Looking for answers to life's questions


It lasted mere moments after hours and hours of work. Then pouf, in the blink of an eye, it’s not, once again. I took pictures in that moment so we could all savor it. The next second brought more upheaval. The sewing room is only slightly caught in the fallout. A few crafts in progress on the kitchen island were taken to the sewing room until they are completed and put away.

I was happily working on projects in my nicely organized sewing room, when my DIL said she had a glass top stove for sale cheap. It was coming out of the preschool because they were getting a new one. I wanted to put it in my apartment because I had a burner that wouldn’t stay flat. I asked permission from our liaison manager. I was told if I got one, everyone else would want one. I could call the property manager and discuss it with them. No one returned my calls.

My DIL is a very good administrator and deals with bureaucracy on a daily basis. All preschools have that issue along with everything else. One phone call from her, and I was given permission to swap out their stove for the glass top.  Property management sent their worker to make sure it was properly hooked up and took my 20 yr. old stove to their warehouse. It was very clean so someone could use it right away. Now I must get busy cleaning the one freshly installed. DIL donated the old fridge to our Meals on Wheels kitchen in the senior center. Everyone was happy.

My new stove loves my color

Projects have been slow coming to completion due to many little interruptions but there has been a lot of creativity all around me. My craft group got together and painted clay pots for St. Patrick’s Day. Mine and one other were completed.

I took down Emily’s Valentine quilt and wanted to put up the first one I made in a class for beginners since it had green in it. It didn’t have a sleeve to hang it and it was years later when Emily taught me to make them. I added the sleeve last week.

Can you see butterflies machine embroidered in the 4″ squares?

There is only one other neighbor decorating for St. Pat’s Day. It was a simple store-bought thing that I would love to copy somehow. Maybe by next year. I’m excellent at borrowing ideas.

A neighbors decor

Each day is a challenge to keep things tidy and I give it my all. I just don’t think it’s the norm for me. Life is so full of fun things to do and my mind spends it’s nights conjuring up more projects. If I could find someone to come and clean for me, that would free up so many hours. Clean and tidy are two different things to me.

BTW, my son is on his way over to put up shelves over my sewing table. More moving things around. Makes me happy and more organized though.

Post-it notes that speak for me.

From my heart to yours,

Marlene Herself

Comments on: "Tidy?" (60)

  1. Aspen Liggett said:

    It looks very organized. Leaves the mind clear.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The kids are making quite the mess right now putting up the shelves But the order that will follow will be even better. Not sure my mind has ever been clear. 🙂 Hugs and love.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m totally on team messy and happily busy )

    Liked by 4 people

  3. If those projects are any indication, you’re having the time of your life. This post was a real bright spot in my day, and I thank you for it!

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are correct, Liz. I am having the time of my life. I told my son yesterday that I intend to play my way to the end of my time and laugh as much as possible. I care not what others think at this point. It’s playtime. Thanks for dropping by. The shelves are almost done, the bookshelf moved a bit and will be reloaded with love. How can I not be one happy camper? Hugs.

      Liked by 3 people

  4. Doing things that make you happy- that’s the way it should be Marlene. Have fun!


  5. Hello from a sunny and hot Australia just south of Sydney . . . just great to read ‘boredom’ is a word unknown in your parts . . . we may ‘do’ different hangs but so it is here! Have to smile when I see small differences in lifestyle tho’ – I do not think any of us in this country have a jug like your aqua one! On the stove!!! All of ours have an electric cord attached which fits straight into a socket . . . switch on, oft next to the bed for morning tea or coffee = super fast it will sing loudly in less than a minute and switch itself off !! *smile* Cannot imagine boiling water on the stove . . .

    Liked by 1 person

    • May I respectfully query ‘moderation’ after two days . . . ?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Sorry about that, It’s been a little nutty around here the last day and your comment got lost. But I found you, just like I found all the treasures in my sewing room.


