Looking for answers to life's questions

Another One

Another month whooshed by in the blink of an eye and I’ve had another birthday. I love birthdays. Mine, yours, anyone’s birthday. Any excuse for a party will do. These days, I’m finding so many fun ways to celebrate. Another of our Knit Wits had a birthday a week after mine. I brought a chocolate mousse cake for us and the group ordered pizza for an early lunch. It was quite rowdy for a bit as we wished Kathy a happy 85th birthday. There will be another birthday girl next month. I can hardly wait.

Magnets holding birthday cards

I personally, asked for no gifts. There is no room left in my tiny place for one more thing. Someone let it slip that my front door is a metal fire door, so I can put magnets on it. Now the magnets are holding my birthday cards since I have no wall space left. I can see them there all day.

An unusual birthday card.

Mother Nature gave me several spectacular gifts this month. I walk VERY early in the morning. Preferably when it’s a twilight and the sun hasn’t fully graced us with her presence. I’m a huge fan of cloudy mornings and some days they are just so stunning I wish they were a piece of fabric to quilt for my bed. Mother Nature does it best.

My morning walk gifted me this sight

Moon was still up as the sun was coming up

My son and DIL had other ideas about the gift rule. I’ve become almost superstitious about my Boccone Dolce Cake. I’ve had one every year for my birthday spent in Oregon. I want another year so I need another Boccone Dolce. Those sweet kids tried twice already to make it and have finally felt they had it right. At this altitude, meringue is harder to get right. There was so much love in that cake it tasted extra good.

Boconne Dolce made with love.

They also made what could have been a simple request, all dolled up. I needed a sturdier rack to hold up my printer than the wiggly wire one and instead of just plain wood, or at best, throwing some paint on it, they covered it in fabric! It’s functional and beautiful!

Covered in fabric to match the kitchen and living room

Just to prove we all have a good sense of humor; they gifted me with this fun t-shirt. I laughed myself silly over it and wear it often now.

It suits me perfectly. Aisle six has the sweets and salty treats, I’m sure.

There has been a lot going on this month, even for me. There was a visit from my friend, Arlene from Oregon with her sweet husband. I made them some Matzo Ball soup for linner. (late lunch/early dinner). My new chair that was ordered in early April, arrived the day before they came. Perfect.

Arrived just in time for company

I also had two appointments with separate nurse practitioners. I’m in really great shape for the shape I’m in. Just need to stop walking down aisle six.

I’m heading to Portland next weekend for a visit with my daughter, sister and friends, buy some new shoes and then be back here in a couple of weeks.

My motto for life

Has this month zipped by faster than usual for you as well?

Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens. ~Khalil Gibran

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Another One" (60)

  1. So nice 😊

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Dearest Marlene… So happy you enjoyed your Birthday and Sending belated Many Happy Returns of the Day, and it looks and sounds like you had a super time…
    That Cake… WOW…. mouth-wateringly good. and how thoughtful of your Son and DIL with their gifts..
    Loved the magnet idea for cards on your door..
    Chuckled at Aisle 6 🙂
    Have a wonderful trip to your daughters and shoe shopping

    Loved your new chairs…
    I had some on order from May, and I kept getting told they were coming July, then August then Oct…. I went to cancel late August the order and ask for refund.. It turned out the manufacturer had gone bust and the retailer was not letting on… I got my deposit refunded and went to another place where I got to pick the fabric to cover them in and they have only been ordered for 3 weeks and they get delivered next week… so a month in total… I am well pleased… Always a silver lining if we look for it… And I also saved some £’s too 🙂

    Attitude IS Everything Marlene… so right…. Sending love and well wishes dear Marlene… Keep enjoying those beautiful early morning walks…
    Much love.. Sue ❤ ❤ ❤

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  3. Faster for sure, Marlene. I turned around and now it’s almost October.
    I love the saying. I’ve written it down in a book for my daughter.

    I am a fan of sunrises too, but am sleeping in too late to catch then now summer is on its way. They are the most majestic display of vitality!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Sunrises are extra spectacular here at this altitude, Amanda. We are losing minutes of daylight each day so walks will be later and later but the sunrises will be just as wonderful. I’d like to sleep in, or just to sleep in general. 🙂 Have a terrific week. Amanda.

