do and I tighten my belt just a cinch more. The roof needs work and the house needs paint. And then there’s the taxes and getting dinner on the table, which is covered with papers and projects. Then the cat signals there may be a mouse in the kitchen….

    So it goes and piles up into overwhelm.

    Day by day, I figure out a plan of attack to the mountain of things that need attention. And sometimes that means going out the front door and changing the channel for awhile. Other days I wonder who I could ask for help and do. Most days I don’t and try to measure my progress, albeit glacial, with a lot of self compassion. Thanks for the opportunity to talk about overwhelm. 💕

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks so much for stopping by, TJ. I knew there was a reason I needed to write this post. A LOT of women both single and married resonate with this. I was caregiver to my last husband for over 15 years that demanded so much of my energy, I finally became debilitated with illness. That’s when I had to make some extremely difficult decisions. Also why I refused to be caregiver to my sister. I couldn’t afford to do it on any level. I can provide space for her to change the channel and find some clarity but that’s my limit. Now. I’m exceedingly fortunate to have a daughter who helps but doesn’t try to run me. As women, there is a lot we can’t do physically but I’m letting her help pay for things that need to be done here in OUR cozy home. This isn’t a perfect situation, but it beats so many other options. I lease the land and own the home. Asking for help is hard for me as well. Getting better everyday though. I am a good stop for anyone that wants to see what chronic overwhelm looks like and what it can do to a person. It’s not pretty. Feel free to send e-mail or PM me anytime. Finally catching my breath. Sis is good but extremely frustrated with the shaking and very fearful. She needs more quiet time here. Maybe soon. I’ll send a PM response this week.


  5. I’m so relieved to hear you are home safe and your sister is doing so well. Despite the damage, I’m sure you are thrilled to be back in your own place once again. I’m glad your filling your gratitude journal, Marlene and still drinking coffee. I won’t give it up either…it’s good for us! When I get overwhelmed, I try to take things piece by piece and avoid looking at the big picture. Let us know if you need anything! xo

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    • That’s a good plan for overwhelm, Jill. Piece by piece like eating an elephant bite by bite. I make a list and prioritize. Then I’m happy if I get the most important thing done and put the rest off for the next day. It stays on the list till it’s done. Some day’s only 1 of 10 gets done so I celebrate the one thing. 😉 I have to drink my coffee weak and 1/2 reg, 1/2 decaf these days but it’s still coffee. Just isn’t a day without it. 🙂 You have so much more on your plate than I do so you are the expert here. Gratitude is what keeps me going. I have so much of everything a person needs. Hugs to you.

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  6. Glad to hear that you are home. Having grown up in apartments in NYC I can assure you that your neighbors become uninvited family members due to thin walls. Their cuisine is what you’ll smell for a week, their choice in music and TV become yours – like it or not, and you’ll eventually overhear them discussing your private conversations. Not a great choice if you can avoid it.

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    • Just keep reminding me of that, Lou! I moved out of an apartment after 2 years to my manufactured home park. I love it but maintenance costs and the physical ability to do the work carry a hefty weight. My daughter advised me tonight she will help me fund some things so that will be a load off. My neighbors in the apts woke me with their showers at night just as I had finally dropped off to sleep. College kids that kept late hours working hard. I liked most of the life but I needed some rest. 😉 I keep reminding myself of all the reasons I don’t want to move backwards. Don’t let me waffle here. 😉 Thanks so much.

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  7. Oh, I’m so happy you got home safe and sound and nothing drastic happened while you had to relocate. 🙂

    Ah, the homeownership thing pops up here quite regularly lately. I have learned to not sweat the things that do come up. It will get done at some point, either by me (which is usually the case) or my friend Andrew when he has the time to spare from his own family. I try not to bother him. Worse comes to worst, like you, I tighten my belt and hire someone to do what I need to be done. I’m pretty used to it though as even in the last 5-6 years of my husband’s life his health was not good enough to do a lot around here. Still, I am grateful I have a home paid for and I have good neighbors. I would hate to have to live in an apartment. I couldn’t have my animals if I did. I can’t live without them! They save my sanity most times. LOL

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    • The people around here are all staying to themselves courtesy of previous managers who had neighbors turning in neighbors for all manner of infractions to the rules. We are under new ownership but the rules here are the same. Property must be kept in exemplary condition. If you can’t afford it, move. We lease our land and I still have a mortgage so there is little to tighten up. Thanks to my daughter’s rent payment, I was able to get the carport repaired two summers ago and my son painted out the evidence of leaking. I do all the other work myself but a new roof, re-leveling and gutters are out of my wheelhouse. Inspections start April 1st. Lots to do before then. As my lung disease progresses, I find I tier more quickly so I have to take every day in smaller chunks. Somehow, we will find the right people to help us get it done and my daughter will help pay for it. Once I’m gone and she sells this place, she can recoup her share of the investment. There are a lot of us women who are trying hard to do it all on our own with limited resources. I think of you too trying to manage. I’ll keep calling around until I find someone willing to help without charging me college tuition for their kids. I do not want to go back to an apartment either. I hear you loud and clear. Hang in there.