    • I find it very interesting how everyone does things differently, even in the same family. I have a coffee maker plugged into the wall that I start in the morning unless I go to the senior center kitchen and get a cup of coffee from there already made. I unlock all the outside doors at 6:00 a.m each morning and the coffee is free and ready M-F. The SC is closed on the weekends so I make my own coffee and meet others in a communal room on Saturday morning for an hour. Someone provides sweet rolls for us but we contribute to the cost. Another person makes pots of coffee but it’s too strong so I bring my own. We are all so individual in our likes and dislikes. I mostly boil water in the microwave. 🙂


      • *laughter* All explained ! Living alone in the country and only having a few cups of coffee daily I have not bothered with a coffee maker! Make each cup as needed using the electric jug ! But most I know have a machine in the kitchen. And, oops – 6am is middle of the night or nearly so for me . . . being ‘up there’ into late evening one has to cuddle one’s pillow some part of the 24-hours! . . . best . . . and apologies for all the writing . . . !!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • No apologies necessary. On my very eclectic blog, I start conversations. Most of the comments, like mine, tend to be longer than on other blogs. I’m always up around 4 A.M. hard as I try to sleep later. Just won’t happen. I’ve been blogging for 11 years since I was and still am no longer able to drive. Connecting with the world opens mine. German born and partial raised there my lifestyle is still different than a great many Americans. People fascinate me. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh, I followed you all the way through your last trip in Germany ’cause had lived in the parts you stayed for four years as a child myself ! I happen to be Estonian-born and have ‘been a flitting butterfly’ as long as you and do it absolutely for the same reasons . . . have ‘talked’ about this with so many food loggers (where I came in) . . . I don’t think most of us thought in terms of actually ‘getting close’ at those early stages . . . best . . .

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Also just noticed and wondered – you do not seem to have a grill (broiler) drawer between the hotplates and oven? . . . So the grill must be in the roof of the stove? Aussies would use this throughout the day – ham/cheese etc toasted sandwiches breakfast/lunch, frittatas t’out the day, grilled fish for lunch, grilled steak and chops multiple times a week and all the meals t’out the day which have to be browned from the top . . . ? *smiling* Am missing something here . . . !


    • Things are very different here. I have found differences in many countries. There is a broiling unit in the top of the oven and no grill unless it’s a high end priced stove. This one is old and cheap. I’m still lucky to have it as most apartments, especially those that cater exclusively to 55 and over in age, spend very little on anything. I have a combination toaster/oven/air-fryer that I purchased myself taking up valuable counter space. I do not make a lot of tea. Usually only when my daughter comes to visit but the kettle was so pretty and matched the island cabinet my son painted for me, we got the kettle on a whim. My daughter has the electric tea kettle. I cook very little any more since I’m alone here. I have family in several parts of Australia but not had the opportunity or invitation to visit. We do correspond occasionally online. Thank you for your visit. I had to find your comment through admin. It had disappeared as they occasionally do with WP.


    • Oh Marlene – I so apologize for the misconnections in more ways than one . . . I basically do communicate around the world to learn of the similarities and differences in lifestyles but am really a food blogger ! We are at a similar stage in life . . . and often the US and Down Under seem to have an awfully wide Pond twixt them!!! I am European-born and basically drink coffee thru’ the day and green tea at night for health – but, honestly the average Aussie would have ‘the kettle on’ ten times a day and I cannot imagine eating for even half a day without grilling something . . . I mean at our age one cannot bread, crumb, fry or deep-fry unless one wants tto live on ‘pills’ . . . Marlene – I do usually ‘shut up’ and just follow . . . sorry for all this with a hug and best wishes . . .


  7. This update makes me so happy, Marlene.❤️❤️❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I think you are amazingly organized and it looks like you have taken advantage of every spare-inch you have! So many projects you have going. I can only seem to handle one or maybe two at a time and my speed is sporadic, some days keep on going many other days maybe not. I would love to have your energy, Marlene but no matter what pace we are going if we are enjoying the journey then who can complain!

