Looking for answers to life's questions

Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get out!! I had no idea there was a magical rabbit hole here in cyber space. I’m an old woman and I should have zero interest in all things computer, but my word, there is so much wonderful stuff here.

I sent my sister-in-law, (late first ex-husband’s sister) who I adore because she makes me laugh, a reprimand. How dare she post all this interesting stuff on Facebook from a site called Pinterest. It took me a couple weeks to figure out how it worked but as I said earlier this week, I’m tenacious if nothing else. Now I almost have the hang of it and there are five or six tabs open at once to see all the sites each person has set up. I am so hooked. It’s been like an explosion of fireworks in my laptop.

I’ve had way too much time on my hand this week and couldn’t do much writing because the antibiotics and pain meds made me stupid. Don’t say it, that’s not being nice! Who ever heard of a stone in a saliva gland and it’s on the Bells Palsy side. It’s adding insult to injury. Not only does that side of my face not move, it looks as though it has the mumps on that side. So that set me down for a while and the rabbit hole ride began.

Pinterest is like doing a vision board on your computer and instead of having to cut up hoards of magazines, you just borrow pictures from other Pinterest users. Not sure how they got the pictures there in the first place. That’s the next challenge. I’m not the only one out there that likes the Country Cottage look or tea cups and accessories. There are others with the same fascination for Crazy Quilting though I have yet to finish my first one. It’s in storage with all my sewing and crafting materials waiting on me to be well enough to get back to it.

I can look at all kinds of quotes and cards and crafting ideas as well as fashion, decorating, gardening and the list goes on. I can list my all-time favorite movies and books. I found out about some I had not heard of like a book on blogging techniques. I posted my favorite animal rescue website there so more people can see it, hopefully feeding more shelter animals. If you can imagine it, someone has a picture to pin. The categories are endless.

There are even more blog sites there for me to look up. Not that I haven’t run down the rabbit hole with that one already. A blogger comments on my blog so I go read theirs and am fascinated enough to follow their blog and they recommend others. Next thing I know I’ve been sitting at the computer for 3 or 4 hours reading all this stuff with 15 tabs open on my browser. I have learned more in the past few months than in the past 10 years. I have to admit, I’m never bored.

Truthfully though, I would like to meet all these interesting people in person and have a conversation about all the things we are mutually interested in. I have been grateful to have my computer while I recover (and I will, contrary to what the doctor I saw last week said) but I miss human interaction. Bells Palsy, divorce and 4 moves in the last 2 ½ years have made my world considerably smaller. Writing class was a great start at enlarging it and soon I’ll be well enough to take on more classes so I can have more conversations. I hope to meet you on Pinterest someday and we can share our vision boards. I’m curious. What sends you down a rabbit hole?

Happy virtual vision boarding.

From my heart to yours,


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