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  8. So glad to know there was no major damage and you are safely back home Marlene. Congratulations to your sister and doing so well. Those little projects can quickly pile up can’t they. Take your time, enjoy the coming warmer weather and just do what you can.

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    • Thanks, Deb. Every time I think I have a handle on things, something else pops up. You know the drill. I think that’s why we write to keep each other going. My daughter said tonight she is going to help me fund a few necessities here. I need (desperately) a new roof, gutter repair and maybe re-leveling. It can’t wait any longer. I took out a loan to get the carport re-roofed 2 years ago. Now the rest has to be done. Makes me want to run and hide. So I’ve made up my mind that I will find a way to get it all done and deal with the expense later. 🙂 It will all work out somehow. Sis is doing ok considering what they do to transplant patients. Not for anything would I go through with that. I’m glad I was never a good candidate for it. I plan to slide out of here quick and clean. No fuss, no muss. She thinks I’m nuts. Ha! Hope you are doing well. Miss hearing from you.

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  9. Good to hear you’re safely back in your own home, undamaged and unbowed! Your sister is looking a lot more chipper than in the last photo we saw, so that’s definitely a major entry in the gratitude journal. As for things getting to be too much, it comes to us all. I dread dropping things that will then roll underneath stuff. I can get down and retrieve them, but not back up again… As for how I cope under pressure: when the MIL calls and says she’ll be round for coffee in 20 minutes, I put a batch of PNB cookies in the oven, brew the coffee and run a broom around the worst of the dog hair, but I leave the rest. The way I see it, nothing good was ever made without a pinch of dirt, a drop of blood, a tear or two and several bad words… a tidy, clean house is a bonus, not a standard to hold myself to!


    • I saved the whole last paragraph here. I love it. As for getting down to get things, I have one of those grabber things next to my bed now for when things fall off the nightstand and roll under the bed. I thought it was ridiculous when I first got it. Now it comes in very handy. I swear I’m going to paint a sign that says “if you come to see me, you are welcome anytime, if you come to see my house, make an appointment.” Anyone who drops in with 20 min notice deserves a lot of dust.
      My sister is happy to be back with her fuzzy family but is plagued by medication afflictions. Puffiness from prednisone and the constant shakes from other meds. It’s making her cranky and uncomfortable. But all in all, doing extremely well. I’m hoping you are doing better too. You haven’t mentioned it in a while unless Mr. Mouse did and I missed it. Hugs.


      • I had my 6-month follow up MRI on Monday, results at the end of the month when i see the surgeon. I had a follow up x-ray on the foot yesterday. It’s still broken and healing very, very slowly, but new bone is starting to form. Basically the doctor told me to ‘go forth and don’t drop anything else on it’, and I can leave off the Boot, which has been driving me crazy.

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      • Keeping good thoughts that you don’t drop anything on that foot and a great result on MRI. Thanks. Keeping you in my thoughts.

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  10. Gratitude is my go-to when the sky fall off my life. Take care. We should mellow more.

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  11. I’m so happy that you’re safely back in your home!
    It’s also great that your beloved sister is making huge progress in her recovery. That must be a relief.
    When things feel overwhelming, I try to step back, if possible, and look at it from a different perspective. Easier said than done. I might go for a cigarette or dip in the Nutella (Italian choc spread) for help 😉 Not it really helps!
    Sending you lots of hugs and good vibes ❤


    • You make me laugh with your Nutella. I don’t dare bring it in the house. I’d be addicted. Perspective is everything. Stepping back is a great idea. I do that with a short nap and it makes such a big difference…if I do that. I’m so happy my sister is home too. Thanks for the visit.

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  12. I’m so glad you didn’t have to endure much damage, but your life has so much going on right now. You are so kind to help your sister like that. And then all the upheaval you’ve gone through as well with the storm. Wow.
    When things get overwhelming for me, I whine or cry and then I cross a lot of stuff off my to do list and don’t call it “cheating.” Instead, it’s self-maintenance.
    Send you huge virtual hugs!!!!