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are 100% on target, Jan! My speed is slow too. I’m just shuffling things around and not getting things done. I’ll make a list and 10 other things pop up. Kids put up shelves last night and the room is a wreck again. Have a gift to make by tomorrow. nothing large but you know how they go. I told my son nothing else can come in or it will have to be hung from the ceiling. 🙂 I make plans everyday, then watch God laugh and make a mess of them. 🙂 But I am doing what I love to do so absolutely no complaints here. Thanks for the visit. Hugs.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. looks like you could locate objects quite fast if you wished – and with your projects at hand ready to go – enjoy being you … good to see your family are on the same page as well 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am able to locate most things quicker now than before. A move a year ago left it all in disarray so now I’m almost back to where I can create more quickly. I’m very, very lucky to have the kids I have. They were here until 8 p.m. last night putting up shelves in there. Once I clean up that mess, I’ll photograph it and post again. I have a gift to get made for a birthday lunch tomorrow. Son’s Father in Law. Thanks for stopping by, Catherine. I’m hoping to catch up with you soon.

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  10. There must be something in the air. I just tidied three storage baskets and six drawers. Of course, that meant I had to make several trips to take out the trash, because if I just let the discarded stuff sit in the house, Someone Else might have made me restore some of the mess to its original location ‘because it might come in useful’. I’d really love to rediscover my tall kitchen bench, which has become Someone Else’s s…t-magnet. Just occasionally, I envy you your solitary autonomy!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks so much for the giggle this morning. Yes, there are benefits to solitary autonomy and also drawbacks. I was married 43 years of my life (2 marriages) and I miss having someone to share life with but I would do it again unless we lived in a duplex. My son just put shelves in there last night. Then mess is waiting for me to clean up. 😉 I was gifted 3 bags of scraps last week and took them gladly. Sorted through, kept a few and passed the rest on to a group of scrap quilters. It felt good to let it all go and help someone else do the same. Lots of trash too. I hear you. Thanks for the visit. So far behind but that’s going to have to do for a bit longer. Giant squishy hugs.


      • I keep sort of circling the mess in my sewing room by tidying elsewhere… I know the craft materials will be the hardest challenge to divest. That has its upside, of course, in that I’m making small clear spaces all over the place and one day, they might join up!

        Liked by 2 people

      • That’s a very good plan and actually the way I got it all done. Small bits here and there and it wasn’t so overwhelming. I’ll be back in business once the oven is clean and all I have left to do is sew. 🙂 Maybe even tomorrow!

        Liked by 1 person

  11. hey hey Vonderfrau ! Nice job getting organized! I’m a bit addicted to it too. I like to store things in clear containers too, so I can easily pick out what I’m needing. Although I do know pretty well where everything is. The new oven looks great. Glad your daughter got it done. Why do they care if you have a nicer stove! It’s not like you’re giving tours past it, like Mt Rushmore, geez.
    Your quilt is so pretty! I don’t actually decorate for St. Patricks Day. Young kids generally whoop it up in the bars and I’m a bit long in the tooth for that. Too noisy, LOL Have a beautiful spring! 💛xK

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the visit, Kelly. I got rid of anything that isn’t clear with only one remaining to be removed. If I use enough fabric, it can go. People are just weird about things. The stove will stay with the apartment when I’m gone so why do they care was the question I asked too. The quilt was made 20 years ago when I lived up here before. My very first quilt. I’ve not decorated much for St. Pat’s day until I started doing machine embroidery. I was ready to celebrate everything. trying out patterns on my machine. More work to be done now that the kids put up shelves last night. What a mess they made but I’ll take my time putting it back together with great thought. More photos next time. I do love your paper crafts so much. Light and airy with a happy feel. Have a lovely St. Pat’s day. Everyone is a little Irish that day. 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  12. Creation in progress is always upended … until we get to the other side.
    Love the intention and the progress! Thanks for sharing Marlene 💕

    Liked by 1 person

  13. You sound so happy in your post. Is it knowing where things are, or the lots of projects, or I reckon it’s being with like-minded people, doing things together yet in there own space.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think the organized space makes me the happiest. I tend to overwhelm myself with projects but never want to run out. As far as like minded, I’m not sure about that part. We are all so very different but enjoy being with other creative people. Happiness is a moment by moment choice. I’m being more mindful about my choices. Keep moving forward. That’s what the universe does.


