Looking for answers to life's questions

I’ve had some full days of a new exercise that consisted of 500 diddly squats. It was a hard week. I had only three days of walks due to my cart that carries the oxygen tank and miscellaneous needs, falling apart while the kids were gone and I was house/cat sitting.

It was a tough job to watch Gracie.

Sonar is a hard cat to catch.

The same day the cart fell apart, my suburban, that I gave my son, wouldn’t restart in the apartment parking lot. Dead battery that had worked fine only moments earlier. Fortunately, the pre-school was still open and one of the DIL’s co-workers came to get me so I didn’t have to climb that hill in the heat.

On the following Wednesday, I had three separate walks and by the end of the day, had 11,763 steps! I walked everywhere I needed to go that day since the kids had worked together when they got home to fix that poor old cart. I purchased it in Germany in 2000 and it’s been tagging along behind me a lot lately.

My days are usually packed full and I had a lot that needed doing but just felt like I wanted a personal day. I read a few blogs, looked online for gifts, (there is no good shopping here,) and edited a story I’m submitting to a friend for her anthology. We shall see how that goes. At least I’ve tried my hand at it.

In an effort to stay as independent as possible, I’m learning how the shuttle bus for this small community works. What I found out is an outing takes a lot of time and if I want to go to several places, I’ll need the better part of a day. It’s best not to go on extra hot days nor days we are expecting thunderstorms with lightning. That leaves almost no days to go out this month. I did ride the bus over the hill so I could walk the rest of the way to get my pedicure at the salon and then to the florist to order flowers for my DIL’s birthday. If you have to work, you need flowers to get through the day. My son took me the last few blocks in the car. It was quite warm by then.

DIL’s birthday flowers

In the next few weeks I hope to take the bus past the Walmart/Hospital stop and see all the stops and how long it will take.

I also tried my hand at machine embroidery again after almost a year. One of our ladies at Knit Wits is leaving for the valley permanently. That happens a lot up here so I made this card and then brought some sweet snacks so we will be remembered. She has a tough time ahead.

We all signed the inside of the card. Fits on half a page of card stock.

I also tried a more complicated machine embroidery that could have gone much better since (in the hoop applique) embroidery is new to me. I’m going to have to try it again until I get it right.

I need some serious practice on this. Not happy with the results.

How is your week shaping up? Full, frustrating, or a little bit of relaxation?

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Weekly Activities" (54)

  1. Good morning Marlene! It’s good to hear from you and know that you are venturing out, keeping active and learning about the community and doing it while trying to beat the heat. Cats are so darn funny, and adorable when you catch them sleeping in positions like that. I sense you will miss your friend. It was especially nice of you to give her a sweet goodbye. I am so glad fall is around the corner. I’ve decided I’m just not much of a summer person anymore, even here in the PNW. My week has been mixed, but pleasant and predictable!

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    • So many come to this mountain to escape the summer heat of Tucson and Phoenix that it’s hard to complain about the heat without being laughed at by most people. It will be 83 today so I have nothing to complain about. Like you, I’m no longer a summer person. These apartments stay so warm, I rarely needed to turn on the heat last winter. I honestly didn’t know the lady very long. She had been a long time seasonal member that didn’t live here but with her husbands failing health, you could see how much it was starting to cost her. Hence the cheery send off. We are getting our highest temps starting Friday through Mon then back to reasonable low 80’s high 70’s. Pleasant is good, predictable…? Time to shake things up a bit??? 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, Deb.


  2. Sorry to hear your well used cart is in need of fixing Marlene…. Not bad for 22 years of wear and tear.. So an overhaul I guess is not surprising.. 🙂 Loved, LOVED your embroidery Marlene, so pleased you are using your sewing station purpose built again and crafting for your friends..
    Loved your DIL’s flowers.. and OH I fell in love with those adorable Cats… Purrrrrrrrfect…. Do they allow tummy rubs lol….. I have a big old softy that loves his belly rubbed….
    Good to see a post from you Marlene and know you are keeping up the good work of exercises…. I know we had a community bus in the village it does take time as it goes around the houses to pick people up, that my late in-laws would at one time use.. But they used to love the chats along the ride lol..

    I know travelling in heat would do your own health no favours at all…. So wise to pick and choose your days of exploration.. 🙂

    Sending LOVE your way Marlene.. Ten Fold my friend… Sending Huge Mega Hugs your way… Love Sue xx ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Sue. I’ve been sew busy, I didn’t have much time to post. I was grateful the kids were able to repair that poor thing that has really earned it’s keep this year. I do have a back up now, Just in case. 😉 The cats let their people rub their bellies but Gracie the tortie, avoids anyone else. Sonar they gray is more friendly but still too full of his youthful self. Last time I petted him too long so he bit me. I’m saving the bus ride till later next week when we get back to cooler temps. It’s been a fun experience so far and I’ve only gone half way. Sending much love back.