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  13. Marelene, what a wonderful and perfect quote to finish your post! I always think of Winnie The Pooh’s you are stronger than you think you are! The garden will come together quickly I’m sure. The butterfly bushes are incredibly hardy and will quickly recover and how amazing to see the brightness of the daffodils through it all. I hope you ceiling problems will be fixed as cheaply, safely and quickly as possible. Enjoy your coffee breaks between, take some down time with your daugther and find things to laugh about! (Not her driving perhaps!😀)

    Good luck putting everything in order and glad you can be home once more. It’s lovely your sister can visit you – have a brilliant together! hugs xx

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    • Thank you for noticing the quote, Annika! You were the only one to mention it. It’s how I see life. We become stronger through our trials and tribulations. I’m very grateful for them as they have prepared me for anything.
      Things are falling nicely into place once I got my eyes off the problems and focused on solutions. My sister will be in and out many times so we will enjoy each visit. She is still needing a lot of care. Thank you for stopping by. Have a great weekend.

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  14. I’m sure it was relief that there wasn’t a fallen tree on your home. Crazy days hey?! It’s nice your sister can count on your help for appointments. You can have some pajama parties while she bunks with you. Will you have her doggo’s over too? That’d be the best fun.
    Oddly enough, our winter was milder than usual, with the exception of 3 weeks in February. We had a polar vortex that wouldn’t leave. Crazy bananas cold but not as much snow as we’d usually have. Still, it’s only March and anything can happen, we’re a long way from spring, but getting there. Hope your ceiling troubles are a cheap solve, dang house maintenance !! xo K

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    • You are right, Kelly. These are crazy days and we are moving back out the other side of them. I’m seeing solutions now where problems were the only things visible. It’s not going to be cheap as it is a re-leveling issue but I have also been informed of possible help for many other maintenance issues so it will all balance out. My sister did bring her only dog, Lucille with her. The others in the photo belong to the family she was living with and will probably go back to once they are done remodeling. She misses the dogs more than people. 🙂 Our winter was exceptionally mild too except for the ice storm. Temps vary 30 degrees now instead of 5 degrees. But we can get work done on dry sunny days. It’s going to be a fun ride through the summer. Hang onto your hat. 😉 Hugs and misses.

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  15. I’m glad to hear that you’re back home again and that no one was hurt in the storm or lost their home. As far as putting the outdoor damage to rights, I have confidence that you will find a way to get it done. When things get overwhelming for me, I make lists.

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    • Funny thing about lists, Liz. I make them and check them off but somehow, they still keep getting longer. 😉 The work is getting done and good things are coming out of all this. Maybe I’ll have more information soon. Everything has it’s silver lining.


  16. I’m glad to hear that you’re home and not much the worse for wear. I am incredibly glad to hear that your home is still in good shape, that’s wonderful. As for that overwhelming thing, I know it all too well. My busted little brain doesn’t do well with chaos of any kind. I try to deal with it by making myself a list and prioritizing it, and then I tackle the easiest and quickest thing first. That way I have one success down and it feels easier to get more successes accomplished.

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    • That sounds like a very smart plan, Erin. My lists often go in the bucket as soon as someone calls to tell me they need me to do something. I say no a lot more than before but still things go out of whack too often. I have my sister here for at least a week and nothing will go according to my plans. I need do your list. Maybe that will help. Hope you are doing well. I’m getting almost caught up. Thanks for stopping by.

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  17. An inspiring quote, Marlene and sorry to read and see the damage the storm and (or) tornado reeked on your estate. That tree that fell in the shed was HUGE.

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    • I did love that quote too. There were a lot of very big trees that lost their lives from that storm but that was the one that did the most damage. We will miss the flowering cherry trees this year and new trees will take years to grow. The big birch behind my house has a huge limb hanging waiting for a strong wind to bring it down on my shed. Hopefully, they will get it down before the next big wind storm we get in the spring. It’s so hard to see trees lost. But Oregon gets a lot of rain and the trees have not been well cared for in the past. This is the result. Hope you are doing well.

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      • Things are going well here, Marlene and I can see that you are taking the ill-effects of the storm here in your stride, yet being cautious about the shed! And rightly so. Trees just like us, have a life expectancy and the old ones must fall to make way for the new younger saplings. Will they do something with the fallen timber? Fashion it into wooden items?

