Looking for answers to life's questions

Ten Days

Over two weeks gone in a flash. When you realize it’s time you will never get back, it makes you want to pay close attention to how you spend it. As far as I can tell, not one minute was wasted.


I can tell you right now that my brain hasn’t fully returned from this trip but some days, I think it’s been on permanent hiatus so, nothing new there. We ran at full speed after landing in Portland, catching my first meal of the day around 2:00 pm. That set the tone for the rest of my visit.

Willamette River from my daughter’s balcony

My friend Patti hosted me as my daughter’s second bedroom is a painting room. I got the sofa on the nights I stayed there. This allowed another good look at Patti’s sewing studio. It occupies her entire basement with eye candy at every turn. I’m green with envy in some ways but know I’m not as fast or good at the game to accomplish what she does. She found a couple pieces of fabric that will work for a couple of my projects. It’s like shopping without money in Patti’s Playland.

Perfect stitches, every one.

Midweek, I went with her to see a couple other members of Arlene’s sewing group I had attended until moving away. One of my projects was a gift Arlene had brought to me here in my little town. They were only here a few hours but I made Matzo Ball soup for her and hubby so they didn’t have to drive anymore. A Christmas wall hanging has moved onto the list.

Beautiful quilts everywhere in Patti’s Playland

My friend Emily’s new quilt. She always inspires me too.

My first couple of days in Portland were about completing my list of things to get done. Shoe shopping happened with two new pair. My daughter drove us to Craft Warehouse; a favorite of all craft stores for me after we had a grand breakfast at Elmer’s. I got 10,000 steps that day so I could indulge. Craft Warehouse is a place to be inspired, then followed by some grocery shopping and on to my old neighborhood to see my place looking as lovely as ever.

We had two days at the beach and a good long walk on it along with long walks in the shopping districts. I found some unusual items that ended up in my bag. Please remember, I haven’t been shopping since last February except for staples. It was going to be my last hurrah.

I had lots of lunches with my sister, niece and friends and we had meals in places we had never been before. Good finds, all of them. There was lunch and cake at Papa Haydn’s. They dressed the Bocconi Dolce up just for me. A month late but better than never. Leftovers came from every meal.

By the time I headed home, I was staggering from fatigue and stopped eating. I came home five pounds less than when I left. I’d overdone it but there was more on the list. My dad’s cousin Virgie is 89, lives in Phoenix, smart and spry and had a lot of genealogy information for me. We exchanged quite a bit with a promise to return soon.

A new big shirt waiting to be made now

Finally on my way to see the friend that got me hooked on machine embroidery. Her work is always stunning and prolific. She gifted my DIL and I with what she called little things. Also, some scraps. I was in heaven. I am also once more home filled with inspiration. Now that I have had a week to recover, I’ll start putting some of that inspiration from all my friends into action.

Do you need vacations after your vacations?

We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” ~Unknown


From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Ten Days" (67)

  1. It looks like a wonderful and creative escape! Happy you enjoyed yourself. You deserve it.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Wow! What a great trip. It’s so nice when you return home tired, but inspired. Inspiration and goodies to create with; what more could you ask for…well lots actually, but sometimes we have to make do.
    Best regards, and keep on crafting.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Thanks so much for the visit, Lou. This trip was worth the exhaustion. It was so good to see everyone and all the places I miss. And now to begin, hopefully. 🙂


  3. Beautiful quilts and fabrics. Looks like you had a great time and are re-energized. Enjoy your new projects!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Well, now I know you are ok! LOL (I commented on one of your comments on FB) Sounds like a wonderful but tiring vacation! As long as you had fun it’s all right! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Better than OK. It was fun and so full of everything. Well worth the trip. I just had to rest a lot when I got back and re-acclimating to the altitude. It will take a couple of weeks for that part. Miss you my friend. Hugs.


  5. sharynghathcock said:

    As always, chock full of joy! I loved walking every step (needed the 10,000), sumptuously dining with you & oh, all of those fabrics, friends, & family treasures are golden!! You are so very blessed & yes, You are forever BEing the Blessing. I love you!!
    P. S. You amaze me!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you so much, Sweet Sharyn. I’m so far behind but needed so much rest to get it done. Catching up slowly now. It was a wonderfilled last visit. I could have put so much more in here but it was already too long so I saved some for next time. Love and hugs to you, my sweet friend.


  6. Good to see you have been enjoying yourself Marlene.. and yes How time flies when having fun… Loved your photos.. And you are looking well…
    Love the cake and happy birthday .. ( Better late than never is always ok in my book lol )
    And wow to your friends Patti’s skills Love those quilts and embroidery and Oh what an Aladdin’s cave of colourful treasures. A sewers paradise..
    Love the colour combinations 🙂
    Glad you got your shoes too, and that walk on the beach even if cold… You cannot visit a beach without walking on its shores.. 🙂
    No wonder at times you were exhausted.. But I bet you, your daughter and your friend treasured every minute of your trip..