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      • Thank you Marlene. I will aim to have an excellent week. If you would rather sleep in, what motivation do you use to get up to see that sunrise earlier and earlier?

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      • My motivation is that I don’t tolerate heat well and once the sun is up, so is the heat during the summer. Now that fall has arrived, I’m leaving later each morning to get out before sunrise. It’s also when there are fewer cars spewing gas fumes that I would breathe. It’s a quiet blessing of nature at that time of day. Today was lovely. Have a great day, Amanda.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. it looks like you had such a joyful birthday month, for so many reasons! I also love to celebrate mine for a month and don’t need many more things, but love when people find a way to find something I do actually need or appreciate, and most of that is the presence and joy of spending time with my special people.

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    • You are spot on, Beth. That’s what it’s all about. My first husband died at 42. We have never taken another birthday for granted since. The kids did a perfect job of gift giving. A good laugh, good food and something I needed all dolled up. Can’t get any better. Have a wonderfilled week, Beth.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. What a delight this post was to read! You truly know how to enjoy life. Happy Birthday!!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thank you so much, Liz. Life is to be enjoyed while giving something back to it. I’ve had 74 birthdays so far and am crossing my fingers for at least one more. I am so fortunate to understand birthdays are such a gift in themselves. Have a wonderfilled week ahead.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Happy birthday, Marlene! It looks and sounds like you had a great celebration. I love the t-shirt! Your new chair looks comfy. I’m sure it’s perfect for doing your morning pages . Have a great trip!❤️

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Jill. The t-shirt made me laugh so hard and everyone that sees it laughs too. It’s so much fun. Have done my morning pages already but usually on the matching sofa I’ve had here for several months already. It arrived with the ottoman but no chair. Really looking forward to seeing my daughter, sister and a few friends again. Have a wonderfilled week.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. Happy Day! What wonderful friends you have who surround each other with fun and love on special days. I hope that has eased any nagging difficulties after your move Marlene. And that is some cake! Holy cow! Glad to hear that you are doing well healthwise and fit for travel. Enjoy visiting your old stomping grounds. Remember it rains here. Bring a hat just in case!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Deb. I can hardly wait for a day at the beach and just some good hugs from the daughter and sister. I have settled in nicely here and no regrets. Just adjustments as life is all about that. I always wear a hat. Since Bells Palsy hit, a hat was a requirement. Now a habit. It was some cake! Mostly meringue and whipped cream and fruit. Light and fluffy. They did a great job! Hoping for another one next year. 😉 Have a good week.

      Liked by 2 people

  8. Marlene, happy happy birthday and happy autumn!!! That cake!!!!!! Your family is so sweet. I love hearing stories about what they do for you. And that’s a clever idea about putting the magnets on your door!!!

    Liked by 2 people

    • I’m so glad you liked the cake and the magnets. One of my neighbors let me know about the door. I do have a treasure of a family for which I’m deeply grateful. Thanks for stopping by, Luanne. It’s much appreciated.

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  9. As many happy returns as you wish for! I have trouble with Aisle 6 myself, to the point that if the Husband wants something down there, he can fetch it himself. Your kids are so sweet and thoughtful – I do understand having problems with meringue; round here the humidity is so high that they rarely survive more than an hour or so before they start to break down.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I”m very good at sharing what I get with anyone so I can have a little and the bulk of it goes to the group. My sugars tested out perfect so I’m very lucky that way. Meringue doesn’t do well in Portland either. Too humid and the place I get the famed Bocconi Dolce only allows a 2 hour window before it starts to fade. I’ve kept it overnight but it’s not the same the next day. I will probably stop going down aisle 6 after my trip but even here, I rarely grocery shop so I’m mostly safe. You need to be extra careful and I should be too. Working on it.

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  10. Happy birthday, my friend, and cheers to many more! Your birthday cake looks amazing! Take care!