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      • Most of our fallen trees are so damaged and covered in moss that it will probably all be ground up for mulch to be used in the park. My next door neighbor has a whole pile of it in the street in front of his house that he will use for landscaping purposes. They are spreading it in many areas that have a need for it. I have 6 small cedar trees that planted themselves in my yard. The trees that are bending and will be tied back soon. I’m sure they will follow the sun and right themselves this summer. Not in the best location but Mother Nature planted them so I’ll keep nurturing them. Old trees that aren’t getting enough sun are great on the ground to give other life a home.


  18. So glad to hear you are safe and back home. I love that photo of your sis and her pups 💝

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    • Thank you, Val. I’m happy she is back home and staying with me for awhile. She is missing her pups but their house is being renovated and she has to stay away. Most of us like dogs better than people. 🙂

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  19. Hi Marlene! I’m reading your post on a Friday night after a long week of work, and desperately trying to schedule an appointment for a Covid vaccine. Massachusetts is a disaster in getting people vaccinated. I qualify twice (over 65 and a teacher), yet I have to get up at 3:00 AM every morning to try to book a slot. Enough of my worries. I want to say that reading your post was ‘just what the doctor ordered’. You handle adversity in a sensible and positive way. That’s the bottom line! If we all had your attitude and outlook, the world would be so much better. Thank you for putting a smile on my face and a stop to my whining.

    Your daffodils are lovely. Aren’t the first flowers of spring uplifting? It looks like your butterfly bushes will survive. The pines will straighten when they’re tied up. There is always a project that needs to be done. The best news is that you escaped any terrible damage from the storm. And Suzy Q is on the mend! Thank you, Marlene.

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    • I always love seeing those daffodils come up and especially after so much devastation. I’m not in a hurry for my shot and feel like teachers, grocery clerks and medical personnel all come first. I’m sorry you are having to get up at 3:00 a.m. to try to get a slot. I’ll keep good thoughts for you. You get 10 minutes on the pitty pot then you have to let it go to the Universe and let it pick the right time for you to be out there. It always works out for the best even though we don’t see the full picture from our position in it. Have I helped you release some anxiety yet? 🙂

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      • Yes, there’s only a brief ‘pity poor me party’ allowed. I was able to find an appointment yesterday. 3:00 AM daily diligence paid off. And yes, the Universe always has a way. Your post and daffodils kept me going! Thanks, Marlene.

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  20. Marlene, I hear you on the “overwhelming” part! My brain is such a jumble right now, that I can’t make heads or tails of any of my thoughts.

    It sounds like you had a lot of damage from the storm! I hope things keep getting repaired and life gets back to normal (whatever “normal” is right now!) for you.

    I need to get back to my gratitude journal. Your post made me realize that I have been in quite the pity party tonight, and I really have a lot to be grateful for right now. My husband, daughter, and I had Covid two weeks after the storm, and we are all on the mend. I got my sense of smell back quickly, and my lungs were completely unaffected. I am processing all kinds of emotions relating to that experience, and I am grateful for that too, because you have to have survived, in order to have survivor’s guilt.

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    • Survivors guilt is a waste of energy, in my opinion. Those that are meant to survive will. Others are not meant to. We have no control over that. You have time for more joy and the more gratitude you express, the more joy you feel. I’ve been doing the one line gratitude journal without fail each night since 2012. It goes with me when I have to travel as well. Keeps me grounded in what is good in life when we are lamenting the struggles. Things are getting done here in their perfect timing and starting to come together with some synchronicity. I love when that happens. I’m sorry you contracted covid and had to experience that. Since I already have a terminal diagnosis, not much phases me these days even though I’m still extremely careful. No need to rush to the end. The sun is shining for awhile and I’ll get a walk and do a little work. I’m grateful for that. I hope things start looking up for you now that you are recovering. Thanks for the visit, Bethany.

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  21. I am so happy to have stumbled upon your blog. I’m glad that all is well for you after all the upheaval you’ve had to go through recently!

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  22. Oh dear Marlene.. So sorry to return to WP this weekend to see you have been through such stress and turmoil… Goodness… What a storm that must have been.. So sorry you had to go through that.. And so thankful your home in tact…
    So pleased also to read your sister is doing so well too…. Wonderful to see those smiles…

    I thank you also Marlene for reaching out to me.. I hope you got both my replies back to you…
    Take care of yourself my dear friend.. And do not go thinking you are wonder woman you and your daughter lol…. as you begin the clean up…
    Look after yourself..

    Lots of love…. Sue ❤

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    • Good to see you pop up here, sweet Sue. I’ll send a note in a bit. All is well here and getting better by the minute. I will never be wonder woman. I just plod along and turtle speed. Busy watching Blue Jays making a nest in the Arbor Vita that I had planned to trim this summer. Plans on hold for now. 😉 Hugs.