    Lovely to catch up Marlene and the only new post of mine at the moment is over at my garden blog. at last I put one up. Lol..
    Sending you love and Hugs dear Marlene..
    Much love Sue x ❤ x

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the visit, Sue. We are all slowing down a little. I miss being able to go to the beach so I made that walk count. I’m all set for winter work now. I’ve done some mending this week for neighbors and now I get to go play with my things. I’m so looking forward to it now that I’m more rested. I was glad to see a post from you as you have been much on my mind. Do take care of yourself and your hubby. Love and hugs. m


  7. How great to see you enjoying yourself, even if it was non-stop. Lovely memories of seeing friends and family to hold onto, and with all the goodies you brought back don’t forget to get up from that sewing machine and get a little movement in those legs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The walks always come first but they are shorter and slower than before until I re-acclimate. Takes about 3 weeks. I don’t usually sit still sewing. A lot of up and down with trimming and ironing as I go. Keeps the knees oiled that way. 🙂 It was a good trip but probably won’t do it again.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Great quote about travelling not to escape life but for life not to escape us! Love it. And it is true. It sounds like a lovely escape with much accomplished and enjoyed.
    Loved the gorgeous stitching and quilts and how lucky is your daughter to have such a view from her house?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Glad the quote resonated with you too, Amanda. It was a full and productive trip, taking 3 days of rest to get going again. All of my friends are so accomplished that I feel blessed to get to spend time with them and fill up my tank with inspiration. Thanks for the visit.


  9. You look great, Marlene! Thanks for sharing your trip with us. It sounds and looks like you had a wonderful time. I enjoyed seeing the photos of your old house, but I think right now you are exactly where you need to be. You seem so happy and I’m happy for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for those kind words, Jill. I did have a wonderful time seeing so much to keep me inspired through the winter. I wanted to see if the house had changed much and was satisfied it was being taken care of but had no emotional attachment to it. I agree with you. I’m exactly where I should be and was very happy to get back here and rest. I am quite content with my life now. It’s perfect for this stage of it. Hugs to you.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Oh, my goodness! You had such a full vacation!! All the sewing and fabrics are a feast for the eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Well you lived up to your nickname ! Hey hi hello Marlene-a-go-go 💗 Your holiday was a whole lotta ‘f’ words…fun, food and friends (hehe). I’m astonished at the size of that beach. A person needs to pack a lunch, just to walk to the water. I love the smell at the ocean. I guess you’ve seen it often, but for us prairie people, it’s always such a thrill. I chuckled a little with all the fabric loot you brought back. I do the same but with scrapbook stuff. But hey, holidays are for indulging! Glad yours was all about it 🧡🌼 xK

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much for the visit, Kelly. That was a huge expanse of beach and our part of Oregon coast is always worth the 3 hr trip. We don’t go often, maybe once a year or two just to fill up and realize how small we are. It’s always invigorating. I was looking for specific fabrics to finish a project and saw something I want to try and get made for my daughter right away. She looks good in those fall colors and the flannel will be very warm this winter. I already have way too many irons in the fire but if I concentrate and don’t waste time, I can get them done. I did resist a whole lot of good stuff and I have not shopped in a the last year and probably won’t be doing it again so I decided to just enjoy. You do so much with all your scrapbook stuff. I should be so prolific. Keep up the great work. Love seeing it all.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. sounds and looks like a great holiday with family and friends – food, shopping both of the buying kind and the gifting kind. Now you are rewinding back to your usual home life…baby steps.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, Catherine. It will be baby steps. It felt like I’d been unplugged with no energy coming through. It was worth it though. I’m going to catch up here soon. Keep taking care.


  13. Belated happy birthday!!
    It’s great that you could spend quality time in your old town and could visit friends and family… and shopping 🙂
    Now that you’re back in Phoenix, take your time to catch up with altitude and play with all your new projects
    All the best ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Gabriella. I spent the day in Phoenix visiting there but then headed up the mountain to home. The air is cleaner here and much cooler. It takes about 3 weeks to re-acclimate. I’m reading to start on projects tomorrow. 🙂 Thank you for the birthday wishes. I was so happy to see everyone again. Hope you are doing well. Miss hearing from you.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Looks like food for the soul. My daughter and husband were on holiday in Portland last week. They said it was unusually warm. They were there for the wine mind you.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hope your daughter and hubby got there after most of the smoke cleared. The weather there has been off for the last several years. I’m sure it has affected the wine growing as well. I miss having someone to drink wine with. I shared the drink I bought with my daughter. She didn’t want much as she was the chauffeur. 🙂 Thanks for the visit.


  15. Good grief, woman! I’m exhausted just reading that report of your travels… I don’t know where you find the get up and go, but I’d like some, mine got up and went some time ago. It does look as if you had a tremendous time and built some amazing memories, caught up with friends, ate (and drank) well, and can now justify some serious down time. I prescribe three days sitting up in bed with books, tea and cookies…

    Liked by 2 people

    • You make me laugh, Kate. I pretty much did exactly what you suggested without the tea and cookies. I ate nothing! Just couldn’t. I slept, read blogs, unpacked, slept, did laundry, slept. I will probably never do the trip again so I had to make it count. Now I’m trying to acclimate to the altitude again so more resting. We picked up some quality tenderloin cooked on a smoker today to help built red blood cells back up. 10 days off the mountain and I’m having a hard time again. It takes about 3 weeks to get back to normal here. Coming back 5 pounds lighter and several more since tells the whole story. I really miss my daughter though. It was worth it all to see her, sister and friends.