      Liked by 2 people

  3. The embroidery and the card are gorgeous! I didn’t realize you could do that. If I knew, I forgot. I’m very impressed. That does sound like a lot of walking and a lot of heat. I didn’t know it got so hot up there. It’s been miserable down here. Just miserable. I can barely have any clothes on in the house because we don’t want to overtax the AC by turning it on too high. The kitties are adorable!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It can get warm up here too but by comparison to what you have, it’s a piece of cake. I just can’t handle heat. Don’t turn mine on most of the winter. Just for company. At one time, I did a lot of machine embroidery as well as hand embroidery. Finally getting time to do a little again. Occasions called for it. Try not to melt before autumn finally arrives. I’m not a fan of summer.


  4. Public trans is an issue all over, and it doesn’t seem to get better even in areas where it would have a really dynamic effect on quality of life. In Central Mass the issues are pretty much the same, except the tough season is the winter.
    Lovely work. But I don’t quite get the reference to going to the valley?

    As always its wonderful to hear from you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • So many people from Tucson and Phoenix have second summer homes up here in these small communities to get out of the heat. But as they age past the care they can get up here and their children are elsewhere, they find they have better help and services and more care facilities in those bigger cities. I’m lucky to not be needing any of that and my son is so close. If I had to go down the mountain and live in Phoenix till the end, I think it would come a lot quicker, at least in summer. But your winters are equally as difficult. I could handle the cold. I left this mountain once already because of inadequate care available. It’s a bit better now but those (3) helicopters at the hospital were going in and out to Phoenix the night I spent there for a sleep study. No, I didn’t get any sleep. Have to do it again..

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  5. That heat up your way isn’t letting up is it? The DIL is lucky to have that beautiful bouquet. Pretty, pretty!
    Love hearing you are navigating public transport options – good for the planet and for you to become orientated in your new locality, albeit taking time to do so. Keep cool if you can.

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    • I’m thinking this is the last week of mid to high 80’s and then back to normal. We had fairly good rain this season so that’s a plus. I know the area quite well as I lived up here for 12 years before leaving to find medical help. I never tried the shuttle bus then and now want to see how long it will take to get all the way up to where I want to go. (the quilt store). 🙂 Since I rarely drive and don’t want to ask for a ride, I’ll make the bus work. And it’s good for the planet. AC is working fine. 🙂 Thanks for the visit.

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  6. I love the embroidery and the card, Marlene! I’m happy to hear you’re making an effort to get out and about. You are wise to consider factors such as weather, etc. Our bus system is terrible. I feel for those riders trying to get to work. It’s very unreliable. Thanks for the update! The flowers are gorgeous! xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much Jill. This little shuttle bus is better than nothing. I’m eager to just go the whole route with it and see where all it stops exactly.I have their schedule but it is a bit vague for me. I’m glad you liked the flowers. I asked for happy, vibrant flowers for her and this is what they made. Next time, I go ACROSS the street for flowers. I have a birthday card here to send to you but by the time I got around to sending it, I forgot when it is. It’s even addressed. Brain fog. Now you know why I ride a bus. 😉

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  7. You have the best adventures, my friend! Take care, Marlene 😁

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  8. It was good to get an update from you, Marlene! Hopefully, these last final dog days of summer will be over for you quickly. I love the embroidered card. So cute! This week started has gone in a different direction than I expected with my novel-in-progress–but I’m just rolling with it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Rolling with it is the best option. I found that swimming or paddling upstream produces little in results. I make plans every morning, then watch them waddle away. 🙂 Best of everything with that novel. Are you going to tell us about it? Thanks for the visit, Liz.

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  9. Hi Marlene! I enjoyed your newsy post. I absolutely *love* your machine-embroidered Knit Wit card. The colors and textures as well as the humor in the pattern made me smile. I’m sure your friend is smiling, too. I love seeing the kitties. Gracie looks so much like Tessa in that position, don’t you think? I’m glad to hear that you’re exploring different ways to get around. Shuttles and buses are rarely the fastest way to get from place to place, however they offer the convenience of someone else doing the driving and if it breaks down, it’s not your problem. I’m really impressed that you can walk in that heat. If I just step into the heat I wilt. Sending a virtual hug.