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      • Good to know… and we got our shrubs trimmed in October… We were late last year and had to wait till after nesting…. Sending Love and will look out for your Note ❤


  23. I so dislike that feeling of being overwhelmed, and house owning can give us that feeling for sure. I also wonder at times, as we age, if it would be easier/better to just rent and not deal with house maintenance issues. We have some “wet stain” ceiling issues and will take care of it soon – sigh. High ceilings so like you, will need to pay for a pro. NE weather can be quite fierce, but nothing as fierce as what you all had to contend with. That is a HUGE tree that came down on your neighbor’s shed! All those trees destroyed – but hopefully re-used as you say for mulch.
    WONDERFUL news about your sister – she looks so good! And how great that she’ll be able to stay with you for a while. That’s what keeps us going and staying centered – family, gratitude, and the flowers beginning to blossom.

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    • Thanks for stopping by, Pam. I am way behind here because I’m deep in your book on my Kindle. I have a hard time putting it down to get real work done. Going outside this morning to do more yard clean up as the hail and rain have subsided. I was all good with the home ownership things 7 years ago. Then the IPF showed up. I can’t do what I was able to a few years ago. No lung transplant for me. Sis is trying to get her feet under her and it’s quite the process. She will be in and out depending on doctors appointments and construction at the house she will be living in. We CANNOT live together. It would ruin our friendship. I think life is still full of changes and we just have to role with them.

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      • Oh yes I understand about not ruining friendship by too much togetherness! I must say I am hopping up-and-down that you are a bit behind because you’re reading my book! 💖

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      • I finished your book at 1:49 this morning. I couldn’t put it down. I’m usually asleep by 9:30 p.m. so an all night read is rare for me. You write and intriguing story and there were no mistakes that slowed down the reading. I LOVED it. It was perfect.


  24. What a delight to see your sis there and smiling so big. Her hair is so long! It makes her look like a new person, and I guess she is. You are wise to calmly accept that you two cannot live together and that you cherish your friendship too much to ruin it by any kind of obligation pressure. I’m sure that sharing space when she needs doctor visits or time away from construction is totally different than living as roommates.

    I was looking at the board around the buddleia, and that’s something I could probably easily do for you if H is busy and you aren’t done with your coffee. I’ll be fully vaccinated in a week, and that will make us a little safer together. I’m happy to pitch in before school gets too crazy. And I’ll probably take the summer off again and I LOVE the heat, so you can put me to work when it gets too warm.

    Do you have hellebores? Those come up first for me. I keep meaning to get snowdrops because they come up early too. If I get some, I’ll bring some bulbs to you. Anything that blooms first is going to be adored. The daffodils in Oregon always surprise and delight me. Before living here I had no idea how many daffodils bloom in the wild – along the highways, in the forests, beside lakes, in fields with horses – just everywhere.

    I can understand why you’re all over the place in your thoughts. There is just so much to think about and worry about. I hope you worry as little as possible. I’m glad you haven’t neglected your gratitude journal – that is the best one. I love you, Crystal ❤

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    • Hellebore’s are up and bloomed. They love the shade but I’m not planting anything new. I’m not even supposed to be in the garden and dirt. Had my test today. I’ll know next week sometime what the results are and what’s going to be done about them. Didn’t go as well as I’d hoped. I’ll ask next week if I can get vaccinated. H can too because she is my caregiver. I’m reluctant though. Will touch base again soon. Very tired tonight.

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  25. So glad you are safe and home Marlene!

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  26. Marlene, you have a wonderful attitude, so positive. I admire that. Remind me, was this all from the ice storm that forced you into a hotel?

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    • Yes, it was, Steve. I could have handled the cold and lack of cooking ability but my daughter couldn’t. Cold hurts so she paid for the hotel so she could continue to work as without power, she had no internet for her job. I hate leaving my home but sometimes you have to think of someone else. 😉

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  27. What a lovely picture of your sister! She looks so happy and well with her new lungs! I’m so glad it seems to work out so well. 😀
    My! So many trees all destined for mulching, makes me sad to see them go but of course, safety first. Hope they’re going to plant new ones?
    Tell me about having to get things done on your own! We’ve got a rather grumpy and hopeless caretaker here who I don’t trust to change the faucets without ripping out all pipes so we’re living with a dripping faucet now. Hope your ceiling will soon be repaired! Keeping my fingers crossed for your butterfly bushes!!


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