  14. Hey Marlene – it looks like you have been very busy with fun projects! I love the “creative mind” quote. My mind is pretty messy, so I must be creative! My if this, then that logic. Take care my creative friend. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, Missy. I want to get busier with projects and not so much with organizing. The kids were here Friday evening and put up a couple more shelves but we had to move the bookshelf so all the books had to come off. The bulletin board had to come down and now I’m waiting for help to get the board back up somewhere??? Books have already been put away, of course. Found a few duplicates. ;( Messy is one thing we have to endure even while being very organized.. I like your logic. You get creative in your writing. I miss you Violet stories. Take care as well and stay well. Thanks for the visit.

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  15. Beautiful quilt, Marlene, and I love your “new” stove! Your place just keeps getting better and better:) What fun!


  16. Messy – busy – tons of fun and a new stove!!! What a wonderful joyful colourful post! Have a great day Marlene! c

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hello, Ms C. Thank you for stopping by. I managed to finally get the oven clean this morning on the “new” old stove. It looks so lovely and now I can bake in it. Always messy, busy and fun. Always must have clean and “organized” chaos. I’ve been by to read but had bandwidth yet to comment with good sense. You can see why. Hugs.


  17. Hi, Marlene! I think you are one creative woman who is frequently inspired. How wonderful is that? The quote you shared is perfect! When your son builds the shelves, that will be a big help in organizing. Stay creative!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The shelves are up in a McGivered way. We are not allowed to screw things to the walls. ;( I have finally made sense of the space once again. More little tweeks will come with time. A new cover on the ironing board has been necessary for some time. The staple gun was left behind for that when I choose the fabric and batting. The stove oven has been cleaned!! Not as hard as I expected it to be. I let the spray sit for 2 days. Worked like a charm. I took pictures! Who does that? 😉 Thanks for the visit.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You rock! I can picture the shelves (they do wonders for space). Yes, the new ironing board cover is a gem…and the stove! Your wonderful DIL spoke up, and there you go. And it only took 2 days for the oven cleaner to work. Hooray! I take pictures of things that make me feel good or happy, so you’re not alone.

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  18. Love that Quilt Marlene, and you can be tidy in your mind.. LOL… My living room has a corner in it that has my knitting yarn I am working on, and books I read, that spill out and somehow scissors, bits of yarn, knitting needles never stay in their bag holders lol.. That is what being creative is all about LOL
    Love the photos and that Stove, what a find… Looks brand new. And a perfect fit..
    Happy St Patricks Day Marlene… Those creations are just lovely..

    Have a wonderful day my friend with all of your friends and family… Much love coming over the ocean to you..
    Love Sue xx ❤ ❤ ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks so much, Sue. Hope you have a lovely St. Pat’s day. The kids are getting new appliances for the pre-school so I lucked out on the older stove. It was a perfect fit and now that it’s cleaned, ready to use. My clutter is very organized as is my mind. I’m hoping to get lots of sewing done this weekend. Finally. Sending good thoughts your way. Love and hugs.

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  19. Maybe it’s spring fever hitting everyone! A couple of days ago I crawled up onto the head of my futon couch/bed and managed to extricate everything that was down in the hole between the arm of the couch and the wall. Then I used a fluffy duster several times to pick up most of the dust down there (you have NO idea and I did not take photos! haha). The hole is still empty, which makes me happy. I located some extra supplies I’d forgotten about, too. Slowly, small areas are being tidied and somehow most of those stay that way.

    Creativity IS a messy business, isn’t it? Still, I wouldn’t trade for anything in this world. Creative chaos makes me happy (until I can’t find some essential tool or supply).