  16. It’s been too long since I have connected with so I’m glad to have seen this post. What a full, fun, uplifting (even if exhausting) 10 days! So happy for you, Marlene.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for stopping by, Laurie. I’ve missed connecting with you as well. It’s been a heck of a year. I’m ready for a much slower pace soon. It was fun and fulfilling but I don’t think I have it in me anymore to go at that pace. Keep being so happy. The world needs more of that.


  17. It sounds like a great time. Beautiful fabric and stitching. The Craft Warehouse is somewhere I want to go!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I thought I sent a reply to this, Lisa but it seems to have disappeared. It was a really good time and if you are ever in the PNW, specifically around the Portland area, they are the best of all craft shops for those that want to make their own. I could live in there. They carry quilt quality fabrics. Not to mention the hundreds of other wonderful ideas and tools. Thanks for stopping by.


  18. Marlene I love this post. My favourite thing is that you received so many gifts and inspiration that are going to keep you fired up for future projects. I simply love that. Also, you are the first person I have known to bring your project with you so you can work on it with your craft group while on vacation. Marvelous! I did not know you spent two days at the beach and that also makes me really happy: that you got such good quality time with H and that you got to be on the beach, which you don’t have in Arizona. Ahhh, also Patti’s Playland, that is hilarious. I’m glad you got to play there too. Hugs my beautiful friend. What a gift you are to us.

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are too kind, sweet Crystal. I always carry hand work with me. It was nice at the beach and to get some time with H. The beach was a blessing and I expect it will be my last trip. The inspiration I got is priceless. Thank you for everything, Crystal.

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  19. Nice quilts! My deceased wife used to make sweet quilts! 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Tom. My friends all do excellent work. They inspire me to keep at it. I have several in the pipeline so hoping for some nice inclement weather to keep me at the machines. Pulled in the lavender, rosemary and succulents today as we will have our first freeze and possible snow this weekend. Do you still have any of your late wife’s quilts?


  20. What a trip! I read this twice, it was so wonderful and filled with much- the expanse of beach, the birthday cake, and the machine embroidery were my favorites. You had a heavy dose of family, friends, and definitely inspiration. Awesome! Best to you, Marlene! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Sounds and looks like great fun, Marlene! For a non-alcoholic beverage, as well, I often enjoy ginger beer mixed with peach or orange carbonated water.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Margaret said:

    It sounds like it was busy, yet fulfilling. You did a lot! Those are the best kind of trips. Glad you enjoyed the holiday and have had a chance to rest up. I haven’t been to Portland for a long time; one of my daughter’s best friends lives there and we used to have gymnastics meets there frequently. Hello from the Seattle area!

    Liked by 1 person

  23. It looks like a wonderful trip! We’re on vacation right now – a full two weeks. Seeing things, eating more than we need and enjoying every minute. Enjoy being back home, my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

  24. Sounds like an absolutely wonderful trip! I guess I’m behind on reading your blog because I didn’t know you were going. Between some quilting, sewing, and sometime being ill I was out of touch for a bit it seems. Everything is great now and I will be finishing up my third quilt this week. I am just such a newbie at this and I guess it is really not my area of expertise but having fun trying. It is great to see all of your beauties and I feel inspired to keep on going. Sounds like you have plenty to keep you busy. I’m so impressed with all that you accomplished while you were gone. Keep us updated on your crafting. I can use the encouragement…… and of course I love to see what you’re up to!


  25. I’m so glad you made it to Portland and the beach! Nothing like the brisk salt air, I think. I love your selection of fabrics . . . I’m leaning toward doing some hand-stitching soon, so am eager to see what you do with your stuff. I love my current vest so much, I’d like to make a few others.

    What went into that Ginger beer mule, by the way? It sounds like something I’d enjoy. I love ginger anything. Our discount grocery store here (No Frills) has two quart bottles of Jamaica Ginger Ale for just over $1 CAD. I’ve stopped buying it for a while; like you, I’ve cut back on sugars.

    I’m happy to see you had your beloved birthday cake and dressed up just for you, too! You can’t have too much birthday cake, can you?

    I think there are two sorts of exhaustion; one makes you worn out and grumpy and the other ends up re-energizing you, even if you need a bit of a rest before that kicks in. I suspect just being with your crafter friends was worth it all, and with family, too, of course.

    Lovely to hear all about it and now I’m looking forward to your projects.


  26. What a truly fabulous break you had. It will keep you inspired for months. And yes I am taking it easy today after a weekend with my SIL and her husband in Cornwall.

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    • It is interesting how much rest we need after having a good time, isn’t it? I am completely inspired in my mind. Now to make the body follow through. Thanks for the visit. Heading out the door into the cold for my morning walk. 27degrees F. Brrr.


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