    Liked by 3 people

  11. Happy belated birthday, Marlene! I love reading about all your activities and travels. And that’s a great new chair! I just bought a new office chair for my desk and have been putting off trying to put it together…

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much, Becky. It’s a nice company chair for the little company I do get. If I have something that needs to be put together, I call tech support. (my son) I wish I could loan him to you. He’s very helpful with those types of things. Thanks for the visit.

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  12. I enjoyed this post, Marlene. It felt like a little chat. I’m so happy to hear that new shoes, travel, and family are on the horizon. I love that your son and DIL gave you a practical, useful and beautiful gift using your chosen decor color. I know your printer will appreciate the stable surface as well, assuming of course that your printer could talk. I’m in a goofy mood today. Safe travels. Take loads of pics. Sending a big hug across the miles.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I had asked him to build the box a month or so ago in a ‘when you get around to it’ mode. Those 2 plot and plan. I have worn my last 2 pair of shoes out completely in the last 2 years and can’t find any here. I figured this would be taking care of 2 things at once but not sure how it’s all going to work out. Goofy can mean a lot of things. My worry antenna go up automatically. I’m going to see how I do in Portland with just the little concentrator. It could be good, or not so much. You have another birthday coming up too. I hope you are celebrating too. Love and hugs.


      • The plot and plan committee listen to your requests and act accordingly. That’s lovely, MH. I ope the concentrator works well for your trip. Are you flying alone or driving with your son?

        Yes, another birthday. They come faster and faster each year. Love and hugs back your way. xo

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      • Flying alone but the kids will take me down and pick me up. Gives them an excuse to hit the places they can’t get to up here. We have next to nothing. There is a teacher’s discount store down in Phoenix where she always picks up great finds for the school. Then they dine at little places we don’t have. Maybe a Sam’s club run or other fun things for them. H gets to take me around after I land. 😉 I’m just excited about new shoes. I’ve been wearing the 2 pair I have for the last 2 years. Hugs.


      • It sounds like a bit of fun for all of you. I hope you find the world’s best shoes, and buy three pair!

        Safe travels, MH. xo

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Happy belated birthday! That cake looked amazing. 🙂

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  14. You’re probably the best event coordinator they’ve ever had there 😀 I’m not into celebrating my birthday, but I enjoy going to others. Does that sound fair? Doesn’t matter, I get to do whatever on my birthday, LOL
    Is that a soft meringue cake? I had a meringue thing in Australia that just about flew off my plate when I tried to put my fork into it, LOL! It was rock hard.
    Your walks sound fab. Is it safe to go alone? It wouldn’t be here in Edmonton. I live in a nice neighbourhood, but just beyond is the downtown and there are plenty of questionable characters around. It’s not entirely their fault. They’re either stoned to forget their troubled lives or mentally disabled and fallen through the giant cracks in our broken healthcare system.
    Good idea with the magnets on your door! If you can’t expand, go up I say 😁, shelves near the ceiling? ha! Toodles, noodles xK

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    • The cake is a crisp meringue with whipped cream between layers. They last maybe 2 hours before they start to melt. It’s also called Pavlova in other areas. Just so you know, you are worth celebrating everyday, but especially on your birthday. I’m always grateful to have another one. Not counting on a next year but if I make it, I’ll really celebrate, if I can. I am as safe as anyone can be, here. Maybe one day I will video the walk but I might need a third hand to hold the phone. 🙂 I do a 30 minute walk with 3 loops around the building. Someone is always in ear shot and fire dept so close I could crawl there. Almost no crime here other than speeders or stupid drivers. Where I live is all elderly and I can leave my doors unlocked and the oxygen lady goes in and replaces mine while I’m upstairs at Knit Wits. Everyone shares so there is no reason to steal. As for shelves, If I can hang it on a command hook, I can put it on the wall. Otherwise, the floor has to hold up shelves. 720 sq ft is less than 1/2 the space I had. I’m snug in here. No one else wants to walk at that early hour so I go alone. Thanks for the visit, Kelly. Hugs and love.