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    • I’m with you, Alys. I wilt in the heat and avoid it at all costs. I’m heading out in a minute for my morning walk. It’s almost 5:30 am. I try to be where I need to be before the heat gets there. 😉 But just moving me and the tank, warms me a bit. I don’t sweat so it’s dangerous for me to get too warm. I let TS drive me up the hill to home after a tall glass of water. 🙂 Still giving it my all. I’ll make another sheep to put up on the wall behind where we gather just for fun. My aprons are on another wall upstairs for the residents to enjoy. I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately.


  10. I forgot to mention that the cats look like they are very happy being guests in your home. Poses like those only come from comfortable happy kitties!

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  11. Thanks for the update Marlene! I’m glad to hear you have been so adventurous AND have taken a personal day. It’s all about balance 😍. That Knit Wit sheep is wonderful. Take care 💐🙏💕

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Val. Balance is key. Listening to the body is essential. The knit wit sheep was hilarious and went over well. I’ll do another one of those for the group and it’s a little bigger. Life is just one big adventure. I have your post open and read it yesterday. Comment to follow shortly. Daybreak is almost here and it’s time for my walk. Have a wonderfilled day.

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  12. The transportation where I live is totally lacking. Good thing I’m still able to drive. Fortunately the weather has been lovely here, especially for August. Hope your week gets better!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by. I think our transport here is easier than what I ended up with in my last area. I had to walk more than a mile up a good grade to get to the main road then walk another 2 miles without sidewalks to catch a city bus. It’s working out nicely for me. I am thinking we have one more week of warm but not unbearable weather then perfecting is in the wings. I know of many who have inadequate transportation available. I’m glad you can still drive too. That was the hardest thing for me to lose. Have a great holiday weekend.

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  13. I recommend wearing a Covid mask while on the Shuttle Bus.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I do still even though we have very little covid here. I still wear it when I’m in the grocery store as well. Anywhere there are too many people that are crowding my space. Mask is in the front pocket of the cart. Always. Thanks for the reminder though. It’s too easy to forget. Thanks for the visit, Tom.

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  14. So love your machine embroidered card and sure to have been a hit.

    It’s great you can get out and about even with your cart, which seems to have served you will. Thank goodness for repairs.


  15. If heat makes you uncomfortable or tired, I feel you’re fully entitled to complain about it. I suspect the ones who laugh at you would get laughed at here when they wilt in just as much heat but triple the humidity. Stay well, stay cool as possible, stay active, and keep on being creative, my friend, whether that’s writing or embroidering.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are right, Kate. Add humidity to the temps and most will wilt. I’ve lived in many places where the humidity did me in. It’s worse as I age. This area is usually very dry except during monsoon season. We have been blessed with more rain than in many too dry years and will cope for now. Like you, I try not to let anything hold me down and keep on creating in whatever way possible. You keep inspiring me, just so you know.


  16. Glad you are getting out and about. Odd when you get older and a trip to the bank is an outing!

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    • You made me laugh, Cathy. 🙂 Yes, an trip to the bank is an outing. We have so many summer residents that leave at the end of Sept and our infrastructure is not capable of handling the extra traffic so going out is an extra challenge. I get tired quickly so every trip is classified as an outing. You are so right about that. Thanks for the visit.


  17. We have just made it through the hottest August month on record (it has felt like Mexico every day!)! My days unfold busily like yours minus those beautiful cats…glad to read that you are keeping busy and always exploring/trying out new things (I also love the embroidery and the beautiful birthday flowers!).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much for stopping by, Kim. Cat sitting gives me my fix since I no longer have any pets of my own. The weather has changed for so many and not necessarily in a good way. Ours was not as bad as it could have been but at this altitude, extreme heat isn’t that common. Drier than usual but Portland OR where I moved from has steadily been getting hotter, longer each year. My poor daughter has no AC. I do understand and feel for you.

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  18. Hi Marlene! I love the Knit Wits card! Do you live by a preschool? You mentioned when the car wouldn’t start, they helped out. There’s nothing better than connecting generations. It sounds exciting to figure out the shuttle bus and branch out a bit. Hopefully the weather will be cooler in September. I had my first week at school. It was teacher week and I’m exhausted. The children start the day after Labor Day. I’m healing well from my surgery. Hubby has Lymphedema, and that is taking a lot of time to help him out. Best to you!