    I love your quilt, by the way! Mum would have, too, as she both quilted and taught quilting. And green was her favourite colour (and mine as well). I left comments about the teakettle, etc. on your previous post, so won’t repeat myself here.

    Looking forward to seeing the next projects come to fruition! ~ Linne

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    • I’m looking forward to seeing the next projects come to fruition too, Linne!! 🙂 😉 That was my first real quilt that I made almost 20 years ago in a class at our community college right here. They aren’t my favorite colors but I knew so little back then about quilting. The tea kettle was purchase for the color. So happy. I”m going to make a quilt that color…soon??? 😉 I love chaos too as long as it’s organized. Hate wasting time looking for things. Lots of hugs and love.

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  20. You’re making a real go of things with less space, Marlene. I’m glad you’ve found homes for things you can use, and the ability to let other things go. I had so much fun organizing together when you were in Oregon. What a fun weekend we had. xo

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thank you, Alys. Priorities are in play now. Time is of the essence and clearing and cleaning make the doing so much easier. You are with me as I work. What would Alys do with this, where would she say it should go. It’s so tight here, I can barely get around the bed to make it and it’s only a full size instead of the queen bed I had before. You taught me well in a week, Alys. Do wish I had a guest room and the trip up here wasn’t so brutal. Thank you for being who you are. You are very special in so many ways.


      • Marlene, I wish I could visit, too. I’m glad our time together in OR proved informative as you move forward with your various projects. Sharon’s new place is only 350 square feet, so it’s been a huge challenge getting things to fit.

        Thank you for your always kind and gracious words. You’ll be happy to know that your St. Patrick’s day car arrived ON the 17th. Great timing, and as always, it’s a treat receiving your notes. xo


  21. Cleaning and organizing always has the same result for me: once all my stuff is in its place I realize that I’m inspired to get back to my projects! I think organization has the same effect on you. I have a BIG project going on right now, but luckily Pedro is committed to helping me. While I thought about doing Air BnB for a long time, I just don’t think I’m willing to deal with the hassle of being a landlord. We are just going to focus on selling the house. We had a real estate agent here, and she said we needed to paint the whole thing white and re-do all the trim (the baseboards are a disaster, mismatched and ill-fitting). But first, lots of repairs. Oy. Your stove looks gorgeous and how nice to have that glass top for cleaning. I love mine. Also I think it feels good to replace old appliances with newer ones, even if the old ones are still working. If your stove is 20 years old, it seriously could start falling apart any day. Nice not to have to worry about it.


    • Oh,my, goodness! There is so much here, I don’t know where to start! Agreed, No air B&B! Selling is a big project! It exhausted me. All the work getting ready and then the waiting. I had 3 offers and the first 2 fell out right away. The last one went so fast I felt whip-lashed in the end. This apt building was built 20 years ago and I got a new fridge before I moved in because it wouldn’t fit in the intended apt. 🙂 The stove was clean and in good working order but those old rings are hard to keep level and clean. Eve had put her old one at the preschool and bought another for the house so when the preschool got a new one from the grant I got this one, cheap. I got it clean. 😉 Now to see if it bakes. Hugs and good luck with your plans.

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  22. Oh my gosh = that quote is PERFECT. For you, for me, for all “untidy” people whose creativity gives us papers/crafts/thoughts/scribblings/stories/arts all over our space. Yay to creatives. And yay for your stove!!! 🙂


    • Thanks so much, Pam. I live in organized chaos with so many different types of creativity going on at once. I keep the place ‘clean’ but tidy just never seems to make it’s appearance. My son came to do a few things and I noticed that all the tools were left for me to put back. I will never, ever complain though. His help is priceless. Even my oven is perfectly clean but the counters wind up with craft overflow. I do love that new/old stove. It’s just perfect. Thanks for the visit, Pam. Hope the weather is kind to you where you are. The old folks here are struggling with cabin fever. 😉

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      • We’re celebrating 50 degrees here – people are starting to walk outside again, with smiles on their faces. Walks cure all. 🙂 Keep on crafting, my friend.


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