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  15. Oh Happy Belated Birthday. So clear how much you are loved and valued from those gifts and cards. So right i’t attitude that counts. I see you enjoying every day. You are truly a very inspirational person, can’t tell you how much I have valued you this year. Big Hugs. My cousin lives somewhere Portland way!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much, Cathy. I’m one lucky mom. I appreciate your kind words. Some days can be very hard to get through. Bloggers have helped me cope with so much. Portland has a lot of area around it. Love to know where you cousin is located in relation to Portland. I’m excited to get to go back even for a few days. Lots of people to see. Hang in there. You are surrounded by people who care.


  16. Looks like both of us have finally settled into our new homes and areas which at least still have children we already knew! I am also, like you, now getting ready to venture out from my new home base to some old stomping grounds but my first such trip will be to my sister’s in Nashville so I can go to an ortho at Vanderbilt for a consult. Seems like now that my old body has settled into MI it decided to remind me that my left hip needs to be replaced now, sooner rather than later!

    In the interim, though, I have started back into adult ed classes. Since they’re held all over town, it’s also given me a good opportunity to better learn my way around and a good reason to discover the new to me areas in which they are located. I’ve already visited the two local library systems. Libraries are my happy places so that has been great!

    Last and best I have been taking advantage of every opportunity to live vicariously through my children as they explore and branch out into their new homes and lives. Now that the distance between them and me is so small, it’s a lot easier for all of us!

    And, happy belated birthday. My late mother’s, who passed in Jan., would have been today. I can just imagine how disappointed she would be to learn, as I recently did, that my idiot ex husband married wife #4 a few weeks ago. I knew he didn’t love her or me enough to forego the chance to find somebody else to take care of him, which has been pretty liberating for me.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you for stopping by for a visit and an update from you. It’s been a while and you’ve had lots of changes. I’m definitely settled after 9 months but still more to do. I think it could take at least a full year to have everything find it’s home or way out the door. You definitely dodged a bullet by letting go of any man who was heading for #4. I’m an expert at ending marriages. It takes me a long time (18 years) (24 years) to get there but I think I dodged the worst of it. I haven’t had time for classes yet but who knows. I do love them and used to take many. I did run into my former painting teacher last weekend so when I get back from Portland in 2 weeks, I’ll give her a call. Found her at a craft sale. It’s like buying my own birthday presents. I’m sorry to hear about the hip. I’ve heard many say that surgery is easier than the knees. Keep posting when you can. It’s been awhile for you. Hugs and hang on. Marlene

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  17. Wow I admire your writing acumen here. This blog is so detailed and I love the use of the picture that labels “Attitude is everything” and I couldn’t agree with you more

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  18. sounds like everything is hunky dory – a saying here in NZ – and I agree up to a point about the month slipping by fast – seems the whole year has been on the same motorway going at 100km an hour!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for the visit, Catherine. We use hunky dory on occasion here too. Life gives us a little of the good and a little of the other. That’s how it always goes. The old we get, the faster time can go. Make sure you have your seat belt on. 🙂


  19. Hi Marlene! Happy birthday to you. Your cake is flowing with love. Love the table/stand, and especially love your attitude motto plaque. 💕

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  20. Somehow I missed your post, and I am very sorry. I hope you are well!

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    • Don’t apologize, Lou. I miss more of yours than I read. Just can’t keep up. Even my writing is slowing down. Figured out last week, I won’t be doing anymore traveling. Not enough steam for it anymore. I’m almost where I can breathe again and trying to catch up. I hope you are well too.

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  21. Happy Belated, Marlene. I was so proud of myself for getting your card into the mail. I used to be good at cards, but not so much anymore. I think the metal door is perfect. I’m always wishing for a wider fridge so I can magnet more things onto it! I love what Kelly said, “If you can’t expand, go up!” ha ha That cake looks amazing and what a sweet, sweet gift of them to try to recreate it for you. It looks like you got another one when you were in Oregon. Traditions are so important. I love the sunrise sky on your early morning walks. It’s nice with the shorter days, so the sunrise sky isn’t TOO early. 🙂

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    • Thanks so much, Crystal. Like me, you look like your are trying to catch up a bit. Boccone Dolce is one tradition I’d like to keep up with but who knows. I miss early daylight. It was so good to see you again. Sorry I was so spent then. Slept for 3 days when I got back. I kept the card. Hugs till later.

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