    • Oh, Jennie! I’m so sorry to hear about your hubby and glad you are healing well. I’m way behind and never seem to be able to catch up anymore. I live 3 blocks from my son and his S.O. and she owns the pre-school that is right next door to their home. I’ve mentioned her several times to you. With the change in weather patterns, I’ve always wished school would start at least a week later. The first week of Sept is notorious for being the hottest of the year. Please keep taking care of yourself. Hugs. M

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      • In the grand scheme of things, we are fine and have no problems. I am always the glass half full. 😀 Yes, I knew you lived close to your son and DIL (what a good thing), but I’d forgotten she has a preschool. I didn’t put two and two together. Sooo…has she asked you to visit the children? You could sew with them. Milly did, and she was one of the best things I did for children. Who knows, you and the children could even design a quilt (okay, the teacher in me is getting excited here) and hang it on display. September is not as hot up here, thank goodness. Wish me luck with children next week! Best to you, Marlene.

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      • You don’t need luck next week, Jennie. Those kids will respond to who you are in a heartbeat. They know love when it’s close at hand. As for me, I’m not welcome at the pre-school. I saw how she is with the children. She didn’t like that I saw it. There is no love there. It’s a job.

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      • OH NOOOO….!!! She has no idea how important connecting generations are, and if you didn’t like how she is with the children, that in itself speaks volumes. I doubt I would like her preschool. No love and all job means the children aren’t getting what they need. But, you already know that. Sigh! Thank you for your kind words, Marlene. I wish you were Milly in my classroom. ❤️

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      • Me too, Jennie. I do feel for the kids in her classrooms. I’m glad they didn’t have children, sorry to say.

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      • I hear you, loud and clear. Sigh!

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  19. Hey hey Marlene-a-go-go! You’re really living up to your endearment this week 😁 Here, there and everywhere! Way to go-go 😀
    My week was buzzzie as a bee. I had a Paige thing going on, due Thurs. It had lots of stitching, so I was scrambling. Then, we had a landscaper here to talk about the backyard. Landscaping projects are always more than you think it should be, ha! So we’ve be throwing ideas at each other to see what sticks.
    Then grocery, heat, gardening, heat, housework, heat….did I mention it’s been hot? Like bananas temps for here. 34C today or 93F. Needless to say, I’m not going out until dark. BTW, that’s just a gorgeous arrangement you sent your DIL !! Flowers are a bit pricey here. I’m guessing something like that would be well over $200 here. Keep on keeping on lovely 💗K

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    • I see how busy you have been, Kelly. We are the same in intention but I’m a bit slower at follow through than you. Old age has it’s price. I’ve drug out several tubs of fabric in the sewing room and sorting a lot. Finding that projects I have put off are not going to be as hard to pull off as I first anticipated so I’m knocking them out as fast as possible. Too many new things creep into the lineup though. I’ve been hearing lots of complaints about your weather and the heat. I’m counting my blessings here. It’s been warm but not as bad or as long as so many. Even my daughter, in Portland was melting. Those flowers were less than half of what you would pay. She has no hobbies and no room for much else so flowers at her desk cheered the whole staff. Gifts are harder for some than others. Keep making such pretty things from paper. I enjoy seeing it. Thanks for the visit.

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  20. You certainly do stay busy and push yourself! I guess the day we stop doing that is the day we give up. I’m always afraid if I sit down too long I won’t get back up so I admire your perseverance and stamina. Since I do know embroidery, machine or otherwise, I’m very impressed with what you accomplished! The flowers were lovely and I am certain they brightened her day immensely. It is so ridiculously hot here and very difficult to get outside unless you go first thing in the morning. I’m working on my quilting which keeps me busy indoors and the best place to be! I know we have some warm months ahead but this heat wave has been miserable. Take care and I look forward to your next post!

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    • Oops what I meant to say is I do not know embroidery at all!

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    • Thanks for the visit, Jan. I feel the same way. I don’t sit too long and I get outside just as the sun is taking a peek at us so I have enough light to walk but not enough to melt. I’m lining up projects right now to get done in the next couple of months. Maybe you will send me photos of your quilts. Do you post them on instagram? I’d love to see them. By Thurs, we will have a break in the heat but it’s still not as bad as yours. Hang in there.

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  21. Oh Marlene that embroidered card is darling! What a perfect going away memento. That reminds me: I loved the embroidered Old Goat card you received for your birthday too! It sounds like you have to be a master strategist to use the city buses to get your errands done. That will keep your mind sharp for sure. I love that your little German cart has been going strong for twenty-two years. It’s great to find a tool that is so helpful.


    • Thanks so much, Crystal. I love unique things like those cards. I was so happy the kids could fix my poor cart. It’s had a lot of miles since I moved up here. Yes, taking the bus requires strategy, But it gives me freedom. I’ll take all of that I can get. Hugs and love.

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